Revision history for Search-ESsearcher

0.4.3	 2021-11-04/04:00
		 -Remove mutate from geoip on fail2ban.
		  This removes the need for mappings in Elasticsearch.
		 -Add back in GeoIP for Postfix.

0.4.2	 2021-10-21/23:15
		 - Include logstash examples.
		 - Update Postfix logstash bits.

0.4.1	 2019-12-08/04:05
		 - Remove accidentally included emacs save.
		 - Correct datestamp on previous change log entry.

0.4.0	 2019-12-08/04:00
		 - Make host searching work better. Thanks, Kevin Greene.
		 - Add the aonHost.

0.3.1	 2019-06-05/05:0
		 - Add missing options to postfix pod.

0.3.0	 2019-06-05/01:30
		 - Add postfix support.
		 - Add repo info.

0.2.0	 2019-06-03/04:30
		 - The bf2b template now properly processes --ip
		 - Add the httpAccess template.
		 - Add a missing flag to the help for bf2b.
		 - Added the option for pretty printing -S via -p

0.1.0	 2019-06-02/09:00
		 - Add bf2b, beats fail2ban support.
		 - Actually set the output template now.
		 - name validation no longer chokes on numbers.
		 - Now prints the proper help info instead of the
		   one for the default, syslog.

0.0.0	 2019-06-02/04:40
		 - Initial release.