Revision history for perl module Text::Haml
0.990112 2013-11-05T18:20:38Z
- Fix support for caching of templates in __DATA__ section (TheAthlete)
- Fix hashref interpolation inside filters (TheAthlete)
- Fix dependency list (Keedi Kim)
0.990110 2013-10-16
0.990109 2013-08-08
0.990108 2013-04-22
0.990107 2012-09-26
0.990106 2012-08-27
0.990105 2012-08-27
0.990104 2010-10-14
0.990103 2010-05-02
0.990102 2010-02-08
0.990101 2009-12-26
- first version released to CPAN