Revision history for AproJo.
0.018 2015-04-22 14:30:01 CEST
- improved travis coverage
0.017 2015-04-22 11:56:57 CEST
- improve author tests
0.016 2015-04-21 15:48:36 CEST
- added spelling tests (AUTHOR_TESTING only)
0.015 2015-04-19 12:31:47 CEST
- improve pod
0.014 2015-04-13 10:57:15 CEST
- note on status
0.013 2015-04-08 13:54:55 CEST
- push version of Plugin::Form
0.012 2015-04-07 14:31:48 CEST
- debugging tests
0.011 2015-04-01 17:54:09 CEST
- adapt dependencies
0.010 2015-03-31 15:31:46 CEST
- adapt dependencies
0.009 2015-03-31 14:28:53 CEST
- add travis
- add badges
- ServerInfo and DBInfo are now plugins with their own dist
0.008 2014-05-08 14:16:14 CEST
- move Mojolicious::Plugin::Form to its own dist
0.007 2014-05-08 12:27:41 CEST
- try a developer version
0.006 2014-05-07 15:27:39 CEST
- adapted foldernames for CPAN
0.005 2014-05-02 12:50:08 CEST
- correct versions
0.004 2014-04-28 17:13:14 CEST
- debug failed login test
0.003 2014-04-24 12:20:09 CEST
- debug warnings (fails on CPANTesters), cleanup
0.002 2014-04-23 15:21:26 CEST
- need Perl v5.10.1 as minimum
0.001 2014-04-23
- initial version