# VERSION 0.007_000 # NEED FIX, CORRELATION #rp002: bug, possibly in Inline, causing inability to declare 3rd count_FOO argument to T_PACKEDARRAY; temporarily solved here # DEV NOTE: all comments must be on their own line or typemapping will silently fail and typemapped subroutines will fail to bind from Inline to Perl # DEV NOTE, CORRELATION #rp051: hard-coded list of RPerl data types and data structures # SCALAR TYPES boolean T_PACKED unsigned_integer T_PACKED integer T_PACKED number T_PACKED character T_PACKED string T_PACKED # ARRAY TYPES integer_arrayref T_PACKED number_arrayref T_PACKED string_arrayref T_PACKED integer_arrayref_arrayref T_PACKED number_arrayref_arrayref T_PACKED string_arrayref_arrayref T_PACKED # HASH TYPES integer_hashref T_PACKED number_hashref T_PACKED string_hashref T_PACKED integer_arrayref_hashref T_PACKED number_arrayref_hashref T_PACKED string_arrayref_hashref T_PACKED integer_arrayref_hashref_hashref T_PACKED number_arrayref_hashref_hashref T_PACKED string_arrayref_hashref_hashref T_PACKED # GMP TYPES gmp_integer_retval T_PACKED # GSL TYPES gsl_matrix* T_PACKED # CORRELATION #pp04: attempt to manually define pack/unpack for object return type # USER TYPES #PhysicsPerl__Astro__Body T_PACKED