# [[[ HEADER ]]] package # hide from PAUSE indexing rperlgsl; ## no critic qw(Capitalization ProhibitMultiplePackages ProhibitReusedNames) # SYSTEM DEFAULT 3: allow multiple & lower case package names use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = 0.001_000; # [[[ INCLUDES ]]] use RPerl::DataStructure::GSLMatrix; use RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::GSLFunctions; use Math::GSL::Matrix qw(:all); # DEV NOTE: only import CBLAS global variables which may be needed by normal BLAS routines use Math::GSL::CBLAS qw( $CblasRowMajor $CblasColMajor $CblasNoTrans $CblasTrans $CblasConjTrans $CblasUpper $CblasLower $CblasNonUnit $CblasUnit $CblasLeft $CblasRight ); use Math::GSL::BLAS qw(:all); # [[[ EXPORTS ]]] use RPerl::Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT = ( @RPerl::DataStructure::GSLMatrix::EXPORT, @RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::GSLFunctions::EXPORT, @Math::GSL::Matrix::EXPORT, @Math::GSL::Matrix::EXPORT_OK, # DEV NOTE: force export all allowed exports gsl_matrix_*(), so RPerl users only have to say 'use rperlgsl;' w/out the 'qw(:all)' # DEV NOTE: only import CBLAS global variables which may be needed by normal BLAS routines qw( $CblasRowMajor $CblasColMajor $CblasNoTrans $CblasTrans $CblasConjTrans $CblasUpper $CblasLower $CblasNonUnit $CblasUnit $CblasLeft $CblasRight ), @Math::GSL::BLAS::EXPORT, @Math::GSL::BLAS::EXPORT_OK, # DEV NOTE: force export all allowed exports gsl_blas_*(), so RPerl users only have to say 'use rperlgsl;' w/out the 'qw(:all)' ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @RPerl::DataStructure::GSLMatrix::EXPORT_OK, @RPerl::Operation::Expression::Operator::GSLFunctions::EXPORT_OK, @Math::GSL::Matrix::EXPORT_OK, @Math::GSL::CBLAS::EXPORT_OK, @Math::GSL::BLAS::EXPORT_OK, ); # DEV NOTE: must hard-code type-checking here because RPerl::Exporter doesn't handle this type of thing just yet *rperltypes::gsl_matrix_CHECK = \&RPerl::DataStructure::GSLMatrix::gsl_matrix_CHECK; *rperltypes::gsl_matrix_CHECKTRACE = \&RPerl::DataStructure::GSLMatrix::gsl_matrix_CHECKTRACE; 1; # end of package