Revision history for CGI::Application::Plugin::JSON

1.01 Jan 03, 2007
    - Functionally the same as 1.00, but made some changes to Build.PL
      so that it installs even if there are no JSON modules but JSON::Any
      is installed

1.00 Dec 31, 2007
    - using JSON::Any instead of just JSON so I don't have to worry about
        API changes and you can use faster JSON implementations (JSON::Syck, JSON::XS)
        if you have them installed

0.03    Sept 17, 2007
    - added json_callback() method

0.02    Sept 23, 2006
    - Tidied up docs and released to CPAN

0.01    Sept 14, 2006
    - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.