Release history for perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater
v0.8.2 @ 2015-09-23 12:20 UTC
- `use version 0.77` added to the module. Probably it will help to fix problem with
mismatched versions in Perl 5.8.x:
v0.8.1 @ 2015-09-20 21:11 UTC
- One test fails with Perl v5.8 due to slightly different error message. Test fixed to accept
old and new error messages.
v0.8.0 @ 2015-09-17 21:56 UTC
- Internal change: `ErrorLogger`'s `log_errors_in_file` method used to report errors in
template. `ErrorLogger` v0.6.0 required for that.
- `tt_broken` attribute replaced with `tt_broken` method. For consumer, it is simpler to
override (or modify with `around`) a method rather than work with `CodeRef` (no need to
take care about passing `$self` reference).
- Error reporting changed:
- If more than one code fragment dies, template is shown only once, but with all the
detected errors.
- "Unmatched opening delimiter" and "Unmatched closing delimiter" messages changed to be
consistent with other errors.
- "Bad code fragment begins at..." messages indented like call stack reported by `croak`.
However, these messages indented with 4 spaces, not tab because tab indent size is
- In template listing, "Bad code fragment begins at ..." error is not shown if actual
error occurred in the same line.
- If number of errors reaches `tt_broken_limit` (10 for now), processing stops.
- Version switched from old decimal style to new dotted-decimal style.
0.007 @ 2015-08-30 22:48 UTC
- Debug level message is logged before processing any template.
- Documentation improved: documented defining variables.
- Attributes `tt_broken_count` and `tt_broken_limit` are introduced. If number of broken
Perl code fragments reaches the limit, processing stops. `tt_broken_limit` is not yet
settable, though.
- `fill_in_string` takes care about recursive calls. If nested call does not have explicitly
specified `package` extra argument, it reuses package of outer call. It is important for
nested templates: nested template by default have the same variables (because it is
evaluated in context of the same package) as outer template. This is applicable to
`fill_in_file` too.
0.006 @ 2015-08-13 18:44 UTC
- Special care about `Text::Template` "compilation errors". There are two such errors:
Unmatched close brace at line N
End of data inside program text that began at line N
These error messages rewritten to:
Unmatched closing delimiter at FILENAME line N
Unmatched opening delimiter at FILENAME line N
Error messages accompanied with error lines in context, like other errors.
- `fill_in_file` method: added support for `Path::Tiny`, `Path::Class::File`,
non-`MutableFile`s, and plain string, which treated as file name.
- `ReadMe.pod` dropped.
- Added 4 examples.
0.005 @ 2015-08-12 08:18 UTC
- Tests explicitly require `Moose` v2.0800. Older `Moose` may cause test failure.
0.004 @ 2015-08-06 16:14 UTC
- `fill_in_file` method introduced.
- `fill_in_string` reworked to workaround the bug in `Text::Template` (see "FILENAME
parameter has no effect" <>).
- Error reporting improved. Now error message includes only focus lines (a line where problem
code fragment begins and line where fragment died), and two lines of context below and
above focus lines. Error message also includes file name, if any.
- Warning object stringified.
0.003 @ 2015-07-22 12:56 UTC
- `BUILDARGS` class method eliminated. It works bad in `MetaResources::Template`.
`delimiters` option is split by the attribute trigger now.
- `delimiters` option checking added. It must include two whitespace-separated words.
0.002 @ 2015-07-18 18:38 UTC
- `delimiters` option implemented.
- Documentation improved.
- Version 0.005 of the `ErrorLogger` role is explicitly requested. It should fix test
failures on few platforms.
0.001 @ 2015-07-14 21:52 UTC
- `fill_in_string` method is implemented.
- `package` and `prepend` options are implemented.
- Documentation is in place.
- Tests are in place too.