Revision history for ZConf-BGSet
1.0.0 2009-10-24/03:30
-Clean up warnings.
-Remove autoinit and it now inits autormatically.
-Set should now be set using either readSet or via passing ZConf with the specified default set.
-'zconf' is now a ZConf object instead of a hash.
-Add 'bin/zbgset-pt'.
-Update 'Makefile.PL' to reflect new dependencies.
-Update the scripts to reflect the new manner for specifing a set.
0.2.0 2009-02-20/19:10
-Add 'readSet', 'getSet', 'listSets'.
0.1.0 2009-02-01/23:10
-Added 'getPath', 'setPath', 'delPath', 'getLast', and 'getDefaultPath'.
-'listPaths' no longer leaves 'paths/' prepended.
0.0.2 2009-01-28/19:10
-Fix the return of listPaths.
0.0.1 2009-01-23/18:50
-Correct how zbgset calls setRand.
-Correct were self was used in the pod instead of zbg.
0.0.0 2009-01-14
-Initial release.