Revision history for perl module SockJS
0.07 2018-09-29T11:16:16Z
- pass $env to handler callback
0.06 2018-08-26T18:25:58Z
- use IO::String in tests for more compatibility with older perls
- add more test dependencies
- add Build.PL to make it installable from git
- add travis
0.05 2018-08-26T17:55:24Z
- do not use 5.10 features
- add test dependencies
0.04 2018-08-26T12:24:41Z
- set license (manwar)
- make sure handler object exists in websocket callbacks
0.03 2018-08-26T06:25:23Z
- upgrade to SockJS 1.* version
0.01 2013-04-06
- Initial release