# To give due honor to those who have made RPerl what it is today,
# here are all past and current people who have contributed to
# the RPerl Family of software and documentation.

# These people have either submitted source code or documentation,
# or who are authorized to do so in the future.
# Corrections, additions, and deletions are welcome; send them to the address
# below, preferably as the output of diff(1), diff -u or diff -c between the
# original and a corrected version of this file.

# William N. Braswell, Jr. AKA Will the Chill  <william.braswell at NOSPAM.autoparallel.com>

# Remove "NOSPAM." from all e-mail addresses in this file before actual use.

# The use of this database for anything other than RPerl development
# is strictly forbidden.  (Passive distribution with the RPerl source
# code kit is, of course, allowed.)

# Developers who have completed the instructions in the CONTRIBUTING file
# and are currently authorized to submit contributions to the RPerl Family 
# are listed as "AUTHORIZED", followed by their authorization seniority & date.
# Developers who have not yet contributed source code or documentation
# are listed as "FUTURE".
# Developers who are in the process of obtaining official authorization
# are listed as "AUTHORIZATION PENDING".
# Developers who have had their authorization removed for any reason
# are listed as "DEAUTHORIZED".
# Developers who have had 100% of their contributions removed for any reason
# are listed as "REDACTED".
# Developers who have assigned their contributions under a commercial agreement
# are listed as "WORKS FOR HIRE".


Anonymous Name           AKA bulk88        <bulkdd at NOSPAM.cpan.org>                    [ AUTHORIZED #2 20160516 ]
Bruce Gray               AKA Util          <bruce.gray at NOSPAM.acm.org>                 [ WORKS FOR HIRE ]
Dmitry Karasik                             <dmitry at NOSPAM.karasik.eu.org>              [ WORKS FOR HIRE ]
Felix Tubiana            AKA xxfelixxx     <felixtubiana at NOSPAM.gmail.com>             [ AUTHORIZED #4 20171207 ]
Mathias Köhler           AKA mako          <ma_ko at NOSPAM.riseup.net>                   [ AUTHORIZED #3 20160722 ]
Matthew S. Trout         AKA mst           <mst-pause at NOSPAM.shadowcat.co.uk>          [ REDACTED by friendly collaboration ]
Pablo Rodríguez González                   <pablo.rodriguez.gonzalez at NOSPAM.gmail.com> [ AUTHORIZED #1 20160503 ]
Shiv Pratap Singh        AKA shpsi         <shiv369shiv at NOSPAM.gmail.com>              [ AUTHORIZED #5 20190507 ]
Unknown Name             AKA MasterDuke17                                                 [ REDACTION PENDING ]