Revision history for Lexical-Types
0.10 2011-01-03 20:35 UTC
+ Add : The new constant LT_FORKSAFE can be tested to know whether the
module will behave nicely when fork()ing. It's currently always
true except on Windows where you need perl 5.10.1 for it to be
+ Chg : perl 5.8.3 is now required (instead of 5.8.0).
+ Fix : Scope leaks under perl 5.8-5.10.0.
+ Fix : Segmentation faults and misbehaviours in threaded applications.
+ Fix : Compatibility with perl 5.13.1 and higher.
+ Fix : Broken linkage on Windows with gcc 3.4, which appears in
particular when using ActivePerl's default compiler suite.
For those setups, the autovivification shared library will now
be linked against the perl dll directly (instead of the import
+ Tst : Threads tests are now only run on perl 5.13.4 and higher.
They could segfault randomly because of what seems to be an
internal bug of Perl, which has been addressed in 5.13.4.
There is also an environment variable that allows you to
forcefully run those tests, but it should be set only for
author testing and not for end users.
0.09 2010-01-03 00:00 UTC
+ Fix : Building and testing with blead.
+ Fix : Unbalanced scopes when skipping a typed declaration.
+ Fix : Segfaults when Lexical::Types is loaded for the first time from
inside a thread.
+ Fix : Leaks of memory associated with the root interpreter.
+ Fix : Work around Kwalitee test misfailures.
+ Opt : Less memory will be used for non-threaded perls version 5.10.0
and below, and for threaded perls from version 5.10.1.
0.08 2009-07-04 19:35 UTC
+ Fix : Don't leak the old op info when a pointer table entry is reused.
+ Fix : Possibly missed constructs with eval STRING called in a thread.
0.07 2009-07-01 08:45 UTC
+ Chg : perl 5.8.x on MSWin32 is no longer considered as thread safe.
+ Fix : Work around a bug in perl 5.10.0 and lower that cause hints to
propagate into required files.
+ Fix : Clean up map entries associated to uncatched OPs.
0.06 2009-05-01 19:00 UTC
+ Fix : The pragma now properly propagates into threaded eval STRING,
effectively making the module thread safe. The new LT_THREADSAFE
constant can be used to know whether the module could have been
built with thread safety features enabled.
0.05 2009-04-28 21:40 UTC
+ Fix : Building with PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS set (especially on Win32).
+ Tst : Dieing in callbacks.
0.04 2009-03-07 15:45 UTC
+ Chg : Some implementation of pointer table is now used internally.
This should make thread safety more robust.
+ Doc : Cleanups.
+ Tst : Using Lexical::Types inside the 'as' callback.
+ Tst : Thread safety.
0.03 2009-03-05 21:15 UTC
+ Doc : Discuss about using constants for types.
+ Fix : The PL_ppaddr[OP_PADSV] localization logic was refined so that
it is kinder to other modules that replace it.
+ Tst : "my Str ($x, $y)" and "for my Str $x ()" constructs
+ Tst : uvar magic, magical tags.
0.02 2009-02-25 16:10 UTC
+ Add : Returning an empty list from the mangler skips the wrapping of
the current typed lexical declaration.
+ Chg : The package and method names passed to the callbacks are now all
0.01 2009-02-24 23:20 UTC
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.