# [[[ HEADER ]]] package RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class; use strict; use warnings; use RPerl::Config; # get @ARG, Dumper, Carp, English without 'use RPerl;' our $VERSION = 0.048_000; # [[[ OO INHERITANCE ]]] # BASE CLASS HAS NO INHERITANCE # "The Buck Stops Here" # [[[ CRITICS ]]] ## no critic qw(ProhibitStringyEval) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 1: allow eval() ## no critic qw(ProhibitAutoloading RequireArgUnpacking) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 2: allow Autoload & read-only @ARG ## no critic qw(ProhibitExcessComplexity) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 5: allow complex code inside subroutines, must be after line 1 ## no critic qw(ProhibitDeepNests) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 7: allow deeply-nested code ## no critic qw(ProhibitNoStrict) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 8: allow no strict ## no critic qw(RequireBriefOpen) # SYSTEM SPECIAL 10: allow complex processing with open filehandle # [[[ INCLUDES ]]] use File::Basename; use File::Spec; # for splitpath() to test if @INC file entries are absolute or relative use Scalar::Util 'reftype'; # to test for HASH ref when given initialization values for new() method use rperltypes; # required for all automatically-generated type-checking subroutine calls # [[[ OO PROPERTIES ]]] # BASE CLASS HAS NO PROPERTIES # [[[ SUBROUTINES & OO METHODS ]]] # RPerl object constructor, SHORT FORM sub new { no strict; if ( not defined ${ $_[0] . '::properties' } ) { croak 'ERROR ECOOOCO00, SOURCE CODE, OO OBJECT CONSTRUCTOR: Undefined hashref $properties for class ' . $_[0] . ', croaking' . "\n"; } # return bless { %{ ${ $_[0] . '::properties' } } }, $_[0]; # DOES NOT INHERIT PROPERTIES FROM PARENT CLASSES # return bless { %{ ${ $_[0] . '::properties' } }, %{ properties_inherited($_[0]) } }, $_[0]; # WHAT DOES THIS DO??? # return bless { %{ properties_inherited($_[0]) } }, $_[0]; # WORKS PROPERLY, BUT DOES NOT INITIALIZE PROPERTIES return bless { %{ properties_inherited_initialized($_[0], $_[1]) } }, $_[0]; } # allow properties to be initialized by passing them as hashref arg to new() method sub properties_inherited_initialized { # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::properties_inherited_initialized(), top of subroutine, received $ARG[0] = ', $ARG[0], "\n"; # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::properties_inherited_initialized(), top of subroutine, received $ARG[1] = ', $ARG[1], "\n"; my $properties_inherited = properties_inherited($_[0]); if (defined $_[1]) { if ((not defined reftype($_[1])) or (reftype($_[1]) ne 'HASH')) { croak 'ERROR ECOOOCO01, SOURCE CODE, OO OBJECT CONSTRUCTOR: Initialization values for new() method must be key-value pairs inside a hash reference, croaking'; } foreach my $property_name (sort keys %{$_[1]}) { if (not exists $properties_inherited->{$property_name}) { croak 'ERROR ECOOOCO02, SOURCE CODE, OO OBJECT CONSTRUCTOR: Attempted initialization of invalid property ' . q{'} . $property_name . q{'} . ', croaking'; } $properties_inherited->{$property_name} = $_[1]->{$property_name}; } } return $properties_inherited; } # inherit properties from parent and grandparnt classes sub properties_inherited { # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::properties_inherited(), top of subroutine, received $ARG[0] = ', $ARG[0], "\n"; no strict; # always keep self class' $properties my $properties = { %{ ${ $ARG[0] . '::properties' } } }; # inherit parent & (great*)grandparent class' $properties foreach my $parent_package_name (@{ $ARG[0] . '::ISA' }) { # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::properties_inherited(), top of foreach() loop, have $parent_package_name = ', $parent_package_name, "\n"; # RPerl base class & Eyapp classes have no $properties, skip if (($parent_package_name eq 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class') or ($parent_package_name eq 'Parse::Eyapp::Node')) { next; } # recurse to get inherited $properties my $parent_and_grandparent_properties = properties_inherited($parent_package_name); # self class' $properties override inherited $properties, same as C++ foreach my $parent_property_key (keys %{ $parent_and_grandparent_properties }) { if (not exists $properties->{$parent_property_key}) { $properties->{$parent_property_key} = $parent_and_grandparent_properties->{$parent_property_key}; } } } return $properties; } sub parent_and_grandparent_package_names { # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), top of subroutine, received $ARG[0] = ', $ARG[0], "\n"; no strict; # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), CHECKPOINT b000', "\n" ; RPerl::eval_use($ARG[0]); # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), CHECKPOINT b001', "\n" ; my $arg0_isa_string = $ARG[0] . '::ISA'; # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), have $arg0_isa_string = ', $arg0_isa_string, "\n"; # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), CHECKPOINT b002', "\n" ; # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), have HARD-CODED @RPerl::Test::OO::MyClass01Good::ISA = ', Dumper(\@RPerl::Test::OO::MyClass01Good::ISA), "\n"; # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), have HARD-CODED @RPerl::Test::OO::MySubclass01Good::ISA = ', Dumper(\@RPerl::Test::OO::MySubclass01Good::ISA), "\n" ; my @arg0_isa = @{$arg0_isa_string}; # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), have @arg0_isa = ', Dumper(\@arg0_isa), "\n"; my $package_names = []; foreach my $parent_package_name (@{ $ARG[0] . '::ISA' }) { # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), top of foreach() loop, have $parent_package_name = ', $parent_package_name, "\n"; # RPerl base class & Eyapp classes have no $properties, skip if (($parent_package_name eq 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class') or ($parent_package_name eq 'Parse::Eyapp::Node')) { next; } # get parent's package name push @{$package_names}, $parent_package_name; # recurse to get (great*)grandparents' package names my $grandparent_package_names = parent_and_grandparent_package_names($parent_package_name); $package_names = [@{$package_names}, @{$grandparent_package_names}]; # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), inside foreach() loop, have $grandparent_package_names = ', Dumper($grandparent_package_names), "\n"; } # print {*STDERR} 'in Class::parent_and_grandparent_package_names(), bottom of subroutine, returning $package_names = ', Dumper($package_names), "\n"; return $package_names; } # RPerl object destructor # NEED ADDRESS: do we ever need to actually deconstruct anything to free resources? sub DESTROY { } # [[[ SUBROUTINES ]]] # suppress deprecated feature warning local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { return if $_[0] =~ /^Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method /xms; carp @ARG; }; BEGIN { #RPerl::diag('in Class.pm BEGIN block, about to use data types...' . "\n"); # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp012: type system includes, hard-copies in rperltypes.pm & rperltypesconv.pm & Class.pm # [[[ DATA TYPES ]]] use RPerl::DataType::Void; use RPerl::DataType::Boolean; use RPerl::DataType::UnsignedInteger; use RPerl::DataType::Integer; use RPerl::DataType::Number; use RPerl::DataType::Character; use RPerl::DataType::String; use RPerl::DataType::Scalar; use RPerl::DataType::Unknown; use RPerl::DataType::FileHandle; #RPerl::diag('in Class.pm BEGIN block, about to use data structures...' . "\n"); # [[[ DATA STRUCTURES ]]] use RPerl::DataStructure::Array; use RPerl::DataStructure::Array::SubTypes; use RPerl::DataStructure::Array::Reference; use RPerl::DataStructure::Hash; use RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::SubTypes; use RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Reference; #RPerl::diag('in Class.pm BEGIN block, done' . "\n"); } # after compiling but before runtime: create symtab entries for all RPerl functions/methods, and accessors/mutators for all RPerl class properties INIT { create_symtab_entries_and_accessors_mutators(\%INC); }; sub create_symtab_entries_and_accessors_mutators { (my $INC_ref) = @ARG; # $RPerl::DEBUG = 1; # $RPerl::VERBOSE = 1; # add calling .pl driver to INC for subroutine activation; # DEV NOTE: should be safe to use basename() here instead of fileparse(), because $PROGRAM_NAME should never end in a directory $INC{ basename($PROGRAM_NAME) } = $PROGRAM_NAME; # RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, have $INC_ref =' . "\n" . Dumper($INC_ref) . "\n"); # RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, have $rperlnamespaces_generated::CORE =' . "\n" . Dumper($rperlnamespaces_generated::CORE) . "\n"); my $module_filename_long; # string my $module_filename_long_processed = {}; # boolean_hashref my $use_rperl; # boolean my $inside_package; # boolean my $package_name; # string my $package_name_underscores; # string my $namespace_root; # string my $object_properties; # hashref my $object_properties_string; # string my $object_properties_types; # hashref my $inside_object_properties; # boolean my $subroutine_type; # string my $subroutine_name; # string my $CHECK; # string my $inside_subroutine; # boolean my $inside_subroutine_header; # boolean my $inside_subroutine_arguments; # boolean my $subroutine_arguments_line; # string my $TYPES_SUPPORTED = {}; # string_hashref # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $PROGRAM_NAME = '} . $PROGRAM_NAME . "'\n"); foreach my $type (@{$rperltypes::SUPPORTED}, @{$rperltypes::SUPPORTED_SPECIAL}) { $TYPES_SUPPORTED->{$type} = 1; } # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $TYPES_SUPPORTED = } . Dumper($TYPES_SUPPORTED) . "\n"); foreach my $module_filename_short ( sort keys %{$INC_ref} ) { # RPerl::diag("in Class.pm INIT block, have \$module_filename_short = '$module_filename_short'\n"); # skip special entry created by Filter::Util::Call if ( $module_filename_short eq '-e' ) { next; } $module_filename_long = $INC{$module_filename_short}; # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $module_filename_long = ' . $module_filename_long . "\n" ); # determine if both short & long module filenames are absolute; # file names w/out any volume or directories are not absolute, allows 'use Foo;' where "Foo.pm" exists in current directory w/out any volume or directory my $module_is_absolute = 0; if (defined $module_filename_long) { # skip already-processed modules, triggered by imaginary $module_filename_short created by Perl in %INC when one .pm file contains multiple packages if (exists $module_filename_long_processed->{$module_filename_long}) { RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, skipping due to already-processed PM file, have $module_filename_long = ', q{'}, $module_filename_long, q{'}, ', $module_filename_short = ', q{'}, $module_filename_short, q{'}, "\n" ); next; } $module_filename_long_processed->{$module_filename_long} = 1; (my $module_volume, my $module_directories, my $module_file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $module_filename_long ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $module_volume = ' . q{'} . $module_volume . q{'} . "\n" ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $module_directories = ' . q{'} . $module_directories . q{'} . "\n" ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $module_file = ' . q{'} . $module_file . q{'} . "\n" ); # if (($module_volume ne q{}) or ($module_directories ne q{})) { # DEV NOTE: this isn't right, if the volume is empty then it can't be absolute regardless of directories if ($module_volume ne q{}) { if ( $module_filename_long eq $module_filename_short ) { # absolute module names include volume, and must match both short & long filenames $module_is_absolute = 1; } } } # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $module_is_absolute = ' . $module_is_absolute . "\n" ); # skip absolute file names (such as Komodo's perl5db.pl) which came from a runtime `require $scalar` or `require 'foo.pm'`, # because we can not determine the correct package from the absolute path name, and we don't know how to figure out which part was in @INC from the absolute path; if ((not defined $module_filename_long) or $module_is_absolute) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, skipping due to undefined or absolute module filename' . "\n" ); next; } # skip already-compiled files with PMC counterparts if (-e ($module_filename_long . 'c')) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, skipping due to already-compiled PMC file' . "\n" ); next; } $use_rperl = 0; $inside_package = 0; $package_name = q{}; $CHECK = $RPerl::CHECK; # reset data type checking to RPerl default for every file $object_properties_string = q{}; $object_properties_types = {}; $inside_object_properties = 0; $inside_subroutine = 0; $inside_subroutine_header = 0; $inside_subroutine_arguments = 0; $subroutine_arguments_line = q{}; $namespace_root = RPerl::filename_short_to_namespace_root_guess($module_filename_short); # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $namespace_root = '} . $namespace_root . "'\n"); # repeated below, inside if() statement for concise debug output # DEV NOTE: avoid error... # Name "rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL_DEPS" used only once: possible typo my $tmp = $rperlnamespaces_generated::CORE; $tmp = $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL_DEPS; if ( ( not exists $rperlnamespaces_generated::CORE->{$namespace_root} ) and ( not exists $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL_DEPS->{$namespace_root} ) and ( not exists $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL_FILES->{$module_filename_short}) ) { # RPerl::diag("\n\n", '=' x 50, "\n" ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, not skipping due to CORE & RPERL_DEPS namespaces, $module_filename_long = ' . $module_filename_long . "\n" ); # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $namespace_root = '} . $namespace_root . "'\n"); open my $MODULE_FILE, '<', $module_filename_long or croak $OS_ERROR; MODULE_FILE_LINE_LOOP: while ( my $module_file_line = <$MODULE_FILE> ) { MODULE_FILE_LINE_LOOP_INNER: chomp $module_file_line; # RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, have $module_file_line =' . "\n" . $module_file_line . "\n"); # set data type checking mode if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*\#\s*\<\<\<\s*TYPE_CHECKING\s*\:\s*(\w+)\s*\>\>\>/xms ) { # RPerl::diag( "in Class.pm INIT block, have \$module_filename_long = '$module_filename_long'\n" ); if ($inside_subroutine) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, found <<< TYPE_CHECKING: ' . $1 . ' >>> while inside subroutine ' . $subroutine_name . '(), aborting RPerl activation of entire file' . "\n" ); last; } else { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, found <<< TYPE_CHECKING: ' . $1 . " >>>\n" ); $CHECK = $1; } } # skip single-line comments next if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*\#/xms ); # skip multi-line POD comments if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\=(\w+)/xms ) { # RPerl::diag("in Class.pm INIT block, skipping multi-line POD comment, have \$1 = '$1'\n"); $module_file_line = <$MODULE_FILE>; if ( not defined $module_file_line ) { croak "End of file '$module_filename_long' reached without finding '=cut' end of multi-line POD comment '=$1', croaking"; } while ( $module_file_line !~ /^\=cut/xms ) { if ( not defined $module_file_line ) { croak "End of file '$module_filename_long' reached without finding '=cut' end of multi-line POD comment '=$1', croaking"; } $module_file_line = <$MODULE_FILE>; } next; } # skip multi-line heredocs if ( ( $module_file_line =~ /\=\s*\<\<\s*(\w+)\s*\;\s*$/xms ) or ( $module_file_line =~ /\=\s*\<\<\s*\'(\w+)\'\s*\;\s*$/xms ) or ( $module_file_line =~ /\=\s*\<\<\s*\"(\w+)\"\s*\;\s*$/xms ) ) { # RPerl::diag("in Class.pm INIT block, skipping multi-line heredoc, have \$1 = '$1'\n"); $module_file_line = <$MODULE_FILE>; if ( not defined $module_file_line ) { croak "End of file '$module_filename_long' reached without finding '$1' end of multi-line heredoc string, croaking"; } while ( $module_file_line !~ /^$1/xms ) { $module_file_line = <$MODULE_FILE>; if ( not defined $module_file_line ) { croak "End of file '$module_filename_long' reached without finding '$1' end of multi-line heredoc string, croaking"; } } next; } # skip __DATA__ footer if ( $module_file_line eq '__DATA__' ) { # if ($inside_subroutine) { RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, skipping __DATA__ footer while inside subroutine ' . $subroutine_name . '(), aborting RPerl activation of entire file' . "\n" ); } # else { RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, skipping __DATA__ footer' . "\n"); } last; } # skip __END__ footer if ( $module_file_line eq '__END__' ) { # if ($inside_subroutine) { RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, skipping __END__ footer while inside subroutine ' . $subroutine_name . '(), aborting RPerl activation of entire file' . "\n" ); } # else { RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, skipping __END__ footer' . "\n"); } last; } # if ($module_file_line =~ m/sub\s*/xms) { # RPerl::diag("in Class.pm INIT block, have \$module_file_line =\n$module_file_line\n"); # } # create ops/types reporting subroutine & accessor/mutator object methods for each RPerl package # user-style RPerl header, anything that starts with 'use RPerl;' if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*(use\s+RPerl\s*;)/xms ) { # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, found '} . $1 . q{' in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); $use_rperl = 1; next; } # package declaration if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*package\s+/xms ) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, found package declaration', "\n" ); # object properties, save types from just-finished package if ($inside_package) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, already $inside_package, about to call save_object_properties_types()...', "\n" ); $object_properties_types = save_object_properties_types( $package_name, $object_properties_string, $object_properties_types ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, already $inside_package, ret from save_object_properties_types()', "\n" ); $object_properties_string = q{}; } $inside_package = 1; # one-line package declaration, indexed by PAUSE unless listed in no_index in Makefile.PL if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*package\s+(\w+(::\w+)*)\;.*$/xms ) { $package_name = $1; # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, one-line package declaration, have $package name = ' . $package_name . "\n" ); } # two-line package declaration, not indexed by PAUSE elsif ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*package\s*\#\s*hide.*$/xms ) { # EX. package # hide from PAUSE indexing $module_file_line = <$MODULE_FILE>; chomp $module_file_line; if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*(\w+(::\w+)*)\;.*$/xms ) { $package_name = $1; # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, two-line package declaration, have $package name = ' . $package_name . "\n" ); } else { croak q{Improperly formed two-line package declaration found in file '} . $module_filename_long . q{' near '} . $module_file_line . q{', croaking}; } } else { croak q{Improperly formed package declaration found in file '} . $module_filename_long . q{' near '} . $module_file_line . q{', croaking}; } if ($inside_subroutine) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $package name = ' . $package_name . 'while inside subroutine ' . $subroutine_name . '(), aborting RPerl activation of entire file' . "\n" ); last; } # else { RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $package name = ' . $package_name . "\n" ); } # system-style RPerl header, 'use strict; use warnings; use RPerl::AfterSubclass;' on 3 lines # don't check for $VERSION due to numerous un-versioned subtypes if ( not $use_rperl ) { foreach my $rperl_header_line ( 'use strict;', 'use warnings;', 'use RPerl::AfterSubclass;' ) { $module_file_line = <$MODULE_FILE>; chomp $module_file_line; if ( $module_file_line !~ /\Q$rperl_header_line/xms ) { # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, failed to find RPerl header line '} . $rperl_header_line . q{' for $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . ', aborting RPerl activation of entire file' . "\n"); next MODULE_FILE_LINE_LOOP; } } # RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, found RPerl header in $module_filename_short = ' . $module_filename_short . "\n"); $use_rperl = 1; } # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $use_rperl, enabling package in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); # ops/types reporting subroutine # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp018: RPerl::DataStructure::Array & Hash can not 'use RPerl;' so they are skipped in the header-checking loop above, their *__MODE_ID() subroutines are not created below $package_name_underscores = $package_name; $package_name_underscores =~ s/::/__/g; if ( not eval( 'defined &main::' . $package_name_underscores . '__MODE_ID' ) ) { eval( '*main::' . $package_name_underscores . '__MODE_ID = sub { return 0; };' ) # PERLOPS_PERLTYPES is 0 # eval( 'sub main::' . $package_name_underscores . '__MODE_ID { return 0; }' ) # equivalent to previous line or croak($EVAL_ERROR); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak($EVAL_ERROR); } } next; } # object properties, remember types for deferred accessor/mutator generation below if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*our\s+hashref\s+\$properties/xms ) { # hard-coded example #our hashref $properties = { foo => my Foo::Bar_arrayref $TYPED_foo = undef, quux => my integer_hashref $TYPED_quux = {a => 12, b => 21} }; $inside_object_properties = 1; chomp $module_file_line; # strip trailing newline $object_properties_string .= $module_file_line; next; } # create symbol table entries for methods and plain-old non-method subroutines # DEPRECATED, CORRELATION #rp120: old subroutine header # if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*our\s+([\w:]+)\s+\$(\w+)\s+\=\s+sub\s+\{/xms ) { # if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*sub\s+(\w+)\s*\{[\s\n\r]*\{\s*my\s+([\w:]+)\s+\$RETURN_TYPE\s*\};/xms ) { # can't match multi-line content against single-line input # first half of subroutine header (name) if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*sub\s+(\w+)\s*\{\s*(.*)$/xms ) { # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, found first half of subroutine header for } . $1 . q{() in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); if ($inside_subroutine_header) { # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, found first half of subroutine header for } . $1 . q{() when already marked as $inside_subroutine_header for } . $subroutine_name . q{(), skipping activation of non-RPerl subroutine } . $subroutine_name . q{() in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); $inside_subroutine_header = 0; } else { $inside_subroutine_header = 1; } $inside_object_properties = 0; $inside_subroutine = 0; if ( not $use_rperl ) { # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, do NOT have $use_rperl, skipping subroutine } . $1 . q{() in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); $subroutine_name = q{}; next; } # else { RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $use_rperl, looking for second half of header for subroutine } . $1 . q{() in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); } # NEED ANSWER: should this be a croak() or die() statement instead of just an abort? if ($inside_subroutine_arguments) { RPerl::warning( q{WARNING WCOPR00, PRE-PROCESSOR: Found header for subroutine $subroutine_name = } . $1 . '() while we should still be inside arguments of subroutine ' . $subroutine_name . '(), aborting RPerl activation of entire file' . "\n" ); $subroutine_name = q{}; last; # last line of file } # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp053: even with the upgrade to normal Perl subroutine headers, we must still activate subroutines w/out args or when type-checking is explicitly disabled with CHECK OFF, in order for RPerl::Exporter to work properly, presumably because Exporter.pm runs before Class.pm and thus we can not test for the existence of __CHECKED_*() subroutines in RPerl::Exporter::import() # activate previous subroutine, no arguments if ($inside_subroutine) { # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $inside_subroutine = } . $inside_subroutine . q{, about to call activate_subroutine_args_checking() while inside subroutine } . $subroutine_name . '(), no arguments assumed' . "\n" ); activate_subroutine_args_checking( $package_name, $subroutine_name, $subroutine_type, q{}, $module_filename_long ); } $subroutine_name = $1; # enable single-line subroutine headers, continue parsing same input line if it contains more data if ($2 ne q{}) { $module_file_line = $2; goto MODULE_FILE_LINE_LOOP_INNER; } next; } # second half of subroutine header (return type), TYPO WARNING if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*\{\s*my\s+([\w:]+)\s+\$RETURN_VALUE\s*\}\s*;/xms ) { RPerl::warning(q{WARNING WCOPR01, PRE-PROCESSOR: Likely typo of '$RETURN_VALUE' instead of '$RETURN_TYPE' in subroutine } . $subroutine_name . q{() in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); } # second half of subroutine header (return type) if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*\{\s*my\s+([\w:]+)\s+\$RETURN_TYPE\s*\}\s*;\s*(.*)/xms ) { # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, found second half of subroutine header for } . $subroutine_name . q{() in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); if ($inside_subroutine_header) { $inside_subroutine_header = 0; } else { # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, found second half of subroutine header with $RETURN_TYPE } . $1 . q{ when not already marked as $inside_subroutine_header for } . $subroutine_name . q{(), skipping activation of unknown subroutine in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); next; } $subroutine_type = $1; # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $subroutine_type = } . $subroutine_type . q{, and $subroutine_name = } . $subroutine_name . "()\n" ); # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $CHECK = '} . $CHECK . "'\n" ); # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp053: even with the upgrade to normal Perl subroutine headers, we must still activate subroutines w/out args or when type-checking is explicitly disabled with CHECK OFF, in order for RPerl::Exporter to work properly, presumably because Exporter.pm runs before Class.pm and thus we can not test for the existence of __CHECKED_*() subroutines in RPerl::Exporter::import() if ( $CHECK eq 'OFF' ) { # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, CHECK IS OFF, about to call activate_subroutine_args_checking()...} . "\n" ); activate_subroutine_args_checking( $package_name, $subroutine_name, $subroutine_type, q{}, $module_filename_long ); } elsif ( ( $CHECK ne 'ON' ) and ( $CHECK ne 'TRACE' ) ) { croak( 'Received invalid value ' . $CHECK . ' for RPerl preprocessor directive CHECK to control data type checking, valid values are OFF, ON, and TRACE, croaking' ); } else { $inside_subroutine = 1; } # enable single-line subroutine headers, continue parsing same input line if it contains more data if ($2 ne q{}) { $module_file_line = $2; goto MODULE_FILE_LINE_LOOP_INNER; } next; } # skip class properties AKA package variables if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*our\s+[\w:]+\s+\$\w+\s+\=/xms ) { $inside_object_properties = 0; } # skip non-RPerl-enabled subroutine/method, using normal Perl 'sub foo {}' syntax instead of RPerl syntax # DEPRECATED, CORRELATION #rp120: old subroutine header # if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*sub\s+[\w:]+\s+\{/xms ) { # $inside_object_properties = 0; # } # skip end-of-module line if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*1\;\s+\#\ end\ of/xms ) { $inside_object_properties = 0; } # object properties, continue to aggregate types if ($inside_object_properties) { chomp $module_file_line; # strip trailing newline $object_properties_string .= $module_file_line; next; } # subroutine/method, process arguments and activate type checking if ($inside_subroutine) { if ( not $use_rperl ) { # RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, do NOT have $use_rperl, skipping inside subroutine in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); next; } # else { RPerl::diag(q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $use_rperl, enabling inside subroutine in $module_filename_short = } . $module_filename_short . "\n"); } # RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, have $inside_subroutine = 1', "\n"); # RPerl::diag("in Class.pm INIT block, have \$module_file_line =\n$module_file_line\n"); if ( $module_file_line =~ /^\s*\(\s*my/xms ) { $inside_subroutine_arguments = 1; } # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $inside_subroutine_arguments = }, $inside_subroutine_arguments, "\n" ); if ($inside_subroutine_arguments) { $subroutine_arguments_line .= $module_file_line; if ( $subroutine_arguments_line =~ /\@ARG\;/xms ) { # @ARG; found if ( not( $subroutine_arguments_line =~ /\@ARG\;$/xms ) ) { # @ARG; found not at end-of-line # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, found @ARG; NOT at end-of-line while inside subroutine } . $subroutine_name . '(), have $subroutine_arguments_line = ' . "\n" . $subroutine_arguments_line . "\n\n" . 'aborting RPerl activation of entire file' . "\n" ); last; } # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, found @ARG; at end-of-line while inside subroutine } . $subroutine_name . '(), have $subroutine_arguments_line = ' . "\n" . $subroutine_arguments_line . "\n" ); my $subroutine_arguments = []; # string_arrayref_arrayref # loop once per subroutine argument # while ( $subroutine_arguments_line =~ m/my\s+(\w+)\s+\$(\w+)/g ) { # WRONG: does not match scoped Class names while ( $subroutine_arguments_line =~ m/my\s+([\w:]+)\s+\$(\w+)/g ) { push @{$subroutine_arguments}, [ $1, $2 ]; # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, have subroutine argument type = } . $1 . q{ and subroutine argument name = } . $2 . "\n" ); } # RPerl::diag( q{in Class.pm INIT block, have $subroutine_arguments = } . "\n" . Dumper($subroutine_arguments) . "\n" ); my $subroutine_arguments_check_code = "\n"; # string if ( $CHECK eq 'ON' ) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, CHECK IS ON' . "\n" ); my $i = 0; # integer foreach my $subroutine_argument ( @{$subroutine_arguments} ) { # only enable type-checking for arguments of supported type; # NEED UPGRADE: enable checking of user-defined Class types & all other remaining RPerl types if (exists $TYPES_SUPPORTED->{$subroutine_argument->[0]}) { # $subroutine_arguments_check_code .= q{ } . $subroutine_argument->[0] . '_CHECK( $_[' . $i . '] );' . "\n"; # DOES NOT WORK, fails to find RPerl::Exporter::integer_CHECKTRACE() etc. # $subroutine_arguments_check_code .= q{ ::} . $subroutine_argument->[0] . '_CHECK( $_[' . $i . '] );' . "\n"; # DOES NOT WORK, we no longer export all the type-checking subroutines to the main '::' namespace $subroutine_arguments_check_code .= q{ rperltypes::} . $subroutine_argument->[0] . '_CHECK( $_[' . $i . '] );' . "\n"; # does work, hard-code all automatically-generated type-checking code to 'rperltypes::' namespace } $i++; } # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, CHECK IS ON, have $subroutine_arguments_check_code = ', "\n", $subroutine_arguments_check_code, "\n" ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, CHECK IS ON, about to call activate_subroutine_args_checking()...' . "\n" ); activate_subroutine_args_checking( $package_name, $subroutine_name, $subroutine_type, $subroutine_arguments_check_code, $module_filename_long ); $inside_subroutine = 0; $subroutine_arguments_line = q{}; } elsif ( $CHECK eq 'TRACE' ) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, CHECK IS TRACE' . "\n" ); my $i = 0; # integer foreach my $subroutine_argument ( @{$subroutine_arguments} ) { # only enable type-checking for arguments of supported type; # NEED UPGRADE: enable checking of user-defined Class types & all other remaining RPerl types if (exists $TYPES_SUPPORTED->{$subroutine_argument->[0]}) { # $subroutine_arguments_check_code .= q{ } . $subroutine_argument->[0] . '_CHECKTRACE( $_[' . $i . q{], '$} . $subroutine_argument->[1] . q{', '} . $subroutine_name . q{()' );} . "\n"; # DOES NOT WORK # $subroutine_arguments_check_code .= q{ ::} . $subroutine_argument->[0] . '_CHECKTRACE( $_[' . $i . q{], '$} . $subroutine_argument->[1] . q{', '} . $subroutine_name . q{()' );} . "\n"; # DOES NOT WORK $subroutine_arguments_check_code .= q{ rperltypes::} . $subroutine_argument->[0] . '_CHECKTRACE( $_[' . $i . q{], '$} . $subroutine_argument->[1] . q{', '} . $subroutine_name . q{()' );} . "\n"; } $i++; } # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, CHECK IS TRACE, about to call activate_subroutine_args_checking()...' . "\n" ); activate_subroutine_args_checking( $package_name, $subroutine_name, $subroutine_type, $subroutine_arguments_check_code, $module_filename_long ); $inside_subroutine = 0; $subroutine_arguments_line = q{}; } else { croak( 'Received invalid value ' . $CHECK . ' for RPerl preprocessor directive CHECK to control data type checking, valid values are OFF, ON, and TRACE, croaking' ); } $inside_subroutine_arguments = 0; # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $subroutine_arguments_check_code =' . "\n" . $subroutine_arguments_check_code . "\n" ); } next; # next file line } } } close $MODULE_FILE or croak $OS_ERROR; # activate final subroutine in file, no arguments if ($inside_subroutine) { if ($inside_subroutine_arguments) { croak('Did not find @ARG to end subroutine arguments before end of file, croaking'); } # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp053: even with the upgrade to normal Perl subroutine headers, we must still activate subroutines w/out args or when type-checking is explicitly disabled with CHECK OFF, in order for RPerl::Exporter to work properly, presumably because Exporter.pm runs before Class.pm and thus we can not test for the existence of __CHECKED_*() subroutines in RPerl::Exporter::import() # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, activating final subroutine in file, no subroutine arguments found' . "\n" ); activate_subroutine_args_checking( $package_name, $subroutine_name, $subroutine_type, q{}, $module_filename_long ); $inside_subroutine = 0; } # object properties, save final package's types $object_properties_types = save_object_properties_types( $package_name, $object_properties_string, $object_properties_types ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class.pm INIT block, have $object_properties_types = ' . "\n" . Dumper($object_properties_types) . "\n" ) if ( keys %{$object_properties_types} ); # accessor/mutator object methods, deferred creation for all packages found in this file foreach $package_name ( sort keys %{$object_properties_types} ) { # RPerl::diag("in Class.pm INIT block, about to create accessors/mutators, have \$package_name = '$package_name'\n"); $object_properties = eval "\$$package_name\:\:properties"; foreach my $property_name ( sort keys %{$object_properties} ) { # RPerl::diag("in Class.pm INIT block, about to create accessors/mutators, have \$property_name = '$property_name'\n"); # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp003: avoid re-defining class accessor/mutator methods; so far only triggered by RPerl::CodeBlock::Subroutine # because it has a special BEGIN{} block with multiple package names including it's own package name my $property_type = $object_properties_types->{$package_name}->{$property_name}; my $eval_string; my $return_whole = 0; # RPerl::diag("in Class.pm INIT block, about to create accessors/mutators, have \$property_type = '$property_type'\n"); # array element accessor/mutator if ( ( $property_type =~ /_arrayref$/ ) and ( not eval( 'defined &' . $package_name . '::get_' . $property_name . '_element' ) ) ) { # RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, about to create accessors/mutators, have arrayref type' . "\n"); # hard-coded examples # sub get_foo_size { { my integer::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my Foo::Bar $self ) = @ARG; return (scalar @{$self->{foo}}); } # sub get_foo_element { { my Foo::Quux::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my Foo::Bar $self, my integer $i ) = @ARG; return $self->{foo}->[$i]; } # sub set_foo_element { { my void::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my Foo::Bar $self, my integer $i, my Foo::Quux $foo_element ) = @ARG; $self->{foo}->[$i] = $foo_element; } my $property_element_type = substr $property_type, 0, ( ( length $property_type ) - 9 ); # strip trailing '_arrayref' if ( exists $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL->{ $property_element_type . '::' } ) { # RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, about to create accessors/mutators, have RPerl arrayref type, setting $return_whole flag' . "\n"); $return_whole = 1; } else { $eval_string = 'sub' . $package_name . '::get_' . $property_name . '_size' . '} = sub { ( my ' . $package_name . ' $self ) = @ARG; return (scalar @{$self->{' . $property_name . '}}); };'; $eval_string .= '*{' . $package_name . '::get_' . $property_name . '_element' . '} = sub { ( my ' . $package_name . ' $self, my integer $i ) = @ARG; return $self->{' . $property_name . '}->[$i]; };'; $eval_string .= '*{' . $package_name . '::set_' . $property_name . '_element' . '} = sub { ( my ' . $package_name . ' $self, my integer $i, my ' . $property_element_type . ' $' . $property_name . '_element ) = @ARG; $self->{' . $property_name . '}->[$i] = $' . $property_name . '_element; };'; # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::INIT() block, have user-defined object array element accessor $eval_string = ' . "\n" . $eval_string . "\n" ); eval($eval_string) or croak($EVAL_ERROR); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak($EVAL_ERROR); } } } # hash value accessor/mutator elsif ( ( $property_type =~ /_hashref$/ ) and ( not eval( 'defined &' . $package_name . '::get_' . $property_name . '_element' ) ) ) { # hard-coded example # sub get_foo_keys { { my string_arrayref::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my Foo::Bar $self ) = @ARG; return [sort keys %{$self->{foo}}]; } # sub get_foo_element { { my Foo::Quux::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my Foo::Bar $self, my integer $i ) = @ARG; return $self->{foo}->{$i}; } # sub set_foo_element { { my void::method $RETURN_TYPE }; ( my Foo::Bar $self, my integer $i, my Foo::Quux $foo_element ) = @ARG; $self->{foo}->{$i} = $foo_element; } my $property_value_type = substr $property_type, 0, ( ( length $property_type ) - 8 ); # strip trailing '_hashref' if ( exists $rperlnamespaces_generated::RPERL->{ $property_value_type . '::' } ) { $return_whole = 1; } else { $eval_string = '*{' . $package_name . '::get_' . $property_name . '_keys' . '} = sub { ( my ' . $package_name . ' $self ) = @ARG; return [sort keys %{$self->{' . $property_name . '}}]; };'; $eval_string .= '*{' . $package_name . '::get_' . $property_name . '_element' . '} = sub { ( my ' . $package_name . ' $self, my integer $i ) = @ARG; return $self->{' . $property_name . '}->{$i}; };'; $eval_string .= '*{' . $package_name . '::set_' . $property_name . '_element' . '} = sub { ( my ' . $package_name . ' $self, my integer $i, my ' . $property_value_type . ' $' . $property_name . '_element ) = @ARG; $self->{' . $property_name . '}->{$i} = $' . $property_name . '_element; };'; # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::INIT() block, have user-defined object hash value accessor $eval_string = ' . "\n" . $eval_string . "\n" ); eval($eval_string) or croak($EVAL_ERROR); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak($EVAL_ERROR); } } } # scalar accessor/mutator else { $return_whole = 1; } # return whole values for scalars, scalar arrayrefs, and scalar hashrefs if ($return_whole) { if ( not eval( 'defined &' . $package_name . '::get_' . $property_name ) ) { $eval_string = '*{' . $package_name . '::get_' . $property_name . '} = sub { return $_[0]->{' . $property_name . '}; };'; # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::INIT() block, have $return_whole accessor $eval_string = ' . "\n" . $eval_string . "\n" ); eval($eval_string) or croak($EVAL_ERROR); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak($EVAL_ERROR); } } if ( not eval( 'defined &' . $package_name . '::set_' . $property_name ) ) { $eval_string = '*{' . $package_name . '::set_' . $property_name . '} = sub { $_[0]->{' . $property_name . '} = $_[1]; return $_[0]->{' . $property_name . '}; };'; # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::INIT() block, have $return_whole mutator $eval_string = ' . "\n" . $eval_string . "\n" ); eval($eval_string) or croak($EVAL_ERROR); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak($EVAL_ERROR); } } } } } } # else { RPerl::diag('in Class.pm INIT block, found existing $rperlnamespaces_generated::CORE->{' . $namespace_root . '}, aborting RPerl activation of entire file' . "\n"); } } } # fake getting and setting values of *_raw subclass of user-defined type (AKA class), # achieved by treating normal Perl object reference (C++ std::unique_ptr<Foo> AKA Foo_ptr) as Perl object raw reference (C++ Foo* AKA Foo_rawptr) sub get_raw { ( my $self ) = @ARG; return $self; } sub set_raw { ( my $self, my $self_new ) = @ARG; %{$self} = %{$self_new}; } sub save_object_properties_types { ( my $package_name, my $object_properties_string, my $object_properties_types ) = @ARG; if ( $object_properties_string eq q{} ) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), have NO PROPERTIES $object_properties_string ' . "\n" ); } elsif ( $object_properties_string =~ /^\s*our\s+hashref\s+\$properties\s*=\s*\{\s*\}\;/xms ) { # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), have EMPTY PROPERTIES $object_properties_string = ' . "\n" . $object_properties_string . "\n" ); } else { my $object_property_key = undef; my $object_property_type = undef; my $object_property_inner_type_name = undef; $object_properties_string =~ s/^\s*our\s+hashref\s+\$properties\s*=\s*\{(.*)\}\;\s*$/$1/xms; # strip everything but hash entries # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), have NON-EMPTY PROPERTIES $object_properties_string = ' . "\n" . $object_properties_string . "\n\n" ); if ( $object_properties_string =~ /(\w+)\s*\=\>\s*my\s+([\w:]+)\s+\$TYPED_(\w+)/gxms ) { $object_property_key = $1; $object_property_type = $2; $object_property_inner_type_name = $3; } # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), before while() loop, have $object_property_key = ' . $object_property_key . "\n" ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), before while() loop, have $object_property_type = ' . $object_property_type . "\n" ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), before while() loop, have $object_property_inner_type_name = ' . $object_property_inner_type_name . "\n" ); while ( ( defined $object_property_key ) and ( defined $object_property_type ) and ( defined $object_property_inner_type_name ) ) { if ( $object_property_key ne $object_property_inner_type_name ) { # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp030: matches numbering of ECOGEASCP20 in RPerl/CompileUnit/Module/Class/Generator.pm die 'ERROR ECOGEPPRP20, CODE GENERATOR, PURE PERL TO RPERL: redundant name mismatch, inner type name ' . q{'} . $object_property_inner_type_name . q{'} . ' does not equal OO properties key ' . q{'} . $object_property_key . q{'} . ', dying' . "\n"; } $object_properties_types->{$package_name}->{$object_property_key} = $object_property_type; if ( $object_properties_string =~ /(\w+)\s*\=\>\s*my\s+([\w:]+)\s+\$TYPED_(\w+)/gxms ) { $object_property_key = $1; $object_property_type = $2; $object_property_inner_type_name = $3; } else { $object_property_key = undef; $object_property_type = undef; $object_property_inner_type_name = undef; } # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), bottom of while() loop, have $object_property_key = ' . $object_property_key . "\n" ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), bottom of while() loop, have $object_property_type = ' . $object_property_type . "\n" ); # RPerl::diag( 'in Class::save_object_properties_types(), bottom of while() loop, have $object_property_inner_type_name = ' . $object_property_inner_type_name . "\n" ); } } return $object_properties_types; } # create Perl symbol table entries for RPerl subroutines and methods sub activate_subroutine_args_checking { ( my $package_name, my $subroutine_name, my $subroutine_type, my $subroutine_arguments_check_code, my $module_filename_long ) = @ARG; # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), received $package_name = ' . $package_name . "\n"); # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), received $subroutine_name = ' . $subroutine_name . "\n"); # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), received $subroutine_type = ' . $subroutine_type . "\n"); # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), received $subroutine_arguments_check_code = ' . $subroutine_arguments_check_code . "\n"); # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), received $module_filename_long = ' . $module_filename_long . "\n"); my $package_name_tmp; # string my $subroutine_definition_code = q{}; # string my $subroutine_definition_diag_code = q{}; # string my $check_code_subroutine_name = q{}; # string if ( $subroutine_type =~ /\::method$/xms ) { # RPerl::diag("in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), $subroutine_name is a method\n"); if ( $package_name eq q{} ) { croak( 'ERROR ECOPR01, PRE-PROCESSOR: Received no package name for method ', $subroutine_name, ' in file ' . $module_filename_long . ' ... croaking' ); } } else { # RPerl::diag("in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), $subroutine_name is not a method\n"); # non-method subroutines which are not inside any package are actually in the 'main' package namespace if ( $package_name eq q{} ) { $package_name = 'main'; } } # $subroutine_definition_diag_code = "\n " . q{RPerl::diag("IN POST-INIT, direct call MODE } . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . q{\n"); }; =DEPRECATED # set symbol table entry for subroutine to new anonymous subroutine containing dereferenced call to real anonymous subroutine, old header style $subroutine_definition_code = '*{' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '} = sub { ' . $subroutine_definition_diag_code . $subroutine_arguments_check_code . 'return &${' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '(@ARG); };'; =cut # re-define subroutine call to include type checking code; new header style do { no strict; # create unchecked symbol table entry for original subroutine *{ $package_name . '::__UNCHECKED_' . $subroutine_name } = \&{ $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name }; # short form, symbol table direct, not strict # delete original symtab entry, undef *{ $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name }; # re-create new symtab entry pointing to checking code plus unchecked symtab entry $subroutine_definition_code .= '*' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . ' = sub { ' . $subroutine_definition_diag_code . ($subroutine_arguments_check_code or "\n") . ' return ' . $package_name . '::__UNCHECKED_' . $subroutine_name . '(@ARG);' . "\n" . '};'; # create new checked symtab entries, for use by Exporter $check_code_subroutine_name = $package_name . '::__CHECK_CODE_' . $subroutine_name; $subroutine_definition_code .= "\n" . '*' . $package_name . '::__CHECKED_' . $subroutine_name . ' = \&' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . "\n" . ';'; # ${ $check_code_subroutine_name } = $subroutine_arguments_check_code; # DOES NOT WORK # $subroutine_definition_code .= "\n" . ' $' . $check_code_subroutine_name . q{ =<<'EOF';} . "\n" . $subroutine_arguments_check_code . "\n" . 'EOF' . "\n"; # DOES NOT WORK # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), have $' . $check_code_subroutine_name . ' = ' . "\n" . '[BEGIN_CHECK_CODE]' . "\n" . ${ $check_code_subroutine_name } . "\n" . ' [END_CHECK_CODE]' . "\n"); # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), have $' . $check_code_subroutine_name . ' = ' . "\n" . '[BEGIN_CHECK_CODE]' . "\n" . $check_code_subroutine_name . "\n" . ' [END_CHECK_CODE]' . "\n"); $subroutine_definition_code .= "\n" . '*' . $check_code_subroutine_name . ' = sub {' . "\n" . ' my $retval ' . q{ =<<'EOF';} . "\n" . $subroutine_arguments_check_code . "\n" . 'EOF' . "\n" . '};' . "\n"; }; # if ($subroutine_arguments_check_code ne q{}) { # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), have method $subroutine_definition_code =' . "\n" . $subroutine_definition_code . "\n"); # } # eval($subroutine_definition_code) or (croak 'ERROR ECOPR02, PRE-PROCESSOR: Failed to enable type checking for subroutine ' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '(),' . "\n" . $EVAL_ERROR . "\n" . 'croaking'); # TRIGGERS FALSE ALARMS ON OUTPUT FROM RPerl::diag() eval($subroutine_definition_code) or (RPerl::diag('ERROR ECOPR02, PRE-PROCESSOR: Possible failure to enable type checking for subroutine ' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '(),' . "\n" . $EVAL_ERROR . "\n" . 'not croaking')); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak 'ERROR ECOPR03, PRE-PROCESSOR: Failed to enable type checking for subroutine ' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '(),' . "\n" . $EVAL_ERROR . "\n" . 'croaking'; } # do { no strict; # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), have ' . $check_code_subroutine_name . '() = ' . "\n" . '[BEGIN_CHECK_CODE]' . "\n" . &{ $check_code_subroutine_name } . "\n" . ' [END_CHECK_CODE]' . "\n"); # }; # DEPRECATED, CORRELATION #rp120: old subroutine header # do not automatically export non-method subroutines because that is non-standard behavior, only provide standard Perl behavior =DEPRECATED if ( $subroutine_type =~ /\::method$/xms ) { if ( $package_name eq '' ) { croak( 'Received no package name for method ', $subroutine_name, ' in file ' . $module_filename_long . ' ... croaking' ); } # $subroutine_definition_diag_code = "\n" . q{RPerl::diag("IN POST-INIT, method direct call MODE } . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . q{\n"); } . "\n"; # RPerl::diag("in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), $subroutine_name is a method\n"); # NEED UPGRADE: is it possible to activate non-type-checked RPerl subroutines & methods w/out creating new subroutines? $subroutine_definition_code = '*{' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '} = sub { ' . $subroutine_definition_diag_code . $subroutine_arguments_check_code . 'return &${' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '}(@ARG); };'; # if ($subroutine_arguments_check_code ne q{}) { RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), have method $subroutine_definition_code =' . "\n" . $subroutine_definition_code . "\n"); } eval($subroutine_definition_code) or croak($EVAL_ERROR); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak($EVAL_ERROR); } } else { # RPerl::diag( "in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), $subroutine_name is a non-method subroutine\n" ); if ( eval( 'defined(&main::' . $subroutine_name . ')' ) ) { croak "ERROR ECOPR00, PRE-PROCESSOR: Attempt by package '$package_name' to re-define shared global subroutine '$subroutine_name', please re-name your subroutine or make it a method, croaking"; } # DEV NOTE: must load into both main:: and $package_name:: namespaces, # in order to call subroutines w/out class prefix from within class file (package) itself, and not to use AUTOLOAD if ( $package_name eq '' ) { $package_name_tmp = 'main'; } else { $package_name_tmp = $package_name; } # $subroutine_definition_diag_code = "\n" . q{RPerl::diag("IN POST-INIT, subroutine direct call MODE main::} . $subroutine_name . q{\n"; } . "\n"); $subroutine_definition_code = '*{main::' . $subroutine_name . '} = sub { ' . $subroutine_definition_diag_code . $subroutine_arguments_check_code . 'return &${' . $package_name_tmp . '::' . $subroutine_name . '}(@ARG); };'; # if ($subroutine_arguments_check_code ne q{}) { RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), have subroutine main:: $subroutine_definition_code =' . "\n" . $subroutine_definition_code . "\n"); } eval($subroutine_definition_code) or croak($EVAL_ERROR); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak($EVAL_ERROR); } # no package name means 'main', handled above if ( $package_name ne '' ) { # $subroutine_definition_diag_code = "\n" . {RPerl::diag("IN POST-INIT, subroutine direct call MODE } . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . q{\n"; } . "\n"); $subroutine_definition_code = '*{' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '} = sub {' . $subroutine_definition_diag_code . $subroutine_arguments_check_code . 'return &${' . $package_name . '::' . $subroutine_name . '}(@ARG); };'; # if ($subroutine_arguments_check_code ne q{}) { # RPerl::diag('in Class::activate_subroutine_args_checking(), have subroutine package:: $subroutine_definition_code =' . "\n" . $subroutine_definition_code . "\n"); # } eval($subroutine_definition_code) or croak($EVAL_ERROR); if ($EVAL_ERROR) { croak($EVAL_ERROR); } } } =cut } 1; # end of class __END__ # RPerl function/method autoloader, LONG FORM; allows syntax for typed functions/methods and automates get/set accessors/mutators for object properties; # creates real subroutines to avoid AUTOLOADing any function/method more than once, performs operation inside AUTOLOAD that one time # now fully deprecated in favor of INIT block above our $AUTOLOAD; sub AUTOLOAD { RPerl::diag("IN AUTOLOAD, top of subroutine, received \$AUTOLOAD = '$AUTOLOAD', and \@ARG =\n" . Dumper(\@ARG) . "\n"); no strict; my $retval; # DISABLE RUNTIME ACCESSOR/MUTATOR BEHAVIOR # if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w+::]*)(get|set)_(\w+)$/) if (0) { RPerl::diag("IN AUTOLOAD, accessor/mutator MODE, have \$1 = '$1', \$2 = '$2', \$3 = '$3'\n"); if ($2 eq 'get') { RPerl::diag("IN AUTOLOAD, accessor MODE\n"); # eval "\*\{$AUTOLOAD\} \= sub \{ return \$\_\[0\]\-\>\{$3\}\; \}\;"; eval "\*\{$AUTOLOAD\} \= sub \{ RPerl::diag(\"IN POST\-AUTOLOAD\, accessor MODE $AUTOLOAD\\n\"\; return \$\_\[0\]\-\>\{$3\}\; \}\;"; $retval = $_[0]->{$3}; } else # ($2 eq 'set') { RPerl::diag("IN AUTOLOAD, mutator MODE\n"); # eval "\*\{$AUTOLOAD\} \= sub \{ \$\_\[0\]\-\>\{$3\} \= \$\_\[1\]\; return \$\_\[0\]\-\>\{$3\}\; \}\;"; eval "\*\{$AUTOLOAD\} \= sub \{ RPerl::diag(\"IN POST\-AUTOLOAD\, mutator MODE $AUTOLOAD\\n\"\; \$\_\[0\]\-\>\{$3\} \= \$\_\[1\]\; return \$\_\[0\]\-\>\{$3\}\; \}\;"; $_[0]->{$3} = $_[1]; $retval = $_[0]->{$3}; } } else { RPerl::diag("IN AUTOLOAD, direct call MODE\n"); # disable creating symtab entries here to avoid redefining subroutines in INIT block above; # still need direct call mode here in case we want to call an RPerl function/method before the INIT block executes, # such as when an RPerl class calls one of it's own functions/methods during compile time # eval "\*\{$AUTOLOAD\} \= sub \{ return \&\$\{$AUTOLOAD\}\(\@\_\)\; \}\;"; # NEED UPGRADE: how can I do this w/out a subroutine? # eval "\*\{$AUTOLOAD\} \= sub \{ RPerl::diag(\"IN POST\-AUTOLOAD\, direct call MODE $AUTOLOAD\\n\"\; return \&\$\{$AUTOLOAD\}\(\@\_\)\; \}\;"; # NEED UPGRADE: how can I do this w/out a subroutine? if (defined(${$AUTOLOAD})) { $retval = &${$AUTOLOAD}(@ARG); } else { die "Attempt to AUTOLOAD undefined subroutine '$AUTOLOAD', dying"; } } # is there any reason to encapsulate calls in an eval() to trap their errors??? # else # { # my $eval_string = '&$' . $AUTOLOAD . '(@ARG);'; # RPerl::diag("IN AUTOLOAD, eval call MODE, have \$eval_string = '$eval_string'\n"); # $retval = eval $eval_string; # } croak $EVAL_ERROR if ($EVAL_ERROR); # suppress '...propagated at RPerl/Class.pm' appended exception # croak if ($EVAL_ERROR); # allow '...propagated at RPerl/Class.pm' appended exception # RPerl::diag("IN AUTOLOAD, bottom of subroutine, about to return \$retval = '$retval'\n"); return $retval; } # RPerl object constructor, LONG FORM # DEPRECATED still uses %properties hash instead of $properties hashref, does not support property initialization values #sub new($class_name_const_str) sub new_LONG FORM { (my $class_name_const_str) = @ARG; RPerl::diag("in Class.pm, have \$class_name_const_str = '$class_name_const_str'\n"); my $properties_name_const_str = $class_name_const_str . '::properties'; RPerl::diag("in Class.pm, have \$properties_name_const_str = '$properties_name_const_str'\n"); my %properties = %{$properties_name_const_str}; RPerl::diag("in Class.pm, have \%properties =\n" . Dumper(\%properties) . "\n"); # my $new_obj = bless({%{$class_name_const_str . '::properties'}}, $class_name_const_str); my $new_obj = bless({%properties}, $class_name_const_str); RPerl::diag("in Class.pm, have \$new_obj =\n" . Dumper($new_obj) . "\n"); return $new_obj; }