Release history for perl-Dist-Zilla-Tester-DieHard

v0.6.1 @ 2015-11-10 13:20 UTC

    -   New test (`from_config` dies before constructing builder) fails on some OSes. This is an
        attempt to use different approaches on MSWin-like OSes (file name with backslash) and other
        OSes (read-only temporary directory).

v0.6.0 @ 2015-11-09 21:35 UTC

    -   `Survivor` saves chrome instead of logger. It allows to reuse `Dist::Zilla::Tester` code
        better: consuming `Dist::Zilla::Tester:_Role` brings few methods "for free". For example:
        `log_messages` (was implemented before, now explicit implementation is not needed),
        `log_events`, `clear_log_events` (new methods).

    -   There was a problem: if `from_config` dies before constructing builder, `DieHard` did not
        work well. Namely, constructing survivor failed in such a case due to undefined logger.
        The problem fixed.

    -   Documentation updated.

v0.5.0 @ 2015-10-26 21:38 UTC

    -   `release` method added.

    -   Documentation fixed a bit: `DieHard` is not a replacement, but an extension of

v0.4.1 @ 2015-10-22 14:52 UTC

    -   Infrastructure updated to work with the latest `@Author::VDB` plugin bundle.

    -   `aspell.en.pws` renamed to `aspell-en.pws` to make `Test::Portability` happy.

    -   Minor changes in Synopsis to make `Test::Synopsis` happy.

    -   Short version of license notice is used in the documentation.

v0.4.0 @ 2015-09-17 16:57 UTC

    -   `from_config` warns if exception is caught *and* logger is undefined. I hope this will help
        to debug `Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Manifest::Read` test failure on `MSWin32` machines.
    -   Version switched from old decimal style to new dotted-decimal style.

0.003 @ 2015-09-15 12:31 UTC

    -   The test explicitly requires `Path::Tiny` v0.59 in spite it is not used directly by the
        test (`Path::Tiny` is used by `Dist::Zilla`). Earlier version of `Path::Tiny` may cause
        test failure due to exception "Can't locate Unicode/ in @INC" thrown from

0.002 @ 2015-08-15 13:26 UTC

    -   Undocumented prefix `[DieHard] ` stripped from rethrown exception. The exception is
        rethrown in original form, without stringifying, as described in documentation.
    -   Documentation improved a bit, added abstraction, etc.

0.001 @ 2015-08-14 22:44 UTC

    -   Initial revision