Revision history for perl module PocketIO

0.16 2013-10-25T16:55:13Z

 - Fixed bug when attempting to broadcast->send (mvgrimes)
 - support method other than 'run' (tokubass)

0.15 2012-12-30

 - Fixed room stringification problem (Peter Stuifzand)
 - Skip hanging test on windows

0.14 2012-06-05

 - Fixed exception handling bugs (Jason May)
 - Provide the status code when throwing a websocket exception (Jason May)
 - Added room support (Michael FiG)

0.12 2012-01-25

 - Fixed test requirements

0.11 2012-01-24

 - Fixed modules requirements

0.10 2012-01-22

 - Plack::Request is not required
 - Twiggy is not required for testing
 - Extracted SocketIO protocol into a separated distribution
 - Return raw object but wrap exceptions middelware on the fly
 - Fixed on_disconnect callback

0.009008 2011-12-06

 - Fixed websocket test

0.009007 2011-12-03

 - Fixed CPAN dist

0.009006 2011-12-02

 - Made message parsing more robust. Closes #GH-10
 - Socket emit should emit client event not server
 - Use exceptions
 - Updated in example
 - Increased connection timeout
 - Require Protocol::WebSocket 0.9.5
 - Increased connection timeout to 30s

0.009005 2011-09-23

 - CPAN release
 - Redis pool backend
 - Socket.IO 0.8 version support

0.009004 2011-05-12

 - Renamed to PocketIO
 - Implemented as a Plack app instead of middleware
 - Fixed UTF issues

0.009003 2011-04-09

 - It is possible to pass class name or instance and method instead of inline
 - Added heartbeat to WebSockets too

0.009002 2011-03-29

 - Fixed live tests

0.009001 2011-03-28

 - Fixed dependencies list

0.009000 2011-03-16

 - Initial release