Revision history for Perl extension Cisco::SNMP.
1.03 Mon Jul 24 12:30:00 2017
- Updated C::M::Config to allow other protocols than just TFTP.
- Updated bin/ for above changes.
1.02 Fri Dec 9 12:30:00 2016
- Fix version compare for Socket module (for IPv6) with 'use version'.
1.01 Wed Apr 22 20:30:00 2015
- Updated this changelog.
1.00 Wed Apr 22 20:30:00 2015
- Major rewrite of Cisco::Management!!!
- Maintains 99% backward compatible (save for replaceing
Cisco::Management with Cisco::SNMP).
- Created separate packages for management specific functions.
- _snmpgetnext() => _snmpwalk().
- cpu_info() order changed (type 1,2,3 => 3,2,1).
- Changed system_inventory() to entity_info();
- Expired many legacy accessors.
- bin\ options -u and -U switched and -d became -D.
- Many bin\* script updates to separate functionality.
- Changed @IPKEYS: IPAddress -> Addr, IPMask -> NetMask to match
OID names.
- Removed access to *KEYS arrays directly; use accessors instead.
- interface_ip() moved to C::M::IP->ip_info().
Was Cisco::Management prior to this.