Revision history for Test::Mock::One

0.006     2017-09-06 21:55:44Z

    * Add can() functionality
    * Update documentation

0.005     2017-09-04 19:40:37Z

    * Allow copy of X-Mock attributes
    * Update documenation

0.004     2017-09-03 11:57:07Z

    * Set dependency of List::Util to 1.33 (Thank you CPAN testers :))
    * Add kwalitee tests before releasing the module
    * Add Changes file tests

0.003     2017-09-03 10:47:18Z

    * Remove pod error

0.002     2017-09-03 01:00:41Z

    * Fix "Kwalitee Issues" for use strict and use warnings
    * Fix documentation

0.001     2017-09-02 18:42:21Z

    * First release to CPAN