Revision history for Perl extension Armadito::Agent.

0.0.3_03 30/06/2016
	- reorganize tasks with more inheritance, allowing possibilties to implements tasks for other antiviruses in the future
	- refactor armadito-agent cli script
	- fix some naming errors

0.0.3_02 29/06/2016
	- fix doc mistakes

0.0.3_01 28/06/2016
	- fix versioning
	- fix naming problems

0.0.3  28/06/2016
	- add previous work from fusioninventory-agent' 2.3.x-armadito branch
	- set documentation in each existing classes
	- renaming according to new code structure

0.0.2  27/06/2016
	- add basic perl module stuff
	- add GPLv2+ license

0.0.1  27/06/2016
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
                -XAn Armadito::Agent -b 5.8.0