######################################################################################## # # This file was generated using Parse::Eyapp version 1.21. # # Copyright © 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Casiano Rodriguez-Leon. # Copyright © 2017 William N. Braswell, Jr. # All Rights Reserved. # # Parse::Yapp is Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, Francois Desarmenien. # Parse::Yapp is Copyright © 2017 William N. Braswell, Jr. # All Rights Reserved. # # Don't edit this file, use source file 'lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp' instead. # # ANY CHANGE MADE HERE WILL BE LOST ! # ######################################################################################## package RPerl::Grammar; use strict; push @RPerl::Grammar::ISA, 'Parse::Eyapp::Driver'; BEGIN { # This strange way to load the modules is to guarantee compatibility when # using several standalone and non-standalone Eyapp parsers require Parse::Eyapp::Driver unless Parse::Eyapp::Driver->can('YYParse'); require Parse::Eyapp::Node unless Parse::Eyapp::Node->can('hnew'); } sub unexpendedInput { defined($_) ? substr($_, (defined(pos $_) ? pos $_ : 0)) : '' } #line 5 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" # [[[ HEADER ]]] use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = 0.012_000; use Carp; use rperlrules; # affirmative, it totally does # Default lexical analyzer our $LEX = sub { my $self = shift; my $pos; for (${$self->input}) { /\G((?:\s*(?:[#][^#!].*)?\s*)*|\s)/gc and $self->tokenline($1 =~ tr{\n}{}); m{\G(use\ parent\ \-norequire\,\ qw\(|our\ hashref\ \$properties|\#\#\ no\ critic\ qw\(|use\ parent\ qw\(|use\ warnings\;|use\ constant|\$RETURN_TYPE|use\ strict\;|foreach|package|\$TYPED_|undef|elsif|while|\@ARG\;|INIT|else|for|\%\{|if|\@\{|\]|\;|\}|\))}gc and return ($1, $1); /\G(^#!\/(?:\w+\/)*perl)/gc and return ('SHEBANG', $1); /\G(\s*use\s+RPerl\s*;\s*)/gc and return ('USE_RPERL', $1); /\G(\s*use\s+RPerl::AfterSubclass\s*;\s*)/gc and return ('USE_RPERL_AFTER', $1); /\G(\s*use\s+RPerl::Exporter\s+qw\(\s*import\s*\)\s*;\s*)/gc and return ('USE_EXPORTER', $1); /\G(use\s+)/gc and return ('USE', $1); /\G(\s*our\s+\@EXPORT\s+\=\s*)/gc and return ('OUR_EXPORT', $1); /\G(\s*our\s+\@EXPORT_OK\s+\=\s*)/gc and return ('OUR_EXPORT_OK', $1); /\G(our\s+)/gc and return ('OUR', $1); /\G\$VERSION\ =\ (\d\d?\.\d{3}\_\d{3});/gc and return ('VERSION_NUMBER_ASSIGN', $1); /\G(sub)\s+/gc and return ('SUB', $1); /\G(my)/gc and return ('MY', $1); /\G([+-]?(((\d{1,2}_)?(\d{3}_)*\d{3})|\d{1,2})(\.((\d{3}(_\d{3})*(_\d{1,2})?)|\d{1,2}))?(e[+-]?\d+)?)/gc and return ('LITERAL_NUMBER', $1); /\G(('([^'\\]+|(?:\\\\)+)+')|("((\\n)|(\\t)|[^"\@\$\\])*((\\n)|(\\t))+((\\n)|(\\t)|[^"\@\$\\])*")|(q\{([^}\\]+|(?:\\\\)+)*\}))/gc and return ('LITERAL_STRING', $1); /\G(\$self)/gc and return ('SELF', $1); /\G(\$(?:[a-zA-Z]\w*)?[a-z]\w*(::[a-zA-Z]\w*)*)/gc and return ('VARIABLE_SYMBOL', $1); /\G(\<\$[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*\>)/gc and return ('FHREF_SYMBOL_IN', $1); /\G(\{\$[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*\})/gc and return ('FHREF_SYMBOL_BRACES', $1); /\G(\$[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)/gc and return ('FHREF_SYMBOL', $1); /\G(integer|unsigned_integer)\s+/gc and return ('TYPE_INTEGER', $1); /\G(filehandleref\s+)/gc and return ('TYPE_FHREF', $1); /\G((?:[a-zA-Z]\w*)+(?:::[a-zA-Z]\w*)*::method)/gc and return ('TYPE_METHOD', $1); /\G((?:[a-zA-Z]\w*)(?:::[a-zA-Z]\w*)*(?:::[A-Z0-9_]*)\(\))/gc and return ('CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED', $1); /\G((?:[a-zA-Z]\w*)?(?:::[a-zA-Z]\w*)+)/gc and return ('WORD_SCOPED', $1); /\G(\{\*STDOUT\}|\{\*STDERR\})/gc and return ('STDOUT_STDERR', $1); /\G(<STDIN>)/gc and return ('STDIN', $1); /\G(\@ARGV)/gc and return ('ARGV', $1); /\G(\%ENV)/gc and return ('ENV', $1); /\G(or|xor)\s/gc and return ('OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR', $1); /\G(and)\s/gc and return ('OP23_LOGICAL_AND', $1); /\G(not\()\s/gc and return ('OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN', $1); /\G(not)\s/gc and return ('OP22_LOGICAL_NEG', $1); /\G(,)/gc and return ('OP21_LIST_COMMA', $1); /\G(=>)/gc and return ('OP20_HASH_FATARROW', $1); /\G(next;|last;)/gc and return ('OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON', $1); /\G(next|last|redo)\s/gc and return ('OP19_LOOP_CONTROL', $1); /\G(\?)/gc and return ('OP18_TERNARY', $1); /\G(\.\.)/gc and return ('OP17_LIST_RANGE', $1); /\G(\|\|)/gc and return ('OP16_LOGICAL_OR', $1); /\G(&&)/gc and return ('OP15_LOGICAL_AND', $1); /\G(\||\^)/gc and return ('OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR', $1); /\G(&)/gc and return ('OP13_BITWISE_AND', $1); /\G(==|!=|<=>|eq|ne|cmp)\s/gc and return ('OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE', $1); /\G(<<|>>)/gc and return ('OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT', $1); /\G(-A;|-B;|-C;|-M;|-O;|-R;|-S;|-T;|-W;|-X;|-b;|-c;|-d;|-e;|-f;|-g;|-k;|-l;|-o;|-p;|-r;|-s;|-t;|-u;|-w;|-x;|-z;|alarm;|caller;|chdir;|chroot;|cos;|defined;|delete;|do;|eval;|exists;|gethostbyname;|getnetbyname;|getpgrp;|getprotobyname;|glob;|gmtime;|goto;|hex;|int;|lc;|lcfirst;|length;|localtime;|lock;|log;|lstat;|oct;|ord;|quotemeta;|rand;|readlink;|ref;|require;|rmdir;|scalar;|sin;|sleep;|sqrt;|srand;|stat;|uc;|ucfirst;|umask;)/gc and return ('OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON', $1); /\G(-A\s|-B\s|-C\s|-M\s|-O\s|-R\s|-S\s|-T\s|-W\s|-X\s|-b\s|-c\s|-d\s|-e\s|-f\s|-g\s|-k\s|-l\s|-o\s|-p\s|-r\s|-s\s|-t\s|-u\s|-w\s|-x\s|-z\s|alarm\s|caller\s|chdir\s|chroot\s|cos\s|defined\s|delete\s|do\s|eval\s|exists\s|gethostbyname\s|getnetbyname\s|getpgrp\s|getprotobyname\s|glob\s|gmtime\s|goto\s|hex\s|int\s|lc\s|lcfirst\s|length\s|localtime\s|lock\s|log\s|lstat\s|oct\s|ord\s|quotemeta\s|rand\s|readlink\s|ref\s|require\s|rmdir\s|scalar\s|sin\s|sleep\s|sqrt\s|srand\s|stat\s|uc\s|ucfirst\s|umask\s)/gc and return ('OP10_NAMED_UNARY', $1); /\G(\+=|-=|\*=|\/=|\.=)/gc and return ('OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN_BY', $1); /\G(\.)/gc and return ('OP08_STRING_CAT', $1); /\G(\+\+|--)/gc and return ('OP03_MATH_INC_DEC', $1); /\G(\*\*)/gc and return ('OP04_MATH_POW', $1); /\G(\*|\/|\%|sse_mul|sse_div)/gc and return ('OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD', $1); /\G(x)\s/gc and return ('OP07_STRING_REPEAT', $1); /\G([ms]\/.*(?:\/.*)?\/[a-z]*)/gc and return ('OP06_REGEX_PATTERN', $1); /\G(=\~|!\~)/gc and return ('OP06_REGEX_BIND', $1); /\G(!)/gc and return ('OP05_LOGICAL_NEG', $1); /\G(\~\()/gc and return ('OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN', $1); /\G(->\{)/gc and return ('OP02_HASH_THINARROW', $1); /\G(->\[)/gc and return ('OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW', $1); /\G(->new\()/gc and return ('OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_NEW', $1); /\G(->import\()/gc and return ('OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_IMP', $1); /\G(->[a-zA-Z]\w*)/gc and return ('OP02_METHOD_THINARROW', $1); /\G(-\()/gc and return ('OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN', $1); /\G(\+|-\s|sse_add|sse_sub)/gc and return ('OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB', $1); /\G(<=|>=|<|>|le|ge|lt|gt)\s/gc and return ('OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT', $1); /\G(=)/gc and return ('OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN', $1); /\G(print|printf)\s/gc and return ('OP01_PRINT', $1); /\G(croak;|die;|exit;|return;)/gc and return ('OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON', $1); /\G(croak\(|exit\(|return\()/gc and return ('OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN', $1); /\G(croak|die|exit|return)\s/gc and return ('OP01_NAMED_VOID', $1); /\G(qw\([^()]*\))/gc and return ('OP01_QW', $1); /\G(open)\s/gc and return ('OP01_OPEN', $1); /\G(close)\s/gc and return ('OP01_CLOSE', $1); /\G(abs;|accept;|atan2;|bind;|binmode;|bless;|break;|chmod;|chomp;|chop;|chown;|chr;|closedir;|connect;|continue;|crypt;|dbmclose;|dbmopen;|default;|dump;|each;|endgrent;|endhostent;|endnetent;|endprotoent;|endpwent;|endservent;|eof;|evalbytes;|exec;|exp;|fc;|fcntl;|fileno;|flock;|fork;|format;|formline;|getc;|getgrent;|getgrgid;|getgrnam;|gethostbyaddr;|gethostent;|getlogin;|getnetbyaddr;|getnetent;|getpeername;|getppid;|getpriority;|getprotobynumber;|getprotoent;|getpwent;|getpwnam;|getpwuid;|getservbyname;|getservbyport;|getservent;|getsockname;|getsockopt;|given;|grep;|index;|ioctl;|join;|keys;|kill;|link;|listen;|local;|m;|map;|mkdir;|msgctl;|msgget;|msgrcv;|msgsnd;|opendir;|pack;|pipe;|pop;|pos;|prototype;|push;|q;|qq;|qr;|qx;|read;|readdir;|readline;|readpipe;|recv;|rename;|reset;|reverse;|rewinddir;|rindex;|s;|say;|seek;|seekdir;|select;|semctl;|semget;|semop;|send;|setgrent;|sethostent;|setnetent;|setpgrp;|setpriority;|setprotoent;|setpwent;|setservent;|setsockopt;|shift;|shmctl;|shmget;|shmread;|shmwrite;|shutdown;|socket;|socketpair;|sort;|splice;|split;|sprintf;|state;|study;|substr;|symlink;|syscall;|sysopen;|sysread;|sysseek;|system;|syswrite;|tell;|telldir;|tie;|tied;|time;|times;|tr;|truncate;|unless;|unlink;|unpack;|unshift;|untie;|until;|utime;|values;|vec;|wait;|waitpid;|wantarray;|warn;|when;|write;|y;)/gc and return ('OP01_NAMED_SCOLON', $1); /\G(abs\s|accept\s|atan2\s|bind\s|binmode\s|bless\s|break\s|chmod\s|chomp\s|chop\s|chown\s|chr\s|closedir\s|connect\s|continue\s|crypt\s|dbmclose\s|dbmopen\s|default\s|dump\s|each\s|endgrent\s|endhostent\s|endnetent\s|endprotoent\s|endpwent\s|endservent\s|eof\s|evalbytes\s|exec\s|exp\s|fc\s|fcntl\s|fileno\s|flock\s|fork\s|format\s|formline\s|getc\s|getgrent\s|getgrgid\s|getgrnam\s|gethostbyaddr\s|gethostent\s|getlogin\s|getnetbyaddr\s|getnetent\s|getpeername\s|getppid\s|getpriority\s|getprotobynumber\s|getprotoent\s|getpwent\s|getpwnam\s|getpwuid\s|getservbyname\s|getservbyport\s|getservent\s|getsockname\s|getsockopt\s|given\s|grep\s|index\s|ioctl\s|join\s|keys\s|kill\s|link\s|listen\s|local\s|m\s|map\s|mkdir\s|msgctl\s|msgget\s|msgrcv\s|msgsnd\s|opendir\s|pack\s|pipe\s|pop\s|pos\s|prototype\s|push\s|q\s|qq\s|qr\s|qx\s|read\s|readdir\s|readline\s|readpipe\s|recv\s|rename\s|reset\s|reverse\s|rewinddir\s|rindex\s|s\s|say\s|seek\s|seekdir\s|select\s|semctl\s|semget\s|semop\s|send\s|setgrent\s|sethostent\s|setnetent\s|setpgrp\s|setpriority\s|setprotoent\s|setpwent\s|setservent\s|setsockopt\s|shift\s|shmctl\s|shmget\s|shmread\s|shmwrite\s|shutdown\s|socket\s|socketpair\s|sort\s|splice\s|split\s|sprintf\s|state\s|study\s|substr\s|symlink\s|syscall\s|sysopen\s|sysread\s|sysseek\s|system\s|syswrite\s|tell\s|telldir\s|tie\s|tied\s|time\s|times\s|tr\s|truncate\s|unless\s|unlink\s|unpack\s|unshift\s|untie\s|until\s|utime\s|values\s|vec\s|wait\s|waitpid\s|wantarray\s|warn\s|when\s|write\s|y\s)/gc and return ('OP01_NAMED', $1); /\G(:)/gc and return ('COLON', $1); /\G(\(\s*my)/gc and return ('LPAREN_MY', $1); /\G(\()/gc and return ('LPAREN', $1); /\G(\[)/gc and return ('LBRACKET', $1); /\G(\{)/gc and return ('LBRACE', $1); /\G([a-z]\w*|[A-Z]\w*[a-z]\w*)/gc and return ('WORD', $1); /\G([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*|[A-Z])/gc and return ('WORD_UPPERCASE', $1); return ('', undef) if ($_ eq '') || (defined(pos($_)) && (pos($_) >= length($_))); /\G\s*(\S+)/; my $near = substr($1,0,10); return($near, $near); # die( "Error inside the lexical analyzer near '". $near # ."'. Line: ".$self->line() # .". File: '".$self->YYFilename()."'. No match found.\n"); } } ; #line 156 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm my $warnmessage =<< "EOFWARN"; Warning!: Did you changed the \@RPerl::Grammar::ISA variable inside the header section of the eyapp program? EOFWARN sub new { my($class)=shift; ref($class) and $class=ref($class); warn $warnmessage unless __PACKAGE__->isa('Parse::Eyapp::Driver'); my($self)=$class->SUPER::new( yyversion => '1.21', yyGRAMMAR => [#[productionNameAndLabel => lhs, [ rhs], bypass]] [ '_SUPERSTART' => '$start', [ 'CompileUnit', '$end' ], 0 ], [ '_PAREN' => 'PAREN-1', [ 'ModuleHeader', 'Module' ], 0 ], [ '_PLUS_LIST' => 'PLUS-2', [ 'PLUS-2', 'PAREN-1' ], 0 ], [ '_PLUS_LIST' => 'PLUS-2', [ 'PAREN-1' ], 0 ], [ 'CompileUnit_4' => 'CompileUnit', [ 'Program' ], 0 ], [ 'CompileUnit_5' => 'CompileUnit', [ 'PLUS-2' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-3', [ 'Critic' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-3', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-4', [ 'STAR-4', 'Critic' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-4', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-5', [ 'STAR-5', 'Include' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-5', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-6', [ 'STAR-6', 'Constant' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-6', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-7', [ 'STAR-7', 'Subroutine' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-7', [ ], 0 ], [ '_PLUS_LIST' => 'PLUS-8', [ 'PLUS-8', 'Operation' ], 0 ], [ '_PLUS_LIST' => 'PLUS-8', [ 'Operation' ], 0 ], [ 'Program_18' => 'Program', [ 'SHEBANG', 'OPTIONAL-3', 'USE_RPERL', 'Header', 'STAR-4', 'STAR-5', 'STAR-6', 'STAR-7', 'PLUS-8' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-9', [ 'Critic' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-9', [ ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-10', [ 'USE_RPERL' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-10', [ ], 0 ], [ 'ModuleHeader_23' => 'ModuleHeader', [ 'OPTIONAL-9', 'OPTIONAL-10', 'package', 'WordScoped', ';', 'Header' ], 0 ], [ 'Module_24' => 'Module', [ 'Package' ], 0 ], [ 'Module_25' => 'Module', [ 'Class' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-11', [ 'STAR-11', 'Critic' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-11', [ ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-12', [ 'Exports' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-12', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-13', [ 'STAR-13', 'Include' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-13', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-14', [ 'STAR-14', 'Constant' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-14', [ ], 0 ], [ '_PLUS_LIST' => 'PLUS-15', [ 'PLUS-15', 'Subroutine' ], 0 ], [ '_PLUS_LIST' => 'PLUS-15', [ 'Subroutine' ], 0 ], [ 'Package_36' => 'Package', [ 'STAR-11', 'OPTIONAL-12', 'STAR-13', 'STAR-14', 'PLUS-15', 'LITERAL_NUMBER', ';' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-16', [ 'USE_RPERL_AFTER' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-16', [ ], 0 ], [ 'Header_39' => 'Header', [ 'use strict;', 'use warnings;', 'OPTIONAL-16', 'OUR', 'VERSION_NUMBER_ASSIGN' ], 0 ], [ '_PLUS_LIST' => 'PLUS-17', [ 'PLUS-17', 'WORD' ], 0 ], [ '_PLUS_LIST' => 'PLUS-17', [ 'WORD' ], 0 ], [ 'Critic_42' => 'Critic', [ '## no critic qw(', 'PLUS-17', ')' ], 0 ], [ '_PAREN' => 'PAREN-18', [ 'OUR_EXPORT', 'OP01_QW', ';' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-19', [ 'PAREN-18' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-19', [ ], 0 ], [ '_PAREN' => 'PAREN-20', [ 'OUR_EXPORT_OK', 'OP01_QW', ';' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-21', [ 'PAREN-20' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-21', [ ], 0 ], [ 'Exports_49' => 'Exports', [ 'USE_EXPORTER', 'OPTIONAL-19', 'OPTIONAL-21' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-22', [ 'OP01_QW' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-22', [ ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-23', [ 'OP01_QW' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-23', [ ], 0 ], [ 'Include_54' => 'Include', [ 'USE', 'WordScoped', 'OPTIONAL-22', ';' ], 0 ], [ 'Include_55' => 'Include', [ 'INIT', 'LBRACE', 'WordScoped', 'OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_IMP', 'OPTIONAL-23', ')', ';', '}' ], 0 ], [ 'Constant_56' => 'Constant', [ 'use constant', 'WORD_UPPERCASE', 'OP20_HASH_FATARROW', 'TypeInnerConstant', 'Literal', ';' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-24', [ 'SubroutineArguments' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-24', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-25', [ 'STAR-25', 'Operation' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-25', [ ], 0 ], [ 'Subroutine_61' => 'Subroutine', [ 'SUB', 'WORD', 'LBRACE', 'LBRACE', 'MY', 'Type', '$RETURN_TYPE', '}', ';', 'OPTIONAL-24', 'STAR-25', '}' ], 0 ], [ '_PAREN' => 'PAREN-26', [ 'OP21_LIST_COMMA', 'MY', 'Type', 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-27', [ 'STAR-27', 'PAREN-26' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-27', [ ], 0 ], [ 'SubroutineArguments_65' => 'SubroutineArguments', [ 'LPAREN_MY', 'Type', 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL', 'STAR-27', ')', 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN', '@ARG;' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-28', [ 'STAR-28', 'Critic' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-28', [ ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-29', [ 'Exports' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-29', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-30', [ 'STAR-30', 'Include' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-30', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-31', [ 'STAR-31', 'Constant' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-31', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-32', [ 'STAR-32', 'SubroutineOrMethod' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-32', [ ], 0 ], [ 'Class_76' => 'Class', [ 'UseParent', 'WordScoped', ')', ';', 'Include', 'STAR-28', 'OPTIONAL-29', 'STAR-30', 'STAR-31', 'Properties', 'STAR-32', 'LITERAL_NUMBER', ';' ], 0 ], [ 'UseParent_77' => 'UseParent', [ 'use parent qw(' ], 0 ], [ 'UseParent_78' => 'UseParent', [ 'use parent -norequire, qw(' ], 0 ], [ '_PAREN' => 'PAREN-33', [ 'OP21_LIST_COMMA', 'HashEntryProperties' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-34', [ 'STAR-34', 'PAREN-33' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-34', [ ], 0 ], [ 'Properties_82' => 'Properties', [ 'our hashref $properties', 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN', 'LBRACE', 'HashEntryProperties', 'STAR-34', '}', ';' ], 0 ], [ 'Properties_83' => 'Properties', [ 'our hashref $properties', 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN', 'LBRACE', '}', ';' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-35', [ 'MethodArguments' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-35', [ ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-36', [ 'STAR-36', 'Operation' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-36', [ ], 0 ], [ 'Method_88' => 'Method', [ 'SUB', 'WORD', 'LBRACE', 'LBRACE', 'MY', 'TYPE_METHOD', '$RETURN_TYPE', '}', ';', 'OPTIONAL-35', 'STAR-36', '}' ], 0 ], [ '_PAREN' => 'PAREN-37', [ 'OP21_LIST_COMMA', 'MY', 'Type', 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-38', [ 'STAR-38', 'PAREN-37' ], 0 ], [ '_STAR_LIST' => 'STAR-38', [ ], 0 ], [ 'MethodArguments_92' => 'MethodArguments', [ 'LPAREN_MY', 'Type', 'SELF', 'STAR-38', ')', 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN', '@ARG;' ], 0 ], [ 'SubroutineOrMethod_93' => 'SubroutineOrMethod', [ 'Subroutine' ], 0 ], [ 'SubroutineOrMethod_94' => 'SubroutineOrMethod', [ 'Method' ], 0 ], [ 'Operation_95' => 'Operation', [ 'Expression', ';' ], 0 ], [ 'Operation_96' => 'Operation', [ 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' ], 0 ], [ 'Operation_97' => 'Operation', [ 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' ], 0 ], [ 'Operation_98' => 'Operation', [ 'Statement' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_99' => 'Operator', [ 'LPAREN', 'OP01_PRINT', 'FHREF_SYMBOL_BRACES', 'ListElements', ')' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_100' => 'Operator', [ 'OP01_NAMED', 'SubExpression' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_101' => 'Operator', [ 'LPAREN', 'OP01_NAMED', 'ListElement', 'OP21_LIST_COMMA', 'ListElements', ')' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_102' => 'Operator', [ 'OP01_OPEN', 'MY', 'TYPE_FHREF', 'FHREF_SYMBOL', 'OP21_LIST_COMMA', 'LITERAL_STRING', 'OP21_LIST_COMMA', 'SubExpression' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_103' => 'Operator', [ 'OP01_CLOSE', 'FHREF_SYMBOL' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_104' => 'Operator', [ 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC', 'Variable' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_105' => 'Operator', [ 'Variable', 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_106' => 'Operator', [ 'SubExpression', 'OP04_MATH_POW', 'SubExpression' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_107' => 'Operator', [ 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN', 'SubExpression', ')' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_108' => 'Operator', [ 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG', 'SubExpression' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_109' => 'Operator', [ 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN', 'SubExpression', ')' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_110' => 'Operator', [ 'SubExpression', 'OP06_REGEX_BIND', 'OP06_REGEX_PATTERN' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_111' => 'Operator', [ 'SubExpression', 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT', 'SubExpression' ], 0 ], [ 'Operator_112' => 'Operator', [ 'SubExpression', 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD', 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'STAR-54', [ ], 0 ], [ 'ListElements_210' => 'ListElements', [ 'ListElement', 'STAR-54' ], 0 ], [ 'ListElement_211' => 'ListElement', [ 'SubExpression' ], 0 ], [ 'ListElement_212' => 'ListElement', [ 'TypeInner', 'SubExpression' ], 0 ], [ 'ListElement_213' => 'ListElement', [ 'OP01_QW' ], 0 ], [ 'ListElement_214' => 'ListElement', [ 'ARGV' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-55', [ 'ListElements' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-55', [ ], 0 ], [ 'ArrayReference_217' => 'ArrayReference', [ 'LBRACKET', 'OPTIONAL-55', ']' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-56', [ 'TypeInner' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-56', [ ], 0 ], [ 'ArrayDereference_220' => 'ArrayDereference', [ '@{', 'Variable', '}' ], 0 ], [ 'ArrayDereference_221' => 'ArrayDereference', [ '@{', 'OPTIONAL-56', 'ArrayReference', '}' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-57', [ 'TypeInner' ], 0 ], [ '_OPTIONAL' => 'OPTIONAL-57', [ ], 0 ], [ 'HashEntry_224' => 'HashEntry', [ 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord', 'OP20_HASH_FATARROW', 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'OpStringOrWord', [ 'OP01_OPEN' ], 0 ], [ 'OpStringOrWord_276' => 'OpStringOrWord', [ 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' ], 0 ], [ 'OpStringOrWord_277' => 'OpStringOrWord', [ 'OP01_PRINT' ], 0 ], [ 'OpStringOrWord_278' => 'OpStringOrWord', [ 'WORD' ], 0 ], ], yyLABELS => { '_SUPERSTART' => 0, '_PAREN' => 1, '_PLUS_LIST' => 2, '_PLUS_LIST' => 3, 'CompileUnit_4' => 4, 'CompileUnit_5' => 5, '_OPTIONAL' => 6, '_OPTIONAL' => 7, '_STAR_LIST' => 8, '_STAR_LIST' => 9, '_STAR_LIST' => 10, '_STAR_LIST' => 11, '_STAR_LIST' => 12, '_STAR_LIST' => 13, '_STAR_LIST' => 14, '_STAR_LIST' => 15, '_PLUS_LIST' => 16, '_PLUS_LIST' => 17, 'Program_18' => 18, '_OPTIONAL' => 19, '_OPTIONAL' => 20, '_OPTIONAL' => 21, '_OPTIONAL' => 22, 'ModuleHeader_23' => 23, 'Module_24' => 24, 'Module_25' => 25, '_STAR_LIST' => 26, '_STAR_LIST' => 27, '_OPTIONAL' => 28, '_OPTIONAL' => 29, '_STAR_LIST' => 30, '_STAR_LIST' => 31, '_STAR_LIST' => 32, '_STAR_LIST' => 33, '_PLUS_LIST' => 34, '_PLUS_LIST' => 35, 'Package_36' => 36, '_OPTIONAL' => 37, '_OPTIONAL' => 38, 'Header_39' => 39, '_PLUS_LIST' => 40, '_PLUS_LIST' => 41, 'Critic_42' => 42, '_PAREN' => 43, '_OPTIONAL' => 44, '_OPTIONAL' => 45, '_PAREN' => 46, '_OPTIONAL' => 47, '_OPTIONAL' => 48, 'Exports_49' => 49, '_OPTIONAL' => 50, '_OPTIONAL' => 51, '_OPTIONAL' => 52, '_OPTIONAL' => 53, 'Include_54' => 54, 'Include_55' => 55, 'Constant_56' => 56, '_OPTIONAL' => 57, '_OPTIONAL' => 58, '_STAR_LIST' => 59, '_STAR_LIST' => 60, 'Subroutine_61' => 61, '_PAREN' => 62, '_STAR_LIST' => 63, '_STAR_LIST' => 64, 'SubroutineArguments_65' => 65, '_STAR_LIST' => 66, '_STAR_LIST' => 67, '_OPTIONAL' => 68, '_OPTIONAL' => 69, '_STAR_LIST' => 70, '_STAR_LIST' => 71, '_STAR_LIST' => 72, '_STAR_LIST' => 73, '_STAR_LIST' => 74, '_STAR_LIST' => 75, 'Class_76' => 76, 'UseParent_77' => 77, 'UseParent_78' => 78, '_PAREN' => 79, '_STAR_LIST' => 80, '_STAR_LIST' => 81, 'Properties_82' => 82, 'Properties_83' => 83, '_OPTIONAL' => 84, '_OPTIONAL' => 85, '_STAR_LIST' => 86, '_STAR_LIST' => 87, 'Method_88' => 88, '_PAREN' => 89, '_STAR_LIST' => 90, '_STAR_LIST' => 91, 'MethodArguments_92' => 92, 'SubroutineOrMethod_93' => 93, 'SubroutineOrMethod_94' => 94, 'Operation_95' => 95, 'Operation_96' => 96, 'Operation_97' => 97, 'Operation_98' => 98, 'Operator_99' => 99, 'Operator_100' => 100, 'Operator_101' => 101, 'Operator_102' => 102, 'Operator_103' => 103, 'Operator_104' => 104, 'Operator_105' => 105, 'Operator_106' => 106, 'Operator_107' => 107, 'Operator_108' => 108, 'Operator_109' => 109, 'Operator_110' => 110, 'Operator_111' => 111, 'Operator_112' => 112, 'Operator_113' => 113, 'Operator_114' => 114, 'Operator_115' => 115, 'Operator_116' => 116, 'Operator_117' => 117, 'Operator_118' => 118, 'Operator_119' => 119, 'Operator_120' => 120, 'Operator_121' => 121, 'Operator_122' => 122, 'Operator_123' => 123, 'Operator_124' => 124, 'Operator_125' => 125, 'Operator_126' => 126, 'Operator_127' => 127, 'Operator_128' => 128, 'Operator_129' => 129, '_PAREN' => 130, '_OPTIONAL' => 131, '_OPTIONAL' => 132, '_OPTIONAL' => 133, '_OPTIONAL' => 134, 'OperatorVoid_135' => 135, 'OperatorVoid_136' => 136, 'OperatorVoid_137' => 137, 'OperatorVoid_138' => 138, 'OperatorVoid_139' => 139, 'OperatorVoid_140' => 140, 'OperatorVoid_141' => 141, 'OperatorVoid_142' => 142, '_OPTIONAL' => 143, '_OPTIONAL' => 144, '_OPTIONAL' => 145, '_OPTIONAL' => 146, '_OPTIONAL' => 147, '_OPTIONAL' => 148, 'Expression_149' => 149, 'Expression_150' => 150, 'Expression_151' => 151, 'Expression_152' => 152, 'Expression_153' => 153, 'Expression_154' => 154, 'SubExpression_155' => 155, 'SubExpression_156' => 156, 'SubExpression_157' => 157, 'SubExpression_158' => 158, 'SubExpression_159' => 159, 'SubExpression_160' => 160, 'SubExpression_161' => 161, 'SubExpression_162' => 162, 'SubExpression_163' => 163, 'SubExpressionOrInput_164' => 164, 'SubExpressionOrInput_165' => 165, 'SubExpressionOrInput_166' => 166, 'SubExpressionOrVarMod_167' => 167, 'SubExpressionOrVarMod_168' => 168, '_PAREN' => 169, '_OPTIONAL' => 170, '_OPTIONAL' => 171, 'Statement_172' => 172, 'Statement_173' => 173, 'Statement_174' => 174, 'Statement_175' => 175, 'Statement_176' => 176, '_PAREN' => 177, '_STAR_LIST' => 178, '_STAR_LIST' => 179, '_PAREN' => 180, '_OPTIONAL' => 181, '_OPTIONAL' => 182, 'Conditional_183' => 183, 'Loop_184' => 184, 'Loop_185' => 185, 'Loop_186' => 186, 'LoopFor_187' => 187, 'LoopFor_188' => 188, 'LoopForEach_189' => 189, 'LoopWhile_190' => 190, 'LoopWhile_191' => 191, '_PLUS_LIST' => 192, '_PLUS_LIST' => 193, 'CodeBlock_194' => 194, '_STAR_LIST' => 195, '_STAR_LIST' => 196, 'Variable_197' => 197, 'VariableRetrieval_198' => 198, 'VariableRetrieval_199' => 199, 'VariableRetrieval_200' => 200, 'VariableDeclaration_201' => 201, 'VariableDeclaration_202' => 202, 'VariableDeclaration_203' => 203, 'VariableDeclaration_204' => 204, 'VariableModification_205' => 205, 'VariableModification_206' => 206, '_PAREN' => 207, '_STAR_LIST' => 208, '_STAR_LIST' => 209, 'ListElements_210' => 210, 'ListElement_211' => 211, 'ListElement_212' => 212, 'ListElement_213' => 213, 'ListElement_214' => 214, '_OPTIONAL' => 215, '_OPTIONAL' => 216, 'ArrayReference_217' => 217, '_OPTIONAL' => 218, '_OPTIONAL' => 219, 'ArrayDereference_220' => 220, 'ArrayDereference_221' => 221, '_OPTIONAL' => 222, '_OPTIONAL' => 223, 'HashEntry_224' => 224, 'HashEntry_225' => 225, 'HashEntry_226' => 226, 'HashEntryProperties_227' => 227, '_PAREN' => 228, '_STAR_LIST' => 229, '_STAR_LIST' => 230, 'HashReference_231' => 231, 'HashReference_232' => 232, '_OPTIONAL' => 233, '_OPTIONAL' => 234, 'HashDereference_235' => 235, 'HashDereference_236' => 236, 'WordScoped_237' => 237, 'WordScoped_238' => 238, 'LoopLabel_239' => 239, 'Type_240' => 240, 'Type_241' => 241, 'Type_242' => 242, 'TypeInner_243' => 243, 'TypeInnerProperties_244' => 244, 'TypeInnerProperties_245' => 245, 'TypeInnerConstant_246' => 246, 'VariableOrLiteral_247' => 247, 'VariableOrLiteral_248' => 248, 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_249' => 249, 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250' => 250, 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_251' => 251, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf_252' => 252, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf_253' => 253, 'Literal_254' => 254, 'Literal_255' => 255, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_256' => 256, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_257' => 257, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_258' => 258, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_259' => 259, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_260' => 260, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_261' => 261, 'OpStringOrWord_262' => 262, 'OpStringOrWord_263' => 263, 'OpStringOrWord_264' => 264, 'OpStringOrWord_265' => 265, 'OpStringOrWord_266' => 266, 'OpStringOrWord_267' => 267, 'OpStringOrWord_268' => 268, 'OpStringOrWord_269' => 269, 'OpStringOrWord_270' => 270, 'OpStringOrWord_271' => 271, 'OpStringOrWord_272' => 272, 'OpStringOrWord_273' => 273, 'OpStringOrWord_274' => 274, 'OpStringOrWord_275' => 275, 'OpStringOrWord_276' => 276, 'OpStringOrWord_277' => 277, 'OpStringOrWord_278' => 278, }, yyTERMS => { '' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, '## no critic qw(' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, '$RETURN_TYPE' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, '$TYPED_' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, '%{' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, ')' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, ';' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, '@ARG;' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, '@{' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'INIT' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, ']' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'else' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'elsif' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'for' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'foreach' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'if' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'our hashref $properties' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'package' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'undef' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'use constant' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'use parent -norequire, qw(' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'use parent qw(' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'use strict;' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'use warnings;' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, 'while' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, '}' => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, ARGV => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, COLON => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, ENV => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, FHREF_SYMBOL => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, FHREF_SYMBOL_BRACES => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, FHREF_SYMBOL_IN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, LBRACE => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, LBRACKET => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, LITERAL_NUMBER => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, LITERAL_STRING => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, LPAREN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, LPAREN_MY => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, MY => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_CLOSE => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_NAMED => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_NAMED_SCOLON => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_NAMED_VOID => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_OPEN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_PRINT => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP01_QW => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP02_HASH_THINARROW => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP02_METHOD_THINARROW => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_IMP => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_NEW => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP03_MATH_INC_DEC => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP04_MATH_POW => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP05_LOGICAL_NEG => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP06_REGEX_BIND => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP06_REGEX_PATTERN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP07_STRING_REPEAT => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP08_STRING_CAT => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP10_NAMED_UNARY => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP13_BITWISE_AND => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP15_LOGICAL_AND => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP16_LOGICAL_OR => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP17_LIST_RANGE => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP18_TERNARY => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP19_LOOP_CONTROL => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN_BY => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP20_HASH_FATARROW => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP21_LIST_COMMA => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP22_LOGICAL_NEG => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP23_LOGICAL_AND => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OUR => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OUR_EXPORT => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, OUR_EXPORT_OK => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, SELF => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, SHEBANG => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, STDIN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, STDOUT_STDERR => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, SUB => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, TYPE_FHREF => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, TYPE_INTEGER => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, TYPE_METHOD => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, USE => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, USE_EXPORTER => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, USE_RPERL => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, USE_RPERL_AFTER => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, VARIABLE_SYMBOL => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, VERSION_NUMBER_ASSIGN => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, WORD => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, WORD_SCOPED => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, WORD_UPPERCASE => { ISSEMANTIC => 1 }, error => { ISSEMANTIC => 0 }, }, yyFILENAME => 'lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp', yystates => [ {#State 0 ACTIONS => { 'USE_RPERL' => -20, 'SHEBANG' => 3, "package" => -20, "## no critic qw(" => 9 }, GOTOS => { 'PAREN-1' => 1, 'ModuleHeader' => 4, 'OPTIONAL-9' => 5, 'CompileUnit' => 2, 'Critic' => 6, 'PLUS-2' => 7, 'Program' => 8 } }, {#State 1 DEFAULT => -3 }, {#State 2 ACTIONS => { '' => 10 } }, {#State 3 ACTIONS => { 'USE_RPERL' => -7, "## no critic qw(" => 9 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-3' => 12, 'Critic' => 11 } }, {#State 4 ACTIONS => { "use constant" => -27, 'USE' => -27, "use parent -norequire, qw(" => 19, "INIT" => -27, 'USE_EXPORTER' => -27, "## no critic qw(" => -27, "use parent qw(" => 13, 'SUB' => -27 }, GOTOS => { 'Package' => 16, 'STAR-11' => 17, 'Class' => 14, 'UseParent' => 18, 'Module' => 15 } }, {#State 5 ACTIONS => { 'USE_RPERL' => 20, "package" => -22 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-10' => 21 } }, {#State 6 DEFAULT => -19 }, {#State 7 ACTIONS => { "## no critic qw(" => 9, "package" => -20, '' => -5, 'USE_RPERL' => -20 }, GOTOS => { 'ModuleHeader' => 4, 'PAREN-1' => 22, 'OPTIONAL-9' => 5, 'Critic' => 6 } }, {#State 8 DEFAULT => -4 }, {#State 9 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 23 }, GOTOS => { 'PLUS-17' => 24 } }, {#State 10 DEFAULT => 0 }, {#State 11 DEFAULT => -6 }, {#State 12 ACTIONS => { 'USE_RPERL' => 25 } }, {#State 13 DEFAULT => -77 }, {#State 14 DEFAULT => -25 }, {#State 15 DEFAULT => -1 }, {#State 16 DEFAULT => -24 }, {#State 17 ACTIONS => { "INIT" => -29, 'USE_EXPORTER' => 28, 'USE' => -29, 'SUB' => -29, "## no critic qw(" => 9, "use constant" => -29 }, GOTOS => { 'Critic' => 27, 'OPTIONAL-12' => 29, 'Exports' => 26 } }, {#State 18 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD' => 31 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 30 } }, {#State 19 DEFAULT => -78 }, {#State 20 DEFAULT => -21 }, {#State 21 ACTIONS => { "package" => 33 } }, {#State 22 DEFAULT => -2 }, {#State 23 DEFAULT => -41 }, {#State 24 ACTIONS => { ")" => 35, 'WORD' => 34 } }, {#State 25 ACTIONS => { "use strict;" => 37 }, GOTOS => { 'Header' => 36 } }, {#State 26 DEFAULT => -28 }, {#State 27 DEFAULT => -26 }, {#State 28 ACTIONS => { "INIT" => -45, 'OUR_EXPORT_OK' => -45, 'USE' => -45, "use constant" => -45, 'SUB' => -45, "our hashref \$properties" => -45, 'OUR_EXPORT' => 39 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-19' => 40, 'PAREN-18' => 38 } }, {#State 29 DEFAULT => -31, GOTOS => { 'STAR-13' => 41 } }, {#State 30 ACTIONS => { ")" => 42 } }, {#State 31 DEFAULT => -237 }, {#State 32 DEFAULT => -238 }, {#State 33 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 31, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 43 } }, {#State 34 DEFAULT => -40 }, {#State 35 DEFAULT => -42 }, {#State 36 DEFAULT => -9, GOTOS => { 'STAR-4' => 44 } }, {#State 37 ACTIONS => { "use warnings;" => 45 } }, {#State 38 DEFAULT => -44 }, {#State 39 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_QW' => 46 } }, {#State 40 ACTIONS => { "use constant" => -48, 'OUR_EXPORT_OK' => 49, "INIT" => -48, "our hashref \$properties" => -48, 'SUB' => -48, 'USE' => -48 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-21' => 47, 'PAREN-20' => 48 } }, {#State 41 ACTIONS => { "use constant" => -33, "INIT" => 52, 'USE' => 53, 'SUB' => -33 }, GOTOS => { 'STAR-14' => 50, 'Include' => 51 } }, {#State 42 ACTIONS => { ";" => 54 } }, {#State 43 ACTIONS => { ";" => 55 } }, {#State 44 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => -11, 'LPAREN' => -11, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => -11, 'SUB' => -11, "for" => -11, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => -11, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => -11, 'LBRACE' => -11, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => -11, "while" => -11, 'USE' => -11, 'LITERAL_STRING' => -11, 'SELF' => -11, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => -11, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => -11, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => -11, 'MY' => -11, 'LBRACKET' => -11, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => -11, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => -11, 'OP01_OPEN' => -11, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => -11, "## no critic qw(" => 9, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -11, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => -11, "foreach" => -11, 'OP01_NAMED' => -11, 'OP01_CLOSE' => -11, 'WORD_SCOPED' => -11, "\@{" => -11, 'WORD' => -11, "%{" => -11, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => -11, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => -11, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => -11, "if" => -11, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => -11, "undef" => -11, 'OP01_PRINT' => -11, "use constant" => -11, "INIT" => -11, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => -11 }, GOTOS => { 'STAR-5' => 57, 'Critic' => 56 } }, {#State 45 ACTIONS => { 'USE_RPERL_AFTER' => 59, 'OUR' => -38 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-16' => 58 } }, {#State 46 ACTIONS => { ";" => 60 } }, {#State 47 DEFAULT => -49 }, {#State 48 DEFAULT => -47 }, {#State 49 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_QW' => 61 } }, {#State 50 ACTIONS => { 'SUB' => 65, "use constant" => 62 }, GOTOS => { 'Subroutine' => 64, 'Constant' => 63, 'PLUS-15' => 66 } }, {#State 51 DEFAULT => -30 }, {#State 52 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 67 } }, {#State 53 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD' => 31 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 68 } }, {#State 54 ACTIONS => { "INIT" => 52, 'USE' => 53 }, GOTOS => { 'Include' => 69 } }, {#State 55 ACTIONS => { "use strict;" => 37 }, GOTOS => { 'Header' => 70 } }, {#State 56 DEFAULT => -8 }, {#State 57 ACTIONS => { "for" => -13, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => -13, 'LBRACE' => -13, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => -13, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => -13, 'USE' => 53, "while" => -13, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => -13, 'LPAREN' => -13, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => -13, 'SUB' => -13, 'MY' => -13, 'LBRACKET' => -13, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => -13, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => -13, 'SELF' => -13, 'LITERAL_STRING' => -13, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => -13, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => -13, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => -13, 'OP01_CLOSE' => -13, 'WORD_SCOPED' => -13, "\@{" => -13, 'WORD' => -13, 'OP01_OPEN' => -13, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => -13, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -13, "foreach" => -13, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => -13, 'OP01_NAMED' => -13, "undef" => -13, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => -13, "use constant" => -13, 'OP01_PRINT' => -13, "INIT" => 52, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => -13, "%{" => -13, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => -13, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => -13, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => -13, "if" => -13 }, GOTOS => { 'Include' => 71, 'STAR-6' => 72 } }, {#State 58 ACTIONS => { 'OUR' => 73 } }, {#State 59 DEFAULT => -37 }, {#State 60 DEFAULT => -43 }, {#State 61 ACTIONS => { ";" => 74 } }, {#State 62 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 75 } }, {#State 63 DEFAULT => -32 }, {#State 64 DEFAULT => -35 }, {#State 65 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 76 } }, {#State 66 ACTIONS => { 'SUB' => 65, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 78 }, GOTOS => { 'Subroutine' => 77 } }, {#State 67 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD' => 31 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 79 } }, {#State 68 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_QW' => 81, ";" => -51 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-22' => 80 } }, {#State 69 DEFAULT => -67, GOTOS => { 'STAR-28' => 82 } }, {#State 70 DEFAULT => -23 }, {#State 71 DEFAULT => -10 }, {#State 72 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACKET' => -15, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => -15, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => -15, 'MY' => -15, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => -15, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => -15, 'SELF' => -15, 'LITERAL_STRING' => -15, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => -15, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => -15, "while" => -15, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => -15, "for" => -15, 'LBRACE' => -15, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => -15, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => -15, 'SUB' => -15, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => -15, 'LPAREN' => -15, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => -15, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => -15, "undef" => -15, 'OP01_PRINT' => -15, "use constant" => 62, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => -15, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => -15, "if" => -15, "%{" => -15, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => -15, "\@{" => -15, 'WORD' => -15, 'OP01_CLOSE' => -15, 'WORD_SCOPED' => -15, 'OP01_NAMED' => -15, 'OP01_OPEN' => -15, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => -15, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -15, "foreach" => -15, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => -15 }, GOTOS => { 'Constant' => 84, 'STAR-7' => 83 } }, {#State 73 ACTIONS => { 'VERSION_NUMBER_ASSIGN' => 85 } }, {#State 74 DEFAULT => -46 }, {#State 75 ACTIONS => { 'OP20_HASH_FATARROW' => 86 } }, {#State 76 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 87 } }, {#State 77 DEFAULT => -34 }, {#State 78 ACTIONS => { ";" => 88 } }, {#State 79 ACTIONS => { 'OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_IMP' => 89 } }, {#State 80 ACTIONS => { ";" => 90 } }, {#State 81 DEFAULT => -50 }, {#State 82 ACTIONS => { "INIT" => -69, 'USE_EXPORTER' => 28, 'USE' => -69, "our hashref \$properties" => -69, "## no critic qw(" => 9, "use constant" => -69 }, GOTOS => { 'Exports' => 91, 'Critic' => 92, 'OPTIONAL-29' => 93 } }, {#State 83 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'MY' => 113, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => 112, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 105, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "while" => -171, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 102, "for" => -171, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 100, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'SUB' => 65, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => 96, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP01_PRINT' => 145, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 143, "undef" => 144, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "if" => 139, "%{" => 137, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 136, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_NAMED' => 126, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, "foreach" => -171, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 123, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121 }, GOTOS => { 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'LoopLabel' => 131, 'Operation' => 132, 'PLUS-8' => 103, 'Expression' => 101, 'Variable' => 135, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'VariableDeclaration' => 124, 'HashReference' => 97, 'VariableModification' => 127, 'Statement' => 128, 'Conditional' => 114, 'Subroutine' => 115, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'OperatorVoid' => 120, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 108, 'OPTIONAL-46' => 109, 'PAREN-45' => 111, 'WordScoped' => 141 } }, {#State 84 DEFAULT => -12 }, {#State 85 DEFAULT => -39 }, {#State 86 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 149 }, GOTOS => { 'TypeInnerConstant' => 148 } }, {#State 87 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 150 } }, {#State 88 DEFAULT => -36 }, {#State 89 ACTIONS => { ")" => -53, 'OP01_QW' => 152 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-23' => 151 } }, {#State 90 DEFAULT => -54 }, {#State 91 DEFAULT => -68 }, {#State 92 DEFAULT => -66 }, {#State 93 DEFAULT => -71, GOTOS => { 'STAR-30' => 153 } }, {#State 94 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_NAMED' => 158, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "undef" => 144, 'OP01_PRINT' => 157, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 154, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119 } }, {#State 95 DEFAULT => -160 }, {#State 96 DEFAULT => -137 }, {#State 97 DEFAULT => -161 }, {#State 98 DEFAULT => -151 }, {#State 99 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 173, 'OP01_OPEN' => 172, 'OP01_NAMED' => 174, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 180, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 167, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 182, 'WORD' => 171, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 170, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 165, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 179, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 178, "}" => 177, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 163, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 161, 'OP01_PRINT' => 162, 'ENV' => 160, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 164, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 176, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 175 }, GOTOS => { 'Variable' => 169, 'HashDereference' => 166, 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord' => 184, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'HashEntry' => 183, 'OpStringOrWord' => 181, 'Literal' => 168 } }, {#State 100 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'ARGV' => 190, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'MY' => 185, "undef" => 144, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ListElements' => 187, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'ListElement' => 188, 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129 } }, {#State 101 ACTIONS => { 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -155, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -155, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -155, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -155, ";" => 193, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -155, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -155, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -155, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -155, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -155, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -155, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -155, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => -155, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -155, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -155, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -155, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -155, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -155 } }, {#State 102 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 194, 'COLON' => -239 } }, {#State 103 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => 96, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 100, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 102, "for" => -171, "while" => -171, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 105, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => 112, 'MY' => 113, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, "foreach" => -171, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 123, '' => -18, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_NAMED' => 126, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 136, "%{" => 137, "if" => 139, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 143, "undef" => 144, 'OP01_PRINT' => 145, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146 }, GOTOS => { 'Conditional' => 114, 'OperatorVoid' => 120, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'PAREN-45' => 111, 'OPTIONAL-46' => 109, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 108, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'Operation' => 195, 'LoopLabel' => 131, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 101, 'Variable' => 135, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'VariableDeclaration' => 124, 'HashReference' => 97, 'Statement' => 128, 'VariableModification' => 127 } }, {#State 104 DEFAULT => -254 }, {#State 105 DEFAULT => -96 }, {#State 106 DEFAULT => -255 }, {#State 107 DEFAULT => -253 }, {#State 108 ACTIONS => { 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212 } }, {#State 109 ACTIONS => { "while" => 216, "foreach" => 217, "for" => 215 }, GOTOS => { 'LoopWhile' => 213, 'LoopForEach' => 218, 'LoopFor' => 214, 'Loop' => 219 } }, {#State 110 ACTIONS => { 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 220, 'WordScoped' => 141 } }, {#State 111 DEFAULT => -170 }, {#State 112 ACTIONS => { 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, ")" => -134, 'MY' => 185, "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'ARGV' => 190, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'HashReference' => 97, 'ListElements' => 222, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'ListElement' => 188, 'Operator' => 119, 'Variable' => 159, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'OPTIONAL-41' => 221 } }, {#State 113 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223, 'TYPE_FHREF' => 226, 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD' => 224 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 227 } }, {#State 114 DEFAULT => -172 }, {#State 115 DEFAULT => -14 }, {#State 116 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107 }, GOTOS => { 'SubExpression' => 228, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155 } }, {#State 117 DEFAULT => -252 }, {#State 118 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "]" => -216, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'ARGV' => 190, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'OPTIONAL-55' => 230, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'Operator' => 119, 'ListElement' => 188, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'ListElements' => 229, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97 } }, {#State 119 DEFAULT => -149 }, {#State 120 DEFAULT => -174 }, {#State 121 ACTIONS => { 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 231, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 122 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'SELF' => 107 }, GOTOS => { 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Variable' => 232 } }, {#State 123 DEFAULT => -141 }, {#State 124 DEFAULT => -175 }, {#State 125 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 233 } }, {#State 126 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'ARGV' => 190, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 235, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'ListElement' => 234, 'Operator' => 119, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'TypeInner' => 189 } }, {#State 127 ACTIONS => { ";" => 236 } }, {#State 128 DEFAULT => -98 }, {#State 129 DEFAULT => -157 }, {#State 130 DEFAULT => -196, GOTOS => { 'STAR-52' => 237 } }, {#State 131 ACTIONS => { 'COLON' => 238 } }, {#State 132 DEFAULT => -17 }, {#State 133 ACTIONS => { 'FHREF_SYMBOL' => 239 } }, {#State 134 ACTIONS => { 'SELF' => 107, 'MY' => 185, 'LBRACKET' => -219, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117 }, GOTOS => { 'Variable' => 242, 'TypeInner' => 241, 'OPTIONAL-56' => 240, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130 } }, {#State 135 ACTIONS => { 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -158, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -158, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -158, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => -158, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -158, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -158, ")" => -158, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -158, 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN_BY' => 246, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -158, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -158, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -158, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -158, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -158, 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 243, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -158, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -158, 'OP02_METHOD_THINARROW' => 245, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -158, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -158, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 244, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -158 } }, {#State 136 DEFAULT => -97 }, {#State 137 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'SELF' => 107, 'MY' => 185, 'LBRACE' => -234 }, GOTOS => { 'Variable' => 248, 'TypeInner' => 249, 'OPTIONAL-60' => 247, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130 } }, {#State 138 DEFAULT => -162 }, {#State 139 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 250 } }, {#State 140 ACTIONS => { 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 251, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 141 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 252, 'OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_NEW' => 253 } }, {#State 142 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 254, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119 } }, {#State 143 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 256 }, GOTOS => { 'LoopLabel' => 255 } }, {#State 144 DEFAULT => -156 }, {#State 145 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACKET' => -132, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => -132, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => -132, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => -132, "undef" => -132, 'MY' => -132, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => -132, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => -132, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => -132, 'SELF' => -132, 'LITERAL_STRING' => -132, "%{" => -132, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => -132, "\@{" => -132, 'WORD' => -132, 'WORD_SCOPED' => -132, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => -132, 'OP01_CLOSE' => -132, 'ARGV' => -132, 'LBRACE' => -132, 'FHREF_SYMBOL_BRACES' => 258, 'STDOUT_STDERR' => 259, 'OP01_NAMED' => -132, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => -132, 'OP01_QW' => -132, 'OP01_OPEN' => -132, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => -132, 'LPAREN' => -132, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -132 }, GOTOS => { 'PAREN-39' => 260, 'OPTIONAL-40' => 257 } }, {#State 146 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 144, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -117, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => -117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -117, "%{" => 137, "]" => -117, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -117, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -117, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, ";" => -117, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -117, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -117, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -117, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -117, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -117, ")" => -117, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "}" => -117, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -117, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -117, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -117, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -117, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -117, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -117, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98 }, GOTOS => { 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 261, 'HashReference' => 97, 'WordScoped' => 141 } }, {#State 147 DEFAULT => -159 }, {#State 148 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104 }, GOTOS => { 'Literal' => 262 } }, {#State 149 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 224, 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 263 } }, {#State 150 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 264 } }, {#State 151 ACTIONS => { ")" => 265 } }, {#State 152 DEFAULT => -52 }, {#State 153 ACTIONS => { "our hashref \$properties" => -73, 'USE' => 53, "INIT" => 52, "use constant" => -73 }, GOTOS => { 'Include' => 267, 'STAR-31' => 266 } }, {#State 154 ACTIONS => { 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => 268, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208 } }, {#State 155 DEFAULT => -155 }, {#State 156 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 194 } }, {#State 157 ACTIONS => { 'FHREF_SYMBOL_BRACES' => 269 } }, {#State 158 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'ARGV' => 190, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104 }, GOTOS => { 'ListElement' => 270, 'Variable' => 159, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 235, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 159 ACTIONS => { 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -158, "]" => -158, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -158, "}" => -158, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -158, ")" => -158, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => -158, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -158, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -158, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -158, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -158, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -158, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -158, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -158, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -158, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 244, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -158, 'OP02_METHOD_THINARROW' => 245, ";" => -158, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -158, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -158, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -158, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -158, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -158 } }, {#State 160 DEFAULT => -226 }, {#State 161 DEFAULT => -267 }, {#State 162 DEFAULT => -277 }, {#State 163 DEFAULT => -266 }, {#State 164 DEFAULT => -269 }, {#State 165 DEFAULT => -268 }, {#State 166 DEFAULT => -225 }, {#State 167 DEFAULT => -274 }, {#State 168 DEFAULT => -250 }, {#State 169 DEFAULT => -249 }, {#State 170 DEFAULT => -262 }, {#State 171 DEFAULT => -278 }, {#State 172 DEFAULT => -275 }, {#State 173 DEFAULT => -265 }, {#State 174 DEFAULT => -273 }, {#State 175 DEFAULT => -271 }, {#State 176 DEFAULT => -270 }, {#State 177 DEFAULT => -232 }, {#State 178 DEFAULT => -264 }, {#State 179 DEFAULT => -272 }, {#State 180 DEFAULT => -276 }, {#State 181 DEFAULT => -251 }, {#State 182 DEFAULT => -263 }, {#State 183 DEFAULT => -230, GOTOS => { 'STAR-59' => 271 } }, {#State 184 ACTIONS => { 'OP20_HASH_FATARROW' => 272 } }, {#State 185 ACTIONS => { 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD' => 224, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 273 } }, {#State 186 ACTIONS => { 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, ";" => -211, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -211, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, "]" => -211, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, ")" => -211, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198 } }, {#State 187 ACTIONS => { ";" => 274 } }, {#State 188 DEFAULT => -209, GOTOS => { 'STAR-54' => 275 } }, {#State 189 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104 }, GOTOS => { 'SubExpression' => 276, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155 } }, {#State 190 DEFAULT => -214 }, {#State 191 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, "undef" => 144, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 277, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97 } }, {#State 192 DEFAULT => -213 }, {#State 193 DEFAULT => -95 }, {#State 194 ACTIONS => { ")" => 278 } }, {#State 195 DEFAULT => -16 }, {#State 196 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 279, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'Operator' => 119, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147 } }, {#State 197 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 280, 'HashReference' => 97, 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119 } }, {#State 198 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 281 } }, {#State 199 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 144, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 282 } }, {#State 200 ACTIONS => { 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 283, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 201 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 144, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 284, 'HashDereference' => 138 } }, {#State 202 ACTIONS => { 'OP06_REGEX_PATTERN' => 285 } }, {#State 203 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 286, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130 } }, {#State 204 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 287, 'HashReference' => 97, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119 } }, {#State 205 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107 }, GOTOS => { 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 288, 'HashReference' => 97, 'WordScoped' => 141 } }, {#State 206 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104 }, GOTOS => { 'VariableOrLiteral' => 289, 'Variable' => 291, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 290 } }, {#State 207 ACTIONS => { 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "undef" => 144, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LBRACKET' => 118 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 292, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129 } }, {#State 208 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 293, 'HashDereference' => 138 } }, {#State 209 ACTIONS => { 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 294, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119 } }, {#State 210 ACTIONS => { "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'SubExpression' => 295, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 211 ACTIONS => { 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "undef" => 144, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104 }, GOTOS => { 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 296, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 212 ACTIONS => { 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 297, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129 } }, {#State 213 DEFAULT => -186 }, {#State 214 DEFAULT => -184 }, {#State 215 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 299, 'LPAREN_MY' => 298 } }, {#State 216 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN_MY' => 300, 'LPAREN' => 301 } }, {#State 217 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 302 } }, {#State 218 DEFAULT => -185 }, {#State 219 DEFAULT => -173 }, {#State 220 ACTIONS => { 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -127, "}" => -127, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, "]" => -127, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, ";" => -127, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -127, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -127, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -127, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212 } }, {#State 221 ACTIONS => { ")" => 303 } }, {#State 222 DEFAULT => -133 }, {#State 223 DEFAULT => -241 }, {#State 224 DEFAULT => -240 }, {#State 225 DEFAULT => -242 }, {#State 226 ACTIONS => { 'FHREF_SYMBOL' => 304 } }, {#State 227 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 305 } }, {#State 228 ACTIONS => { ")" => 306, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212 } }, {#State 229 DEFAULT => -215 }, {#State 230 ACTIONS => { "]" => 307 } }, {#State 231 ACTIONS => { ";" => -108, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -108, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -108, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -108, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -108, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -108, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -108, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -108, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -108, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -108, ")" => -108, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -108, "}" => -108, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -108, "]" => -108, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -108, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -108, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -108, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -108, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -108, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -108, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209 } }, {#State 232 DEFAULT => -104 }, {#State 233 ACTIONS => { 'TYPE_FHREF' => 308 } }, {#State 234 ACTIONS => { 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 309 } }, {#State 235 ACTIONS => { 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -100, ";" => -100, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -100, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -100, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -100, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -100, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -100, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -100, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -211, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -100, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -100, ")" => -100, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -100, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -100, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -100, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -100, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -100, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => -100, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -100, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -100 } }, {#State 236 DEFAULT => -176 }, {#State 237 ACTIONS => { 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -197, 'OP02_METHOD_THINARROW' => -197, ";" => -197, 'OP02_HASH_THINARROW' => 311, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -197, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -197, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -197, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -197, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -197, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -197, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -197, 'OP20_HASH_FATARROW' => -197, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -197, 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => -197, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -197, "}" => -197, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -197, ")" => -197, "]" => -197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -197, 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN_BY' => -197, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -197, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -197, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -197, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -197, 'COLON' => -197, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => -197, 'OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW' => 310, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -197, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -197 }, GOTOS => { 'VariableRetrieval' => 312 } }, {#State 238 DEFAULT => -169 }, {#State 239 DEFAULT => -103 }, {#State 240 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACKET' => 118 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayReference' => 313 } }, {#State 241 DEFAULT => -218 }, {#State 242 ACTIONS => { "}" => 314 } }, {#State 243 ACTIONS => { 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'FHREF_SYMBOL_IN' => 315, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'STDIN' => 317 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 316, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpressionOrInput' => 318, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130 } }, {#State 244 DEFAULT => -105 }, {#State 245 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 319 } }, {#State 246 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 320, 'HashReference' => 97, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Operator' => 119, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129 } }, {#State 247 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 99 }, GOTOS => { 'HashReference' => 321 } }, {#State 248 ACTIONS => { "}" => 322 } }, {#State 249 DEFAULT => -233 }, {#State 250 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'SubExpression' => 323, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 251 ACTIONS => { 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, ")" => 324, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200 } }, {#State 252 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'ARGV' => 190, ")" => -144, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-42' => 325, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ListElements' => 326, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'ListElement' => 188 } }, {#State 253 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 99, ")" => -148 }, GOTOS => { 'HashReference' => 328, 'OPTIONAL-44' => 327 } }, {#State 254 ACTIONS => { 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, ")" => 329, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210 } }, {#State 255 ACTIONS => { ";" => 330 } }, {#State 256 DEFAULT => -239 }, {#State 257 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'ARGV' => 190, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118 }, GOTOS => { 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ListElements' => 331, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'ListElement' => 188, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155 } }, {#State 258 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'ARGV' => 190, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'MY' => 185, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'ListElement' => 188, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'ListElements' => 332, 'WordScoped' => 141 } }, {#State 259 DEFAULT => -130 }, {#State 260 DEFAULT => -131 }, {#State 261 ACTIONS => { 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -116, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -116, ";" => -116, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -116, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -116, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -116, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -116, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -116, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -116, "]" => -116, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -116, "}" => -116, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -116, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -116, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -116, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198 } }, {#State 262 ACTIONS => { ";" => 333 } }, {#State 263 ACTIONS => { "\$TYPED_" => 334 } }, {#State 264 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223, 'WORD' => 224, 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 335 } }, {#State 265 ACTIONS => { ";" => 336 } }, {#State 266 ACTIONS => { "our hashref \$properties" => 339, "use constant" => 62 }, GOTOS => { 'Constant' => 338, 'Properties' => 337 } }, {#State 267 DEFAULT => -70 }, {#State 268 DEFAULT => -163 }, {#State 269 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'ARGV' => 190, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'MY' => 185, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Operator' => 119, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'ListElement' => 188, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'ListElements' => 340, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97 } }, {#State 270 ACTIONS => { 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 341 } }, {#State 271 ACTIONS => { 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 344, "}" => 342 }, GOTOS => { 'PAREN-58' => 343 } }, {#State 272 ACTIONS => { 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => -223, 'OP01_NAMED' => -223, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -223, 'LPAREN' => -223, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => -223, 'OP01_OPEN' => -223, 'WORD' => -223, "\@{" => -223, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => -223, 'LBRACE' => -223, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => -223, 'OP01_CLOSE' => -223, 'WORD_SCOPED' => -223, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => -223, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => -223, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => -223, 'LITERAL_STRING' => -223, "%{" => -223, 'SELF' => -223, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => -223, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => -223, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => -223, 'LBRACKET' => -223, 'MY' => 185, "undef" => -223 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-57' => 345, 'TypeInner' => 346 } }, {#State 273 ACTIONS => { "\$TYPED_" => 347 } }, {#State 274 DEFAULT => -139 }, {#State 275 ACTIONS => { "]" => -210, ";" => -210, ")" => -210, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 349 }, GOTOS => { 'PAREN-53' => 348 } }, {#State 276 ACTIONS => { "]" => -212, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, ")" => -212, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, ";" => -212, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -212, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205 } }, {#State 277 ACTIONS => { 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -100, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -100, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -100, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -100, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -100, ";" => -100, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -100, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -100, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -100, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -100, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -100, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -100, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -100, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -100, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -100, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => -100, ")" => -100, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -100, "}" => -100, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -100, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -100, "]" => -100 } }, {#State 278 DEFAULT => -150 }, {#State 279 ACTIONS => { 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -111, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -111, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -111, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -111, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -111, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -111, ";" => -111, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -111, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -111, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -111, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -111, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -111, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -111, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -111, "}" => -111, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -111, ")" => -111, "]" => -111, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -111, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -111 } }, {#State 280 ACTIONS => { 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -120, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, "]" => -120, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -120, "}" => -120, ")" => -120, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -120, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -120, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -120, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -120, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -120, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -120, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -120, ";" => -120 } }, {#State 281 ACTIONS => { 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -113, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -113, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -113, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -113, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -113, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -113, "]" => -113, ")" => -113, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, "}" => -113, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -113, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -113, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -113, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -113, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -113, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -113, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -113, ";" => -113, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -113 } }, {#State 282 ACTIONS => { 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -115, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -115, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -115, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, "]" => -115, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -115, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -115, "}" => -115, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -115, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -115, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -115, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -115, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -115, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -115, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -115, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -115, ";" => -115 } }, {#State 283 ACTIONS => { "]" => -112, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -112, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -112, "}" => -112, ")" => -112, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -112, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -112, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -112, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -112, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -112, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -112, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -112, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -112, ";" => -112, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -112, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -112, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -112, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -112, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -112 } }, {#State 284 ACTIONS => { ";" => -124, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -124, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -124, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -124, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -124, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -124, "}" => -124, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, "]" => -124, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => undef, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209 } }, {#State 285 DEFAULT => -110 }, {#State 286 ACTIONS => { 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, "]" => -121, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, ")" => -121, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, "}" => -121, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -121, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -121, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, ";" => -121, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -121, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -121, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -121, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -121, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -121, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -121 } }, {#State 287 ACTIONS => { 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -114, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -114, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -114, "}" => -114, ")" => -114, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, "]" => -114, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -114, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -114, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -114, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -114, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -114, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -114, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -114, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -114, ";" => -114, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -114, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -114 } }, {#State 288 ACTIONS => { 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, "]" => -128, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -128, "}" => -128, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -128, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -128, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -128, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, ";" => -128, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210 } }, {#State 289 ACTIONS => { 'COLON' => 350 } }, {#State 290 DEFAULT => -248 }, {#State 291 DEFAULT => -247 }, {#State 292 ACTIONS => { 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -118, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, ";" => -118, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -118, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -118, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -118, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -118, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -118, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -118, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -118, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => undef, "]" => -118, ")" => -118, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, "}" => -118, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -118, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -118, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200 } }, {#State 293 ACTIONS => { 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -119, ";" => -119, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -119, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -119, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -119, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -119, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -119, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -119, "}" => -119, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -119, "]" => -119, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -119, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -119, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => undef } }, {#State 294 ACTIONS => { "]" => -106, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => -106, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => -106, "}" => -106, ")" => -106, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => -106, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => -106, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -106, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => -106, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => -106, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => -106, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => -106, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => -106, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => -106, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -106, ";" => -106, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -106, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -106, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -106, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -106, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -106 } }, {#State 295 ACTIONS => { 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, "]" => -122, ")" => -122, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, "}" => -122, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -122, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, ";" => -122, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => -122, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -122, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -122, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -122, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -122, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -122 } }, {#State 296 ACTIONS => { 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, "]" => -129, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -129, "}" => -129, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -129, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -129, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, ";" => -129, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210 } }, {#State 297 ACTIONS => { 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => -123, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, "]" => -123, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, "}" => -123, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -123, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => -123, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -123, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -123, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -123, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -123, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, ";" => -123 } }, {#State 298 ACTIONS => { 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 351 } }, {#State 299 ACTIONS => { 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 352 } }, {#State 300 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223, 'WORD' => 224, 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 353 } }, {#State 301 ACTIONS => { 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104 }, GOTOS => { 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 354, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 302 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 224, 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 355 } }, {#State 303 ACTIONS => { ";" => 356 } }, {#State 304 ACTIONS => { ";" => 357 } }, {#State 305 ACTIONS => { 'OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW' => 360, 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 358, ";" => 359 } }, {#State 306 DEFAULT => -109 }, {#State 307 DEFAULT => -217 }, {#State 308 ACTIONS => { 'FHREF_SYMBOL' => 361 } }, {#State 309 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'ARGV' => 190, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191 }, GOTOS => { 'ListElement' => 188, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'Operator' => 119, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ListElements' => 362, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 310 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, "undef" => 144, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142 }, GOTOS => { 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 363, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 311 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 144, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD' => 364, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 365, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130 } }, {#State 312 DEFAULT => -195 }, {#State 313 ACTIONS => { "}" => 366 } }, {#State 314 DEFAULT => -220 }, {#State 315 DEFAULT => -165 }, {#State 316 ACTIONS => { 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, ")" => -164, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, ";" => -164, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205 } }, {#State 317 DEFAULT => -166 }, {#State 318 DEFAULT => -205 }, {#State 319 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 99, 'ARGV' => 190, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, ")" => -146, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ListElements' => 367, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Operator' => 119, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'ListElement' => 188, 'Expression' => 155, 'OPTIONAL-43' => 368, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130 } }, {#State 320 ACTIONS => { 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, ";" => -206, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, ")" => -206, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207 } }, {#State 321 ACTIONS => { "}" => 369 } }, {#State 322 DEFAULT => -235 }, {#State 323 ACTIONS => { 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => 370, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204 } }, {#State 324 DEFAULT => -107 }, {#State 325 ACTIONS => { ")" => 371 } }, {#State 326 DEFAULT => -143 }, {#State 327 ACTIONS => { ")" => 372 } }, {#State 328 DEFAULT => -147 }, {#State 329 DEFAULT => -126 }, {#State 330 DEFAULT => -142 }, {#State 331 ACTIONS => { ";" => 373 } }, {#State 332 ACTIONS => { ";" => 374 } }, {#State 333 DEFAULT => -56 }, {#State 334 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 375 } }, {#State 335 ACTIONS => { "\$RETURN_TYPE" => 376 } }, {#State 336 ACTIONS => { "}" => 377 } }, {#State 337 DEFAULT => -75, GOTOS => { 'STAR-32' => 378 } }, {#State 338 DEFAULT => -72 }, {#State 339 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 379 } }, {#State 340 ACTIONS => { ")" => 380 } }, {#State 341 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'ARGV' => 190, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ListElements' => 381, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'ListElement' => 188, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130 } }, {#State 342 DEFAULT => -231 }, {#State 343 DEFAULT => -229 }, {#State 344 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 174, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 173, 'OP01_OPEN' => 172, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 182, 'WORD' => 171, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 170, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 180, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 167, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 179, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 178, "%{" => 137, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 165, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 164, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 176, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 175, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 163, 'OP01_PRINT' => 162, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 161, 'ENV' => 160 }, GOTOS => { 'Literal' => 168, 'HashEntry' => 382, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'OpStringOrWord' => 181, 'Variable' => 169, 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord' => 184, 'HashDereference' => 166 } }, {#State 345 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "undef" => 144, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104 }, GOTOS => { 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'SubExpression' => 383, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 346 DEFAULT => -222 }, {#State 347 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 171, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 182, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 170, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 180, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 167, 'OP01_NAMED' => 174, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 173, 'OP01_OPEN' => 172, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 176, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 164, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 175, 'OP01_PRINT' => 162, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 161, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 163, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 178, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 179, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 165 }, GOTOS => { 'OpStringOrWord' => 384 } }, {#State 348 DEFAULT => -208 }, {#State 349 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'MY' => 185, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'ARGV' => 190, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122 }, GOTOS => { 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'Operator' => 119, 'ListElement' => 385, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 350 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104 }, GOTOS => { 'Literal' => 290, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'VariableOrLiteral' => 386, 'Variable' => 291 } }, {#State 351 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 387 } }, {#State 352 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 388 } }, {#State 353 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 389 } }, {#State 354 ACTIONS => { 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => 390, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208 } }, {#State 355 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 391 } }, {#State 356 DEFAULT => -138 }, {#State 357 DEFAULT => -204 }, {#State 358 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'STDIN' => 317, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'FHREF_SYMBOL_IN' => 315, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 394, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 393, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 316, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn' => 392, 'SubExpressionOrInput' => 395 } }, {#State 359 DEFAULT => -201 }, {#State 360 ACTIONS => { 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 396, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119 } }, {#State 361 ACTIONS => { 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 397 } }, {#State 362 ACTIONS => { ";" => 398 } }, {#State 363 ACTIONS => { 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, "]" => 399, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210 } }, {#State 364 ACTIONS => { 'OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_NEW' => -237, 'LPAREN' => -237, "}" => 400 } }, {#State 365 ACTIONS => { 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, "}" => 401, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205 } }, {#State 366 DEFAULT => -221 }, {#State 367 DEFAULT => -145 }, {#State 368 ACTIONS => { ")" => 402 } }, {#State 369 DEFAULT => -236 }, {#State 370 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 403 }, GOTOS => { 'CodeBlock' => 404 } }, {#State 371 DEFAULT => -152 }, {#State 372 DEFAULT => -154 }, {#State 373 DEFAULT => -135 }, {#State 374 DEFAULT => -136 }, {#State 375 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 405 } }, {#State 376 ACTIONS => { "}" => 406 } }, {#State 377 DEFAULT => -55 }, {#State 378 ACTIONS => { 'SUB' => 407, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 408 }, GOTOS => { 'Method' => 410, 'SubroutineOrMethod' => 411, 'Subroutine' => 409 } }, {#State 379 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 412 } }, {#State 380 DEFAULT => -99 }, {#State 381 ACTIONS => { ")" => 413 } }, {#State 382 DEFAULT => -228 }, {#State 383 ACTIONS => { 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, "}" => -224, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -224, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210 } }, {#State 384 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 414 } }, {#State 385 DEFAULT => -207 }, {#State 386 DEFAULT => -125 }, {#State 387 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 415 } }, {#State 388 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 416 } }, {#State 389 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 417 } }, {#State 390 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 403 }, GOTOS => { 'CodeBlock' => 418 } }, {#State 391 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 419 } }, {#State 392 DEFAULT => -202 }, {#State 393 DEFAULT => -259 }, {#State 394 DEFAULT => -260 }, {#State 395 ACTIONS => { ";" => 420 } }, {#State 396 ACTIONS => { 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, "]" => 421, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205 } }, {#State 397 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 422 } }, {#State 398 DEFAULT => -140 }, {#State 399 DEFAULT => -198 }, {#State 400 DEFAULT => -200 }, {#State 401 DEFAULT => -199 }, {#State 402 DEFAULT => -153 }, {#State 403 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => 96, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 100, 'LBRACE' => 99, "for" => -171, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 102, "while" => -171, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 105, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => 112, 'MY' => 113, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, "foreach" => -171, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 123, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_NAMED' => 126, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 136, "%{" => 137, "if" => 139, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP01_PRINT' => 145, "undef" => 144, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 143, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146 }, GOTOS => { 'Conditional' => 114, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'OperatorVoid' => 120, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 108, 'PAREN-45' => 111, 'OPTIONAL-46' => 109, 'Expression' => 101, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Operation' => 423, 'LoopLabel' => 131, 'Variable' => 135, 'VariableDeclaration' => 124, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'PLUS-51' => 424, 'Statement' => 128, 'VariableModification' => 127, 'HashReference' => 97 } }, {#State 404 DEFAULT => -179, GOTOS => { 'STAR-48' => 425 } }, {#State 405 DEFAULT => -246 }, {#State 406 ACTIONS => { ";" => 426 } }, {#State 407 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 427 } }, {#State 408 ACTIONS => { ";" => 428 } }, {#State 409 DEFAULT => -93 }, {#State 410 DEFAULT => -94 }, {#State 411 DEFAULT => -74 }, {#State 412 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 174, 'OP01_OPEN' => 172, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 173, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 170, 'WORD' => 171, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 182, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 167, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 180, "}" => 430, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 178, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 179, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 165, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 175, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 176, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 164, 'OP01_PRINT' => 162, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 161, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 163 }, GOTOS => { 'OpStringOrWord' => 431, 'HashEntryProperties' => 429 } }, {#State 413 DEFAULT => -101 }, {#State 414 DEFAULT => -243 }, {#State 415 ACTIONS => { 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 434, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 432, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 433, 'HashReference' => 97, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp' => 435, 'Operator' => 119, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147 } }, {#State 416 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 436, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'Operator' => 119, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147 } }, {#State 417 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, "undef" => 144, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'FHREF_SYMBOL_IN' => 315, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'STDIN' => 317, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121 }, GOTOS => { 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'SubExpressionOrInput' => 437, 'SubExpression' => 316, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'WordScoped' => 141 } }, {#State 418 DEFAULT => -190 }, {#State 419 ACTIONS => { 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'MY' => 185, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_QW' => 192, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'ARGV' => 190, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133 }, GOTOS => { 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Expression' => 155, 'ListElement' => 188, 'TypeInner' => 189, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'SubExpression' => 186, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ListElements' => 438 } }, {#State 420 DEFAULT => -261 }, {#State 421 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 439 } }, {#State 422 ACTIONS => { 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 440 } }, {#State 423 DEFAULT => -193 }, {#State 424 ACTIONS => { 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, "undef" => 144, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 143, 'OP01_PRINT' => 145, "if" => 139, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 136, "%{" => 137, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_NAMED' => 126, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 123, "foreach" => -171, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'MY' => 113, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "}" => 442, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => 112, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 105, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "while" => -171, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 100, "for" => -171, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 102, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => 96 }, GOTOS => { 'Conditional' => 114, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'OperatorVoid' => 120, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 108, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'OPTIONAL-46' => 109, 'PAREN-45' => 111, 'Expression' => 101, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'LoopLabel' => 131, 'Operation' => 441, 'Variable' => 135, 'VariableDeclaration' => 124, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Statement' => 128, 'VariableModification' => 127, 'HashReference' => 97 } }, {#State 425 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => -182, "\@{" => -182, 'WORD_SCOPED' => -182, 'OP01_CLOSE' => -182, 'OP01_NAMED' => -182, "foreach" => -182, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -182, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => -182, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => -182, 'OP01_OPEN' => -182, '' => -182, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => -182, 'OP01_PRINT' => -182, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => -182, "undef" => -182, "if" => -182, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => -182, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => -182, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => -182, "%{" => -182, "while" => -182, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => -182, 'LBRACE' => -182, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => -182, "for" => -182, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => -182, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => -182, 'LPAREN' => -182, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => -182, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => -182, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => -182, 'LBRACKET' => -182, "else" => 445, 'MY' => -182, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => -182, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => -182, "}" => -182, "elsif" => 446, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => -182, 'LITERAL_STRING' => -182, 'SELF' => -182 }, GOTOS => { 'PAREN-47' => 444, 'OPTIONAL-50' => 443, 'PAREN-49' => 447 } }, {#State 426 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => -58, "\@{" => -58, 'OP01_CLOSE' => -58, 'WORD_SCOPED' => -58, 'OP01_NAMED' => -58, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -58, "foreach" => -58, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => -58, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => -58, 'OP01_OPEN' => -58, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => -58, 'OP01_PRINT' => -58, "undef" => -58, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => -58, "if" => -58, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => -58, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => -58, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => -58, "%{" => -58, "while" => -58, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => -58, 'LBRACE' => -58, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => -58, 'LPAREN_MY' => 450, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => -58, "for" => -58, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => -58, 'LPAREN' => -58, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => -58, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => -58, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => -58, 'LBRACKET' => -58, 'MY' => -58, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => -58, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => -58, "}" => -58, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => -58, 'SELF' => -58, 'LITERAL_STRING' => -58 }, GOTOS => { 'OPTIONAL-24' => 449, 'SubroutineArguments' => 448 } }, {#State 427 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 451 } }, {#State 428 DEFAULT => -76 }, {#State 429 DEFAULT => -81, GOTOS => { 'STAR-34' => 452 } }, {#State 430 ACTIONS => { ";" => 453 } }, {#State 431 ACTIONS => { 'OP20_HASH_FATARROW' => 454 } }, {#State 432 DEFAULT => -256 }, {#State 433 ACTIONS => { 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, ";" => 455, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207 } }, {#State 434 DEFAULT => -257 }, {#State 435 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 456 } }, {#State 436 ACTIONS => { 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 457, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204 } }, {#State 437 ACTIONS => { ")" => 458 } }, {#State 438 ACTIONS => { ")" => 459 } }, {#State 439 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 460 } }, {#State 440 ACTIONS => { 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 461, 'HashReference' => 97, 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119 } }, {#State 441 DEFAULT => -192 }, {#State 442 DEFAULT => -194 }, {#State 443 DEFAULT => -183 }, {#State 444 DEFAULT => -178 }, {#State 445 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 403 }, GOTOS => { 'CodeBlock' => 462 } }, {#State 446 ACTIONS => { 'LPAREN' => 463 } }, {#State 447 DEFAULT => -181 }, {#State 448 DEFAULT => -57 }, {#State 449 DEFAULT => -60, GOTOS => { 'STAR-25' => 464 } }, {#State 450 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 224, 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 465 } }, {#State 451 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 466 } }, {#State 452 ACTIONS => { "}" => 468, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 467 }, GOTOS => { 'PAREN-33' => 469 } }, {#State 453 DEFAULT => -83 }, {#State 454 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 470 }, GOTOS => { 'TypeInnerProperties' => 471 } }, {#State 455 DEFAULT => -258 }, {#State 456 ACTIONS => { 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 472 } }, {#State 457 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 473, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119 } }, {#State 458 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 403 }, GOTOS => { 'CodeBlock' => 474 } }, {#State 459 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 403 }, GOTOS => { 'CodeBlock' => 475 } }, {#State 460 ACTIONS => { ";" => 476 } }, {#State 461 ACTIONS => { 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -102, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -102, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -102, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, ";" => -102, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -102, "}" => -102, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, "]" => -102 } }, {#State 462 DEFAULT => -180 }, {#State 463 ACTIONS => { 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, "%{" => 137, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LBRACKET' => 118, "undef" => 144, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133 }, GOTOS => { 'Variable' => 159, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'HashReference' => 97, 'SubExpression' => 477, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 464 ACTIONS => { "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_NAMED' => 126, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, "foreach" => -171, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 123, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 143, "undef" => 144, 'OP01_PRINT' => 145, "if" => 139, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 136, "%{" => 137, "while" => -171, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 100, 'LBRACE' => 99, "for" => -171, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 102, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => 96, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'MY' => 113, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "}" => 478, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => 112, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 105, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106 }, GOTOS => { 'Conditional' => 114, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'OperatorVoid' => 120, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 108, 'OPTIONAL-46' => 109, 'PAREN-45' => 111, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'LoopLabel' => 131, 'Operation' => 479, 'Expression' => 101, 'Variable' => 135, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'VariableDeclaration' => 124, 'HashReference' => 97, 'VariableModification' => 127, 'Statement' => 128 } }, {#State 465 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 480 } }, {#State 466 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 481 } }, {#State 467 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 173, 'OP01_OPEN' => 172, 'OP01_NAMED' => 174, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 180, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 167, 'WORD' => 171, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 182, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 170, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 165, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 178, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 179, 'OP01_PRINT' => 162, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 161, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 163, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 176, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 164, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 175 }, GOTOS => { 'OpStringOrWord' => 431, 'HashEntryProperties' => 482 } }, {#State 468 ACTIONS => { ";" => 483 } }, {#State 469 DEFAULT => -80 }, {#State 470 ACTIONS => { 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD' => 224, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 484 } }, {#State 471 DEFAULT => -227 }, {#State 472 ACTIONS => { 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 434, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 432 }, GOTOS => { 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Operator' => 119, 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp' => 485, 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 433, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'HashReference' => 97, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 473 ACTIONS => { 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => undef, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, ")" => 486, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => -124, 'OP18_TERNARY' => -124, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => -124, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210 } }, {#State 474 DEFAULT => -191 }, {#State 475 DEFAULT => -189 }, {#State 476 DEFAULT => -203 }, {#State 477 ACTIONS => { 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, ")" => 487, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204 } }, {#State 478 DEFAULT => -61 }, {#State 479 DEFAULT => -59 }, {#State 480 DEFAULT => -64, GOTOS => { 'STAR-27' => 488 } }, {#State 481 ACTIONS => { 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD' => 224, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223, 'TYPE_METHOD' => 489 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 335 } }, {#State 482 DEFAULT => -79 }, {#State 483 DEFAULT => -82 }, {#State 484 ACTIONS => { "\$TYPED_" => 490 } }, {#State 485 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, "undef" => 144, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 155, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Literal' => 129, 'Variable' => 135, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'SubExpressionOrVarMod' => 492, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'VariableModification' => 493, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 491 } }, {#State 486 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 403 }, GOTOS => { 'CodeBlock' => 494 } }, {#State 487 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 403 }, GOTOS => { 'CodeBlock' => 495 } }, {#State 488 ACTIONS => { ")" => 497, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 496 }, GOTOS => { 'PAREN-26' => 498 } }, {#State 489 ACTIONS => { "\$RETURN_TYPE" => 499 } }, {#State 490 ACTIONS => { 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 165, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 179, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 178, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 163, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 161, 'OP01_PRINT' => 162, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 175, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 164, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 176, 'OP01_OPEN' => 172, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 173, 'OP01_NAMED' => 174, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 167, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 180, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 170, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 182, 'WORD' => 171 }, GOTOS => { 'OpStringOrWord' => 500 } }, {#State 491 ACTIONS => { 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, ")" => -167 } }, {#State 492 ACTIONS => { ")" => 501 } }, {#State 493 DEFAULT => -168 }, {#State 494 DEFAULT => -187 }, {#State 495 DEFAULT => -177 }, {#State 496 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 502 } }, {#State 497 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 503 } }, {#State 498 DEFAULT => -63 }, {#State 499 ACTIONS => { "}" => 504 } }, {#State 500 ACTIONS => { 'OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW' => 505, 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 506 } }, {#State 501 ACTIONS => { 'LBRACE' => 403 }, GOTOS => { 'CodeBlock' => 507 } }, {#State 502 ACTIONS => { 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD' => 224, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 508 } }, {#State 503 ACTIONS => { "\@ARG;" => 509 } }, {#State 504 ACTIONS => { ";" => 510 } }, {#State 505 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 144, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, "%{" => 137, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'WORD' => 31, "\@{" => 134, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_NAMED' => 191 }, GOTOS => { 'WordScoped' => 141, 'SubExpression' => 511, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Expression' => 155, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130 } }, {#State 506 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED' => 191, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 156, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'LBRACE' => 99, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, "%{" => 137, 'SELF' => 107, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, "undef" => 144 }, GOTOS => { 'Operator' => 119, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Variable' => 159, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'Expression' => 155, 'SubExpression' => 512, 'HashReference' => 97, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'ArrayDereference' => 95 } }, {#State 507 DEFAULT => -188 }, {#State 508 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 513 } }, {#State 509 DEFAULT => -65 }, {#State 510 ACTIONS => { 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => -85, 'SELF' => -85, 'LITERAL_STRING' => -85, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => -85, "}" => -85, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => -85, 'MY' => -85, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => -85, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => -85, 'LBRACKET' => -85, 'LPAREN' => -85, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => -85, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => -85, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => -85, 'LPAREN_MY' => 515, 'LBRACE' => -85, "for" => -85, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => -85, "while" => -85, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => -85, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => -85, "%{" => -85, "if" => -85, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => -85, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => -85, "undef" => -85, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => -85, 'OP01_PRINT' => -85, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => -85, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => -85, "foreach" => -85, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => -85, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => -85, 'OP01_OPEN' => -85, 'OP01_NAMED' => -85, 'OP01_CLOSE' => -85, 'WORD_SCOPED' => -85, "\@{" => -85, 'WORD' => -85 }, GOTOS => { 'MethodArguments' => 514, 'OPTIONAL-35' => 516 } }, {#State 511 ACTIONS => { 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, "]" => 517, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211 } }, {#State 512 ACTIONS => { 'OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB' => 198, 'OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT' => 199, 'OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD' => 200, 'OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE' => 208, 'OP17_LIST_RANGE' => 201, 'OP04_MATH_POW' => 209, 'OP07_STRING_REPEAT' => 196, "}" => -244, 'OP13_BITWISE_AND' => 197, 'OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT' => 207, 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => -244, 'OP23_LOGICAL_AND' => 205, 'OP18_TERNARY' => 206, 'OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR' => 211, 'OP16_LOGICAL_OR' => 212, 'OP15_LOGICAL_AND' => 210, 'OP06_REGEX_BIND' => 202, 'OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR' => 203, 'OP08_STRING_CAT' => 204 } }, {#State 513 DEFAULT => -62 }, {#State 514 DEFAULT => -84 }, {#State 515 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 224, 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 518 } }, {#State 516 DEFAULT => -87, GOTOS => { 'STAR-36' => 519 } }, {#State 517 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 520 } }, {#State 518 ACTIONS => { 'SELF' => 521 } }, {#State 519 ACTIONS => { "if" => 139, 'OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN' => 140, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN' => 142, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON' => 136, "%{" => 137, 'OP10_NAMED_UNARY' => 146, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL' => 143, "undef" => 144, 'OP01_PRINT' => 145, 'OP01_NAMED' => 126, 'OP05_LOGICAL_NEG' => 121, 'OP03_MATH_INC_DEC' => 122, "foreach" => -171, 'OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON' => 123, 'OP01_OPEN' => 125, "\@{" => 134, 'WORD' => 31, 'OP01_CLOSE' => 133, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 32, 'OP22_LOGICAL_NEG' => 110, "}" => 523, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN' => 112, 'OP01_NAMED_SCOLON' => 105, 'LITERAL_STRING' => 106, 'SELF' => 107, 'OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN' => 116, 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 117, 'LBRACKET' => 118, 'MY' => 113, 'CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED' => 98, 'LPAREN' => 94, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON' => 96, "while" => -171, 'LITERAL_NUMBER' => 104, 'OP01_NAMED_VOID' => 100, 'LBRACE' => 99, "for" => -171, 'WORD_UPPERCASE' => 102 }, GOTOS => { 'Expression' => 101, 'Literal' => 129, 'VariableSymbolOrSelf' => 130, 'LoopLabel' => 131, 'Operation' => 522, 'Variable' => 135, 'VariableDeclaration' => 124, 'ArrayDereference' => 95, 'Statement' => 128, 'VariableModification' => 127, 'HashReference' => 97, 'Conditional' => 114, 'ArrayReference' => 147, 'Operator' => 119, 'OperatorVoid' => 120, 'WordScoped' => 141, 'HashDereference' => 138, 'SubExpression' => 108, 'OPTIONAL-46' => 109, 'PAREN-45' => 111 } }, {#State 520 ACTIONS => { "undef" => 524 } }, {#State 521 DEFAULT => -91, GOTOS => { 'STAR-38' => 525 } }, {#State 522 DEFAULT => -86 }, {#State 523 DEFAULT => -88 }, {#State 524 DEFAULT => -245 }, {#State 525 ACTIONS => { 'OP21_LIST_COMMA' => 526, ")" => 528 }, GOTOS => { 'PAREN-37' => 527 } }, {#State 526 ACTIONS => { 'MY' => 529 } }, {#State 527 DEFAULT => -90 }, {#State 528 ACTIONS => { 'OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN' => 530 } }, {#State 529 ACTIONS => { 'WORD' => 224, 'TYPE_INTEGER' => 225, 'WORD_SCOPED' => 223 }, GOTOS => { 'Type' => 531 } }, {#State 530 ACTIONS => { "\@ARG;" => 532 } }, {#State 531 ACTIONS => { 'VARIABLE_SYMBOL' => 533 } }, {#State 532 DEFAULT => -92 }, {#State 533 DEFAULT => -89 } ], yyrules => [ [#Rule _SUPERSTART '$start', 2, undef #line 7394 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-1', 2, sub { #line 190 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 7401 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-2', 2, sub { #line 190 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7408 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-2', 1, sub { #line 190 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7415 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule CompileUnit_4 'CompileUnit', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7426 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule CompileUnit_5 'CompileUnit', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7437 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-3', 1, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7444 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-3', 0, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7451 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-4', 2, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7458 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-4', 0, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7465 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-5', 2, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7472 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-5', 0, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7479 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-6', 2, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7486 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-6', 0, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7493 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-7', 2, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7500 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-7', 0, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7507 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-8', 2, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7514 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-8', 1, sub { #line 191 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7521 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Program_18 'Program', 9, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7532 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-9', 1, sub { #line 192 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7539 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-9', 0, sub { #line 192 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7546 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-10', 1, sub { #line 192 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7553 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-10', 0, sub { #line 192 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7560 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ModuleHeader_23 'ModuleHeader', 6, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7571 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Module_24 'Module', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7582 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Module_25 'Module', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7593 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-11', 2, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7600 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-11', 0, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7607 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-12', 1, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7614 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-12', 0, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7621 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-13', 2, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7628 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-13', 0, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7635 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-14', 2, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7642 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-14', 0, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7649 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-15', 2, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7656 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-15', 1, sub { #line 194 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7663 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Package_36 'Package', 7, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7674 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-16', 1, sub { #line 195 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7681 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-16', 0, sub { #line 195 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7688 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Header_39 'Header', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7699 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-17', 2, sub { #line 196 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7706 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-17', 1, sub { #line 196 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7713 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Critic_42 'Critic', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7724 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-18', 3, sub { #line 197 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 7731 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-19', 1, sub { #line 197 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7738 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-19', 0, sub { #line 197 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7745 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-20', 3, sub { #line 197 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 7752 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-21', 1, sub { #line 197 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7759 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-21', 0, sub { #line 197 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7766 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Exports_49 'Exports', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7777 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-22', 1, sub { #line 198 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7784 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-22', 0, sub { #line 198 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7791 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-23', 1, sub { #line 198 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7798 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-23', 0, sub { #line 198 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7805 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Include_54 'Include', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7816 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Include_55 'Include', 8, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7827 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Constant_56 'Constant', 6, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7838 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-24', 1, sub { #line 203 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7845 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-24', 0, sub { #line 203 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7852 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-25', 2, sub { #line 203 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7859 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-25', 0, sub { #line 203 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7866 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Subroutine_61 'Subroutine', 12, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7877 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-26', 4, sub { #line 204 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 7884 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-27', 2, sub { #line 204 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7891 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-27', 0, sub { #line 204 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7898 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubroutineArguments_65 'SubroutineArguments', 7, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7909 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-28', 2, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7916 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-28', 0, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7923 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-29', 1, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 7930 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-29', 0, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7937 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-30', 2, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7944 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-30', 0, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7951 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-31', 2, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7958 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-31', 0, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7965 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-32', 2, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 7972 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-32', 0, sub { #line 205 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 7979 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Class_76 'Class', 13, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 7990 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule UseParent_77 'UseParent', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8001 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule UseParent_78 'UseParent', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8012 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-33', 2, sub { #line 207 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 8019 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-34', 2, sub { #line 207 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 8026 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-34', 0, sub { #line 207 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8033 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Properties_82 'Properties', 7, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8044 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Properties_83 'Properties', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8055 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-35', 1, sub { #line 209 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 8062 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-35', 0, sub { #line 209 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8069 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-36', 2, sub { #line 209 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 8076 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-36', 0, sub { #line 209 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8083 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Method_88 'Method', 12, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8094 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-37', 4, sub { #line 210 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 8101 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-38', 2, sub { #line 210 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 8108 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-38', 0, sub { #line 210 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8115 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule MethodArguments_92 'MethodArguments', 7, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8126 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubroutineOrMethod_93 'SubroutineOrMethod', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8137 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubroutineOrMethod_94 'SubroutineOrMethod', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8148 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operation_95 'Operation', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8159 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operation_96 'Operation', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8170 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operation_97 'Operation', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8181 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operation_98 'Operation', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8192 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_99 'Operator', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8203 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_100 'Operator', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8214 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_101 'Operator', 6, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8225 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_102 'Operator', 8, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8236 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_103 'Operator', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8247 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_104 'Operator', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8258 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_105 'Operator', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8269 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_106 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8280 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_107 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8291 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_108 'Operator', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8302 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_109 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8313 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_110 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8324 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_111 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8335 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_112 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8346 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_113 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8357 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_114 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8368 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_115 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8379 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_116 'Operator', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8390 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_117 'Operator', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8401 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_118 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8412 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_119 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8423 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_120 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8434 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_121 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8445 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_122 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8456 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_123 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8467 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_124 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8478 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_125 'Operator', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8489 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_126 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8500 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_127 'Operator', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8511 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_128 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8522 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Operator_129 'Operator', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8533 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-39', 1, sub { #line 230 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 8540 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-40', 1, sub { #line 230 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 8547 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-40', 0, sub { #line 230 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8554 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-41', 1, sub { #line 231 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 8561 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-41', 0, sub { #line 231 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8568 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OperatorVoid_135 'OperatorVoid', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8579 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OperatorVoid_136 'OperatorVoid', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8590 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OperatorVoid_137 'OperatorVoid', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8601 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OperatorVoid_138 'OperatorVoid', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8612 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OperatorVoid_139 'OperatorVoid', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8623 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OperatorVoid_140 'OperatorVoid', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8634 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OperatorVoid_141 'OperatorVoid', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8645 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OperatorVoid_142 'OperatorVoid', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8656 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-42', 1, sub { #line 233 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 8663 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-42', 0, sub { #line 233 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8670 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-43', 1, sub { #line 234 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 8677 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-43', 0, sub { #line 234 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8684 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-44', 1, sub { #line 234 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 8691 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-44', 0, sub { #line 234 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8698 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Expression_149 'Expression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8709 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Expression_150 'Expression', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8720 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Expression_151 'Expression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8731 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Expression_152 'Expression', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8742 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Expression_153 'Expression', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8753 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Expression_154 'Expression', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8764 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_155 'SubExpression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8775 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_156 'SubExpression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8786 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_157 'SubExpression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8797 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_158 'SubExpression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8808 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_159 'SubExpression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8819 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_160 'SubExpression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8830 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_161 'SubExpression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8841 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_162 'SubExpression', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8852 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpression_163 'SubExpression', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8863 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpressionOrInput_164 'SubExpressionOrInput', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8874 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpressionOrInput_165 'SubExpressionOrInput', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8885 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpressionOrInput_166 'SubExpressionOrInput', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8896 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpressionOrVarMod_167 'SubExpressionOrVarMod', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8907 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule SubExpressionOrVarMod_168 'SubExpressionOrVarMod', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8918 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-45', 2, sub { #line 238 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 8925 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-46', 1, sub { #line 238 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 8932 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-46', 0, sub { #line 238 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 8939 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Statement_172 'Statement', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8950 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Statement_173 'Statement', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8961 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Statement_174 'Statement', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8972 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Statement_175 'Statement', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8983 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Statement_176 'Statement', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 8994 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-47', 5, sub { #line 239 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 9001 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-48', 2, sub { #line 239 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 9008 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-48', 0, sub { #line 239 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9015 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-49', 2, sub { #line 239 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 9022 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-50', 1, sub { #line 239 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 9029 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-50', 0, sub { #line 239 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9036 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Conditional_183 'Conditional', 7, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9047 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Loop_184 'Loop', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9058 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Loop_185 'Loop', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9069 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Loop_186 'Loop', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9080 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule LoopFor_187 'LoopFor', 10, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9091 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule LoopFor_188 'LoopFor', 12, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9102 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule LoopForEach_189 'LoopForEach', 8, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9113 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule LoopWhile_190 'LoopWhile', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9124 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule LoopWhile_191 'LoopWhile', 8, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9135 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-51', 2, sub { #line 245 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 9142 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PLUS_LIST 'PLUS-51', 1, sub { #line 245 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 9149 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule CodeBlock_194 'CodeBlock', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9160 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-52', 2, sub { #line 249 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 9167 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-52', 0, sub { #line 249 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9174 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Variable_197 'Variable', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9185 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableRetrieval_198 'VariableRetrieval', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9196 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableRetrieval_199 'VariableRetrieval', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9207 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableRetrieval_200 'VariableRetrieval', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9218 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableDeclaration_201 'VariableDeclaration', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9229 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableDeclaration_202 'VariableDeclaration', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9240 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableDeclaration_203 'VariableDeclaration', 9, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9251 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableDeclaration_204 'VariableDeclaration', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9262 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableModification_205 'VariableModification', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9273 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableModification_206 'VariableModification', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9284 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-53', 2, sub { #line 254 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 9291 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-54', 2, sub { #line 254 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 9298 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-54', 0, sub { #line 254 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9305 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ListElements_210 'ListElements', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9316 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ListElement_211 'ListElement', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9327 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ListElement_212 'ListElement', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9338 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ListElement_213 'ListElement', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9349 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ListElement_214 'ListElement', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9360 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-55', 1, sub { #line 256 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 9367 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-55', 0, sub { #line 256 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9374 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ArrayReference_217 'ArrayReference', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9385 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-56', 1, sub { #line 257 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 9392 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-56', 0, sub { #line 257 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9399 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ArrayDereference_220 'ArrayDereference', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9410 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule ArrayDereference_221 'ArrayDereference', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9421 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-57', 1, sub { #line 258 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 9428 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-57', 0, sub { #line 258 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9435 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule HashEntry_224 'HashEntry', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9446 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule HashEntry_225 'HashEntry', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9457 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule HashEntry_226 'HashEntry', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9468 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule HashEntryProperties_227 'HashEntryProperties', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9479 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _PAREN 'PAREN-58', 2, sub { #line 260 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforParenthesis} #line 9486 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-59', 2, sub { #line 260 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_TX1X2 } #line 9493 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _STAR_LIST 'STAR-59', 0, sub { #line 260 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9500 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule HashReference_231 'HashReference', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9511 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule HashReference_232 'HashReference', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9522 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-60', 1, sub { #line 261 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_single } #line 9529 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule _OPTIONAL 'OPTIONAL-60', 0, sub { #line 261 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" goto &Parse::Eyapp::Driver::YYActionforT_empty } #line 9536 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule HashDereference_235 'HashDereference', 3, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9547 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule HashDereference_236 'HashDereference', 4, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9558 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule WordScoped_237 'WordScoped', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9569 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule WordScoped_238 'WordScoped', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9580 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule LoopLabel_239 'LoopLabel', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9591 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Type_240 'Type', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9602 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Type_241 'Type', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9613 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Type_242 'Type', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9624 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule TypeInner_243 'TypeInner', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9635 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule TypeInnerProperties_244 'TypeInnerProperties', 6, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9646 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule TypeInnerProperties_245 'TypeInnerProperties', 9, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9657 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule TypeInnerConstant_246 'TypeInnerConstant', 5, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9668 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableOrLiteral_247 'VariableOrLiteral', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9679 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableOrLiteral_248 'VariableOrLiteral', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9690 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_249 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9701 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9712 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_251 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9723 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableSymbolOrSelf_252 'VariableSymbolOrSelf', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9734 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule VariableSymbolOrSelf_253 'VariableSymbolOrSelf', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9745 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Literal_254 'Literal', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9756 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule Literal_255 'Literal', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9767 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_256 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9778 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_257 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9789 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_258 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9800 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_259 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9811 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_260 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9822 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_261 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn', 2, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9833 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_262 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9844 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_263 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9855 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_264 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9866 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_265 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9877 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_266 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9888 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_267 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9899 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_268 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9910 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_269 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9921 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_270 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9932 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_271 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9943 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_272 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9954 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_273 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9965 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_274 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9976 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_275 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9987 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_276 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 9998 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_277 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 10009 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ], [#Rule OpStringOrWord_278 'OpStringOrWord', 1, sub { #line 24 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" my $self = shift; my $name = $self->YYName(); bless { children => [ @_ ], line_number => ($self->{TOKENLINE} + 1) }, $name; } #line 10020 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm ] ], #line 10023 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm yybypass => 0, yybuildingtree => 1, yyprefix => '', yyaccessors => { }, yyconflicthandlers => {} , yystateconflict => { }, @_, ); bless($self,$class); $self->make_node_classes('TERMINAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_STAR_LIST', '_PLUS_LIST', '_SUPERSTART', '_PAREN', '_PLUS_LIST', '_PLUS_LIST', 'CompileUnit_4', 'CompileUnit_5', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_PLUS_LIST', '_PLUS_LIST', 'Program_18', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'ModuleHeader_23', 'Module_24', 'Module_25', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_PLUS_LIST', '_PLUS_LIST', 'Package_36', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'Header_39', '_PLUS_LIST', '_PLUS_LIST', 'Critic_42', '_PAREN', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_PAREN', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'Exports_49', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'Include_54', 'Include_55', 'Constant_56', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'Subroutine_61', '_PAREN', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'SubroutineArguments_65', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'Class_76', 'UseParent_77', 'UseParent_78', '_PAREN', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'Properties_82', 'Properties_83', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'Method_88', '_PAREN', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'MethodArguments_92', 'SubroutineOrMethod_93', 'SubroutineOrMethod_94', 'Operation_95', 'Operation_96', 'Operation_97', 'Operation_98', 'Operator_99', 'Operator_100', 'Operator_101', 'Operator_102', 'Operator_103', 'Operator_104', 'Operator_105', 'Operator_106', 'Operator_107', 'Operator_108', 'Operator_109', 'Operator_110', 'Operator_111', 'Operator_112', 'Operator_113', 'Operator_114', 'Operator_115', 'Operator_116', 'Operator_117', 'Operator_118', 'Operator_119', 'Operator_120', 'Operator_121', 'Operator_122', 'Operator_123', 'Operator_124', 'Operator_125', 'Operator_126', 'Operator_127', 'Operator_128', 'Operator_129', '_PAREN', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'OperatorVoid_135', 'OperatorVoid_136', 'OperatorVoid_137', 'OperatorVoid_138', 'OperatorVoid_139', 'OperatorVoid_140', 'OperatorVoid_141', 'OperatorVoid_142', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'Expression_149', 'Expression_150', 'Expression_151', 'Expression_152', 'Expression_153', 'Expression_154', 'SubExpression_155', 'SubExpression_156', 'SubExpression_157', 'SubExpression_158', 'SubExpression_159', 'SubExpression_160', 'SubExpression_161', 'SubExpression_162', 'SubExpression_163', 'SubExpressionOrInput_164', 'SubExpressionOrInput_165', 'SubExpressionOrInput_166', 'SubExpressionOrVarMod_167', 'SubExpressionOrVarMod_168', '_PAREN', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'Statement_172', 'Statement_173', 'Statement_174', 'Statement_175', 'Statement_176', '_PAREN', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', '_PAREN', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'Conditional_183', 'Loop_184', 'Loop_185', 'Loop_186', 'LoopFor_187', 'LoopFor_188', 'LoopForEach_189', 'LoopWhile_190', 'LoopWhile_191', '_PLUS_LIST', '_PLUS_LIST', 'CodeBlock_194', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'Variable_197', 'VariableRetrieval_198', 'VariableRetrieval_199', 'VariableRetrieval_200', 'VariableDeclaration_201', 'VariableDeclaration_202', 'VariableDeclaration_203', 'VariableDeclaration_204', 'VariableModification_205', 'VariableModification_206', '_PAREN', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'ListElements_210', 'ListElement_211', 'ListElement_212', 'ListElement_213', 'ListElement_214', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'ArrayReference_217', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'ArrayDereference_220', 'ArrayDereference_221', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'HashEntry_224', 'HashEntry_225', 'HashEntry_226', 'HashEntryProperties_227', '_PAREN', '_STAR_LIST', '_STAR_LIST', 'HashReference_231', 'HashReference_232', '_OPTIONAL', '_OPTIONAL', 'HashDereference_235', 'HashDereference_236', 'WordScoped_237', 'WordScoped_238', 'LoopLabel_239', 'Type_240', 'Type_241', 'Type_242', 'TypeInner_243', 'TypeInnerProperties_244', 'TypeInnerProperties_245', 'TypeInnerConstant_246', 'VariableOrLiteral_247', 'VariableOrLiteral_248', 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_249', 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250', 'VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_251', 'VariableSymbolOrSelf_252', 'VariableSymbolOrSelf_253', 'Literal_254', 'Literal_255', 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_256', 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_257', 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_258', 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_259', 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_260', 'OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_261', 'OpStringOrWord_262', 'OpStringOrWord_263', 'OpStringOrWord_264', 'OpStringOrWord_265', 'OpStringOrWord_266', 'OpStringOrWord_267', 'OpStringOrWord_268', 'OpStringOrWord_269', 'OpStringOrWord_270', 'OpStringOrWord_271', 'OpStringOrWord_272', 'OpStringOrWord_273', 'OpStringOrWord_274', 'OpStringOrWord_275', 'OpStringOrWord_276', 'OpStringOrWord_277', 'OpStringOrWord_278', ); $self; } #line 282 "lib/RPerl/Grammar.eyp" # [[[ SEMANTIC MAP, ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE NODES TO CLASSES ]]] { # Map from abstract syntax tree to classes # DEV NOTE: derived from grammar rules in Grammar.output file, use the following process for grammar updates... # 1. Update grammar code in this file, above this line only # 2. Run `script/development/grammar_recompile.sh` # 3. Run `perl t/12_parse.t` for new & existing grammar parse-only tests, if errors goto step 1 # 4. Inspect updates from Grammar.output file, note starting & finishing & increment/decrement numbers if any rule numbers have changed # 5a. Run `script/development/grammar_increment.pl START FINISH INCREMENT` if rules added from step 4, repeat if needed # 5b. Run `script/development/grammar_decrement.pl START FINISH DECREMENT` if rules deleted from step 4, repeat if needed # 6. Copy updates from Grammar.output file into this file with now-unique numbers, below this line only, if not-automatically-generated rules have been added # 7. Run `script/development/grammar_recompile.sh` again our string_hashref $RULES = { CompileUnit_4 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Program', # CompileUnit -> Program CompileUnit_5 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Module', # CompileUnit -> PLUS-2 Program_18 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Program', # Program -> SHEBANG OPTIONAL-3 USE_RPERL Header STAR-4 STAR-5 STAR-6 STAR-7 PLUS-8 ModuleHeader_23 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Header', # ModuleHeader -> OPTIONAL-9 OPTIONAL-10 'package' WordScoped ';' Header Module_24 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Package', # Module -> Package Module_25 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class::Generator', # Module -> Class Package_36 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Package', # Package -> STAR-11 OPTIONAL-12 STAR-13 STAR-14 PLUS-15 LITERAL_NUMBER ';' Header_39 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # Header -> 'use strict;' 'use warnings;' OPTIONAL-16 'our' VERSION_NUMBER_ASSIGN Critic_42 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Critic', # Critic -> '## no critic qw(' PLUS-17 ')' Exports_49 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # Exports -> USE_EXPORTER OPTIONAL-19 OPTIONAL-21 Include_54 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Include', # Include -> USE WordScoped OPTIONAL-22 ';' Include_55 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Include', # Include -> 'INIT' LBRACE WordScoped OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_IMP OPTIONAL-23 ')' ';' '}' Constant_56 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Constant', # Constant -> 'use constant' WORD_UPPERCASE OP20_HASH_FATARROW TypeInnerConstant Literal ';' Subroutine_61 => 'RPerl::CodeBlock::Subroutine', # Subroutine -> SUB WORD LBRACE LBRACE MY Type '$RETURN_TYPE' '}' ';' OPTIONAL-22 STAR-23 '}' SubroutineArguments_65 => 'RPerl::CodeBlock::Subroutine::Arguments', # SubroutineArguments -> LPAREN_MY Type VARIABLE_SYMBOL STAR-25 ')' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN '@ARG;' Class_76 => 'RPerl::CompileUnit::Module::Class::Generator', # Class -> UseParent WordScoped ')' ';' Include STAR-28 OPTIONAL-29 STAR-30 STAR-31 Properties STAR-32 LITERAL_NUMBER ';' UseParent_77 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # UseParent -> 'use parent qw(' UseParent_78 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # UseParent -> 'use parent -norequire, qw(' Properties_82 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # Properties -> 'our hashref $properties' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN LBRACE HashEntryProperties STAR-32 '}' ';' Properties_83 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # Properties -> 'our hashref $properties' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN LBRACE '}' ';' Method_88 => 'RPerl::CodeBlock::Subroutine::Method', # Method -> SUB WORD LBRACE LBRACE MY TYPE_METHOD '$RETURN_TYPE' '}' ';' OPTIONAL-33 STAR-34 '}' MethodArguments_92 => 'RPerl::CodeBlock::Subroutine::Method::Arguments', # MethodArguments -> LPAREN_MY Type SELF STAR-36 ')' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN '@ARG;' SubroutineOrMethod_93 => 'RPerl::CodeBlock::Subroutine', # SubroutineOrMethod -> Subroutine SubroutineOrMethod_94 => 'RPerl::CodeBlock::Subroutine::Method', # SubroutineOrMethod -> Method Operation_95 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression', # Operation -> Expression ';' Operation_96 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Named', # Operation -> OP01_NAMED_SCOLON Operation_97 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::NamedUnary', # Operation -> OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON Operation_98 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement', # Operation -> Statement Operator_99 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Print', # Operator -> LPAREN OP01_PRINT FHREF_SYMBOL_BRACES ListElements ')' Operator_100 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Named', # Operator -> OP01_NAMED SubExpression Operator_101 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Named', # Operator -> LPAREN OP01_NAMED ListElement OP21_LIST_COMMA ListElements ')' Operator_102 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Open', # Operator -> OP01_OPEN MY TYPE_FHREF FHREF_SYMBOL OP21_LIST_COMMA LITERAL_STRING OP21_LIST_COMMA SubExpression Operator_103 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Close', # Operator -> OP01_CLOSE FHREF_SYMBOL Operator_104 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::IncrementDecrement', # Operator -> OP03_MATH_INC_DEC Variable Operator_105 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::IncrementDecrement', # Operator -> Variable OP03_MATH_INC_DEC Operator_106 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Arithmetic::Power', # Operator -> SubExpression OP04_MATH_POW SubExpression Operator_107 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Bitwise::Negation', # Operator -> OP05_BITWISE_NEG_LPAREN SubExpression ')' Operator_108 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Logical::Negation', # Operator -> OP05_LOGICAL_NEG SubExpression Operator_109 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Arithmetic::Negative', # Operator -> OP05_MATH_NEG_LPAREN SubExpression ')' Operator_110 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::RegularExpression', # Operator -> SubExpression OP06_REGEX_BIND OP06_REGEX_PATTERN Operator_111 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::String::Repeat', # Operator -> SubExpression OP07_STRING_REPEAT SubExpression Operator_112 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Arithmetic::MultiplyDivideModulo', # Operator -> SubExpression OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD SubExpression Operator_113 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Arithmetic::AddSubtract', # Operator -> SubExpression OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB SubExpression Operator_114 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::String::Concatenate', # Operator -> SubExpression OP08_STRING_CAT SubExpression Operator_115 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Bitwise::Shift', # Operator -> SubExpression OP09_BITWISE_SHIFT SubExpression Operator_116 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::NamedUnary', # Operator -> OP10_NAMED_UNARY SubExpression Operator_117 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::NamedUnary', # Operator -> OP10_NAMED_UNARY Operator_118 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Compare::LessThanGreaterThan', # Operator -> SubExpression OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT SubExpression Operator_119 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Compare::EqualNotEqual', # Operator -> SubExpression OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE SubExpression Operator_120 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Bitwise::And', # Operator -> SubExpression OP13_BITWISE_AND SubExpression Operator_121 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Bitwise::OrXor', # Operator -> SubExpression OP14_BITWISE_OR_XOR SubExpression Operator_122 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Logical::And', # Operator -> SubExpression OP15_LOGICAL_AND SubExpression Operator_123 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Logical::OrXor', # Operator -> SubExpression OP16_LOGICAL_OR SubExpression Operator_124 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::List::Range', # Operator -> SubExpression OP17_LIST_RANGE SubExpression Operator_125 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Ternary', # Operator -> SubExpression OP18_TERNARY VariableOrLiteral COLON VariableOrLiteral Operator_126 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Logical::Negation', # Operator -> OP22_LOGICAL_NEG_LPAREN SubExpression ')' Operator_127 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Logical::Negation', # Operator -> OP22_LOGICAL_NEG SubExpression Operator_128 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Logical::And', # Operator -> SubExpression OP23_LOGICAL_AND SubExpression Operator_129 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Logical::OrXor', # Operator -> SubExpression OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR SubExpression OperatorVoid_135 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::OperatorVoid::Print', # OperatorVoid -> OP01_PRINT OPTIONAL-31 ListElements ';' OperatorVoid_136 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::OperatorVoid::Print', # OperatorVoid -> OP01_PRINT FHREF_SYMBOL_BRACES ListElements ';' OperatorVoid_137 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::OperatorVoid::Named', # OperatorVoid -> OP01_NAMED_VOID_SCOLON OperatorVoid_138 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::OperatorVoid::Named', # OperatorVoid -> OP01_NAMED_VOID_LPAREN OPTIONAL-32 ')' ';' OperatorVoid_139 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::OperatorVoid::Named', # OperatorVoid -> OP01_NAMED_VOID ListElements ';' OperatorVoid_140 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::Named', # OperatorVoid -> OP01_NAMED ListElement OP21_LIST_COMMA ListElements ';' OperatorVoid_141 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::OperatorVoid::LoopControl', # OperatorVoid -> OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON OperatorVoid_142 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::OperatorVoid::LoopControl', # OperatorVoid -> OP19_LOOP_CONTROL LoopLabel ';' Expression_149 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator', # Expression -> Operator Expression_150 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::ConstantCall', # Expression -> WORD_UPPERCASE LPAREN ')' Expression_151 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::ConstantCall', # Expression -> CONSTANT_CALL_SCOPED Expression_152 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubroutineCall', # Expression -> WordScoped LPAREN OPTIONAL-40 ')' Expression_153 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubroutineCall::MethodCall', # Expression -> Variable OP02_METHOD_THINARROW LPAREN OPTIONAL-41 ')' Expression_154 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubroutineCall::MethodCall::ConstructorCall', # Expression -> WordScoped OP02_METHOD_THINARROW_NEW OPTIONAL-42 ')' SubExpression_155 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression', # SubExpression -> Expression SubExpression_156 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal::Undefined', # SubExpression -> 'undef' SubExpression_157 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal', # SubExpression -> Literal SubExpression_158 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Variable', # SubExpression -> Variable SubExpression_159 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Array::Reference', # SubExpression -> ArrayReference SubExpression_160 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::ArrayDereference', # SubExpression -> ArrayDereference SubExpression_161 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Reference', # SubExpression -> HashReference SubExpression_162 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::HashDereference', # SubExpression -> HashDereference SubExpression_163 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Parenthesis', # SubExpression -> LPAREN SubExpression ')' SubExpressionOrInput_164 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression', # SubExpressionOrInput -> SubExpression SubExpressionOrInput_165 => 'RPerl::InputOutput::FilehandleIn', # SubExpressionOrInput -> FHREF_SYMBOL_IN SubExpressionOrInput_166 => 'RPerl::InputOutput::Stdin', # SubExpressionOrInput -> STDIN SubExpressionOrVarMod_167 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression', # SubExpressionOrVarMod -> SubExpression SubExpressionOrVarMod_168 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableModification', # SubExpressionOrVarMod -> VariableModification Statement_172 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Conditional', # Statement -> Conditional Statement_173 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop', # Statement -> OPTIONAL-44 Loop Statement_174 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::OperatorVoid', # Statement -> OperatorVoid Statement_175 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableDeclaration', # Statement -> VariableDeclaration Statement_176 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableModification', # Statement -> VariableModification ';' Conditional_183 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Conditional', # Conditional -> 'if' LPAREN SubExpression ')' CodeBlock STAR-46 OPTIONAL-48 Loop_184 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop::For', # Loop -> LoopFor Loop_185 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop::ForEach', # Loop -> LoopForEach Loop_186 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop::While', # Loop -> LoopWhile LoopFor_187 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop::For', # LoopFor -> 'for' MY TYPE_INTEGER VARIABLE_SYMBOL LPAREN SubExpression OP17_LIST_RANGE SubExpression ')' CodeBlock LoopFor_188 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop::For', # LoopFor -> 'for' LPAREN_MY TYPE_INTEGER VARIABLE_SYMBOL OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN OpNamedScolonOrSubExp VARIABLE_SYMBOL OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT OpNamedScolonOrSubExp SubExpressionOrVarMod ')' CodeBlock LoopForEach_189 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop::ForEach', # LoopForEach -> 'foreach' MY Type VARIABLE_SYMBOL LPAREN ListElements ')' CodeBlock LoopWhile_190 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop::While', # LoopWhile -> 'while' LPAREN SubExpression ')' CodeBlock LoopWhile_191 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::Loop::While', # LoopWhile -> 'while' LPAREN_MY Type VARIABLE_SYMBOL OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN SubExpressionOrInput ')' CodeBlock CodeBlock_194 => 'RPerl::CodeBlock', # CodeBlock -> LBRACE PLUS-49 '}' Variable_197 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Variable', # Variable -> VariableSymbolOrSelf STAR-50 VariableRetrieval_198 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Variable::Retrieval', # VariableRetrieval -> OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW SubExpression ']' VariableRetrieval_199 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Variable::Retrieval', # VariableRetrieval -> OP02_HASH_THINARROW SubExpression '}' VariableRetrieval_200 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Variable::Retrieval', # VariableRetrieval -> OP02_HASH_THINARROW WORD '}' VariableDeclaration_201 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableDeclaration', # VariableDeclaration -> MY Type VARIABLE_SYMBOL ';' VariableDeclaration_202 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableDeclaration', # VariableDeclaration -> MY Type VARIABLE_SYMBOL OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn VariableDeclaration_203 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableDeclaration', # VariableDeclaration -> MY Type VARIABLE_SYMBOL OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW SubExpression ']' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN 'undef' ';' VariableDeclaration_204 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableDeclaration', # VariableDeclaration -> MY TYPE_FHREF FHREF_SYMBOL ';' VariableModification_205 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableModification', # VariableModification -> Variable OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN SubExpressionOrInput VariableModification_206 => 'RPerl::Operation::Statement::VariableModification', # VariableModification -> Variable OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN_BY SubExpression ListElements_210 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Array::ListElements', # ListElements -> ListElement STAR-52 ListElement_211 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression', # ListElement -> SubExpression ListElement_212 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression', # ListElement -> TypeInner SubExpression ListElement_213 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Array::ListElement', # ListElement -> OP01_QW ListElement_214 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Array::ListElement', # ListElement -> ARGV ArrayReference_217 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Array::Reference', # ArrayReference -> LBRACKET OPTIONAL-53 ']' ArrayDereference_220 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::ArrayDereference', # ArrayDereference -> '@{' Variable '}' ArrayDereference_221 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::ArrayDereference', # ArrayDereference -> '@{' OPTIONAL-54 ArrayReference '}' HashEntry_224 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Entry', # HashEntry -> VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord OP20_HASH_FATARROW OPTIONAL-55 SubExpression HashEntry_225 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::HashDereference', # HashEntry -> HashDereference HashEntry_226 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Entry', # HashEntry -> ENV HashEntryProperties_227 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # HashEntryProperties -> OpStringOrWord OP20_HASH_FATARROW TypeInnerProperties HashReference_231 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Reference', # HashReference -> LBRACE HashEntry STAR-57 '}' HashReference_232 => 'RPerl::DataStructure::Hash::Reference', # HashReference -> LBRACE '}' HashDereference_235 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::HashDereference', # HashDereference -> '%{' Variable '}' HashDereference_236 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::HashDereference', # HashDereference -> '%{' OPTIONAL-58 HashReference '}' WordScoped_237 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # WordScoped -> WORD WordScoped_238 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # WordScoped -> WORD_SCOPED LoopLabel_239 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # LoopLabel -> WORD_UPPERCASE # RPerl::Operation::Statement -> LoopLabel COLON Type_240 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # Type -> WORD Type_241 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # Type -> WORD_SCOPED Type_242 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # Type -> TYPE_INTEGER TypeInner_243 => 'RPerl::DataType::TypeInner', # TypeInner -> MY Type '$TYPED_' OpStringOrWord OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN TypeInnerProperties_244 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' OpStringOrWord OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN SubExpression TypeInnerProperties_245 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # TypeInnerProperties -> MY Type '$TYPED_' OpStringOrWord OP02_ARRAY_THINARROW SubExpression ']' OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN 'undef' TypeInnerConstant_246 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # TypeInnerConstant -> MY Type '$TYPED_' WORD_UPPERCASE OP19_VARIABLE_ASSIGN VariableOrLiteral_247 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Variable', # VariableOrLiteral -> Variable VariableOrLiteral_248 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal', # VariableOrLiteral -> Literal VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_249 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Variable', # VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord -> Variable VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_250 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal', # VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord -> Literal VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord_251 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # VarOrLitOrOpStrOrWord -> OpStringOrWord VariableSymbolOrSelf_252 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # VariableSymbolOrSelf -> VARIABLE_SYMBOL VariableSymbolOrSelf_253 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # VariableSymbolOrSelf -> SELF Literal_254 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal::Number', # Literal -> LITERAL_NUMBER Literal_255 => 'RPerl::Operation::Expression::SubExpression::Literal::String', # Literal -> LITERAL_STRING OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_256 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpNamedScolonOrSubExp -> OP01_NAMED_SCOLON OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_257 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpNamedScolonOrSubExp -> OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON OpNamedScolonOrSubExp_258 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpNamedScolonOrSubExp -> SubExpression ';' OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_259 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn -> OP01_NAMED_SCOLON OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_260 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn -> OP10_NAMED_UNARY_SCOLON OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn_261 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpNamedScolonOrSubExpIn -> SubExpressionOrInput ';' OpStringOrWord_262 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP24_LOGICAL_OR_XOR OpStringOrWord_263 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP23_LOGICAL_AND OpStringOrWord_264 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP22_LOGICAL_NEG OpStringOrWord_265 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP19_LOOP_CONTROL_SCOLON OpStringOrWord_266 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP19_LOOP_CONTROL OpStringOrWord_267 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP12_COMPARE_EQ_NE OpStringOrWord_268 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP11_COMPARE_LT_GT OpStringOrWord_269 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP10_NAMED_UNARY OpStringOrWord_270 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP08_MATH_ADD_SUB OpStringOrWord_271 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP07_MATH_MULT_DIV_MOD OpStringOrWord_272 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP07_STRING_REPEAT OpStringOrWord_273 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP01_NAMED OpStringOrWord_274 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP01_CLOSE OpStringOrWord_275 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP01_OPEN OpStringOrWord_276 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP01_NAMED_VOID OpStringOrWord_277 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> OP01_PRINT OpStringOrWord_278 => 'RPerl::NonGenerator', # OpStringOrWord -> WORD }; 1; } =for None =cut #line 10517 lib/RPerl/Grammar.pm 1;