Revision history for Message-Passing-Fluentd

0.00020 2019-09-25
        - Skip author tests unless AUTHOR_TESTING is set
0.00019 2019-09-19
        - Skip author tests unless DBIC::TimeStamp is avail 
0.00018 2019-09-16 08:00:00
        - Bugfix author tests (#130447, by jplesnik)
        - Previous release was broken
0.00017 2019-09-03
        - Add '.' to @inc (perlpunk)
        - Update prereqs (perlpunk)
0.00016 2019-06-12
        - Add charset option in ::Digest to handle non-ASCII strings, RT#127553 (rrwo)
0.00015 2016-06-01
        - Build fixes
0.00014 2016-05-31
        - prevent warning in ::Bcrypt when password is undef
        - Allow users to specify the Cipher used when encoding
0.00013 2014-02-27
        - Pod fixes (RT#88875)
        - Fix deps (github#1)
0.00012 2013-04-29
        - Fixes reported bug #78091. (gbjk++) 
0.00011 2011-04-11
        - Docs fixes
0.00010	       2010-08-27
	- Support for crypt()
0.00009        2010-05-17
        - Rewritten test suite
0.00008        2010-04-30
        - Fix packaging bug.
0.00007        2010-04-29
        - Fix for inter-component leaks because of improper mk_classdata usage
          (fixes RT #5099 by Kent Fredric) ( groditi )
0.00006        2010-01-15
        - Fix build_requires version number for SQLA ( Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt )
        - Don't encode undef ( osfameron )

0.00005        2009-10-11
        - Fix hashing/validation with Whirlpool ( Kent Fredric )
        - Add Repository META

0.00004        2009-09-03
        - correct option name typo in the docs (digest_class -> encode_class)
        - put the .gpg files back into the test so tests pass (mst == fool)
0.00003        2009-09-01
        - fixup copyright and licensing info to the proposed new best
          practice for /^DBIx::Class/ modules
        - close dbh before unlinking so tests pass on win32

0.00002        2008-07-27
        - Support for Crypt::OpenPGP

0.00001        2008-02-01
        - No changes

0.00001_03     2008-01-31
        - Pod Changes and corrections
        - Added common digest lengths table

0.00001_02     2008-01-31
        -salt additions & little fixes

0.00001_01     2008-01-29
	- Initial release