total revisions: 6; selected revisions: 6
revision 0.13
date: 2006/06/04 20:04:24; author: thall; state: Exp; lines: +36 -31
* Added new unit testing
* Removed warnings from the base class it's self
* For others, not for me!!
* Will now remove class stash when objects are DESTOY'd
* Added new warning for programatic misuses in accessor methods
* Added new unit testing for II++ tier sub-classes
* New release to CPAN
revision 0.12
date: 2006/06/04 02:45:18; author: thall; state: Exp; lines: +15 -22
* More POD modifications
* Changed the name description (again!)
revision 0.11.2
date: 2006/06/03 19:18:58; author: thall; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1
* Had to rev the version for CPAN (silly CPAN)
* Modified/completed changes to the MANIFEST
revision 0.11.1
date: 2006/06/03 19:06:45; author: thall; state: Exp; lines: +1 -1
* Simply changed the description of the module
revision 0.11
date: 2006/06/03 18:47:12; author: thall; state: Exp; lines: +97 -19
* Moved to v.0.11
* Added more functionality to logger routine
* Too much for the changes file; review POD
* Modified the look and feel of the POD, added new section
* Added more unit tests for logging changes
* 2nd release to CPAN
revision 0.10
date: 2006/06/03 02:51:47; author: thall; state: Exp;
* Initial revision
* First creation of module
* First unit testing