Revision history for Perl extension Mail::Transport::Dbx.

0.02  Tue Jan 14 08:28:02 CET 2003
    - removed a segfault in header() and body() when as_string() 
      returns undef
    - thinned libdbx/define.h to get rid of useless macros
    - replaced all C++ish comments from libdbx with their C counterparts
    - some tests relied on locales settings and thus were not portable
    - compilation: now compiles on suncc (with -Xa or -Xt set) and VisualC

0.01  Fri Jan 10 07:50:23 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-O -b 5.5.3 -n Mail::Transport::Dbx /home/ethan/libdbx.h