# [[[ HEADER ]]] package RPerl::CompileUnit::Constant; use strict; use warnings; use RPerl::AfterSubclass; our $VERSION = 0.004_000; # [[[ OO INHERITANCE ]]] use parent qw(RPerl::CompileUnit); use RPerl::CompileUnit; # [[[ CRITICS ]]] ## no critic qw(ProhibitUselessNoCritic ProhibitMagicNumbers RequireCheckedSyscalls) # USER DEFAULT 1: allow numeric values & print operator ## no critic qw(RequireInterpolationOfMetachars) # USER DEFAULT 2: allow single-quoted control characters & sigils # [[[ INCLUDES ]]] use perlapinames_generated; # [[[ OO PROPERTIES ]]] our hashref $properties = {}; # [[[ SUBROUTINES & OO METHODS ]]] sub ast_to_rperl__generate { { my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my object $self, my string_hashref $modes) = @ARG; my string_hashref $rperl_source_group = { PMC => q{} }; # RPerl::diag( 'in CompileUnit::Constant->ast_to_rperl__generate(), received $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" ); my string $use_constant = $self->{children}->[0]; my string $name = $self->{children}->[1]; my string $fat_arrow = $self->{children}->[2]; my object $type_inner_constant = $self->{children}->[3]; my string $type_inner_constant_my = $type_inner_constant->{children}->[0]; my string $type_inner_constant_type = $type_inner_constant->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0]; my string $type_inner_constant_TYPED = $type_inner_constant->{children}->[2]; my string $type_inner_constant_name = $type_inner_constant->{children}->[3]; my string $type_inner_constant_equal = $type_inner_constant->{children}->[4]; my object $subexpression = $self->{children}->[4]; my string $semicolon = $self->{children}->[5]; if ((exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_DOCUMENTED->{$name}) or (exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_UNDOCUMENTED->{$name}) or (exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_DOCUMENTED->{$name}) or (exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_UNDOCUMENTED->{$name})) { die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP42, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL: Perl API name conflict, constant name ' . q{'} . $name . q{'} . ' is the same as a protected function or variable name in the Perl API, please choose a different name, dying' . "\n"; } # CREATE SYMBOL TABLE ENTRY if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_global}->{$name} ) { die 'ERROR ECOGEASRP12, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO RPERL: variable ' . $name . ' already declared in this scope, namespace ' . q{'} . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} . q{'} . ', subroutine/method ' . q{'} . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} . q{()'} . ', dying' . "\n"; } $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_global}->{$name} = { isa => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Constant', type => $type_inner_constant_type }; $rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $use_constant . q{ } . $name . q{ } . $fat_arrow . q{ } . $type_inner_constant_my . q{ } . $type_inner_constant_type . q{ } . $type_inner_constant_TYPED . $type_inner_constant_name . q{ } . $type_inner_constant_equal . q{ }; my string_hashref $rperl_source_subgroup = $subexpression->ast_to_rperl__generate($modes); RPerl::Generator::source_group_append( $rperl_source_group, $rperl_source_subgroup ); $rperl_source_group->{PMC} .= $semicolon . "\n"; return $rperl_source_group; } sub ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_PERLTYPES { { my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my object $self, my string_hashref $modes) = @ARG; my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = { H => q{// <<< RP::CU::Co __DUMMY_SOURCE_CODE CPPOPS_PERLTYPES >>>} . "\n" }; #... return $cpp_source_group; } sub ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES { { my string_hashref::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my object $self, my string $package_name_underscores, my string_hashref $modes ) = @ARG; my string_hashref $cpp_source_group = { H => q{} }; #RPerl::diag( 'in CompileUnit::Constant->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), received $self = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($self) . "\n" ); my string $name = $self->{children}->[1]; my string $type_inner_constant_type = $self->{children}->[3]->{children}->[1]->{children}->[0]; my object $subexpression = $self->{children}->[4]; if ((exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_DOCUMENTED->{$name}) or (exists $perlapinames_generated::FUNCTIONS_UNDOCUMENTED->{$name}) or (exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_DOCUMENTED->{$name}) or (exists $perlapinames_generated::VARIABLES_UNDOCUMENTED->{$name})) { die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP42, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: Perl API name conflict, constant name ' . q{'} . $name . q{'} . ' is the same as a protected function or variable name in the Perl API, please choose a different name, dying' . "\n"; } # CREATE SYMBOL TABLE ENTRY if ( exists $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_global}->{$name} ) { die 'ERROR ECOGEASCP12, CODE GENERATOR, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TO C++: variable ' . $name . ' already declared in this scope, namespace ' . q{'} . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} . q{'} . ', subroutine/method ' . q{'} . $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_subroutine} . q{()'} . ', dying' . "\n"; } # NEED FIX: possible 'const const' conflict?!? $type_inner_constant_type = RPerl::Generator::type_convert_perl_to_cpp($type_inner_constant_type, 1); # $pointerify_classes = 1 # add converted C++ type to symtab entry $modes->{_symbol_table}->{ $modes->{_symbol_table}->{_namespace} }->{_global}->{$name} = { isa => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Constant', type => $type_inner_constant_type }; $cpp_source_group->{H} .= 'const ' . $type_inner_constant_type . q{ } . $package_name_underscores . '__' . $name . ' = '; # RPerl::diag( 'in CompileUnit::Constant->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $subexpression = ' . "\n" . RPerl::Parser::rperl_ast__dump($subexpression) . "\n" ); my string_hashref $cpp_source_subgroup = $subexpression->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES($modes); $cpp_source_group->{H} .= $cpp_source_subgroup->{CPP}; $cpp_source_group->{H} .= ';' . "\n"; # create shim if ( ( not exists $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims} ) or ( not defined $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims} ) ) { $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims} = {}; } elsif (( not exists $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} ) or ( not defined $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} ) ) { $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} = q{}; } $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} .= 'const ' . $type_inner_constant_type . q{ } . $name . '() { return ' . $package_name_underscores . '__' . $name . '; }' . "\n"; # RPerl::diag( 'in CompileUnit::Constant->ast_to_cpp__generate__CPPOPS_CPPTYPES(), have $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} = ' . "\n" . $cpp_source_group->{_H_constants_shims}->{$package_name_underscores} . "\n" ); return $cpp_source_group; } 1; # end of class