# RPerl Developer Notes 20170112 2017.012 ########################################################################################## # WARNING & ERROR CODES ########################################################################################## GENERAL SYSTEM CODE LEGEND problem type W: Warning E: Error data type BV: Boolean Value UV: Unsigned integer Value IV: Integer Value MV: gMp Integer Value NV: Number Value TV: characTer Value PV: Pointer Value (string) AV: Array Value HV: Hash Value HE: Hash Entry RV: Reference Value CV: Code Value [unused] GV: Glob Value [unused] CO: Code phase IN: Interpret UN: Uncompile CO: Compile AR: Arguments DE: Dependencies PA: Parse GE: Generate SU: Subcompile EX: Execute code analysis, format, misc PL: Perl Interpreter PC: Perl::Critic Analyzer DI: Difference Checker AS: Abstract Syntax Tree RP: RPerl CP: C++ NG: Non-Generating FI: Filesystem SPECIFIC APPLICATION CODE LEGEND AL: Algorithm SO: Sort BU: Bubble [NEED ADD MANY MORE HERE] ########################################################################################## # PERLTIDY ########################################################################################## $ mv /usr/share/perl5/Perl/Critic/Policy/CodeLayout/RequireTidyCode.pm \ /usr/share/perl5/Perl/Critic/Policy/CodeLayout/RequireTidyCode.pm.orig $ ln -s PATH_TO_RPERL/lib/Perl/Critic/Policy/CodeLayout/RequireTidyCode.pm \ /usr/share/perl5/Perl/Critic/Policy/CodeLayout/RequireTidyCode.pm # MUST HAVE Perltidy v20121207 OR LATER # All RPerl code is run through Perl::Tidy configured for Perl Best Practices $ perltidy -pbp --ignore-side-comment-lengths --converge -l=160 ########################################################################################## # PERLCRITIC ########################################################################################## # MUST HAVE Perl-Critic v1.120 OR LATER # All RPerl code is run through Perl::Critic severity level 1 (brutal) $ perlcritic --brutal # Perl::Critic & Eclipse EPIC Integration Fix $ cd PATH_TO_CRITIC $ mv perlcritic perlcritic.old $ ln -s PATH_TO_RPERL_GITHUB/script/3rd_party_debugging/perlcritic ./perlcritic # Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Perl EPIC -> Perl::Critic -> Custom Location # PATH_TO_LAMPUNIVERSITY_GITHUB/bin/perlcritic_eclipse.sh ########################################################################################## # PERLBREW ########################################################################################## # see RPerl INSTALL notes file, Step 1B # do NOT mix local::lib with Perlbrew $ rm ~/perl5 $ ln -s ~/perl5-perlbrew-5.12.5/ ~/perl5 $ unset PERL5LIB $ vi ~/.bashrc # disable local::lib code #if [ -d $HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 ]; then # eval $(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib) #fi # enable ~/.bashrc Perlbrew code source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc $ source ~/.bashrc $ perlbrew list $ perlbrew use 5.xx.yy $ export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:/home/SOMEUSER/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-SOMEVERSION/lib/site_perl/SOMEVERSION/SOMEARCH $ perl script/rperl -t Foo.pm # force use of Perlbrew perl ########################################################################################## # PERLALL ########################################################################################## # NEED CONTENT ########################################################################################## # REGULAR EXPRESSIONS ########################################################################################## From http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html /m Treat string as multiple lines. That is, change "^" and "$" from matching the start of the string's first line and the end of its last line to matching the start and end of each line within the string. /s Treat string as single line. That is, change "." to match any character whatsoever, even a newline, which normally it would not match. Used together, as /ms, they let the "." match any character whatsoever, while still allowing "^" and "$" to match, respectively, just after and just before newlines within the string. /x /x tells the regular expression parser to ignore most whitespace that is neither backslashed nor within a bracketed character class. You can use this to break up your regular expression into (slightly) more readable parts. Also, the # character is treated as a metacharacter introducing a comment that runs up to the pattern's closing delimiter, or to the end of the current line if the pattern extends onto the next line. Hence, this is very much like an ordinary Perl code comment. (You can include the closing delimiter within the comment only if you precede it with a backslash, so be careful!) Use of /x means that if you want real whitespace or # characters in the pattern (outside a bracketed character class, which is unaffected by /x), then you'll either have to escape them (using backslashes or \Q...\E ) or encode them using octal, hex, or \N{} escapes. It is ineffective to try to continue a comment onto the next line by escaping the \n with a backslash or \Q . VIM ONLY, DON'T USE IN ECLIPSE; Grammar.eyp to Learning.pm replace 'foo->bar23() < 42' with C<foo-E<gt>bar23() E<lt> 42> from lines 3310 to 3510 :3310,3510s/'\([^<]\{-}\)<<\([^<]\{-}\)'/'\1E<ltE<lt\2'/g :3310,3510s/'\([^<]\{-}\)<\([^<]\{-}\)'/'\1E<lt\2'/g :3310,3510s/'\([^>]\{-}\)>>\([^>]\{-}\)'/'\1E<gt>E<gt>\2'/g :3310,3510s/'\([^>]\{-}\)>\([^>]\{-}\)'/'\1E<gt>\2'/g :3310,3510s/E<lt/E<lt>/g :3310,3510s/'\([^']\{-}\)'/C<\1>/g # [[[ UNINDENT ]]] :%s/^\ \ \ \ //g ########################################################################################## # GDB ########################################################################################## $ gdb /usr/bin/perl (gdb) run ./script/demo/FOO arg0 arg1 ... (gdb) bt ########################################################################################## # CPAN & METACPAN ########################################################################################## http://search.cpan.org/~wbraswell/ https://metacpan.org/author/WBRASWELL ########################################################################################## # CPAN REQUEST TRACKER (BUG REPORTS) ########################################################################################## https://rt.cpan.org ########################################################################################## # CPAN TESTERS ########################################################################################## http://www.cpantesters.org/distro/R/RPerl.html http://www.cpantesters.org/author/W/WBRASWELL.html https://admin.cpantesters.org/cgi-bin/pages.cgi?act=user-author https://admin.cpantesters.org/cgi-bin/pages.cgi?act=author-dist&dist=RPerl ########################################################################################## # CPANTS KWALITEE ########################################################################################## http://cpants.cpanauthors.org/dist/RPerl ########################################################################################## # CPAN PAUSE ########################################################################################## https://pause.perl.org ########################################################################################## # RELEASE HOLIDAYS ########################################################################################## NEW YEAR'S GROUNDHOG ST. VALENTINE'S PI ST. PATRICK'S APRIL FOOLS' GOOD FRIDAY EASTER MAY THE 4TH CAPTAIN PICARD DAY (JUNE 16) INDEPENDENCE HALLOWEEN THANKSGIVING CHRISTMAS MOTHER'S DAY? FATHER'S DAY? ########################################################################################## # CPAN DISTRIBUTION ########################################################################################## # DEV NOTE: Makefile.PL uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker to interface with PAUSE & CPAN # UPDATE VERSION NUMBERS $ vi Changes # version, date, name, notes $ vi lib/RPerl.pm # $VERSION $ vi script/rperl # $VERSION # -v option # CLEAN & UNINSTALL PREVIOUS DIST $ rm -Rf ~/perl5; curl -L cpanmin.us | perl - -l $HOME/perl5 App::cpanminus local::lib # optionally create clean ~/perl5 for local::lib single-user installation # remember to re-enable Perl::Critic & Eclipse EPIC Integration Fix above #OR $ script/development/rperl_locallib_uninstall.sh # optionally keep ~/perl5 from previous local::lib single-user installation # selectively delete only RPerl files from ~/perl5 $ rm RPerl*.tar.gz; rm MANIFEST $ perl Makefile.PL; make distclean $ perl Makefile.PL; make realclean $ inline_clean.sh # MAKE MANIFEST & DIST $ perl Makefile.PL; make manifest $ less MANIFEST $ vi MANIFEST.SKIP # update with new files to exclude from CPAN # correlated with Makefile.PL & .gitignore $ make manifest $ less MANIFEST $ cpanm --installdeps .; make disttest # optionally install deps and test before creating tarball $ make dist # produces tarball output $ cp MYMETA.json META.json # properly install configure-time dependencies, must have for Alien::* # INSTALL & TEST DIST, LOCAL COPY $ cpanm ./RPerl-VERSION.tar.gz # install from local tarball, ensure tests run & installation is successful $ which rperl $ perl -e 'use RPerl;' # SEE INSTALL NOTES FOR ADDITIONAL TEST COMMANDS # UPLOAD TO GITHUB & CPAN $ mv RPerl*.tar.gz backup/ $ git add -A $ git commit -a CPAN Release, vX.Y00000; Codename FOO, BAR Edition $ git push origin master $ apt-get install libssl-dev # to avoid 'fatal error: openssl/err.h: No such file or directory' during install of Net::SSLeay, subdep of CPAN::Uploader $ cpanm CPAN::Uploader $ cpan-upload -v -u WBRASWELL --dry-run backup/RPerl-VERSION.tar.gz # ARE YOU SURE YOU WISH TO PROCEED?!? $ cpan-upload -v -u WBRASWELL backup/RPerl-VERSION.tar.gz # INSTALL & TEST DIST, DOWNLOAD COPY $ script/development/rperl_locallib_uninstall.sh $ cpanm WBRASWELL/RPerl-VERSION.tar.gz # beta pre-release versions # OR $ cpanm RPerl # full release versions # DONE!