Release history for perl-Test-Dist-Zilla
v0.3.2 @ 2015-09-25 21:42 UTC
- Testing fails on some platform due to unexpected error message. Older `Dist::Zilla` prints
short plugin name. Test fixed to accept both variants.
v0.3.1 @ 2015-09-21 23:32 UTC
- Bug: If expected file content is specified as `re( qr{ ... } )`, `BuildFiles` reads actual
file content into an array, and then `cmd_deeply` fails to compare `ArrayRef` with
`RegExp`. Fixed.
v0.3.0 @ 2015-09-19 23:00 UTC
- `Test::Dist::Zilla::BuiltFiles` module added.
- `test-dist-zilla-messages.t` fails on bunch of *BSD systems due to circular dependency: the
test uses `Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Hook`, the latter requires `Test::Dist::Zilla`. The test
changed to use two homebrew plugins to avoid circular dependency.
- Version switched from old decimal style to new dotted-decimal style.
0.002 @ 2015-08-29 19:03 UTC
- Bug #106744 "DieHard prereq version too low?" Fixed by requiring `DieHard` v0.002.
0.001 @ 2015-08-23 23:03 UTC
- `Test::Dist::Zilla` and `Test::Dist::Zilla::Build` implemented.