# Changelog for Plack-App-RDF-Files

0.12  2015-04-27 17:03:03 CEST
    - additional option 'normalize'

0.11  2014-12-12 12:02:37 CET
    - improved serialization, especially for Unicode characters
    - added 'app' function to simplify one-liners

0.10  2014-12-10 15:12:08 CET
    - fix non-streaming Unicode
    - migrated to Dist::Milla and Moo
    - major code cleanup and refactoring
    - add HTTP HEAD and conditional GET
    - fix feature index_property, remove include_index

0.02  2013-07-02
    - new method: files

0.01  2013-07-01
    - initial release