package Astro::App::Satpass2::Locale::C; use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; # Not actually needed for C locale, but maybe for others use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE 0.059 qw{ :constants }; use Scalar::Util (); our $VERSION = '0.031_03'; my @event_names; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_NONE] = ''; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_SHADOWED] = 'shdw'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_LIT] = 'lit'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_DAY] = 'day'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_RISE] = 'rise'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_MAX] = 'max'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_SET] = 'set'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_APPULSE] = 'apls'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_START] = 'strt'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_END] = 'end'; $event_names[PASS_EVENT_BRIGHTEST] = 'brgt'; my @sun_quarters = ( 'Spring equinox', 'Summer solstice', 'Autumn equinox', 'Winter solstice', ); # Any hash reference is a true value, but perlcritic seems not to know # this. { ## no critic (Modules::RequireEndWithOne) '+message' => { }, '+template' => { # Local coordinates az_rng => <<'EOD', [% data.azimuth( arg, bearing = 2 ) %] [%= data.range( arg ) -%] EOD azel => <<'EOD', [% data.elevation( arg ) %] [%= data.azimuth( arg, bearing = 2 ) -%] EOD azel_rng => <<'EOD', [% data.elevation( arg ) %] [%= data.azimuth( arg, bearing = 2 ) %] [%= data.range( arg ) -%] EOD equatorial => <<'EOD', [% data.right_ascension( arg ) %] [%= data.declination( arg ) -%] EOD equatorial_rng => <<'EOD', [% data.right_ascension( arg ) %] [%= data.declination( arg ) %] [%= data.range( arg ) -%] EOD # Main templates almanac => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.almanac( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- FOREACH item IN data %] [%- %] [% item.time %] [%= item.almanac( units = 'description' ) %] [% END -%] EOD flare => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.flare( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- CALL title.title_gravity( TITLE_GRAVITY_BOTTOM ) %] [%- WHILE title.more_title_lines %] [%- title.time %] [%= width = 12 ) %] [%= title.local_coord %] [%= title.magnitude %] [%= title.angle( 'Degrees From Sun' ) %] [%= title.azimuth( 'Center Azimuth', bearing = 2 ) %] [%= title.range( 'Center Range', width = 6 ) %] [%- END %] [%- prior_date = '' -%] [% FOR item IN data %] [%- center = %] [%- current_date = %] [%- IF prior_date != current_date %] [%- prior_date = current_date %] [%- current_date %] [%- END %] [%- item.time %] [%= units = 'title_case', width = 12 ) %] [%= item.local_coord %] [%= item.magnitude %] [%= IF 'day' == item.type( width = '' ) %] [%- item.appulse.angle %] [%- ELSE %] [%- item.appulse.angle( literal = 'night' ) %] [%- END %] [%= center.azimuth( bearing = 2 ) %] [%= center.range( width = 6 ) %] [% END -%] EOD list => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.list( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- CALL title.title_gravity( TITLE_GRAVITY_BOTTOM ) %] [%- WHILE title.more_title_lines %] [%- title.list %] [% END %] [%- FOR item IN data %] [%- item.list( arg ) %] [% END -%] EOD list_inertial => <<'EOD', [% data.oid( align_left = 0, arg ) %] [% arg ) %] [%= data.epoch( arg ) %] [%= data.period( arg, align_left = 1 ) -%] EOD list_fixed => <<'EOD', [% data.oid( align_left = 0, arg ) %] [% arg ) %] [%= data.latitude( arg ) %] [%= data.longitude( arg ) %] [% data.altitude( arg ) -%] EOD location => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.location( arg ) %] [%- END -%] [% localize( 'Location' ) %]: [% width = '' ) %] [% localize( 'Latitude' ) %] [% data.latitude( places = 4, width = '' ) %], [% localize( 'longitude' ) %] [%= data.longitude( places = 4, width = '' ) %], [% localize( 'height' ) %] [%= data.altitude( units = 'meters', places = 0, width = '' ) %] m EOD pass => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.pass( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- CALL title.title_gravity( TITLE_GRAVITY_BOTTOM ) %] [%- SET do_mag = sp.want_pass_variant( 'brightest' ) %] [%- WHILE title.more_title_lines %] [%- title.time( align_left = 0 ) %] [%= title.local_coord %] [%= title.latitude %] [%= title.longitude %] [%= title.altitude %] [%= title.illumination %] [%- IF do_mag %] [%= title.magnitude %] [%- END %] [%= title.event( width = '' ) %] [%- END %] [%- FOR pass IN data %] [%- events = %] [%- evt = events.first %] [%- %] [% evt.oid %] - [% width = '' ) %] [%- FOREACH evt IN events %] [%- evt.time %] [%= evt.local_coord %] [%= evt.latitude %] [%= evt.longitude %] [%= evt.altitude %] [%= evt.illumination %] [%- IF do_mag %] [%= evt.magnitude %] [%- END %] [%= evt.event( width = '' ) %] [%- IF 'apls' == evt.event( units = 'string', width = '' ) %] [%- apls = evt.appulse %] [%- title.time( '' ) %] [%= apls.local_coord %] [%= apls.angle %] degrees from [% width = '' ) %] [%- END %] [%- END %] [%- END -%] EOD pass_events => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.pass( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- CALL title.title_gravity( TITLE_GRAVITY_BOTTOM ) %] [%- WHILE title.more_title_lines %] [%- %] [% title.time %] [%= title.oid %] [% title.event %] [%= title.illumination %] [% title.local_coord %] [%- END %] [%- FOREACH evt IN %] [%- %] [% evt.time %] [%= evt.oid %] [% evt.event %] [%= evt.illumination %] [% evt.local_coord %] [% END -%] EOD phase => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.phase( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- CALL title.title_gravity( TITLE_GRAVITY_BOTTOM ) %] [%- WHILE title.more_title_lines %] [%- align_left = 0 ) %] [%= title.time( align_left = 0 ) %] [%= width = 8, align_left = 0 ) %] [%= title.phase( places = 0, width = 4 ) %] [%= title.phase( width = 16, units = 'phase', align_left = 1 ) %] [%= title.fraction_lit( title = 'Lit', places = 0, width = 4, units = 'percent', align_left = 0 ) %] [%- END %] [%- FOR item IN data %] [%- %] [% item.time %] [%= width = 8, align_left = 0 ) %] [%= item.phase( places = 0, width = 4 ) %] [%= item.phase( width = 16, units = 'phase', align_left = 1 ) %] [%= item.fraction_lit( places = 0, width = 4, units = 'percent' ) %]% [% END -%] EOD position => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.position( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- CALL title.title_gravity( TITLE_GRAVITY_BOTTOM ) %] [%- %] [% data.time %] [%- WHILE title.more_title_lines %] [%- align_left = 0, width = 16 ) %] [%= title.local_coord %] [%= title.epoch( align_left = 0 ) %] [%= title.illumination %] [%- END %] [%- FOR item IN data.bodies() %] [%- width = 16, missing = 'oid', align_left = 0 ) %] [%= item.local_coord %] [%= item.epoch( align_left = 0 ) %] [%= item.illumination %] [%- FOR refl IN item.reflections() %] [%- literal = '', width = 16 ) %] [%= item.local_coord( literal = '' ) %] MMA [%- IF refl.status( width = '' ) %] [%= width = '' ) %] [% refl.status( width = '' ) %] [%- ELSE %] [%= width = '' ) %] mirror angle [% refl.angle( width = '' ) %] magnitude [% refl.magnitude( width = '' ) %] [%- END %] [%- END -%] [% END -%] EOD tle => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.tle( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- FOR item IN data %] [%- item.tle -%] [% END -%] EOD tle_verbose => <<'EOD', [% UNLESS data %] [%- SET data = sp.tle( arg ) %] [%- END %] [%- CALL title.fixed_width( 0 ) -%] [% FOR item IN data -%] [% UNLESS item.tle -%] [% NEXT -%] [% END -%] [% CALL item.fixed_width( 0 ) -%] [% title.oid %]: [% item.oid %] [% %]: [% %] [% %]: [% %] [% title.epoch %]: [% item.epoch( units = 'zulu' ) %] GMT [% title.effective_date %]: [% item.effective_date( units = 'zulu', missing = '<none>' ) %] GMT [% title.classification %]: [% item.classification %] [% title.mean_motion %]: [% item.mean_motion( places = 8 ) %] degrees/minute [% title.first_derivative %]: [% item.first_derivative( places = 8 ) %] degrees/minute squared [% title.second_derivative %]: [% item.second_derivative( places = 5 ) %] degrees/minute cubed [% title.b_star_drag %]: [% item.b_star_drag( places = 5 ) %] [% title.ephemeris_type %]: [% item.ephemeris_type %] [% title.inclination %]: [% item.inclination( places = 4 ) %] degrees [% title.ascending_node %]: [% item.ascending_node( places = 0 ) %] in right ascension [% title.eccentricity %]: [% item.eccentricity( places = 7 ) %] [% title.argument_of_perigee %]: [% item.argument_of_perigee( places = 4 ) %] degrees from ascending node [% title.mean_anomaly %]: [% item.mean_anomaly( places = 4 ) %] degrees [% title.element_number %]: [% item.element_number %] [% title.revolutions_at_epoch %]: [% item.revolutions_at_epoch %] [% title.period %]: [% item.period %] [% title.semimajor %]: [% item.semimajor( places = 1 ) %] kilometers [% title.perigee %]: [% item.perigee( places = 1 ) %] kilometers [% title.apogee %]: [% item.apogee( places = 1 ) %] kilometers [% END -%] EOD }, '-flare' => { string => { 'Degrees From Sun' => 'Degrees From Sun', 'Center Azimuth' => 'Center Azimuth', 'Center Range' => 'Center Range', 'night' => 'night', }, }, '-location' => { string => { 'Location' => 'Location', 'Latitude' => 'Latitude', 'longitude' => 'longitude', 'height' => 'height', }, }, almanac => { title => 'Almanac', Moon => { horizon => [ 'Moon set', 'Moon rise' ], quarter => [ 'New Moon', 'First quarter Moon', 'Full Moon', 'Last quarter Moon', ], transit => [ undef, 'Moon transits meridian' ], }, Sun => { horizon => [ 'Sunset', 'Sunrise' ], quarter => sub { my ( $key, $arg ) = @_; Scalar::Util::blessed( $arg ) and return $arg->__quarter_name( $key, \@sun_quarters ); return $sun_quarters[$key]; }, transit => [ 'local midnight', 'local noon' ], twilight => [ 'end twilight', 'begin twilight' ], }, }, altitude => { title => 'Altitude', }, angle => { title => 'Angle', }, apoapsis => { title => 'Apoapsis', }, apogee => { title => 'Apogee', }, argument_of_perigee => { title => 'Argument Of Perigee', }, ascending_node => { title => 'Ascending Node', }, azimuth => { title => 'Azimuth', }, bearing => { table => [ [ qw{ N E S W } ], [ qw{ N NE E SE S SW W NW } ], [ qw{ N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW } ], ], }, b_star_drag => { title => 'B Star Drag', }, classification => { title => 'Classification', }, date => { title => 'Date', }, declination => { title => 'Declination', }, eccentricity => { title => 'Eccentricity', }, effective_date => { title => 'Effective Date', }, element_number => { title => 'Element Number', }, elevation => { title => 'Elevation', }, ephemeris_type => { title => 'Ephemeris Type', }, epoch => { title => 'Epoch', }, event => { table => [ @event_names ], title => 'Event', }, first_derivative => { title => 'First Derivative', }, fraction_lit => { title => 'Fraction Lit', }, illumination => { title => 'Illumination', }, inclination => { title => 'Inclination', }, international => { title => 'International Launch Designator', }, latitude => { title => 'Latitude', }, longitude => { title => 'Longitude', }, magnitude => { title => 'Magnitude', }, maidenhead => { title => 'Maidenhead Grid Square', }, mean_anomaly => { title => 'Mean Anomaly', }, mean_motion => { title => 'Mean Motion', }, mma => { title => 'MMA', }, name => { title => 'Name', localize_value => { Sun => 'Sun', Moon => 'Moon', }, }, oid => { title => 'OID', }, operational => { title => 'Operational', }, periapsis => { title => 'Periapsis', }, perigee => { title => 'Perigee', }, period => { title => 'Period', }, phase => { table => [ [ 6.1 => 'new' ], [ 83.9 => 'waxing crescent' ], [ 96.1 => 'first quarter' ], [ 173.9 => 'waxing gibbous' ], [ 186.1 => 'full' ], [ 263.9 => 'waning gibbous' ], [ 276.1 => 'last quarter' ], [ 353.9 => 'waning crescent' ], ], title => 'Phase', }, range => { title => 'Range', }, revolutions_at_epoch => { title => 'Revolutions At Epoch', }, right_ascension => { title => 'Right Ascension', }, second_derivative => { title => 'Second Derivative', }, semimajor => { title => 'Semimajor Axis', }, semiminor => { title => 'Semiminor Axis', }, status => { title => 'Status', }, time => { title => 'Time', }, tle => { title => 'TLE', }, type => { title => 'Type', }, }; __END__ =head1 NAME Astro::App::Satpass2::Locale::C - Define the C locale for Astro::App::Satpass2 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $c_locale = require Astro::App::Satpass2::Locale::C; =head1 DESCRIPTION This Perl module defines the C locale (which is the default locale )for L<Astro::App::Satpass2|Astro::App::Satpass2>. All you do with this is load it. On a successful load it returns the locale hash. =head1 SUBROUTINES None. =head1 THE LOCALE DATA The locale data are stored in a hash. The top-level key is always locale code. This is either a two-character language code, lower-case (e.g. C<'en'>, a language code and upper-case country code delimited by an underscore (e.g. C<'en_US'>, or C<'C'> for the default locale. The data for each locale key are a reference to a hash. The keys of this hash are the names of L<Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatValue|Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatValue> formats (e.g. C<{azimuth}>), the names of top-level reporting templates preceded by a dash (e.g. C<{'-flare'}>, or the special keys C<'{+message}'> (error messages) or C<'{+template}'> (templates). The content of these second level hashes varies with its type, as follows: =head2 Format Effectors (e.g. C<{azimuth}>) These are hashes containing data relevant to that format effector. The C<{title}> key contains the title for that format effector. Other keys relevant to the specific formatter may also appear, such as the C<{table}> key in C<{phase}>, which defines the names of phases in terms of phase angle. These extra keys are pretty much ad-hoc as required by the individual format effector. In general they are cascades of C<HASH> and/or C<ARRAY> references, though the last can be a C<CODE> reference. The C<HASH> and C<ARRAY> references are resolved one at a time using successive C<__localize()> arguments. A C<CODE> reference is resolved by calling it passing the current C<__locale()> argument, and the original C<__locale()> call's invocant argument (or C<undef> if none). See the C<almanac> definition above for an example. =head2 Top-level reporting (e.g. C<{'-flare'}> The only key defined at the moment is C<{string}>, whose content is a hash reference. This hash is keyed by text appearing as the values in L<Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatValue|Astro::App::Satpass2::FormatValue> C<literal>, C<missing>, and C<title> arguments, and the corresponding values are the translations of that text into the relevant locale. For example, a Spanish localization for C<{'-flare'}> might be something like { es => { string => { night => 'noche', ... } } } =head2 C<{'+message'}> The value of this key is a hash whose keys are message text as coded in this program, and whose values are the message text as it should appear in the relevant locale. These are typically to be consumed by the locale system's C<__message()> subroutine. =head2 C<{'+template'}> The value of this key is a hash whose keys are template names used by L<Astro::App::Satpass2::Format::Template|Astro::App::Satpass2::Format::Template>, and whose values are the templates themselves in the relevant locale. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Astro::App::Satpass2::Locale|Astro::App::Satpass2::Locale> =head1 SUPPORT Support is by the author. Please file bug reports at L<>, or in electronic mail to the author. =head1 AUTHOR Thomas R. Wyant, III F<wyant at cpan dot org> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014-2016 by Thomas R. Wyant, III This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the licenses in the directory LICENSES. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. =cut # ex: set textwidth=72 :