Revision history for Net-Connection-ncnetstat

0.6.1	 2021-02-08/20:00
		 - Accidentally inverted the OS check for FreeBSD in Makefile.PL.

0.6.0	 2021-02-08/08:00
		 - Now uses sockstat on FreeBSD.
		 - Make --pct, -C, --Cl, and -W XORable via $ENV

0.5.0	 2019-09-03/03:30
		 - Add the arg no_pid_user.

0.4.2	 2019-08-20/02:00
		 - Add a missing column style option.
		 - Depend on Data::Unixish::Apply, #130303.
		 - Clean up column code.

0.4.1	 2019-08-14/05:00
		 - Actually use Net::Connection->proc now.

0.4.0	 2019-08-14/04:30
		 - Convert to Text::ANSITable for line wrapping with --Cl

0.3.0	 2019-08-12/06:00
		 - Add support for wchan, pctmem, and pctcpu.

0.2.0	 2019-08-09/08:30
		 - Add regexp command searching.
		 - Update the POD for ncnetstat.

0.1.1	 2019-08-06/21:30
		 - Foreach Host -> Remote Host

0.1.0	 2019-08-06/05:30
		 - Add RegexPTR support.
		 - Add UID support.
		 - Add username support.

0.0.1	 2019-08-05/21:10
		 - Actually install the script now.

0.0.0	 2019-08-04/23:45
		 - Initial release.