Revision history for Test-MockPackages

0.9    2016-07-12
       Fix issues with eval in Perl 5.10

0.8    2016-07-11
       Localize $EVAL_ERROR
       Require Perl >= 5.8.5

0.7    2016-06-28
       Allow Test::MockPackages to work on Perl 5.8

0.6    2016-06-24
       Use Test::Deep::cmp_deeply for expects() instead of Test::More::is_deeply().

0.5    2016-04-26
       Fix broken tests in Perl 5.23 and Perl 5.24.

0.4    2016-04-25
       Documentation changes
       Added more dependencies to Makefile.PL

0.3    2016-04-20
       Packaging changes

0.1    2016-04-11
       Initial version