Revision history for App-wdq
0.3.0 2015-10-15 16:17:33 CEST
- Add lookup mode to look up Wikidata ids by URL/ID
0.2.2 2015-10-12 13:19:57 CEST
- Added options to limit number of results
- Make brackets in abbreviated query optional
- Extended ontology help
- Add Blazegraph namespaces bd: and hint:
0.2.1 2015-10-08 12:27:02 CEST
- Added option to show Wikibase ontology in a nutshell
- Improved colors
0.2.0 2015-10-07 12:32:52 CEST
- Made simple format the default
- Fixed SPARQL csv format, including colors
- Added output format ldjson (Line Delimited JSON)
- Support export via Catmandu for more export formats
0.1.2 2015-10-06 15:50:29 CEST
- Added option ids to abbreviate Wikidata identifiers
0.1.1 2015-10-06 12:43:48 CEST
- Added output formats csv and simple
0.1.0 2015-10-04 17:20:41 CEST
- Renamed option --sparql to --query
- Renamed option --sparql to --query
- Renamed option --dry to --no-execute
- Validate SPARQL with RDF::Query
- Support output format tsv
- Test with correct perl executable (issuee #3)
0.0.1 2015-10-02 22:29:07 CEST
- Inital release at CPAN