Revision history for subs-auto

0.06    2010-07-25 18:10 UTC
        + Chg : B::Keywords is now used for its list of core keywords.
        + Fix : Compatibility with Perl 5.11.2 (and thus 5.12 and later).
        + Fix : The reset globs now keep their original file name and line
                number. Symbol is no longer needed.
        + Fix : The default package on which act the pragma was off by one
                stack frame.
        + Fix : Calling a method at compile time on a package on which the
                pragma acts no longer breaks.
        + Fix : Work around Kwalitee test misfailures.

0.05    2009-07-01 09:05 UTC
        + Upd : Resources in META.yml.

0.04    2008-10-02 20:50 UTC
        + Doc : Nits.
        + Tst : Yet more of them.

0.03    2008-09-05 20:10 UTC
        + Chg : The hint hash slot used is now 'subs__auto'.
        + Tst : More of them.

0.02    2008-08-28 14:50 UTC
        + Add : The 'in' parameter.
        + Fix : Add exceptions for __FILE__, __LINE__ and DATA.

0.01    2008-08-27 21:10 UTC
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.