Revision history for Virani

0.3.0  2023-08-03/15:45
        -add req_start, req_start_s, req_end, req_end_s, and req_time keys to metadata
        -fix padding handling

0.2.0  2023-08-03/08:45
        -mojo-virani sets content type to application/x-download
        -misc verbosity fixes/cleanup
        -remove needlessly copying the cache file
        -fix typo in name used for syslog messages
        -add etime/stime aliases for start/end args for mojo-virani
        -add --buffer to virani
        -enable special for Time::Piece::Guess
        -misc doc cleanups/updates

0.1.1  2023-07-31/17:30
        -Fix the handling when filter is undef.
        -Minor doc updates.

0.1.0  2023-07-31/12:00
        -Add timestamp logging for when getting a PCAP
        -Support using ARGV for filter info
        -Support reading filter from a file

0.0.1  2023-03-14/13:30
        -Initial release.