Revision history for Lexical-Types

0.03    2009-03-05 21:15 UTC
        + Doc : Discuss about using constants for types.
        + Fix : The PL_ppaddr[OP_PADSV] localization logic was refined so that
                it is kinder to other modules that replace it.
        + Tst : "my Str ($x, $y)" and "for my Str $x ()" constructs
        + Tst : uvar magic, magical tags.

0.02    2009-02-25 16:10 UTC
        + Add : Returning an empty list from the mangler skips the wrapping of
                the current typed lexical declaration.
        + Chg : The package and method names passed to the callbacks are now all

0.01    2009-02-24 23:20 UTC
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.