Revision history for Perl extension Armadito::Prelude.
0.0.4_01 19/09/2016
- added on-demand Scan with Armadito AV RESTful API
- added get ArmaditoAV status alert
0.0.3 16/09/2016
- Send up Armadito AV alerts from a given directory
- perltidy all
- perl critic coverage (sev:4)
- travis-ci support
0.0.2 14/09/2016
- init basic perl module stuff
- Add GPLv3 license
- Add bin script armadito-prelude with usage
- Add Makefile.PL
- Add tidyall stuff
0.0.1 14/09/2016
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-XAn Armadito::Prelude -b 5.8.0