Revision history for Perl extension ObjectDB
3.26 2018-09-05T17:17:35Z
- type hints
3.25 2017-12-26T21:41:56Z
- remove custom exceptions
3.24 2017-09-23T20:26:23Z
- allow pages and page sizes with more than on digit
3.23 2017-09-16T10:13:49Z
- use the same connection for insert and auto_increment
- do not set not nullable columns on undef
- correctly discover that a column is nullable
- travis no sudo
- do not reuse merged var name
- remove unused method in test
3.22 2017-09-06T19:00:47Z
- no changes, just dist meta updates
3.21 2017-09-03T22:03:18Z
- explicitly set mysql settings for travis ci
- do not use empty heredocs terminators
- proverc
- with and columns
- get rid of Test::Spec
- perltidy
- get rid of Hash::Merge
- remove unused exported function
- benchmarks
- make bench docs lines shorter
- improving docs
- move stmt class to its own package, use counters instead of shifting
- resurrect iterators
- find_by_compose for building custom queries
- rows_as_hashes option for returning raw hashes instead of objects
3.20 2017-05-15T09:27:48Z
- better Pg support with correct default boolean values detection
- testing on all databases
3.19 2017-01-21T16:21:04Z
- reset related on load
- allow custom joins in count
- recommend DBIx::Inspector
3.18 2017-01-10T18:16:41Z
- remove duplication in dbhpool
- remove unneeded columns when counting
- better default field
- fix used only once warning
3.17 2016-12-26T11:04:38Z
- correctly auto discover nullable columns
3.16 2016-11-22T20:43:03Z
- work around pg default empty values
3.15 2016-08-14T16:52:04Z
- custom do commands after connect
3.14 2016-08-10T08:26:23Z
- fix empty default values when using auto discovery
3.13 2016-01-17T10:13:10Z
- allow low level joins in find queries
3.12 2015-09-21T09:41:30Z
- support HAVING
3.11 2014-12-12T22:44:08Z
- explicitly return undef on get_column
- fix transaction error handling
3.10 2014-04-28T09:59:37Z
- do not merge rows for now
- fix finding via many to many
- fix undefined warning
3.09 2014-02-19T13:37:27Z
- load and find with columns
- require latest SQL::Composer
- skip auto discovery test when DBIx::Inspector not available
3.08 2014-02-14T14:33:18Z
- auto discovery
- each iterator
- find_by_sql method
- generate columns and related methods
- it is possible to preload one to many relationships
- fix related context
- fix inc in tests
- fix empty relationships
- reorganize and improve related tests
- reorganize and improve related tests
- fix loading many to many as related
- better row merging when rows are sorted
- make sure to_hash works on one to many
- testing loading one to many
3.07 2014-01-17T12:59:51Z
- require latest version of SQL::Composer
3.06 2014-01-15T21:00:04Z
- correct initialization of related objects
- use Hash::Merge and remove lots of duplication
- small many to many improvements
3.05 2014-01-15T15:56:27Z
- simplify related objects creation
- merge where clause in many to many
3.04 2014-01-13T12:26:00Z
- set is_in_db flag when returning found objects
3.03 2013-12-20T08:21:33Z
- require dbh for pool testing
3.02 2013-12-17T13:10:58Z
- do not run tests that require specific database driver
3.01 2013-12-15T08:09:16Z
- fix dependencies
3.00 2013-12-14T19:51:25Z
- original version