Revision history for Perl extension Data::Faker.
- No significant features or fixes.
- Turn off redefine warnings ONLY around the timestr definition.
- Specify the license ('perl') so it shows up in meta data.
- Minor changes to test structure.
- Fixed typo in Data::Faker::DateTime test (closes Bug #76209)
- Fixed the name of the 'hostname' plugin so 'email' works consistently. (closes Bug #50707)
- Don't assume the name of the perl executable during tests (closes Bug #39937)
- Ignore warnings from redefining timestr (used in both Data::Faker::DateTime and Benchmark)
0.08 Fri Jan 20 00:35:00 2012
- Implemented the 'city' method for Data::Faker::StreetAddress. (closes Bug #65311)
- Added a 'job_title' method for Data::Faker::Company.
0.07 Thu Jul 14 08:22:31 2005
- Renamed to Data::Faker, probably a better choice in the first place.
- Removed unused dependency on Date::Calc
- Replaced 'our' with 'use vars', should work on just about any version
of Perl now.
0.06 Wed Jul 13 15:19:00 2005
- Fixed some packaging problems
0.05 Wed Jul 13 15:10:00 2005
- Initial public release (as Text::FakeData)