Revision history for Perl extension CPAN-Audit

0.07 2018-10-16T21:37:20Z

    - test fixes

0.06 2018-10-16T19:19:22Z

    - use name instead of fullname
    - fix installed modules discovery

0.05 2018-10-15T19:36:39Z

    - CPANSA-MHonArc
    - CPANSA-Module-Signature
    - CPANSA-libapreq2
    - CPANSA-mod_perl
    - CPANSA-Compress-Raw-Bzip2
    - CPANSA-Compress-Raw-Zlib

    - and metacpan badges

0.04 2018-10-14T10:56:27Z

    - install command accepts path to installations

    - get rid of Carton dependency
    - more test coverage
    - CI integrations
    - perl 5.8 compat

0.03 2018-10-13T12:59:36Z

    - CPANSA-App-Github-Email
    - CPANSA-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA
    - CPANSA-Crypt-Passwd-XS
    - CPANSA-DBD-MariaDB
    - CPANSA-Dancer
    - CPANSA-Data-Dumper
    - CPANSA-Email-Address
    - CPANSA-Encode
    - CPANSA-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
    - CPANSA-Fake-Encode
    - CPANSA-Fake-Our
    - CPANSA-File-DataClass
    - CPANSA-File-Path
    - CPANSA-HTTP-Tiny
    - CPANSA-Imager
    - CPANSA-PathTools

    - new installed command to audit all installed modules
    - cpan.snapshot support by Takumi Akiyama (

0.02 2018-10-09T08:24:36Z

    - support perl 5.8

0.01 2018-10-08T06:39:07Z

    - original version