Revision history for perl module Routes::Tiny
0.14 2014-01-07T08:09:27Z
- Just meta files update
0.13 2013-10-16T18:51:38Z
- Fix optional param at route beginning (ziontab)
0.12 2013-10-10T17:27:16Z
- Pass params when matching to subroutes too (ziontab)
0.11 2013-06-28T06:56:10Z
- Added subroutes (mialinx)
0.10 2013-06-20
- Added arguments (proposed by jemhad)
0.009014 2011-09-02
- Greatly accelerated routes matching (und3f)
0.009013 2011-07-02
- Made method matching more robust
- Fixed globbing default value bug
0.009012 2011-05-07
- When building a path use default values too
0.009011 2011-04-01
- Pass 'name' instead of 'pattern' to the match object
0.009010 2011-02-27
- Forward / is added when building a path
- Fixed path building when using grouping
- Fixed path building with trailing slash
0.009009 2011-02-26
- Initial release