Revision history for Perl extension Net::SNMPTrapd.
0.01 Wed Jan 13 13:40:44 2010
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-b 5.6.1 -v 0.01 -XAn Net::SNMPTrapd
0.02 Mon Jan 18 16:29:48 2010
- Allowed legacy and case insensitive calling of switches.
0.03 Mon Feb 5 09:29:48 2010
- Updated tests to address Activestate auto-building of PPM
which threw an error even though one didn't exist and
every other version of build - including CPAN Testers
had NO issues whatsoever.
0.04 Thu Oct 21 12:00:00 2010
- Based on request user request, implemented parsing and
response for SNMPv2 InformRequest PDUs.
- Added the pdu_type method.
- Updated Convert::ASN1 structures used in module.
- Updated bin/ scripts.
- Updated script to test for InformRequest and
- Increased default PDU size to 65467.
- Added PDU size and timeout options to get_trap() method.
Provided options for RFC and recommended PDU sizes.
- Added hex dump option to datagram() method.
- Added dump() method/subroutine to use the Convert::ASN1
debug subroutines directly for ASN.1 decode troubleshooting.
- More detailed error messages and more code comments.
0.05 Thu Aug 23 19:00:00 2012
- Changed to IO::Socket::IP and enabled IPv6 support.
- Updated bin/ scripts.
0.06 Fri Aug 24 12:00:00 2012
- Added server() accessor.