#!/usr/local/bin/perl package Astro::satpass; use strict; use warnings; use Astro::Coord::ECI; use Astro::Coord::ECI::Moon; use Astro::Coord::ECI::Sun; use Astro::Coord::ECI::Star; use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE qw{:constants}; use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Iridium; use Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set; use Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils qw{:all}; use Carp qw{confess}; use Config; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; use FileHandle; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use POSIX qw{floor strftime}; use Text::Abbrev; use Text::ParseWords; my ( $clipboard_unavailable, $io_string_unavailable, ); $clipboard_unavailable = $IO::Clipboard::clipboard_unavailable; ######################################################################## # # Initialization # our $VERSION = '0.078_01'; use constant LINFMT => <<eod; %s %s %8.4f %9.4f %7.1f %-4s %s eod use constant LINFMT_MAG => <<eod; %s %s %8.4f %9.4f %7.1f %4s %-4s %-4s eod use constant BGFMT => <<eod; %s %s %8.4f %9.4f %s eod my @bodies; my @sky = ( Astro::Coord::ECI::Sun->new (), Astro::Coord::ECI::Moon->new (), ); my %opt; # Options passed when we were invoked. my %cmdconfig; # How option parsing is to be comfigured for command. my %cmdopt; # Options for individual satpass commands. my %cmdlgl; # Legal options for a given command. my %cmdquote; # 1 if we keep quotes when parsing the command. my %exported; # True if the parameter is exported. my %parm = ( ## almanac_horizon => 0, set below appulse => 0, autoheight => 1, background => 1, backdate => 1, country => 'us', date_format => '%a %d-%b-%Y', debug => 0, desired_equinox_dynamical => 0, echo => 0, edge_of_earths_shadow => 1, ellipsoid => Astro::Coord::ECI->get ('ellipsoid'), error_out => 0, exact_event => 1, explicit_macro_delete => 0, extinction => 1, flare_mag_day => -6, flare_mag_night => 0, geometric => 1, gmt => 0, ## horizon => 20, set below local_coord => 'azel_rng', model => 'model', pass_threshold => undef, prompt => 'satpass>', ## simbad_url => 'simbad.harvard.edu', ## simbad_version => 3, refraction => 1, simbad_url => 'simbad.u-strasbg.fr', simbad_version => 4, singleton => 0, time_format => '%H:%M:%S', ## timing => 0, ## twilignt => 'civil', set below verbose => 0, visible => 1, webcmd => '' ); $parm{tz} = $ENV{TZ} if $ENV{TZ}; my %macro; my %mutator = ( almanac_horizon => \&_set_almanac_horizon, appulse => \&_set_angle, autoheight => \&_set_unmodified, backdate => \&_set_unmodified, background => \&_set_unmodified, country => \&_set_unmodified, date_format => \&_set_unmodified, desired_equinox_dynamical => \&_set_time, debug => \&_set_unmodified, echo => \&_set_unmodified, edge_of_earths_shadow => \&_set_unmodified, ellipsoid => \&_set_ellipsoid, error_out => \&_set_unmodified, exact_event => \&_set_unmodified, explicit_macro_delete => \&_set_unmodified, extinction => \&_set_unmodified, flare_mag_day => \&_set_unmodified, flare_mag_night => \&_set_unmodified, geometric => \&_set_unmodified, gmt => \&_set_unmodified, height => \&_set_unmodified, horizon => \&_set_angle, latitude => \&_set_angle, local_coord => \&_set_local_coord, location => \&_set_unmodified, longitude => \&_set_angle, model => \&_set_unmodified, perltime => \&_set_perltime, prompt => \&_set_unmodified, refraction => \&_set_unmodified, simbad_url => \&_set_unmodified, simbad_version => \&_set_simbad_version, singleton => \&_set_unmodified, pass_threshold => \&_set_angle_or_undef, time_format => \&_set_unmodified, ## timing => \&_set_unmodified, twilight => \&_set_twilight, # 'civil', 'nautical', 'astronomical' # (or a unique abbreviation thereof), # or degrees below the geometric # horizon. tz => \&_set_tz, verbose => \&_set_unmodified, # 0 = events only # 1 = whenever above horizon # 2 = anytime visible => \&_set_unmodified, # 1 = only if sun down & sat illuminated webcmd => \&_set_webcmd, # Command to spawn for web pages ); my %accessor = ( desired_equinox_dynamical => \&_get_time, ); foreach (keys %mutator) {$accessor{$_} ||= \&_show_unmodified}; my @bearing = qw{N NE E SE S SW W NW}; my %twilight_def = ( civil => deg2rad (-6), nautical => deg2rad (-12), astronomical => deg2rad (-18), ); my %twilight_abbr = abbrev (keys %twilight_def); set( twilight => 'civil' ); set( horizon => 20 ); set( almanac_horizon => 0 ); my $inifn = $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'VMS' || $^O eq 'MacOS' ? 'satpass.ini' : '.satpass'; my $inifil = $ENV{SATPASSINI} ? $ENV{SATPASSINI} : $^O eq 'VMS' ? "SYS\$LOGIN:$inifn" : $^O eq 'MacOS' ? $inifn : $ENV{HOME} ? "$ENV{HOME}/$inifn" : $ENV{LOGDIR} ? "$ENV{LOGDIR}/$inifn" : $ENV{USERPROFILE} ? "$ENV{USERPROFILE}/$inifn" : undef; sub _format_location; # Predeclare, so I do not need explicit STDOUT. sub _time (); # Predeclare, since I intend to redefine. my $reader = eval { -t STDIN or return; require Term::ReadLine; my $rl = Term::ReadLine->new( 'Predict satellite passes' ) or return; return sub { my ( $fh, @arg ) = @_; return -t $fh ? $rl->readline( @arg ) : $fh->getline(); }; } || sub { my ( $fh, @arg ) = @_; -t $fh and print "\n@arg"; return $fh->getline(); }; my $fh = *STDIN; my @frame; my %alias = ( '!' => 'system', '.' => 'source', bye => 'exit', quit => 'exit', ); GetOptions (\%opt, qw{clipboard filter initialization_file=s version}) or die <<eod; Predict satellite visibility. usage: perl @{[basename $0]} [options] [command ...] where the legal options are -clipboard Asserting this option causes all output to stdout to be captured and placed on the system clipboard. Command-line output redirection is ignored. -filter Asserting this option suppresses extraneous output, making satpass behave more like a Unix filter. -initialization_file filename Initializes satpass from the named file. The default is $inifil. -version Display the version and exit. Overrides -filter if both are specified. Option names can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is unique. $clipboard_unavailable eod $inifil || $opt{initialization_file} or warn <<eod; Warning - Can not find home directory, and no explicit initialization file specified. eod if ($opt{initialization_file}) { if (-e $opt{initialization_file}) { $inifil = $opt{initialization_file}; } else { warn <<eod; Warning - File $opt{initialization_file} does not exist. Initializing with $inifil eod } } $ENV{SATPASSINI} = $inifil; my $interrupted = 'Interrupted by user.'; $opt{clipboard} and select (IO::Clipboard->new ()); ref $Astro::satpass::Test::Hook eq 'CODE' and do { $fh = Astro::satpass::Test->new () or die <<eod; Error - Failed to instantiate Astro::satpass::Test object. eod select ($fh); no warnings qw{once}; $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$Astro::satpass::Test::Exception = $_[0]}; use warnings qw{once}; }; Getopt::Long::Configure (qw{pass_through}); # Need because of relative time format. push @frame, { args => [], cntind => '', lines => [], parm => {}, stdin => $fh, stdout => select (), }; $opt{version} and delete $opt{filter}; $opt{filter} or print <<eod; satpass $VERSION - Satellite pass predictor based on Astro::Coord::ECI @{[Astro::Coord::ECI->VERSION]} Perl $Config{version} on $Config{osname} Copyright 2005-2017 by Thomas R. Wyant, III. Enter 'help' for help. See the help for terms of use. As of release 0.057 this script is deprecated. See 'NOTES' in the help for details. eod $opt{version} and exit; ######################################################################## # # Main program loop. # @ARGV and source (_memio ('<', \(join "\n", @ARGV))); { # Local symbol block my %inodes; ## foreach my $fn ($inifn, $inifil) { # Reverse of intended order foreach my $fn ($inifil) { # Reverse of intended order next unless $fn && -e $fn; my $inode = (stat (_))[1]; next if $inodes{$inode}; $inodes{$inode} = $fn; source ($fn); } } # End local symbol block while (1) { # Select the default output select ($frame[$#frame]{stdout}); # Get the next command, wherever it comes from. my $cntind = $frame[$#frame]{cntind} || ''; my $buffer = @frame > 1 ? $fh->getline () : $reader->( $fh, "$cntind$parm{prompt} " ); # If it was end-of-file, pop one level off the stack of input # files. If it's empty, we exit the execution loop. Otherwise # we select the proper STDOUT and redo the loop. defined $buffer or do { defined ($fh = _frame_pop ()) or last; redo; }; # Canonicalize the input buffer. chomp $buffer; $buffer =~ s/^\s+//; $buffer =~ s/\s+$//; # If the input is empty or a comment, redo the loop. next unless $buffer; next if $buffer =~ m/^#/; # If we're a continuation line, save it in the line # buffer and redo the loop. $buffer =~ s/\\$// and do { push @{$frame[$#frame]{lines}}, $buffer; $frame[$#frame]{cntind} = '_'; next }; # Prepend all saved continuations (if any) to the line. @{$frame[$#frame]{lines}} and do { $buffer = join ' ', @{$frame[$#frame]{lines}}, $buffer; @{$frame[$#frame]{lines}} = (); $frame[$#frame]{cntind} = ''; }; # Interpolate positional parameters. This is not done if we # have the 'macro' command, because in that case we want to # defer the expansion until the macro is expanded. Note that # the way to pass a dollar sign is to double it. eval {$buffer =~ s/\$(?:(\w+)|\{(\w+)(?:\:(.*?))\}|(.))/ defined $4 ? $4 : _sub_arg ($1 || $2, $3 || '', $frame[$#frame]->{args} || [])/mgex unless $buffer =~ m/^\s*macro\b/}; $@ and do { warn $@; defined ($fh = _frame_pop ()) or last; redo; }; # Help the parser deal with things like '.' and '!' $buffer =~ s/^(\W)\s*/$1 /; $buffer =~ s/\s+$//; # Echo the line, if this is selected. $parm{echo} && (@frame > 1 || !-t $fh) and print "$cntind$parm{prompt} $buffer\n"; # Pull the verb off by brute force, because we need to know what # it is before we know how to parse the rest of the line. my ($cmdspec, $rest) = split '\s+', $buffer, 2; $cmdspec = $alias{$cmdspec} if $alias{$cmdspec}; # Pull the namespace off the command spec. We make use # of the $cmdspec argument later as a macro name, since # with the 'core.' on the front it will be invalid, and # force the use of the built-in. (my $verb = $cmdspec) =~ s/^core\.//; $verb = $alias{$verb} if $alias{$verb}; # Parse the line, pulling off output redirection as we go. my $redout = ''; my @args = parse_line ('\s+', $cmdquote{$verb} || 0, $rest); $rest && !@args and do { warn <<eod; Error - Malformed command failed to parse: $rest eod next; }; { # Local symbol block for hacking pipe off commands my @pipe; @args = map { (@pipe && !$redout) ? do {push @pipe, $_; ()} : m/^([>|])/ ? $1 eq '|' ? do {push @pipe, $_; ()} : do {$redout = $_; ()} : $redout =~ m/^>+$/ ? do {$redout .= $_; ()} : $_} @args; @pipe and $redout = join ' ', @pipe; } # End local symbol block. # Do pseudo tilde expansion. eval { $redout =~ s/^(>+)(~.*)/ $1 . _tilde_expand ($2) /e; 1; } or do { warn $@; next; }; # Special-case 'exit' to drop out of the input loop. $verb eq 'exit' and last; # Arbitrarily disallow syntactically invalid commands. $verb =~ m/^_/ || $verb =~ m/\W/ and do { warn <<eod; Error - Verb '$verb' not recognized. eod next; }; # Parse any command options present. Note that GetOptions is # configured to pass any unrecognized options because otherwise # our relative time format would confuse it. %cmdopt = (); { # Begin local symbol block. local @ARGV = @args; Getopt::Long::Configure (@{$cmdconfig{$verb} ||= ['permute']}); GetOptions (\%cmdopt, qw{clipboard debug time}, @{$cmdlgl{$verb} ||= []}); @args = @ARGV; } $cmdopt{_redirection} = $cmdopt{clipboard} ? '-clipboard' : $redout; # Preserve our current output, and redirect as and if specified. if ($cmdopt{clipboard}) { $redout = ''; my $fh = eval {IO::Clipboard->new ()}; $@ and do {warn $@; next;}; select ($fh) or die <<eod; Error - Failed to redirect output to clipboard. $! eod } elsif ($redout) { open (my $fh, $redout) or do {warn <<eod; next}; Error - Failed to open '$redout' $! eod select ($fh) or die <<eod; Error - Failed to redirect output to $redout. $! eod } # Record start time if required. $frame[$#frame]{timing} = { command => $buffer, start => _time (), } if $cmdopt{time}; # If our command is a macro, build an input stream from it, and # pass the results to the source() command. We use $cmdspec # because it contains the namespace 'core.' if it was specified, # and therefore cannot match any macro name. my $error; # Status from command execution. if ($macro{$cmdspec}) { my $cmd = join "\n", @{$macro{$cmdspec}}; source (_memio ('<', \$cmd), @args); $frame[$#frame]{macro}{$cmdspec} = $macro{$verb}; delete $macro{$cmdspec}; } # Else, if there exists a subroutine named after the command, # call it, fielding any exceptions thrown and turning them into # warnings. elsif (my $code = __PACKAGE__->can($verb)) { _parse_time_reset (); # Reset relative time base to last explicit local $SIG{INT} = sub {die "\n$interrupted\n"}; eval {$code->(@args)}; $error = $@; } # Else, complain about the unrecognized verb. else { $error = <<eod; Error - Verb '$verb' not recognized. eod } warn $error if $error; # Display timing information if desired. _display_timing (); # Unwind frame stack if needed. if ($error && $parm{error_out}) { $fh = _frame_pop () while @frame > 1; last unless -t $fh; } # End of command dispatching. } # End of the input loop. Print a newline just in case we # terminated on eof. print "\n"; ######################################################################## # # alias () - manipulate class aliases # sub alias { if (@_) { Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->alias (@_); } else { my %rslt = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->alias (); foreach my $key (sort keys %rslt) { print "$key => $rslt{$key}\n"; } } } ######################################################################## # # almanac () - display almanac data for all bodies in @sky for # the specified day(s) # BEGIN { $cmdlgl{almanac} = [qw{dump flatten horizon|rise|set transit twilight quarter}]; } sub almanac { my $almanac_start = _parse_time (shift || 'today midnight'); my $almanac_end = _parse_time (shift || '+1'); $almanac_start >= $almanac_end and die <<eod; Error - End time must be after start time. eod my $all; $all = 1 unless grep{$cmdopt{$_}} qw{horizon transit twilight quarter}; # Build an object representing our ground location. my $sta = _get_station (); my $id = $parm{twilight} =~ m/^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/ ? "twilight ($parm{twilight} degrees)" : "$parm{twilight} twilight (@{[rad2deg $parm{_twilight}]} degrees)"; my @almanac; # Display our location. print _format_location (); # Iterate through the background bodies, accumulating data or # complaining about the lack of an almanac() method as # appropriate. foreach my $body (@sky) { $body->can ('almanac') or do { warn <<eod; Warning - @{[ref $body]} does not support the almanac method. eod next; }; $body->set ( station => $sta, twilight => $parm{_twilight}, ); push @almanac, $body->almanac( $almanac_start, $almanac_end ); } # Sort the almanac data by date, and display the results. my $last = ''; foreach (sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @almanac) { my ($time, $event, $detail, $descr) = @$_; next unless $all || $cmdopt{$event}; if ($cmdopt{dump}) { if ($cmdopt{flatten}) { local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; print Dumper (_flatten ($_)); } else { print Dumper $_; } } else { $descr = ('End ', 'Begin ')[$detail] . $id if $event eq 'twilight'; my $day = strftime $parm{date_format}, _mytime($time); print "$day\n" if $day ne $last; $last = $day; print strftime ($parm{time_format}, _mytime($time)), ' ', ucfirst $descr, "\n"; } } } ######################################################################## # # cd () - Change Directory. # sub cd { my $expand; $expand = _tilde_expand ($_[0]) if $_[0]; $expand ? chdir ($expand) || die <<eod : chdir () || die <<eod; Error - Can not cd to $expand $! eod Error - Can not cd to home $! eod } ######################################################################## # # check_version () - See if we're up to date. # sub check_version { _load_module ('LWP::UserAgent', 'check_version'); my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new (); my $url = 'http://search.cpan.org/dist/Astro-satpass/'; my $rslt = $lwp->get ($url); if (!$rslt->is_success) { die <<eod; Error - Version check failed. Can not fetch $url @{[$rslt->status_line]} eod } else { my $re = __PACKAGE__; $re =~ s/::/-/g; $re .= '-(\d+\.\d+(_\d+)?)'; if ($rslt->content =~ m/$re/m) { my $curver = $1; print <<eod; Current version: $curver. Your version: $VERSION. eod $curver =~ s/_//g; (my $myver = $VERSION) =~ s/_//g; if ($curver == $myver) { print <<eod; You are running the latest version. eod } elsif ($curver > $myver) { print <<eod; You are running an obsolete version. eod } else { print <<eod; You are running a pre-release version. eod } } else { die <<eod; Error - Can not find version number in $url. eod } } } ######################################################################## # # choose () - throw out the observing list except for the # specified bodies # BEGIN { $cmdlgl{choose} = [qw{epoch=s}]; } sub choose { $cmdopt{choose} = [@_]; @bodies = _select_observing_list (); } ######################################################################## # # clear () - Clear the observing list. # sub clear { @bodies = (); } ######################################################################## # # drop () - remove the given bodies from the observing list. # sub drop { my @check = map {m/\D/ ? qr{@{[quotemeta $_]}}i : $_} @_; my @keep; DROP_LOOP: foreach my $tle (@bodies) { my ($id, $name) = ($tle->get ('id'), $tle->get ('name') || ''); foreach my $test (@check) { next DROP_LOOP if ref $test ? $name =~ m/$test/ : $id == $test; } push @keep, $tle; } @bodies = @keep; } ######################################################################## # # dump () - ***UNDOCUMENTED*** Dump all known objects. # sub dump { use Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; foreach my $body (@bodies, @sky) { print "\n", $body->get ('name') || $body->get ('id'), ' = ' , Dumper ($body); } } ######################################################################## # # echo () - send arguments to standard out # sub echo { print join (' ', @_), "\n"; } ######################################################################## # # export () - Create environment vars from params or data. # sub export { my $name = shift; if ($mutator{$name}) { @_ and set ($name, shift); $ENV{$name} = $parm{$name}; $exported{$name} = 1; } else { @_ or die <<eod; You must specify a value since you are not exporting a parameter. eod $ENV{$name} = shift; } } ######################################################################## # # flare () - Predict satellite flares. BEGIN { $cmdlgl{flare} = [qw{algorithm=s am choose=s@ day dump flatten pm questionable|spare quiet}]; } sub flare { my $pass_start = _parse_time (shift || 'today noon'); my $pass_end = _parse_time (shift || '+7'); $pass_start >= $pass_end and die <<eod; Error - End time must be after start time. eod my $sta = _get_station (); my $horizon = deg2rad ($parm{horizon}); my $twilight = $parm{_twilight}; my @flare_mag = ($parm{flare_mag_night}, $parm{flare_mag_day}); my $lcfmt = \&{"_format_local_$parm{local_coord}"}; # Decide which model to use. my $model = $parm{model}; # Tell aggregate() how to work. local $Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set::Singleton = $parm{singleton}; # Select only the bodies capable of flaring. We use # _select_observing_list () to eliminate duplicates, # though it might be better if we could make use of # any element sets relevant to the period under # consideration. my @active; my $zone = $parm{gmt} ? 0 : $parm{tz} ? $parm{tz} : undef; foreach my $tle (_select_observing_list ($pass_start)) { $tle->can_flare ($cmdopt{questionable}) or next; $tle->set ( algorithm => $cmdopt{algorithm} || 'fixed', backdate => $parm{backdate}, debug => $cmdopt{debug}, edge_of_earths_shadow => $parm{edge_of_earths_shadow}, horizon => $horizon, twilight => $twilight, model => $model, am => !$cmdopt{am}, day => !$cmdopt{day}, pm => !$cmdopt{pm}, station => $sta, extinction => $parm{extinction}, zone => $zone, ); push @active, $tle; } @active or die <<eod; Error - Can not calculate satellite flares without loading at least one flaring body. eod my $timlen = max ( length (strftime ($parm{time_format}, 59, 59, 23, 31, 11, 2000)), length (strftime ($parm{time_format}, 59, 59, 11, 31, 11, 2000)), ); if ($cmdopt{debug}) { foreach my $tle (@active) { print join ("\t", $tle->get ('id'), $tle->get ('name'), ref $tle), "\n"; } } my @flares; foreach my $tle (@active) { eval { push @flares, $tle->flare( $sta, $pass_start, $pass_end ); 1; } or do { $@ =~ m/$interrupted/o and die $@; !$cmdopt{quiet} and warn $@; }; } my $last_day = ''; my $fmt = <<eod; %${timlen}s %-11s %s %4.1f %s %s eod { # local symbol block my $lchd = $lcfmt->(); my $lcln = length ($lchd); my $cthd = _format_local_az_rng (); my $ctln = length ($cthd); printf <<eod, '', ' flare', ' center', 'time', $lchd, $cthd %-${timlen}s %-${lcln}s from %-${ctln}s %-${timlen}s name %s mag Sun %s eod unless $cmdopt{dump} ##printf <<eod, 'time', $lcfmt->(), _format_local_az_rng (); ##%-${timlen}s name MMA angle %s mag frmSun %s ##eod } # end local symbol block foreach my $fd (sort {$a->{time} <=> $b->{time}} @flares) { next if $cmdopt{$fd->{type}}; next if $fd->{magnitude} > $flare_mag[$fd->{type} eq 'day']; my $time = $fd->{time}; my $tle = $fd->{body}->universal ($time); my $displaytime = floor($time + .5); my $day = strftime ($parm{date_format}, _mytime($displaytime)); print "$day\n" if $day ne $last_day && !$cmdopt{dump}; $last_day = $day; $time = strftime ($parm{time_format}, _mytime($displaytime)); my $name = ucfirst lc ($tle->get ('name') || $tle->get ('id')); if ($cmdopt{dump}) { if ($cmdopt{flatten}) { local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; print Dumper (_flatten ($fd)); } else { print Dumper $fd; } } else { printf $fmt, $time, $name, $lcfmt->( $tle ), $fd->{magnitude}, $fd->{type} eq 'day' ? sprintf '%5.0f', rad2deg ($fd->{appulse}{angle}) : 'night', _format_local_az_rng( $fd->{center}{body} ), ; } } } ######################################################################## # # geocode () - Get latitude and longitude. # # The arguments are the location, and an optional country code, # which defaults to the 'country' parameter. All this does is # dispatch geocode_$country if it exists, or fails if it does not. # Yes, it would be nice to be able to parse the country code off # the end of the address, but conflicts between U.S. Postal state # codes and ISO 3166 country codes abound, running from # AL = Alabama (U.S.) or Albania (ISO) through # VA = Virginia (U.S.) or Vatican City (ISO). # In addition to the global options, the geocode verb takes -all # (for the benefit of height() if called) and -height (to negate # the autoheight setting) BEGIN { $cmdlgl{geocode} = [qw{all height retry_on_zero=i source_layer=s}]; $cmdlgl{geocode_as} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_ca} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_fm} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_gu} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_mh} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_mp} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_pr} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_pw} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_us} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; $cmdlgl{geocode_vi} = $cmdlgl{geocode}; } # Here is the subroutine proper. sub geocode { my $cc = lc ($_[1] || $parm{country}); my $handler = "geocode_$cc"; die <<eod unless __PACKAGE__->can ($handler); Error - I have no idea how to geocode a location in country code '$cc'. The only known country codes at the moment are @{[join ', ', _find_suffixes ('geocode_')]} eod goto \&{$handler}; } ######################################################################## # # geocode_ca () get lat/long from geocoder.ca # sub geocode_ca { _load_module ('LWP::UserAgent', 'geocode_ca'); _load_module ('XML::Parser', 'geocode_ca'); warn <<eod; Warning - Geocoding Canadian addresses is now unsupported, and probably will not work anyway, because geocoder.ca has started requiring registration to use its free port. My apologies for the inconvenience. eod my $set_loc = @_; my $loc = shift @_ || $parm{location}; # Manufacture an LWP::UserAgent object. my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new (); foreach my $url (qw{http://geocoder.ca/ http://backup-geocoder.ca/}) { my $rslt = $ua->post ($url, {locate => $loc, geoit => 'XML'}); next unless $rslt->is_success (); $cmdopt{debug} and warn "Debug - Parsing ", $rslt->content; my @xml = _parse_xml ($rslt->content, 'geocode_ca'); @xml = @{_find_first_tag (\@xml, 'geodata')}; my @rslt; my $point = {}; foreach (@xml) { next unless ref $_ eq 'ARRAY'; next unless $_->[0] eq 'latt' || $_->[0] eq 'longt'; $point->{$_->[0]} = $_->[2]; if (exists $point->{latt} && exists $point->{longt}) { push @rslt, [$point->{latt}, $point->{longt}]; $point = {}; } } if (@rslt == 1) { $parm{location} = $loc if $set_loc; @parm{qw{latitude longitude}} = @{$rslt[0]}; print "\n"; show (($set_loc ? 'location' : ()), qw{latitude longitude}); _geocode_height (); last; } elsif (@rslt) { die <<eod; Error - Too many results. eod } else { die <<eod; Error - No results. eod } } } ######################################################################## # # geocode_us () get lat/long from Open Street Maps # # The options are those documented with geocode(). sub geocode_us { my ( $loc ) = @_; my $set_loc; if ( defined $loc ) { $set_loc = 1; } else { $loc = $parm{location}; } my $class = _load_module( [ 'Geo::Coder::OSM' ], 'geocode_us' ); my $gc = $class->new(); if ( my @rslt = sort { $b->{importance} <=> $a->{importance} } $gc->geocode( location => $loc ) ) { splice @rslt, 1; # I give up. if ( @rslt == 1 ) { $set_loc and $parm{location} = $loc; @parm{ qw{latitude longitude } } = map { sprintf '%.6f', $_ } @{ $rslt[0] }{ qw{ lat lon } }; show( ( $set_loc ? 'location' : () ), qw{ latitude longitude } ); _geocode_height(); } else { foreach my $addr ( @rslt ) { ( my $desc = $addr->{display_name} ) =~ s/ [^,]+ , \s* //smx; $desc =~ s/ \A ( \d+ ) , /$1/smx; # Oh, for 5.10 and \K print join( "\t", $addr->{lat}, $addr->{lon}, $desc ), "\n"; } } } elsif ( my $resp = $gc->response() ) { if ( $resp->is_success() ) { die "No match found for location\n"; } else { die $resp->status_line(), "\n"; } } else { die "No HTTP response found\n"; } } # We have the following synonyms, based on the fact that ISO 3166 # defines as separate countries territories of the U.S. that may # be covered by the census database. no warnings qw{once}; BEGIN { *geocode_as = \&geocode_us; # American Samoa *geocode_fm = \&geocode_us; # Federated States of Micronesia *geocode_gu = \&geocode_us; # Guam *geocode_mh = \&geocode_us; # Marshall Islands *geocode_mp = \&geocode_us; # Northern Mariana Islands *geocode_pr = \&geocode_us; # Puerto Rico *geocode_pw = \&geocode_us; # Palau *geocode_vi = \&geocode_us; # Virgin Islands } use warnings qw{once}; # _geocode_height () is a helper subroutine to get the caller # from one of the geocode_* routines to the proper height_* # routine. sub _geocode_height { if ( $cmdopt{height} ? !$parm{autoheight} : $parm{autoheight} ) { $cmdopt{geocoding} = 1; height( _get_suffix( 'geocode_', 2 ) ); } return; } ######################################################################## # # height () - Fetch the height above sea level. # # In addition to the usual command qualifiers, height takes the # following additional ones: # The -all option asks the USGS to return data from all data sets, # rather than the 'best.' The first valid non-zero result is # accepted. If all results are 0, that is accepted also. # The -retry_on_zero option is for dealing with a flakiness of the # USGS server, which will sometimes return 0 rather than the # actual height. The argument is the number of retries. # The -source_layer option is for specifying a specific data # source rather than the USGS' idea of 'best.' Its argument is the # name of the data source (see the USGS for more data, or look at # the data returned by -all). This will have no effect of -all is # specified. BEGIN { $cmdlgl{height} = [ qw{ all retry_on_zero=i source_layer=s }]; $cmdlgl{height_af} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_as} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_ca} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_fm} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_gu} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_mh} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_mp} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_pr} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_pw} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_us} = $cmdlgl{height}; $cmdlgl{height_vi} = $cmdlgl{height}; } # Here is the height() subroutine itself. sub height { my $cc; @_ % 2 and $cc = pop @_; $cc ||= $parm{country}; $cc = lc $cc; my $handler = "height_$cc"; die <<eod unless __PACKAGE__->can ($handler); Error - I have no idea how to get the height of a location in country code '$cc'. The only known country codes at the moment are @{[join ', ', _find_suffixes ('height_')]} eod goto \&{$handler}; } # Note for the future: http://gnswww.nga.mil/geonames/GNS/index.jsp # (the GEOnet Names Server) # is a worldwide search for city names. This may include height if # you hold your tongue right. ######################################################################## # # height_ca () - Fetch the height above sea level in Canada. # # We default the source layer to 'SRTM.C_1TO19_3' and # retry_on_zero to 3, and redispatch to height_us (). sub height_ca { $cmdopt{debug} and warn "Debug - Calling height_ca()\n"; $cmdopt{source_layer} ||= 'SRTM.C_1TO19_3'; $cmdopt{retry_on_zero} = 3 unless defined $cmdopt{retry_on_zero}; goto \&height_us; } ######################################################################## # # height_us () - Fetch the height above sea level in the United # States. # # The USGS has data for locations other than the USA, so other # countries will be handled here as well. sub height_us { _load_module ('Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS', 'height_us'); my $set_pos = @_; my $lat = @_ ? shift @_ : $parm{latitude}; my $lon = @_ ? shift @_ : $parm{longitude}; $cmdopt{source_layer} ||= -1; $cmdopt{retry_on_zero} ||= 0; my $eq = Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS->new ( # source => $cmdopt{source_layer}, trace => $cmdopt{debug}, units => 'METERS', croak => 0, # Handle own errors ); my $tries = ($cmdopt{retry_on_zero} || 0) + 1; my $rslt; while (--$tries >= 0) { eval { ($rslt) = $eq->elevation($lat, $lon); 1; } and $eq->is_valid($rslt) or do { $tries > 0 and next; my $msg = $eq->get( 'error' ) || 'No valid result found.'; $cmdopt{geocoding} or die "$msg\n"; print "# Could not determine height. Setting to zero.\n"; $rslt = { Elevation => 0 }; }; $rslt->{Elevation} != 0 and last; } if ($set_pos) { $parm{latitude} = $lat; $parm{longitude} = $lon; show (qw{latitude longitude}); } $parm{height} = sprintf '%.2f', $rslt->{Elevation}; show (qw{height}); } no warnings qw{once}; BEGIN { *height_af = \&height_us; # Afghanistan (believe it or not). *height_as = \&height_us; # American Samoa *height_fm = \&height_us; # Federated States of Micronesia *height_gu = \&height_us; # Guam *height_mh = \&height_us; # Marshall Islands *height_mp = \&height_us; # Northern Mariana Islands *height_pr = \&height_us; # Puerto Rico *height_pw = \&height_us; # Palau *height_vi = \&height_us; # Virgin Islands } use warnings qw{once}; ######################################################################## # # help () - Display help to user # my %help_module; BEGIN { %help_module = ( eci => 'Astro::Coord::ECI', iridium => 'Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Iridium', moon => 'Astro::Coord::ECI::Moon', set => 'Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set', sun => 'Astro::Coord::ECI::Sun', st => 'Astro::SpaceTrack', star => 'Astro::Coord::ECI::Star', tle => 'Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE', utils => 'Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Utils', ); } sub help { if ($parm{webcmd}) { CORE::system (join ' ', $parm{webcmd}, "http://search.cpan.org/~wyant/Astro-satpass-$VERSION/"); } else { my $arg = defined $_[0] ? lc $_[0] : ''; my @ha; if (my $fn = $help_module{$arg}) { $fn =~ s|::|/|g; $fn .= '.pm'; $INC{$fn} or do { eval "use $help_module{$arg}"; $@ and die <<eod; Error - No help available on $help_module{$arg}. Module can not be loaded. eod }; @ha = (-input => $INC{$fn}); } my $os_specific = "_help_$^O"; if (__PACKAGE__->can ($os_specific)) { __PACKAGE__->$os_specific (); } else { pod2usage (-verbose => 2, -exitval => 'NOEXIT', @ha); } } } # Called by __PACKAGE__->$os_specific(), above sub _help_MacOS { ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) print <<eod; Normally, we would display the documentation for the satpass script here. But unfortunately this depends on the ability to spawn the perldoc command, and we do not have this ability under Mac OS 9 and earlier. You can find the same thing online at http://search.cpan.org/dist/Astro-satpass/ eod } ######################################################################## # # list () - Display the observing list # BEGIN { $cmdlgl{list} = [qw{choose=s@}]; } sub list { if (@bodies) { my $dtfmt = "$parm{date_format} $parm{time_format} " . ($parm{gmt} ? "(GMT)" : "(local)"); print "\n"; foreach my $tle (_select_observing_list ()) { my $id = $tle->get ('id'); my $name = $tle->get ('name'); my $epoch = strftime $dtfmt, _mytime($tle->get ('epoch')); $name = $name ? " - $name" : ''; my $secs = floor ($tle->period + .5); my $mins = floor ($secs / 60); $secs %= 60; my $hrs = floor ($mins / 60); $mins %= 60; printf "$id$name: epoch $epoch; period %2d:%02d:%02d\n", $hrs, $mins, $secs; } print "\n"; } else { print "\nThe observing list is empty.\n\n"; } } ######################################################################## # # load () - Load a file of two- or three- line elements into the # observing list # sub load { foreach my $fn (@_) { my $expand = _tilde_expand ($fn); my $fh = FileHandle->new ("<$expand") or die <<eod; Error - Cannot open $expand. $! eod local $/ = undef; push @bodies, Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse (<$fh>); } } ######################################################################## # # localize () - Localize parameter settings. # sub localize { foreach my $key (@_) { $key =~ m/\W/ || $key =~ m/^_/ || !exists ($parm{$key}) and die <<eod; Error - Parameter $key does not exist. eod $frame[$#frame]{local_parm}{$key} = $parm{$key} unless exists $frame[$#frame]{local_parm}{$key}; } } ######################################################################## # # macro () - Define a macro. With no name, lists all macros. # BEGIN { $cmdlgl{macro} = [qw{brief delete list}]; } sub macro { $io_string_unavailable and die <<eod; Error - You can not use the macro facility unless you are running at at least Perl 5.8, or IO::String is available. eod unless (@_ != 1 || $cmdopt{brief} || $cmdopt{delete} || $cmdopt{list}) { $cmdopt{$parm{explicit_macro_delete} ? 'list' : 'delete'} = 1; } if ($cmdopt{brief}) { foreach my $name (sort @_ ? @_ : keys %macro) { print $name . "\n" if $macro{$name}; } } elsif ($cmdopt{list} || !@_) { foreach my $name (sort @_ ? @_ : keys %macro) { print "macro $name ", join (" \\\n ", map { _quoter ($_)} @{$macro{$name}}), "\n" if $macro{$name}; } } elsif ($cmdopt{delete}) { foreach my $name (@_ ? @_ : keys %macro) { delete $macro{$name}; } } else { my $name = shift; $name !~ m/\W/ && $name !~ m/^_/ or die <<eod; Error - Invalid macro name '$name'. All characters must be alphanumeric or underscores, and the name must not start with an underscore. eod $macro{$name} = [map {s/\\(.)/$1/g; $_} @_]; } } ######################################################################## # # magnitude_table() - Maintain magnitude table # sub magnitude_table { my @arg = @_; @arg or @arg = 'show'; my $cmd = shift @arg; if ( $cmd eq 'show' ) { foreach my $item ( Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->magnitude_table( $cmd => @arg ) ) { print join( ' ', qw{ magnitude_table add }, @{ $item } ), "\n"; } } elsif ( $cmd eq 'adjust' && ! defined $arg[0] ) { print join( ' ', qw{ magnitude_table adjust }, Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->magnitude_table( 'adjust' ) ), "\n"; } else { Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->magnitude_table( $cmd, @arg ); } return; } ######################################################################## # # pass () - Predict passes over the observer's location, using # the Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->pass() method. # { # Begin local symbol block my @event_name; BEGIN { foreach my $code (PASS_EVENT_NONE, PASS_EVENT_SHADOWED, PASS_EVENT_LIT, PASS_EVENT_DAY, PASS_EVENT_RISE, PASS_EVENT_MAX, PASS_EVENT_SET, PASS_EVENT_START, PASS_EVENT_END, PASS_EVENT_BRIGHTEST ) { my $val = ucfirst $code; $event_name[$code] = sub {$val}; } $event_name[PASS_EVENT_APPULSE] = sub {sprintf '%.1f from %s', rad2deg ($_[0]{appulse}{angle}), $_[0]{appulse}{body}->get ('name') || $_[0]{appulse}{body}->get ('id')}; $cmdlgl{pass} = [ qw{ choose=s@ dump flatten magnitude|brightest quiet truncate! } ]; } sub pass { # Initialize. my $lcfmt = \&{"_format_local_$parm{local_coord}"}; my $pass_start = _parse_time (shift || 'today noon'); my $pass_end = _parse_time (shift || '+7'); $pass_start >= $pass_end and die <<eod; Error - End time must be after start time. eod my $sta = _get_station (); @bodies or die <<eod; Error - Can not calculate satellite pass without loading at least one body. eod my $pass_step = shift || 60; my $timlen = max ( length (strftime ($parm{time_format}, 59, 59, 23, 31, 11, 2000)), length (strftime ($parm{time_format}, 59, 59, 11, 31, 11, 2000)), ); my $header = <<eod; %s%s time@{[' ' x ($timlen - 4)]} @{[$lcfmt->()]} latitude longitude altitude eod # Decide which model to use. my $model = $parm{model}; # Pick up horizon, appulse distance, etc. my $horizon = deg2rad ($parm{horizon}); my $appulse = deg2rad ($parm{appulse}); my $pass_threshold = deg2rad( $parm{pass_threshold} ); my $pass_variant = $cmdopt{magnitude} ? PASS_VARIANT_BRIGHTEST : PASS_VARIANT_NONE; $cmdopt{truncate} and $pass_variant |= PASS_VARIANT_TRUNCATE; my $line_format = $cmdopt{magnitude} ? LINFMT_MAG : LINFMT; # Print the header print _format_location () unless $cmdopt{dump}; # Tell aggregate() how to work. local $Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set::Singleton = $parm{singleton}; if ($cmdopt{debug}) { foreach my $tle (_aggregate ()) { print join ("\t", $tle->get ('id'), $tle->get ('name'), ref $tle), "\n"; } } # Set the station for all the bodies in the sky foreach my $body ( @sky ) { $body->set( station => $sta ); } # Foreach body to be modelled foreach my $tle (_select_observing_list ($pass_start)) { $tle->set ( appulse => $appulse, backdate => $parm{backdate}, debug => $parm{debug}, edge_of_earths_shadow => $parm{edge_of_earths_shadow}, geometric => $parm{geometric}, horizon => $horizon, interval => $parm{verbose} ? $pass_step : 0, lazy_pass_position => 1, model => $model, pass_threshold => $pass_threshold, pass_variant => $pass_variant, station => $sta, twilight => $parm{_twilight}, visible => $parm{visible}, ); my @passes; eval { @passes = $tle->pass ( $pass_start, $pass_end, \@sky); 1; } or do { $@ =~ m/$interrupted/o and die $@; $cmdopt{quiet} or warn $@; next; }; @passes or next; my $id = $tle->get ('id'); my $name = $tle->get ('name') || ''; $name = " - $name" if $name; my $hdrdone; my $last_date = ''; foreach my $pass (@passes) { unless ($cmdopt{dump}) { if ($hdrdone++) { print "\n" } else { printf $header, $id, $name }; } foreach my $event (@{$pass->{events}}) { my $time = $event->{time}; my $displaytime = floor($time + .5); my $date = strftime ($parm{date_format}, _mytime($displaytime)); if ($date ne $last_date) { print "$date\n" unless $cmdopt{dump}; $last_date = $date; } $tle->universal ($time); my ($lat, $long, $alt) = $tle->geodetic (); if ($cmdopt{dump}) { if ($cmdopt{flatten}) { $event->{body} ||= $tle; $event->{station} ||= $sta; local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; print Dumper (_flatten ($event)); } else { print Dumper ($event); } } else { my @data = ( strftime( $parm{time_format}, _mytime( $displaytime ) ), $lcfmt->( $tle ), rad2deg ($lat), rad2deg ($long), $alt, $event_name[$event->{illumination}]->($event), $event_name[$event->{event}]->($event), ); if ( $cmdopt{magnitude} ) { my $mag = exists $event->{magnitude} ? $event->{magnitude} : $tle->magnitude( $sta ); splice @data, -2, 0, defined $mag ? sprintf '%4.1f', $mag : ''; } printf $line_format, @data; if ($event->{appulse} && $parm{background}) { my $body = $event->{appulse}{body} ->universal ($time); my ($lat, $long) = $body->geodetic; printf BGFMT, strftime ( $parm{time_format}, _mytime ( $displaytime)), $lcfmt->( $body ), rad2deg ($lat), rad2deg ($long), $body->get ('name') || $body->get ('id') || ''; } } } } } } } # End local symbol block ######################################################################## # # phase () - Compute the phase of any relevant bodies in @sky at # the given time. # BEGIN { # Localize and initialize phase table. my @table = ( [6.1 => 'new'], [83.9 => 'waxing crescent'], [96.1 => 'first quarter'], [173.9 => 'waxing gibbous'], [186.1 => 'full'], [263.9 => 'waning gibbous'], [276.1 => 'last quarter'], [353.9 => 'waning crescent'], [360 => 'new'], ); sub phase { my $time = _parse_time (shift); my $dtfmt = "$parm{date_format} $parm{time_format}"; foreach my $body (@sky) { $body->can ('phase') or next; my ($phase, $illum) = $body->phase ($time); $phase = rad2deg ($phase); my $name; foreach (@table) {$_->[0] > $phase or next; $name = $_->[1]; last} printf "%s @{[$body->get ('name')]} phase %.0f deg, %s, %.0f%% illum.\n", strftime ($dtfmt, _mytime($time)), $phase, $name, $illum * 100; } } } # end of BEGIN block ######################################################################## # # position () - Compute position of all bodies in observing list # and sky at the given time. # BEGIN { $cmdlgl{position} = [qw{choose=s@ magnitude|brightest! questionable|spare quiet realtime}]; } sub position { my $time = _parse_time (shift || '+0'); my $endtm = _parse_time (shift || ($cmdopt{realtime} ? '+10' : '+0')); my $interval = shift || ($cmdopt{realtime} ? 10 : 60); my $dtfmt = "$parm{date_format} $parm{time_format}"; my $lcfmt = \&{"_format_local_$parm{local_coord}"}; my @lighting = qw{Shdw Lit Day}; # Duped from pass() my $twilight = $parm{_twilight}; # Define the observing station. my $sta = _get_station (); my $sun = Astro::Coord::ECI::Sun->new (); # Print a header. if ( $cmdopt{magnitude} ) { printf <<"EOD", _format_location (), %s name @{[$lcfmt->()]} %-*s illum mag EOD length (strftime $dtfmt, _mytime(time)), 'epoch of data'; } else { printf <<"EOD", _format_location (), %s name @{[$lcfmt->()]} %-*s illum EOD length (strftime $dtfmt, _mytime(time)), 'epoch of data'; } # Tell aggregate() how to work. local $Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set::Singleton = $parm{singleton}; my $when = time (); my $indent; while ($time <= $endtm) { print strftime ($dtfmt, _mytime($time)), "\n"; foreach my $body (_select_observing_list ($time), @sky) { $body->set( debug => $cmdopt{debug}, station => $sta, ); eval {$body->universal ($time); 1;} or do { $@ =~ m/$interrupted/o and die $@; $cmdopt{quiet} or warn $@; next; }; my $name = $body->get ('name') || $body->get ('id') || 'body'; $name = substr $name, 0, 16; if ($body->represents ('Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE')) { my $illum = $body->illuminated() ? 1 : 0; $illum and ( $sta->azel( $body ) )[1] >= 0 and ( $sta->azel($sun->universal( $time ) ) )[1] > $twilight and $illum = 2; my $line; if ( $cmdopt{magnitude} ) { my $mag = $body->magnitude( $sta ); $mag = defined $mag ? sprintf( '%4.1f', $mag ) : ''; $line = sprintf '%16s %s %s %5s %4s', $name, $lcfmt->( $body ), strftime ($dtfmt, _mytime($body->get ('epoch'))), $lighting[$illum] || '', $mag; } else { $line = sprintf '%16s %s %s %5s', $name, $lcfmt->( $body ), strftime ($dtfmt, _mytime($body->get ('epoch'))), $lighting[$illum] || ''; } $line =~ s/ \s+ \z //smx; print $line, "\n"; if ($body->can_flare ($cmdopt{questionable})) { ## $indent ||= length (sprintf '%16s %s', $name, ## $lcfmt=>( $body ) ); $indent ||= 32; $body->set (horizon => 0); foreach my $info ($body->reflection ($sta, $time)) { if (!exists $info->{mma}) { printf "%*s %s\n", $indent, '', $info->{status}; last; } elsif ($info->{status}) { printf "%*s MMA %d %s\n", $indent, '', $info->{mma}, $info->{status}; } else { printf "%*s MMA %d mirror angle %6.1f magnitude %4.1f\n", $indent, '', $info->{mma}, rad2deg ($info->{angle}), $info->{magnitude}; } } } } else { printf "%16s %s\n", $name, $lcfmt->( $body ); } } $when += $interval; $time += $interval; my $sleep = $when - time (); sleep ($sleep) if $cmdopt{realtime} && $sleep > 0; } } ######################################################################## # # quarters () - Compute the quarters of any relevant bodies in # @sky in the given time range. # BEGIN { $cmdlgl{quarters} = [qw{dump flatten}]; } sub quarters { my $start = _parse_time ($_[0] || 'today midnight'); my $end = _parse_time ($_[1] || '+30'); my $dtfmt = "$parm{date_format} $parm{time_format}"; my @data; # Iterate over any background objects, accumulating all # quarter-phases of each until we get one after the # end time. We silently ignore bodies that do not support # the next_quarter() method. foreach my $body (@sky) { next unless $body->can ('next_quarter'); $body->universal ($start); while (1) { my ($time, undef, $quarter) = $body->next_quarter; last if $time > $end; push @data, [$time, $quarter]; } } # Sort and display the quarter-phase information. foreach (sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @data) { if ($cmdopt{dump}) { if ($cmdopt{flatten}) { local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; print Dumper (_flatten ($_)); } else { print Dumper $_; } } else { my ($time, $quarter) = @$_; print strftime ($dtfmt, _mytime($time)), " $quarter\n"; } } } ######################################################################## # # retrieve () - Reload the observing list using Storable::retrieve. # sub retrieve { @bodies = @{Storable::retrieve (_storable (@_))}; } ######################################################################## # # set () - set the values of parameters # sub set { while (@_) { my $name = shift; my $value = shift; if ($mutator{$name}) { $mutator{$name}->($name, $value); $exported{$name} and $ENV{$name} = $parm{$name}; } else { die <<eod; Warning - Unknown parameter '$name'. eod } } } sub _set_almanac_horizon { my ( $name, $value ) = @_; $value = _parse_angle( $value ); Astro::Coord::ECI->new( almanac_horizon => $value ); $parm{$name} = $value; $parm{"_$name"} = looks_like_number( $value ) ? deg2rad( $value ) : $value; return; } sub _set_angle { my ( $name, $value ) = @_; $parm{$name} = _parse_angle( $value ); $parm{"_$name"} = deg2rad( $value ); return; } sub _set_angle_or_undef { defined $_[1] and $_[1] ne 'undef' and goto &_set_angle; $parm{$_[0]} = $parm{"_$_[0]"} = undef; return; } sub _set_ellipsoid { Astro::Coord::ECI->set (ellipsoid => $_[1]); $parm{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } sub _set_local_coord { my $method = "_format_local_$_[1]"; die <<eod unless __PACKAGE__->can ($method); Error - Illegal local coordinate specification. The only legal values are @{[join ', ', _find_suffixes ('_format_local_')]} eod $parm{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } sub _set_perltime { $parm{$_[0]} = $_[1]; if ( _parse_time_absolute_use_perltime() ) { if ( $_[1] ) { _parse_time_absolute_init_perltime(); } else { _parse_time_absolute_init( $parm{tz} ); } } } sub _set_simbad_version { if (__PACKAGE__->can ("_simbad$_[1]")) { $parm{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } else { my @lglver; no strict qw{refs}; foreach (keys %{*{__PACKAGE__ . '::'}}) { m/^_simbad(\d+)/ && __PACKAGE__->can ($_) and push @lglver, $1; } @lglver = sort {$a <=> $b} @lglver; my $lastver = pop @lglver; if (@lglver) { die <<eod; Error - Invalid SIMBAD version number $_[1]. Must be @{[ join ', ', @lglver]} or $lastver. eod } else { die <<eod; Error - Invalid SIMBAD version number $_[1]. Must be $lastver. eod } } } sub _set_time { my ($name, $val) = @_; if ($val) { $parm{$name} = _parse_time ($val); } else { $parm{$name} = 0; } } sub _set_twilight { if (my $key = $twilight_abbr{lc $_[1]}) { $parm{$_[0]} = $key; $parm{_twilight} = $twilight_def{$key}; } else { my $angle = _parse_angle ($_[1]); $angle =~ m/^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/ or die <<eod; Error - The twilight setting must be 'civil', 'nautical', or 'astronomical', or a unique abbreviation thereof, or a number of degrees the geometric center of the sun is below the horizon. eod $parm{$_[0]} = $_[1]; $parm{_twilight} = - deg2rad (abs ($angle)); } } sub _set_tz { if ($_[1] || looks_like_number ($_[1])) { $ENV{TZ} = $parm{$_[0]} = $_[1]; $parm{perltime} and _parse_time_absolute_use_perltime() or _parse_time_absolute_init( $_[1] ); } else { $parm{$_[0]} = undef; delete $ENV{TZ}; $parm{perltime} and _parse_time_absolute_use_perltime() or _parse_time_absolute_init(); } } sub _set_unmodified {$parm{$_[0]} = $_[1]} sub _set_webcmd { $parm{$_[0]} = $_[1]; my $st = _get_spacetrack (1); # Get only if already instantiated. $st and $st->set (webcmd => $_[1]); } ######################################################################## # # show () - display the values of parameters # sub show { my @arg = @_; @arg or @arg = grep { m/ \A [[:alpha:]] /smx } sort keys %parm; foreach my $name ( @arg ) { exists $accessor{$name} or die <<"EOD"; Error - '$name' is not a valid setting. EOD exists $parm{$name} or next; my $val = _quoter ($accessor{$name}->($name)); print "set $name $val\n"; } } sub _show_unmodified { defined $parm{$_[0]} ? $parm{$_[0]} : 'undef' } ######################################################################## # # sky () - handle manipulation of the sky. What happens is based # on the arguments as follows: # none - list # 'add body' - add the named body, if it is not already # there. If the body is not 'sun' or 'moon' it # is assumed to be a star of the given name, # and coordinates must be given. # 'clear' - clear # 'drop name ...' - drop the named bodies; the name match # is by case-insensitive regular expression. # 'lookup name' - Look up the star name in the SIMBAD # catalog, and add it as a background body if # found. # # For proper motion, we need to convert arc seconds per year to degrees # per second. use constant SPY2DPS => 3600 * 365.24219 * SECSPERDAY; sub sky { my $verb = lc (shift @_ || ''); # If no subcommand given, display the background bodies. if (!$verb) { foreach my $body (@sky) { if ( __instance( $body, 'Astro::Coord::ECI::Star' ) ) { my ($ra, $dec, $rng, $pmra, $pmdec, $vr) = $body->position (); $rng /= PARSEC; $pmra = rad2deg ($pmra / 24 * 360 * cos ($ra)) * SPY2DPS; $pmdec = rad2deg ($pmdec) * SPY2DPS; printf "sky add %s %s %7.3f %.2f %.4f %.5f %s\n", _quoter ($body->get ('name')), _rad2hms ($ra), rad2deg ($dec), $rng, $pmra, $pmdec, $vr; } else { print "sky add ", _quoter ($body->get ('name')), "\n"; } } @sky or print "The sky is empty.\n"; } # If the subcommand is 'add', add the given body. Stars are a # special case, since we can have more than one, and we need to # specify position. No matter what we're adding we check for # duplicates first and silently no-op the request if one is # found. elsif ($verb eq 'add') { my $name = shift or die <<eod; Error - You did not specify what to add. eod my $lcn = lc $name; my $special = $lcn eq 'sun' || $lcn eq 'moon'; my $class = 'Astro::Coord::ECI::' . ($special ? ucfirst ($lcn) : 'Star'); foreach my $body (@sky) { return if __instance($body, $class) && ($special || $lcn eq lc $body->get ('name')); } my $body = $class->new (debug => $parm{debug}); unless ($special) { $body->set (name => $name); @_ >= 2 or die <<eod; Error - You must specify a name, a right ascension (in either hours:minutes:seconds or degrees) and a declination (in either degreesDminutesMseconds or degrees, with south declination negative). The distance in parsecs is optional. eod my $ra = deg2rad (_parse_angle (shift)); my $dec = deg2rad (_parse_angle (shift)); my $rng = @_ ? _parse_distance (shift @_, '1pc') : 10000 * PARSEC; my $pmra = @_ ? do { my $angle = shift; $angle =~ s/s$//i or $angle *= 24 / 360 / cos ($ra); deg2rad ($angle / SPY2DPS); } : 0; my $pmdec = @_ ? deg2rad (shift (@_) / SPY2DPS) : 0; my $pmrec = @_ ? shift : 0; $body->position ($ra, $dec, $rng, $pmra, $pmdec, $pmrec); } push @sky, $body; } # If the subcommand is 'clear', we empty the background. elsif ($verb eq 'clear') { @sky = (); } # If the subcommand is 'drop', we iterate over the background, # dropping any bodies whose name matches any of the given # names. elsif ($verb eq 'drop') { @_ or die <<eod; Error - You must specify at least one name to drop. eod my $match = qr{@{[join '|', map {quotemeta $_} @_]}}i; @sky = grep {$_->get ('name') !~ m/$match/} @sky; } # If the subcommand is 'lookup', we take the next argument to # be the name of the star to look up, and try to look it up # on line. If we find it, we add it to the background. elsif ($verb eq 'lookup') { my $name = $_[0]; my $lcn = lc $_[0]; foreach my $body (@sky) { next unless __instance($body, 'Astro::Coord::ECI::Star') && $lcn eq lc $body->get ('name'); die <<eod; Error - The sky already contains $_[0]. If you want to replace it you must first drop it. eod return; } my ($ra, $dec, $rng, $pmra, $pmdec, $pmrec) = _simbad ($name); $rng = sprintf '%.2f', $rng; print "sky add ", _quoter ($name), " $ra $dec $rng $pmra $pmdec $pmrec\n"; $ra = deg2rad (_parse_angle ($ra)); my $body = Astro::Coord::ECI::Star->new (name => $name); $body->position ($ra, deg2rad (_parse_angle ($dec)), $rng * PARSEC, deg2rad ($pmra * 24 / 360 / cos ($ra) / SPY2DPS), deg2rad ($pmdec / SPY2DPS), $pmrec); push @sky, $body; } else { die <<eod; Error - 'sky' subcommand '$verb' not known. See 'help'. eod } } ######################################################################## # # source () - take commands from the specified file # BEGIN { $cmdlgl{source} = [qw{optional}]; } sub source { my $fn = shift; my $hdl = ref $fn ? $fn : FileHandle->new ("<@{[_tilde_expand ($fn)]}") || ($cmdopt{optional} ? return : die <<eod); Error - Can not open $fn for input. $! eod push @frame, { args => [@_], cntind => '', lines => [], stdin => $fh, stdout => select (), }; $fh = $hdl; } ######################################################################## # # st () - pass commands to Astro::SpaceTrack # # In addition to the usual command qualifiers, st takes -verbose, # which means to display all data fetched. my %st_suppress_output; BEGIN { $cmdlgl{st} = [qw{end=s start=s verbose}]; %st_suppress_output = map { $_ => 1 } '', 'set'; } sub st { my $st = _get_spacetrack (0, 'st'); my $func = lc shift or die <<eod; Error - No Astro::SpaceTrack method specified. eod $func = 'get' if $func eq 'show'; # Special-case 'show' into 'get'. # $st->get() is special-cased to: allow multiple arguments, allow # no argument to get all defined, and format output as st set. if ($func eq 'get') { @_ = _get_spacetrack_attrib_names () unless @_; foreach my $name (@_) { my $rslt = $st->get ($name); die $rslt->status_line unless $rslt->is_success; print "st set $name ", _quoter ($rslt->content), "\n"; } return; } # $st->localize does not exist, but we special-case it to # $st->get all the arguments and save them in the stack frame. elsif ($func eq 'localize') { foreach my $key (@_) { $frame[$#frame]{local_st}{$key} = $st->get ($key)->content unless exists $frame[$#frame]{local_st}{$key}; } return; } # Otherwise we just execute the function and dispatch on the # result. $func !~ m/^_/ && $st->can ($func) or die <<eod; Error - Unknown Astro::SpaceTrack method $func. eod unshift @_, -start => _parse_time ($cmdopt{start}) if $cmdopt{start}; unshift @_, -end => _parse_time ($cmdopt{end}) if $cmdopt{end}; my ($rslt, @rest) = $st->$func (@_); my $content = $st->content_type || ''; if (!$rslt->is_success) { die $rslt->status_line; } elsif ($content eq 'orbit') { push @bodies, Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->parse ($rslt->content); $cmdopt{verbose} and print $rslt->content, "\n"; } elsif ($content eq 'iridium-status') { __PACKAGE__->_iridium_status (@rest); $cmdopt{verbose} and print $rslt->content, "\n"; } elsif ( $content eq 'molczan' || $content eq 'quicksat' ) { magnitude_table( $content, \( $rslt->content() ) ); } elsif ( ! $st_suppress_output{$content} || $cmdopt{verbose}) { print $rslt->content, "\n"; } } ######################################################################## # # status () - Show satellite status, fetching if necessary. # my @status_code_map; BEGIN { $cmdlgl{status} = [qw{name reload}]; @status_code_map = qw{+ S -}; } sub status { @_ or @_ = qw{show}; my $verb = lc (shift (@_) || 'show'); if ($verb eq 'add' || $verb eq 'drop') { Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->status ($verb, @_); foreach my $tle (@bodies) { $tle->get ('id') == $_[0] and $tle->rebless (); } } elsif ($verb eq 'clear') { Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->status ($verb, @_); foreach my $tle (@bodies) { $tle->rebless (); } } elsif ( $verb eq 'iridium' ) { die "The 'iridium' subcommand is removed; use 'show' instead\n"; } elsif ( $verb eq 'show' ) { my @data = Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->status( 'show', @_ ); @data = sort {$a->[3] cmp $b->[3]} @data if $cmdopt{name}; foreach my $tle (@data) { print <<eod; status add $tle->[0] $tle->[1] $status_code_map[$tle->[2]] '$tle->[3]' '$tle->[4]' eod } } else { Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->status ($verb, @_); } } ######################################################################## # # store () - Save the observing list using Storable nstore(). # sub store { Storable::nstore (\@bodies, _storable (@_)); } ######################################################################## # # system () - Execute a system command. # BEGIN { ##$cmdlgl{system} = undef; # No option parsing. $cmdconfig{system} = [qw{require_order}]; # Options must come first. $cmdquote{system} = 1; # Keep quotes when parsing. } sub system { my $cmd = @_ ? "@_" : $ENV{SHELL} || ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'cmd' : die <<eod); Error - No command passed, the SHELL environment variable was not defined, and no system-specific default was available. eod $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'VMS' and $cmd =~ tr/'"/"'/; -t select() ? CORE::system ($cmd) : print `$cmd`; } ######################################################################## # # times () - display time in a number of formats # sub times { my $time = _parse_time (shift || '+0'); my $dtfmt = "$parm{date_format} $parm{time_format}"; my $sta = _get_station ()->universal ($time); print strftime ($dtfmt, gmtime ($time)), " universal =\n"; print ' ', strftime ($dtfmt, gmtime ($sta->dynamical ())), " dynamical\n"; print ' ', strftime ($dtfmt, localtime ($time)), " local standard time\n"; print ' ', strftime ($dtfmt, gmtime ( floor ($sta->local_mean_time () + .5))), " local mean time\n"; print ' ', strftime ($dtfmt, gmtime ( floor ($sta->local_time () + .5))), " local time\n"; } ######################################################################## # # tle () - display original TLE data from list. # # TODO the Celestia functionality. Currently, it gives a file that is # syntactically valid, but does not give the correct position. What is # really needed is for Celestia to implement the right model, but it # would also be nice to KNOW we're generating the correct Keplerian # ellipse. Until we do, this functionality is UNSUPPORTED and # undocumented. my %tle_formatter; BEGIN { %tle_formatter = ( celestia => sub { my ( $bodies ) = @_; my $dtfmt = "$parm{date_format} $parm{time_format}"; foreach my $tle ( @{ $bodies } ) { my $name = $tle->get('name') || $tle->get('id') || 'unspecified'; my $incl = rad2deg($tle->get('inclination')); my $ascnod = rad2deg($tle->get('ascendingnode')); print <<"EOD"; # Keplerian elements for $name # Generated by satpass $VERSION # Epoch: @{[strftime $dtfmt, gmtime $tle->get('epoch')]} UT Modify "$name" "Sol/Earth" { EllipticalOrbit { Epoch @{[julianday($tle->get('epoch'))]} Period @{[$tle->period/SECSPERDAY]} SemiMajorAxis @{[$tle->semimajor]} Eccentricity @{[$tle->get('eccentricity')]} Inclination $incl AscendingNode $ascnod ArgOfPericenter @{[rad2deg($tle->get('argumentofperigee'))]} MeanAnomaly @{[rad2deg($tle->get('meananomaly'))]} } UniformRotation { Inclination $incl MeridianAngle 90 AscendingNode $ascnod } } EOD } return; }, # json => sub { # my ( $bodies ) = @_; # _load_module( 'JSON' ); # my $json = JSON->new()->pretty()->canonical()->utf8() # ->convert_blessed(); # print $json->encode( $bodies ); # return; # }, verbose => sub { my ( $bodies ) = @_; my $dtfmt = "$parm{date_format} $parm{time_format}"; foreach my $tle ( @{ $bodies } ) { print "\n", $tle->tle_verbose(date_format => $dtfmt); } return; }, ); $cmdlgl{tle} = [ 'choose=s@', keys %tle_formatter ]; } sub tle { my @specified = grep { $cmdopt{$_} } keys %tle_formatter; @specified > 1 and die 'You may not specify more than one of ', join( ', ', map { "-$_" } @specified ), "\n"; my $bodies = $cmdopt{choose} ? [ _select_observing_list() ] : \@bodies; if ( @specified ) { my $code = $tle_formatter{$specified[0]} or confess 'Programming error - ', "No TLE formatter for -$specified[0]"; $code->( $bodies ); } else { foreach my $tle ( @{ $bodies } ) { print $tle->get( 'tle' ); } } return; } ######################################################################## # # validate() - remove invalid data BEGIN { $cmdlgl{validate} = [qw{quiet}]; } sub validate { my $pass_start = _parse_time (shift || 'today noon'); my $pass_end = _parse_time (shift || '+7'); $pass_start >= $pass_end and die <<eod; Error - End time must be after start time. eod # Tell aggregate() how to work. local $Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set::Singleton = $parm{singleton}; my @valid; foreach my $tle (_select_observing_list ($pass_start)) { $tle->validate(\%cmdopt, $pass_start, $pass_end) or next; push @valid, $tle->members(); } @bodies = @valid; return; } ######################################################################## # Internally-used subroutines. # Accessors and mutators are with show() and set() respectively. # _aggregate (); # This is just a wrapper for # Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set->aggregate. You can pass a single # hash ref for the options hash. sub _aggregate { Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set->aggregate (@_, @bodies); } # _display_timing () # Displays command timing information from the current frame # if present, and clears it afterwards. sub _display_timing { if (@frame && $frame[$#frame]{timing}) { my $end = _time (); my $delta = _time_trim ($end - $frame[$#frame]{timing}{start}); print <<eod; Information - $frame[$#frame]{timing}{command} elapsed time is $delta seconds. eod delete $frame[$#frame]{timing}; } } # $subtree = _find_first_tag (\@tree, $tag, ...) # # descends through the given parse tree, recursively finding the # given tags, and returning the subtree thus identified. It dies # if a tag cannot be found. sub _find_first_tag { my $tree = shift; TAG_LOOP: foreach my $tag (@_) { foreach my $branch (@$tree) { next unless ref $branch eq 'ARRAY' && $branch->[0] eq $tag; $tree = $branch; next TAG_LOOP; } die "Error - Tag <$tag> not found.\n"; } $tree; } # @suff = _find_suffixes ($prefix, $package) # This subroutine traverses the symbol table of the given # package, looking for subroutine names that start with the given # prefix, and returns all suffixes (i.e. the part of the name # that is not the prefix). Its intent is to find out, for the # purpose of producing helpful error messages, what 'geocode_*' # and 'height_*' subroutines are currently implemented. The # package name defaults to the current package. # Perl::Critic can't find code interpolated into strings sub _find_suffixes { ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) my $prefix = shift; my $package = shift || __PACKAGE__; my $symtab = $package . '::'; my $re = qr{^$prefix}; my $len = length ($prefix); my @rslt; no strict qw{refs}; foreach my $symbol (keys %$symtab) { use strict qw{refs}; next unless $symbol =~ m/$re/ && $package->can ($symbol); push @rslt, substr ($symbol, $len); } sort @rslt; } # $hashref = _flatten ($hashref) # # This subroutine implements 'event flattening'; the conversion # of all Astro::Coord::ECI subclasses in the hash into the base # class. sub _flatten { my $hash = shift; foreach my $key (keys %$hash) { if (eval {$hash->{$key}->represents ('Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE')}) { my $old = $hash->{$key}; $hash->{$key} = Astro::Coord::ECI->new ()-> universal ($old->universal ())-> eci ($old->eci ()); $hash->{$key}->set ( name => $old->get ('name'), id => $old->get ('id'), ); } elsif (eval {$hash->{$key}->represents ('Astro::Coord::ECI')}) { my $old = $hash->{$key}; my $meth = $old->get ('inertial') ? 'eci' : 'ecef'; $hash->{$key} = Astro::Coord::ECI->new ()-> universal ($old->universal ())-> $meth ($old->$meth ()); $hash->{$key}->set ( name => $old->get ('name'), id => $old->get ('id'), ); } elsif (ref $hash->{$key} eq 'HASH') { _flatten ($hash->{$key}); } } $hash; } # $string = _format_local_az_rng ($station, $body) # This subroutine formats the azimuth and range of the body # as seen from the station. If called with no arguments, it # returns a suitable heading for this information. # Some calls are by code ref obtained by $self->can() sub _format_local_az_rng { my ( $body ) = @_ or return ' azim range '; my ( $az, undef, $rng ) = $body->azel(); return sprintf "%5.1f %-2s @{[$rng > 1e6 ? '%10.3e' : '%10.1f']}", rad2deg ($az), $bearing[floor ($az/TWOPI * @bearing + .5) % @bearing], $rng; } # $string = _format_local_azel ($station, $body) # This subroutine formats the elevation and azimuth of the body # as seen from the station. If called with no arguments, it # returns a suitable heading for this information. # Called by code ref obtained by $self->can() sub _format_local_azel { ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) my ( $body ) = @_ or return ' elev azim '; my ( $az, $el ) = $body->azel(); return sprintf "%5.1f %5.1f %-2s", rad2deg ($el), rad2deg ($az), $bearing[floor ($az/TWOPI * @bearing + .5) % @bearing]; } # $string = _format_local_azel_rng ($station, $body) # This subroutine formats the elevation, azimuth, and range of # the body as seen from the station. If called with no arguments, # it returns a suitable heading for this information. # Called by code ref obtained by $self->can() sub _format_local_azel_rng { ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) my ( $body ) = @_ or return ' elev azim range '; my ( $az, $el, $rng ) = $body->azel(); return sprintf "%5.1f %5.1f %-2s @{[$rng > 1e6 ? '%10.3e' : '%10.1f']}", rad2deg ($el), rad2deg ($az), $bearing[floor ($az/TWOPI * @bearing + .5) % @bearing], $rng; } # $string = _format_local_equatorial ($station, $body) # This subroutine formats the right ascension and declination of # the body as seen from the station. If called with no arguments, # it returns a suitable heading for this information. # Called by code ref obtained by $self->can() sub _format_local_equatorial { ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) my ( $body ) = @_ or return 'right asc decl'; my ( $ra, $dec ) = _get_equatorial_coordinates( $body ); return sprintf "%s %5.1f", _rad2hms ($ra), rad2deg ($dec); } # $string = _format_local_equatorial_rng ($station, $body) # This subroutine formats the right ascension, declination, and # range of the body as seen from the station. If called with no # arguments, it returns a suitable heading for this information. # Called by code ref obtained by $self->can() sub _format_local_equatorial_rng { ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) my ( $body ) = @_ or return 'right asc decl range '; my ( $ra, $dec, $rng ) = _get_equatorial_coordinates( $body ); return sprintf "%s %5.1f @{[$rng > 1e6 ? '%10.3e' : '%10.1f']}", _rad2hms ($ra), rad2deg ($dec), $rng; } # $location = _format_location () # Formats the location data for printing. sub _format_location { $parm {location} ? sprintf ( <<eod, map {$parm{$_}} qw{location latitude longitude height}) : Location: %s Latitude %.4f, longitude %.4f, height %.0f m eod sprintf ( <<eod, map {$parm{$_}} qw{latitude longitude height}); Location: Latitude %.4f, longitude %.4f, height %.0f m eod } # $input_handle = _frame_pop (); # Pops a stack frame. Returns the desired input handle, or # undef if there are no frames left on the stack. sub _frame_pop { my $info = pop @frame; @{$info->{lines}} and warn <<eod; Warning - Continued line not completed at end-of-file or abort. eod select ($info->{stdout}); set (%{$info->{local_parm}}) if exists $info->{local_parm}; _get_spacetrack ()->set (%{$info->{local_st}}) if exists $info->{local_st}; if (exists $info->{macro}) { foreach my $name (keys %{$info->{macro}}) { if (defined $info->{macro}{$name}) { $macro{$name} = $info->{macro}{$name}; } else { delete $macro{$name}; } } } _display_timing (); @frame ? $info->{stdin} : undef; } # my ($ra, $dec, $rng) = _get_equatorial_coordinates ($body); # Get the required equatorial coordinates, precessed to # desired_equinox_dynamical if that is set. sub _get_equatorial_coordinates { my ( $body ) = @_; if ( my $equinox = $parm{desired_equinox_dynamical} ) { my $sta; $sta = $body->get( 'station' ) and $sta->universal( $body->universal() ); $body = $body->clone()->precess_dynamical( $equinox ); } return $body->equatorial(); } # $st = _get_spacetrack ($conditional) # Gets the Astro::SpaceTrack object, instantiating it if # necesary. If the $conditional argument is true, the object # is returned if it has already been instantiated, otherwise # undef is returned. { # Local symbol block. my $st; sub _get_spacetrack { shift and return $st; _load_module ('Astro::SpaceTrack', @_); $st ||= Astro::SpaceTrack->new ( webcmd => $parm{webcmd}, filter => 1, iridium_status_format => 'kelso', ); } } # End local symbol block. # @names = _get_spacetrack_attrib_names (); # Get the names of all the Spacetrack attributes. { # local symbol block. my @names; sub _get_spacetrack_attrib_names { unless (@names) { my $st = _get_spacetrack (); if ($st->can ('attribute_names')) { @names = $st->attribute_names (); } else { eval {$st->get ('##')}; (my $data = $@) =~ s/.*?Legal attributes are\s+//; $data =~ s/\..*//s; @names = split ',\s*', $data; } } @names; } } # end local symbol block; # _get_station (); # This subroutine manufactures and returns a station object # appropriate to the current parameter settings. It throws an # exception if the height, latitude, and longitude are not # defined. sub _get_station { defined $parm{height} && defined $parm{latitude} && defined $parm{longitude} or die <<eod; Error - You must set height, latitude, and longitude to use this function. eod Astro::Coord::ECI->new ( almanac_horizon => $parm{_almanac_horizon}, horizon => $parm{_horizon}, refraction => $parm{refraction}, name => $parm{location} || 'Station', id => 'station', ) ->geodetic ( deg2rad ($parm{latitude}), deg2rad ($parm{longitude}), $parm{height} / 1000); } # $suf = _get_suffix ($prefix, $backoff); # Gets the suffix of the caller's name. All that this really does # is to get the caller's name and use the length of the prefix # argument to determine the number of characters to strip off the # front. The optional $backoff argument says how many levels of # call to back off; the default is 1, meaning to get the suffix # of the caller. sub _get_suffix { my ( $prefix, $backoff ) = @_; my $rtn = ( caller( $backoff || 1 ) )[3]; $rtn =~ s/ .* :: //smx; $rtn =~ s/ \A _+ //smx; $rtn = substr $rtn, length $prefix; $rtn =~ s/ __ .* //smx; $rtn; } # $string = _get_time ($name); # Accessor for a time attribute. Returns '0' if the attribute is # not set, or a string representing the attribute in GMT if it is # set. sub _get_time { my ($name) = @_; if ($parm{$name}) { return strftime '%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S UT', gmtime $parm{$name}; } else { return 0; } } # __PACKAGE__->_iridium_status ($text) # Parses the given text and updates the status of all Iridium # satellites. If no argument specified, the status is retrieved # using Astro::SpaceTrack->iridium_status (). # We use the OO calling convention for convenience in dispatch. sub _iridium_status { shift; unless (@_) { my $st = _get_spacetrack (); my ($rslt, @rest) = $st->iridium_status; $rslt->is_success or die $rslt->status_line; push @_, @rest; } if (@_ && ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') { Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->status (clear => 'iridium'); foreach (@{$_[0]}) { Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE->status (add => $_->[0], iridium => $_->[4], $_->[1], $_->[5]); } } else { confess <<eod; Program error - Portable status not passed, and unavailable from Astro::SpaceTrack->iridium_status. eod } foreach my $tle (@bodies) { $tle->rebless (); } } # $handle = _memio ($access, \$memory) # Generates a handle to do I/O to the $memory string. The $access # parameter specifies the access (typically ">" or "<"). BEGIN { *_memio = $] >= 5.008 ? sub {my $hdl; open ($hdl, $_[0], $_[1]) || die <<eod; $hdl} : Failed to open @_ $! eod do { eval "use IO::String"; $io_string_unavailable = "Error - IO::String unavailable.\n" if @_; $@ ? sub {die $io_string_unavailable} : sub {IO::String->new ($_[1])} } } # _load_module ($module_name) # Loads the module if it has not yet been loaded. Dies if it # can not be loaded. BEGIN { # Begin local symbol block my %version = ( 'Astro::SpaceTrack' => 0.052, ); sub _load_module { my @module = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{shift ()} : shift || die "Programming error - No module specified"; my @probs; foreach my $module (@module) { eval {load_module ($module); 1} or do { push @probs, "$module must be installed"; next; }; my $modver; $version{$module} && ($modver = $module->VERSION) and do { $modver =~ s/_//g; $modver < $version{$module} and do { push @probs, "$module version must be at least $version{$module}"; next; }; }; return $module; } push @probs, "if you wish to use command @_" if @_; my $pfx = 'Error -'; die map {my $x = "$pfx $_\n"; $pfx = ' ' x 7; $x} @probs; } } # end local symbol block. # @times = _mytime($time); # Returns seconds, minutes, hours, and so on. It is localtime if # the gmt parameter is false, or GMT if it is true. sub _mytime { return $parm{gmt} ? gmtime($_[0]) : localtime($_[0]); } # $angle = _parse_angle ($string) # Parses an angle in degrees, hours:minutes:seconds, or # degreesDminutesMsecondsS and returns the angle in degrees. # # NOTE that the almanac_horizon code relies on this returning # whatever it is given unless it is recognized as # hours:minutes:seconds or degreesDminutesMsecondsS. sub _parse_angle { my $angle = shift; defined $angle or return; if ($angle =~ m/:/) { my ($h, $m, $s) = split ':', $angle; $s ||= 0; $m ||= 0; $h ||= 0; $m += $s / 60; $h += $m / 60; $angle = $h * 360 / 24; } elsif ($angle =~ m/^([+\-])?(\d*)d(\d*(?:\.\d*)?)(?:m(\d*(?:\.\d*)?)s?)?$/i) { $angle = ((($4 || 0) / 60) + ($3 || 0)) / 60 + ($2 || 0); $angle = -$angle if $1 && $1 eq '-'; } $angle; } # $distance = _parse_distance ($string, $units) # Strips 'm', 'km', 'au', 'ly', or 'pc' from the end of $string, # the default being $units. Converts to km. BEGIN { my %units = ( m => .001, km => 1, au => AU, ly => LIGHTYEAR, pc => PARSEC, ); sub _parse_distance { my ($string, $dfdist) = @_; my $dfunits = $dfdist =~ s/([[:alpha:]]+)$// ? $1 : 'km'; my $units = lc ($string =~ s/([[:alpha:]]+)$// ? $1 : $dfunits); $units{$units} or die <<eod; Error - Units of '$units' are unknown. eod looks_like_number ($string) or die <<eod; Error - '$string' is not a number. eod $string * $units{$units}; } } # end of BEGIN block # $time = _parse_time ($string, $default) # Parses a time string in any known format. Strings with a # leading "+" or "-" are assumed to be relative to the last # explicit setting. Otherwise the time is assumed to be explicit, # and passed to Date::Manip. The parsed time is returned. If the # time to be parsed is false (in the Perl sense) we return the # default (if specified) or the current time. We die on an # invalid time. BEGIN { # Begin local symbol block. my $last_time_set = time (); my $initial_time_set = $last_time_set; sub _parse_time { my $time = $_[0] or return $_[1] || time (); if ($time =~ m/^([\+\-])\s*(\d+)(?:\s+(\d+)(?::(\d+)(?::(\d+))?)?)?/) { my $delta = ((($2 || 0) * 24 + ($3 || 0)) * 60 + ($4 || 0)) * 60 + ($5 || 0); $last_time_set = $1 eq '+' ? $last_time_set + $delta : $last_time_set - $delta; } else { defined( my $parsed_time = _parse_time_absolute( $time ) ) or die <<eod; Error - Invalid time '$time' eod $last_time_set = $parsed_time; $parm{perltime} and _parse_time_absolute_use_perltime() and $last_time_set = _apply_perltime( $last_time_set ); $initial_time_set = $last_time_set; } } sub _apply_perltime { my ( $time ) = @_; my @t = gmtime $time; $t[5] += 1900; return time_local( @t ); } # Reset the last time set. sub _parse_time_reset {$last_time_set = $initial_time_set} } # End local symbol block. # $seconds_since_epoch = _parse_time_absolute( $string ) # Parse the given time using the first of the following mechanisms # which is available: # Date::Manip::UnixDate # an internal quasi-ISO-8601 parser. BEGIN { eval { # Workaround for bug (well, _I_ think it's a bug) introduced # into Date::Manip with 6.34, while fixing RT #78566. My bug # report is RT #80435. my $path = $ENV{PATH}; local $ENV{PATH} = $path; require Date::Manip; my $dm_ver = Date::Manip->VERSION(); $dm_ver =~ s/ _ //smxg; # At version 6.49, the TZ configuration variable was deprecated # in favor of the SetDate or ForceTime variables. So we need to # check the Date::Manip version and Do The Right Thing depending # on what it is. if ( $dm_ver >= 6.49 ) { my $tz_init = grep { m/ \A SetDate= /smx } Date::Manip::Date_Init(); *_parse_time_absolute_init = sub { my ( $tz ) = @_; if ( defined $tz ) { $tz =~ s/ \A (?: gmt | ut ) \z /UT/smxi; Date::Manip::Date_Init( "SetDate=zone,$tz" ); } else { Date::Manip::Date_Init( $tz_init ); } return; }; *_parse_time_absolute_init_perltime = sub { Date::Manip::Date_Init( 'SetDate=zone,UT' ); return; }; } else { my $tz_init = grep { m/ \A TZ= /smx } Date::Manip::Date_Init(); *_parse_time_absolute_init = sub { my ( $tz ) = @_; Date::Manip::Date_Init( defined $tz ? "TZ=$tz" : $tz_init ); return; }; *_parse_time_absolute_init_perltime = sub { Date::Manip::Date_Init( 'TZ=GMT' ); return; }; } # The problem we're solving with the following is that # Date::Manip assumes an epoch of midnight January 1 1970, but # MacPerl takes the Mac OS 9 epoch of January 1 1904, local. # Rather than get Date::Manip patched, we just fudge the # results where needed. my $date_manip_fudge = $^O eq 'MacOS' ? time_gm( 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1970 ) : 0; *_parse_time_absolute = sub { my ( $string ) = @_; defined( my $time = Date::Manip::UnixDate( $string, '%s' ) ) or return; return $time + $date_manip_fudge; }; *_parse_time_absolute_use_perltime = $dm_ver < 6 ? sub { 1 } : sub { 0 }; } || do { *_parse_time_absolute_init = sub {}; *_parse_time_absolute_init_perl = sub {}; *_parse_time_absolute = \&Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils::__parse_time_iso_8601; *_parse_time_absolute_use_perltime = sub { 0 }; }; } # @tree = _parse_xml ($data, $command_name) # Parses the given $data as XML, using either XML::Parser or # XML::Parser::Lite, whichever is the first one that can be # loaded. The $command_name argument is optional, and is used # only for _load_module's error reporting. sub _parse_xml { my $data = shift; my $xml_parser = _load_module ( ['XML::Parser', 'XML::Parser::Lite'], @_); my $root; my @tree; my $psr = $xml_parser->new ( Handlers => { Init => sub { $root = []; @tree = ($root); }, Start => sub { shift; my $tag = shift; my $item = [$tag, {@_}]; push @{$tree[$#tree]}, $item; push @tree, $item; }, Char => sub { push @{$tree[$#tree]}, $_[1]; }, End => sub { my $tag = $_[1]; die <<eod unless @tree > 1; Error - Unmatched end tag </$tag> eod die <<eod unless $tag eq $tree[$#tree][0]; Error - End tag </$tag> does not match start tag <$tree[$#tree][0]> eod pop @tree; }, Final => sub { _strip_empty_xml ($root); @$root; }, }); $psr->parse ($data); } # $quoted = _quoter ($string) # Quotes and escapes the input string if and as necessary for parser. sub _quoter { my $string = shift; return $string if looks_like_number ($string); return "''" unless $string; return $string unless $string =~ m/[\s'"]/; $string =~ s/([\\'])/\\$1/g; return "'$string'"; } # $string = _rad2hms ($angle) # Converts the given angle in radians to hours, minutes, and # seconds (of right ascension, presumably) sub _rad2hms { my $sec = shift (@_) / PI * 12; my $hr = floor ($sec); $sec = ($sec - $hr) * 60; my $min = floor ($sec); $sec = ($sec - $min) * 60; my $rslt = sprintf '%2d:%02d:%02d', $hr, $min, floor ($sec + .5); $rslt; } # @data = _select_matching_bodies (\@data, \@choose); # takes as input a reference to a list of data and a reference # to a list of names or numbers to choose. # The data list is composed of Astro::Coord::ECI objects. # The choice list is numbers or names, the latter being rendered # as case-insensitive regular expressions. # # All this really does is to delegate to _select_matching_data, # after manufacturing the correct first argument. sub _select_matching_bodies { ($_[1] && @{$_[1]}) ? _select_matching_data ( [map {[$_->get ('id'), $_->get ('name') || '', $_]} @{$_[0]}], $_[1]) : @{$_[0]} } # @data = _select_matching_data (\@data, \@choose); # takes as input a reference to a list of data and a reference # to a list of names or numbers to choose. # The data list is composed of three-element list references: # item 0 is the ID number, item 1 is the name, and item 2 is # the object having that number and name. # The choice list is numbers or names, the latter being rendered # as case-insensitive regular expressions. sub _select_matching_data { my ($data, $choose) = @_; my @keep; if ($choose && @$choose) { my %want; my @check = map { m/\D/ || length $_ < 4 || $want{$_}++; qr{$_}i} map {split '\s*,\s*', $_} @$choose; foreach my $tle (@$data) { $want{$tle->[0]} and do {push @keep, $tle->[2]; last}; foreach my $test (@check) { $tle->[1] =~ m/$test/ or next; push @keep, $tle->[2]; last; } } } else { @keep = map {$_->[2]} @$data; } return wantarray ? @keep : \@keep; } # @list = _select_observing_list ($time) # This subroutine selects and returns the correct TLEs to use # for calculations relevant to the given time. The algorithm # is: # * If there is only one tle for a given NORAD ID, it is # returned; otherwise # * If there is any tle for the given NORAD ID having an # epoch less than the given time, the most recent # such tle is returned; otherwise # * The earliest such tle (whose epoch is necessarily # AFTER the given time) is returned. # The returned list contains each NORAD ID in the observing # list exactly once, in ascending order by NORAD ID. # # >>>> Note that in the current implementation the presence of the # >>>> time argument is used as a flag to determine whether we want # >>>> aggregation into sets or not. sub _select_observing_list { my $time = shift; my $choose = $cmdopt{choose} || []; my $data; if ($time) { $data = [_aggregate ()]; } elsif ($cmdopt{epoch}) { my $time = _parse_time ($cmdopt{epoch}); $data = [_aggregate({select => $time})]; } else { $data = \@bodies; } if (@$choose) { $data = _select_matching_bodies ($data, $choose); } @$data } # @coordinates = _simbad ($query); # Looks up the given star in the SIMBAD catalog. We are actually # a dispatcher based on the setting of the simbad_version # parameter. sub _simbad { if (my $code = __PACKAGE__->can ("_simbad$parm{simbad_version}")) { $code->(@_); } else { die <<eod; Programming Error - Parameter simbad_version set to '$parm{simbad_version}', but subroutine _simbad$parm{simbad_version} does not exist. eod } } # @coordinates = _simbad4 ($query) # Look up the given star in the SIMBAD catalog. This assumes # SIMBAD 4. # We die on any error. # Called from _simbad() above by code reference sub _simbad4 { ## no critic (ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines) _load_module ('Astro::SIMBAD::Client'); my $query = shift; my $simbad = Astro::SIMBAD::Client->new ( format => {txt => 'FORMAT_TXT_SIMPLE_BASIC'}, parser => { script => 'Parse_TXT_Simple', txt => 'Parse_TXT_Simple', }, server => $parm{simbad_url}, type => 'txt', ); # I prefer script() to query() these days because the former does # not require SOAP::Lite, which seems to be getting flakier as time # goes on. # TODO get rid of $fmt =~ s/// once I massage # FORMAT_TXT_SIMPLE_BASIC in Astro::SIMBAD::Client # my @rslt = $simbad->query (id => $query) ## my @rslt = $simbad->query (id => $query) or die <<eod; my $fmt = Astro::SIMBAD::Client->FORMAT_TXT_SIMPLE_BASIC(); $fmt =~ s/ \n //smxg; my @rslt = $simbad->script( <<"EOD" ) format obj "$fmt" query id $query EOD or die <<"EOD"; Error - No entry found for $query. EOD @rslt > 1 and die <<eod; Error - More than one entry found for $query. eod @rslt = map {$rslt[0]{$_} eq '~' ? 0 : $rslt[0]{$_} || 0} qw{ ra dec plx pmra pmdec radial}; $rslt[0] && $rslt[1] or die <<eod; Error - No position returned by $query. eod $rslt[2] = $rslt[2] ? 1000 / $rslt[2] : 10000; $rslt[3] and $rslt[3] /= 1000; $rslt[4] and $rslt[4] /= 1000; wantarray ? @rslt : join ' ', @rslt; } =begin comment Not used, as far as I can tell. # @list = _sort_observing_list () # This subroutine sorts the observing list into ascending order # by NORAD ID, and within NORAD ID by ascending epoch, using the # Schwartzian transform. The sorted list is returned, and the # original list is unmodified. sub _sort_observing_list { map {$_->[2]} sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} map {[$_->get ('id'), $_->get ('epoch'), $_]} @bodies; } =end comment =cut # $fn = _storable ($file) # Initialize and check arguments for use of the Storable module. # The return is the tilde-expanded filename. sub _storable { eval {require Storable} or die <<eod; Error - Storable module not available. eod my $fn = shift or die <<eod; Error - No file name specified. eod _tilde_expand ($fn); } # _strip_empty_xml (\@tree) # # splices out anything in the tree that is not a reference and # does not match m/\S/. It would be more natural to do this in # the Char handler, but I can't figure out how to preserve the # regular expression context XML::Parser::Lite needs. sub _strip_empty_xml { my $ref = shift; my $inx = @$ref; while (--$inx >= 0) { my $val = $ref->[$inx]; my $typ = ref $val; if ($typ eq 'ARRAY') { _strip_empty_xml ($val); } elsif (!$typ) { splice @$ref, $inx, 1 unless $val =~ m/\S/ms; } } } # $value = _sub_arg ($spec, $default, \@args) # This subroutine figures out what to substitute into a # macro being expanded, given the thing being substituted, # the default, and a list of the arguments provided. # # If $spec is an unsigned integer, it returns the corresponding # element of the @args list (numbered FROM 1) if that argument # is defined, otherwise you get the default. # # If $spec is the name of a parameter, you get that parameter's # value. # # If $spec is the name of an environment variable, you get that # environment variable's value. # # If all else fails, you get the default. sub _sub_arg { my ($name, $dflt, $args) = @_; $dflt = '' unless defined $dflt; my $ctrl = $dflt =~ s/^(\W)// ? $1 : '-'; my $val = $name !~ m/\D/ ? $args->[$name - 1] : exists $mutator{$name} ? $parm{$name} : $ENV{$name}; my $rslt; if ($ctrl eq '+') { $rslt = defined $val ? $dflt : ''; } elsif ($val || looks_like_number $val) { $rslt = $val; } elsif ($ctrl eq '-') { $rslt = $dflt; } elsif ($ctrl eq '=') { if ($name !~ m/\D/) { $args->[$name - 1] = $dflt; $rslt = $dflt; } elsif (exists $mutator{$name}) { set ($name, $dflt); $rslt = $parm{$name}; } else { $ENV{$name} = $dflt; $rslt = $dflt; } } elsif ($ctrl eq '?') { die "$dflt\n"; } else { die "Unrecognized substitution control character '$ctrl'\n"; } $rslt; } # $expand = _tilde_expand ($filename) # Perform tilde expansion on the given filename if needed. sub _tilde_expand { (my $rslt = $_[0] || '') =~ s%^~(\w*)% $1 ? do { my @info = eval {getpwnam ($1)} or die $@ ? "Error - '~user' does not work under $^O.\n" : "Error - No such user as '$1'.\n"; $info[7] } : $^O eq 'VMS' ? '/sys$login' : ($ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || $ENV{USERPROFILE})%e; $rslt } # $time = _time () # The first time this is called, it attempts to load Time::HiRes. # If it succeeds it redefines itself to Time::HiRes::time if that # exists. Otherwise it redefines itself to CORE::time. Either # way it then transfers control to its redefined self. sub _time () { eval "use Time::HiRes"; no warnings qw{redefine}; if (my $code = Time::HiRes->can ('time')) { *_time = $code; *_time_trim = sub {sprintf '%.3f', $_[0]}; } else { *_time = \&CORE::time; *_time_trim = sub {$_[0]}; } goto &_time; } ######################################################################## package IO::Clipboard; use Carp; use Config; use Symbol; my ($clip, $clipout, $memio); our @ISA; BEGIN { $IO::Clipboard::clipboard_unavailable = ''; eval "use Scalar::Util qw{weaken}; 1" or $IO::Clipboard::clipboard_unavailable = <<eod; Error - Clipboard unavailable. Unable to load Scalar::Util weaken. eod sub _win32 { eval "use Win32::Clipboard" ? sub {(my $s = $_[0]) =~ s/\n/\r\n/mg; Win32::Clipboard->new ()->Set ($s)} : undef } sub _xclip { no warnings; `xclip -o`; use warnings; $? ? undef : sub { my $hdl; open ($hdl, '|xclip') or croak <<eod; Error - Failed to open handle to xclip. $! eod print $hdl $_[0]; }; } sub _pb { my $code; $code = eval { require Mac::Pasteboard; sub {Mac::Pasteboard::pbcopy($_[0])}; } and return $code; ### no warnings; system('pbcopy -help >/dev/null 2>&1'); ### use warnings; $? ? undef : sub { my $hdl; open ($hdl, '|pbcopy') or croak <<eod; Error - Failed to open handle to pbcopy. $! eod print $hdl $_[0]; }; } sub _flunk { $IO::Clipboard::clipboard_unavailable = shift; } my $err = "Can not open handle to clipboard."; $clipout = eval {$^O eq 'MSWin32' ? _win32 || _flunk (<<eod) : Error - Clipboard unavailable. Can not load Win32::Clipboard. eod $^O eq 'cygwin' ? _win32 || _xclip || _flunk (<<eod) : Error - Clipboard unavailable. Can not load Win32::Clipboard and xclip has not been installed. For xclip, see http://freshmeat.net/projects/xclip eod $^O eq 'darwin' ? _pb || _flunk (<<eod) : Error - Clipboard unavailable. Can not load Mac::Pasteboard, and can not find pbcopy. The latter is supposed to come with Mac OS X. eod $^O eq 'MacOS' ? _flunk (<<eod) : Error - Clipboard unavailable. Mac OS 9 and below not supported. eod _xclip || _flunk (<<eod)}; Error - Clipboard unavailable. Can not find xclip. For xclip, see http://freshmeat.net/projects/xclip eod $memio = $] >= 5.008 && $Config{useperlio} ? sub {my $fh = gensym; open ($fh, $_[0], $_[1]); $fh} : do { eval "use IO::String"; $@ or push @ISA, 'IO::String'; $@ ? sub {croak "$err IO::String not available"} : sub {new IO::String ($_[1])}; }; *_memio = \&$memio; } sub new { return $clip if $clip; croak $IO::Clipboard::clipboard_unavailable if $IO::Clipboard::clipboard_unavailable; my $class = shift; my $data = ''; my $clip = _memio ('>', \$data); *$clip->{__PACKAGE__}{data} = \$data; bless $clip, $class; my $self = $clip; weaken ($clip); # So we destroy the held copy when we need to. $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; my $data = *$self->{__PACKAGE__}{data}; $clipout->($$data); } ######################################################################## # Test hook. package Astro::satpass::Test; use Carp; use Config; our @ISA; our $noios; unless ($] >= 5.008 && $Config{useperlio}) { eval "use IO::String"; if ($@) { $noios = $@; } else { push @ISA, 'IO::String'; } } our $Hook; # Code reference that we use to get data from. our $Handle; # First argument to pass to hook when called. our $Exception; sub new { my $class = shift; confess <<eod if $noios; Programming error - You are trying to use the test hook under a version of Perl prior to v5.8 and you do not have the IO::String package available. eod confess <<eod unless ref $Hook eq 'CODE'; Programming error - Should not instantiate a @{[__PACKAGE__]} object unless \$@{[__PACKAGE__]}::Hook has been set to a code reference. eod my $data = ''; my $hook = IO::Clipboard::_memio ('+<', \$data); *$hook->{__PACKAGE__} = { data => \$data, loc => 0, last_line => undef, }; bless $hook, $class; $hook; } sub getline { my $self = shift; my $attr = *$self->{__PACKAGE__}; my $oldout = select (*STDOUT); $attr->{last_line} = $Hook->($Handle, $attr->{last_line}, substr (${$attr->{data}}, $attr->{loc}), $Exception); $Exception = undef; select ($oldout); $attr->{loc} = length ${$attr->{data}}; $attr->{last_line}; } __END__ =head1 NAME satpass - Predict satellite passes over an observer. =head1 SYNOPSIS The intent is to be 'one stop shopping' for satellite passes. Almost all necessary data can be acquired from within the satpass script, an initialization file can be used to make your normal settings, and macros can be defined to issue frequently-used commands. $ satpass [various front matter displayed] satpass> # Get observer's latitude, longitude and height. satpass> geocode '1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC' satpass> # Don't use SpaceTrack when a redistributor has the data. satpass> # If you don't set direct, you must have a SpaceTrack login. satpass> st set direct 1 satpass> # Get the top 100 (or so) visible satellites from CelesTrak. satpass> st celestrak visual satpass> # Keep only the HST and the ISS by NORAD ID number satpass> choose 20580 25544 satpass> # Predict for a week, with output to visual.txt satpass pass 'today noon' +7 >visual.txt satpass> # Get Iridium satellites. satpass> st celestrak iridium satpass> # Predict flares and scroll thru output if you have 'less'. satpass> flare |less satpass> # We're done satpass> exit =head1 NOTICE As of release 0.057 this script is deprecated. See below for details. In the first release of the year 2014 I intend to remove the question in the installer that allows this script to be installed, and to rename the entire distribution from the current C<Astro-satpass> to C<Astro-Coord-ECI>. This release supports the new C<pass_threshold> attribute of L<Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE|Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE>, which provides a way to decouple how high a pass need to be to be reported from how high the horizon is. The C<status iridium> command is now fatal. It has been deprecated in favor of C<status show> for some time now, and has warned on every use since version 0.044 (October 19 2011). A production version of the C<Asto-App-Satpass2> package, which is the planned successor to this script, was released February 5 2012. Once I consider this production-quality (six months to a year after I go to a production version number) the F<satpass> script will become deprecated, and eventually will be removed (or moved to the F<eg/> directory). When this happens, the C<Astro-satpass> distribution will be replaced by the C<Astro-Coord-ECI> distribution. Most of the functionality of the F<Astro-App-Satpass2> distribution will be in the Astro::App::Satpass2 class. A minimal F<satpass2> script will be provided to manufacture an Astro::App::Satpass2 object and invoke its run method. I will try to keep the core functionality the same, and to document in Astro::App::Satpass2 any incompatibilities introduced. Since Perl's dependency mechanism is based on module names, not package names, I assume that there will be no problems with packages that depend on the Astro::Coord::ECI modules. But I will try to give the authors of such packages a month's notice before releasing the first Astro-Coord-ECI package. One incentive for doing this is to restructure the F<satpass> functionality to be more easily testable. Placing the F<satpass> functionality in its own object achieves this; indeed the work flushed out a couple subtle bugs in the F<satpass> script, whose fixes have been back-ported into this script. A second incentive is that the natural dependencies for the application are quite different than those of the Astro::Coord::ECI classes. It seems desirable not to force those who only want the latter to download and install all the stuff required by the former. =head1 DETAILS The B<satpass> script provides satellite visibility predictions, given the position of the observer and the NORAD element sets for the desired satellites. It also provides the following bells and whistles: * The ability to acquire the NORAD element sets directly from L<http://www.space-track.org/>, L<http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/>, or L<http://celestrak.com/> (or, indeed, any source supported by Astro::SpaceTrack), provided the user has an Internet connection and the relevant site is functional. The Space Track site also requires registration. You will need to install B<Astro::SpaceTrack> to get this functionality. * The ability to acquire the observer's latitude and longitude from Open Street Maps, given a street address or intersection name, and provided the user has an Internet connection and the relevant site is functional and has the data required. This function may not be used for commercial purposes because of restrictions Geocoder.us places on the use of their data. You will need to install B<Geo::Coder::OSM> to get this functionality. * The ability to acquire the observer's height above sea level from L<http://gisdata.usgs.gov/>, given the latitude and longitude of the observer, and provided the user has an internet connection and the relevant site is functional and has the data required. You will need to install B<Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS> to get this functionality. * The ability to look up star positions in the SIMBAD catalog. You will need to install B<Astro::SIMBAD> (if using SIMBAD 3) or B<Astro::SIMBAD::Client> (if using SIMBAD 4) to get this functionality. The SIMBAD version is selected using the L<simbad_version|/simbad_version> parameter. * The ability to produce solar and lunar almanac data (rise and set, meridian transit, and so forth). * The ability to define macros to perform frequently-used operations. These macros may take arguments, and make use of any L</PARAMETERS> or environment variables. You will need to install B<IO::String> to get this functionality unless you are running Perl 5.8 or above. * An initialization file in the user's home directory. The file is named satpass.ini under MacOS (meaning OS 9 - OS X is Darwin to Perl), MSWin32 and VMS, and .satpass under any other operating system. Any command may be placed in the initialization file. It is a good place to set the observer's location and define any macros you want. The default initialization file can be overridden using the SATPASSINI environment variable or the -initialization_file command option. Internally to satpass and any commands it spawns, environment variable SATPASSINI will be set to the name of the initialization file actually used. See L</ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES> for how to find out the actual initialization file used. =head1 COMMANDS A number of commands are available to set operational parameters, manage the observing list, acquire orbital elements for the observing list, and predict satellite passes. The command execution loop supports command continuation, which is specified by placing a trailing '\' on the line to be continued. It also supports a pseudo output redirection, by placing '>filename' (for a new file) or '>>filename' (to append to an existing file) somewhere on the command line. It is also possible to redirect the data into a spawned command using the pipe character ('|'). Additional pipe characters may be specified on the same command line if your operating system supports this. Note that the redirection character B<must> be the first character of the token; that is, 'pass >file.txt' or 'pass |less', but not 'pass>file.txt' or 'pass|less'. See the L</SYNOPSIS> for examples. In addition, all commands support the following options: -clipboard places the output of the command on the clipboard. This will be discussed more below. -debug is accepted but not supported - that is, the author makes no claims of what will happen if you assert it, and reserves the right to change this behavior without warning. It is really a development aid. -time causes the elapsed time of the command in seconds to be displayed. This is another development aid. Individual commands may have options specific to them. Option names may be abbreviated, provided the abbreviation is unique among all options valid for that command. They may appear anywhere in the command line unless otherwise documented with the specific command ('system' being the only exception at the moment). If the -clipboard option is asserted, output to standard out will be placed on the clipboard. This output will not appear on the clipboard until the command completes. The clipboard functionality requires the availability of the Win32::Clipboard module under MSWin32 (standard with ActivePerl), the Mac::Pasteboard module or the pbcopy command under darwin (and any Mac OS X I know of comes with pbcopy and pbpaste), or the xclip command (available from L<http://freshmeat.net/projects/xclip>) under any other operating system. The clipboard functionality is implemented as a singleton object, so that if you redirect output away from the clipboard and then back to it, both sets of clipboard data are considered to be the same data stream, and both end up on the clipboard, without the intervening data. The command loop also supports rudimentary interpolation of arguments and other values into commands. The "magic" character is a dollar sign, which may be followed by the name of what is to be substituted. A number represents the corresponding macro or source argument (numbered from 1), and anything else represents the value of the named parameter (if it exists) or environment variable (if not). The name may be optionally enclosed in curly brackets. If the name of the thing substituted is enclosed in curly brackets, it may be optionally followed by other specifications, as follows: ${arg:-default} substitutes in the default if the argument is undef or the empty string. If the argument is 0, the default will B<not> be substituted in. ${arg:=default} not only supplies the default, but sets the value of the argument to the specified default. Unlike bash, this works for B<any> argument. ${arg:?message} causes the given message to be displayed if the argument was not supplied, and the command not to be processed. If this happens when expanding a macro or executing a source file, the entire macro or file is abandoned. ${arg:+substitute} causes the substitute value to be used provided the argument is defined. If the argument is not defined, you get an empty string. ${arg:default} is the same as ${arg:-default}, but the first character of the default B<must> be alphanumeric. Interpolation is not affected by quotes. If you want a literal dollar sign in the expansion of your macro, double the dollar signs in the definition. It is probably a good idea to put quotes around an interpolation in case the interpolated value contains spaces. For example: macro ephemeris 'almanac "$1"' sets up "ephemeris" as a synonym for the 'almanac' command. The forward-looking user might want to set up macro ephemeris 'almanac "${1:tomorrow midnight}"' which is like the previous example except it defaults to 'tomorrow midnight', where the 'almanac' command defaults to 'today midnight'. As a slightly less trivial example, macro ephemeris 'almanac "${1:=tomorrow midnight}"' 'quarters "$1"' which causes the quarters command to see 'tomorrow midnight' if no arguments were given when the macro is expanded. The following commands are available: =for html <a name="almanac"></a> =over =item almanac start_time end_time This command displays almanac data for the current background bodies (see L<sky|/sky>). You will get at least rise, meridian transit, and set. For the Sun you also get beginning and end of twilight, and local midnight. You also get equinoxes, and solstices, but they are only good to within about 15 minutes. For the Moon you get quarter-phases. This is all done based on the current parameter settings (see L</PARAMETERS> below). The output is in chronological order. This command supports the following options: -horizon specifies that rise and set times are reported. -rise and -set are both synonyms for this; -rise also reports when the bodies set, and vice versa. -quarter specifies that quarters are reported. -transit specifies that transits are reported. This includes transits below the observer (e.g. local midnight), if these are generated. -twilight specifies that the beginning and end of twilight are reported. By default, all events are reported. The start_time defaults to 'today midnight', and the end_time to one day after the start time. See L</SPECIFYING TIMES> below for how to specify times. =for html <a name="cd"></a> =item cd directory This command changes to the named directory, or to the user's home if no directory is specified and the user's home directory can be determined. This change affects this script, and any processes invoked by it, but B<not> the invoking process. In plainer English, it does not affect the directory in which you find yourself after exiting satpass. =for html <a name="check_version"></a> =item check_version This command downloads L<http://search.cpan.org/dist/Astro-satpass/>, parses out the version, and compares it to the version of this script, displaying both versions and the result of the comparison. The intent is to provide a mechanism for checking the currency of this script in the event it becomes a separate distribution from Astro::Coord::ECI. =for html <a name="choose"></a> =item choose name_or_id ... This command retains only the objects named on the command in the observing list, eliminating all others. It is intended for reducing a downloaded catalog to manageable size. Either names, NORAD ID numbers, or a mixture may be given. Numeric items are matched against the NORAD IDs of the items in the observing list; non-numeric items are made into case-insensitive regular expressions and matched against the names of the items if any. For example: satpass> # Get the CelesTrak "top 100" list. satpass> st celestrak visual satpass> # Keep only the HST and the ISS satpass> choose hst iss The one command-specific option is -epoch. It takes as an argument any valid time, and retains the most recent set of elements for each object which are before the given time. If there are none before the given time for a given object, the earliest set of elements is retained. For example: satpass> # Get some historical data satpass> st search_name zarya -start 2006/04/01 \ _satpass> -end 2006/04/07 satpass> # Keep the set relevant to noon the 6th satpass> choose -epoch 'Apr 7 2006 noon' Most commands that operate on the observing list choose the correct elements based on the time (or the start time) specified on the command. So barring bugs, you may not need this option unless you are trying to assemble and save a set of elements relevant to a given time in the past. =for html <a name="clear"></a> =item clear This command clears the observing list. It is not an error to issue it with the list already clear. =for html <a name="drop"></a> =item drop name_or_id ... This command removes the objects named in the command from the observing list, retaining all others. Either names, NORAD ID numbers, or a mixture may be given. Numeric items are matched against the NORAD IDs of the items in the observing list; non-numeric items are made into case-insensitive regular expressions and matched against the names of the items if any. =for html <a name="echo"></a> =item echo ... This command just prints its arguments to standard output. Environment variable substitution and pseudo-redirection is done. You may not get out exactly what you put in, because the output is reconstructed from the tokens left after substitution and redirection. This was added on a whim, to prevent having to shell out to get some random text in the output. =for html <a name="exit"></a> =item exit This command causes this script to terminate immediately. If issued from a 'source' file, this is done without giving control back to the user. 'bye' and 'quit' are synonyms. End-of-file at the command prompt will also cause this script to terminate. =for html <a name="export"></a> =item export name value This command exports the given value to an environment variable. This value will be available to spawned commands, but will not persist after we exit. If the name is the name of a parameter, the value is optional, but if supplied will be used to set the parameter. The environment variable is set from the value of the parameter, and will track changes in it. =for html <a name="flare"></a> =item flare start_time end_time This command predicts flares for any bodies in the observing list capable of generating them. Currently, this means Iridium satellites. The start_time defaults to 'today noon', and the end_time to +7. In addition to the global options, the following options are legal for the flare command: -am ignores morning flares -- that is, those after midnight but before morning twilight. -choose chooses bodies from the observing list. It works the same way as the L<choose|/choose> command, but does not alter the observing list. You can specify multiple bodies by specifying -choose multiple times, or by separating your choices with commas. If -choose is not specified, the whole observing list is used. -day ignores daytime flares -- that is, those between morning twilight and evening twilight. -pm ignores evening flares -- that is, those between evening twilight and midnight. -questionable requests that satellites whose status is questionable (i.e. 'S') be included. Typically these are spares, or moving between planes. You may use -spare as a synonym for this. -quiet suppresses any errors generated by running the orbital model. These are typically from obsolete data, and/or decayed satellites. Bodies that produce errors will not be included in the output. See the L</SPECIFYING TIMES> topic below for how to specify times. For example, assuming the observers' location has already been set, you can predict flares for the next two days as follows: satpass> # Get data for Iridium satellites satpass> st celestrak iridium satpass> # Use shorter twilight for Iridium flares satpass> set twilight 3 satpass> # We are not interested in range to flare satpass> set local_coord azel satpass> # Supress date line in output, include in time satpass> set date_format "" time_format "%d-%b %H:%M:%S" satpass> # Not interested in night flares dimmer than -1 satpass> set flare_mag_night -1 satpass> # Finally, predict the flares. Include spares. satpass> flare -spare now +2 =for html <a name="geocode"></a> =item geocode location country_code This command attempts to look up the latitude and longitude of the given location in the given country. The country is an ISO 3166 two-character country code, and defaults to the contents of the L<country|/country> parameter. This command actually works by dispatching to one of the following geocode_* commands, which may also be invoked explicitly. In fact, it is the existence of such a command that makes a given country code work. If a single location is found, the latitude and longitude parameters will be set. The location parameter will also be set if it was not defaulted. In addition, if the L<autoheight|/autoheight> parameter is asserted the L<height|/height> command will be issued with the latitude and longitude defaulted, and the effective country code used for the geocode lookup. Yes, it would be nice to simply parse the country code off the end of the location, but unfortunately there are many conflicts between the ISO 3166 country codes and the U.S. Postal Service state codes and Canadian province codes, ranging from AL (either Albania or Alabama) through PE (either Peru or Prince Edward Island) to VA (either Vatican City or Virginia). In addition to the global options, the following additional options are available: -height causes the command to behave as though the L<autoheight|/autoheight> parameter were complemented. That is, it causes the height command to be issued if autoheight is false, and vice versa. Also, any options legal for the height command are legal, and will be passed through to it. The above options are also available on all of the 'geocode_*' commands. =for html <a name="geocode_as"></a> =item geocode_as location American Samoa is handled by L<geocode_us|/geocode_us>. =for html <a name="geocode_ca"></a> =item geocode_ca location B<Notice:> This command is unsupported as of satpass 0.021, and probably will not work anyway, since geocoder.ca has started requiring registration to use its free port. This command attempts to look up the given location (either street address or street intersection) at L<http://geocoder.ca/>. The results of the lookup are displayed. If no location is specified, it looks up the value of the L<location|/location> parameter. If exactly one valid result is returned, the latitude and longitude of the observer are set to the returned values, and the name of the location of the observer is set to the location passed to the command. If the location contains whitespace, it must be quoted. Example: satpass> geocode_ca '80 wellington st ottawa on' Because of restrictions on the use of the Geocoder.ca site, you may not use this command for commercial purposes. =for html <a name="geocode_fm"></a> =item geocode_fm location The Federated States of Micronesia are handled by L<geocode_us|/geocode_us>. =for html <a name="geocode_gu"></a> =item geocode_gu location Guam is handled by L<geocode_us|/geocode_us>. =for html <a name="geocode_mh"></a> =item geocode_mh location The Marshall Islands are handled by L<geocode_us|/geocode_us>. =for html <a name="geocode_mp"></a> =item geocode_mp location The Northern Mariana Islands are handled by L<geocode_us|/geocode_us>. =for html <a name="geocode_pr"></a> =item geocode_pr location Puerto Rico is handled by L<geocode_us|/geocode_us>. =for html <a name="geocode_pw"></a> =item geocode_pw location Palau is handled by L<geocode_us|/geocode_us>. =for html <a name="geocode_us"></a> =item geocode_us location This command attempts to look up the given location (either street address or street intersection) in Open Street Maps. The results of the lookup are displayed. If no location is specified, it looks up the value of the L<location|/location> parameter. If exactly one valid result is returned, the latitude and longitude of the observer are set to the returned values, and the name of the location of the observer is set to the canonical name of the location as returned by Open Street Maps. Also, the height command is implicitly invoked to attempt to acquire the height above sea level provided the L<autoheight|/autoheight> parameter is true. In addition to the usual qualifiers, this command supports the -height qualifier, which reverses the action of the L<autoheight|/autoheight> parameter for the command on which it is specified. If the location contains whitespace, it must be quoted. Example: satpass> geocode_us '1600 pennsylvania ave washington dc' Because of restrictions on the use of the Geocoder.us site, you may not use this command for commercial purposes. If you wish to use this command, you must install the B<Geo::Coder::OSM> module. =for html <a name="geocode_vi"></a> =item geocode_vi location The U.S. Virgin Islands are handled by L<geocode_us|/geocode_us>. =for html <a name="height"></a> =item height latitude longitude country This command attempts to look up the height above sea level at the given latitude and longitude in the given country. The country is an ISO 3166 two-character country code, and defaults to the contents of the L<country|/country> parameter. Yes, technically country is redundant given latitude and longitude, but I lacked a means to take advantage of this in practice. This command actually works by dispatching to one of the following height_* commands, which may also be invoked explicitly. In fact, it is the existence of such a command that makes a given country code work. The latitude and longitude can be omitted, in which case the current L<latitude|/latitude> and L<longitude|/longitude> parameters are used. In addition to the global options, the following options are available for this command: -all causes all results to be fetched, rather than just the 'best' one. This probably makes no difference in the value you get, since the results are assumed to be in descending order of goodness, and we return the first one. -retry_on_zero specifies the number of times to retry the query if the result is zero. The default is 0, but you can specify more. -source_layer specifies the data set to retrieve the height from. The default is '-1', which specifies the 'best' dataset. This is ignored unless -all is asserted, and you can probably ignore it too. These options are also available on all of the 'height_*' commands. =for html <a name="height_af"></a> =item height_af latitude longitude Afghanistan is handled by L<height_us|/height_us>, since this is (supposedly) covered by the U.S. Geological Survey's Afghanistan Digital Elevation Model. =for html <a name="height_as"></a> =item height_as latitude longitude American Samoa is handled by L<height_us|/height_us>. =for html <a name="height_ca"></a> =item height_ca latitude longitude This command is equivalent to L<height_us|/height_us> and in fact is handled by it since the U.S. Geological Survey dataset includes all of North America. But in order to cover some observed weirdness in the data returned, -source_layer is defaulted to 'SRTM.C_1TO19_3' and -retry_on_zero is defaulted to 3. =for html <a name="height_fm"></a> =item height_fm latitude longitude The Federated States of Micronesia are handled by L<height_us|/height_us>. =for html <a name="height_gu"></a> =item height_gu latitude longitude Guam is handled by L<height_us|/height_us>. =for html <a name="height_mh"></a> =item height_mh latitude longitude The Marshall Islands are handled by L<height_us|/height_us>. =for html <a name="height_mp"></a> =item height_mp latitude longitude The Northern Mariana Islands are handled by L<height_us|/height_us>. =for html <a name="height_pr"></a> =item height_pr latitude longitude Puerto Rico is handled by L<height_us|/height_us>. =for html <a name="height_pw"></a> =item height_pw latitude longitude Palau is handled by L<height_us|/height_us>. =for html <a name="height_us"></a> =item height_us latitude longitude This command attempts to look up the height above sea level at the given latitude and longitude in the U.S. Geological Survey's EROS Web Services (L<http://gisdata.usgs.gov/>). If the lookup succeeds, the latitude and longitude parameters are set to the arguments and the height parameter is set to the result. The latitude and longitude default to the current L<latitude|/latitude> and L<longitude|/longitude> parameters. If you wish to use this command, you must install the B<Geo::Webservice::Elevation::USGS> module. B<Caveat:> It is the author's experience that this resource is not always available. You should probably geocode your usual location and put its latitude, longitude and height in the initialization file. You can use macros to define alternate locations if you want. =for html <a name="height_vi"></a> =item height_vi latitude longitude The U.S. Virgin Islands are handled by L<height_us|/height_us>. =for html <a name="help"></a> =item help This command can be used to get usage help. Without arguments, it displays the documentation for this script (hint: you are reading this now). You can get documentation for related Perl modules by specifying the appropriate arguments, as follows: eci ------ Astro::Coord::ECI iridium -- Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Iridium moon ----- Astro::Coord::ECI::Moon sun ------ Astro::Coord::ECI::Sun st ------- Astro::SpaceTrack star ----- Astro::Coord::ECI::Star tle ------ Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE utils ---- Astro::Coord::ECI::Utils The viewer is whatever is the default for your system. If you set the L<webcmd|/webcmd> parameter properly, this command will launch the L<http://search.cpan.org/> page for this package, and any arguments will be ignored. =for html <a name="list"></a> =item list This command displays the observing list. Each body's NORAD ID, name (if available), dataset epoch, and orbital period are displayed. If the observing list is empty, you get a message to that effect. In addition to the global options, the following options are legal for the list command: -choose chooses bodies from the observing list. It works the same way as the L<choose|/choose> command, but does not alter the observing list. You can specify multiple bodies by specifying -choose multiple times, or by separating your choices with commas. If -choose is not specified, the whole observing list is displayed. =for html <a name="load"></a> =item load file ... This command loads the contents of one or more files into the observing list. The files must contain NORAD two- or three- line element sets. =for html <a name="localize"></a> =item localize parameter_name ... This command localizes the values of the given parameters. If done in a macro or source file, this causes the old parameter values to be restored when the macro or source file exits. If you localize a parameter more than once in a given macro or source file, the duplicate localizations are ignored. =for html <a name="macro"></a> =item macro name command ... This command bundles one or more commands under the given name, effectively creating a new command. If any of the component commands contain whitespace, they must be quoted. This may require playing games if the component command also requires quotes. For example: satpass> macro foo list 'pass \'today noon\' +7' or equivalently (since single and double quotes mean the same thing to the parser) satpass> macro foo list "pass 'today noon' +7" Macro names must be composed entirely of alphanumerics and underscores (characters that match \w, to be specific) and may not begin with an underscore. As of version 0.008_03, B<macros may redefine built-in commands.> A macro is undefined inside itself, so use of the name inside the macro invokes the built-in. The macro becomes redefined again when it exits. The built_in can still be accessed by prefixing the string 'core.' to its name, e.g. 'core.quarters', whether or not you have overridden the built_in with a macro. If you specify a macro name with no definition, it deletes the current definition of that macro, if any. You can change this behavior by setting the L<explicit_macro_delete|/explicit_macro_delete> parameter true; this will cause 'macro name' to list the named macro, and require an explicit -delete to delete it. Macros can also be redefined, simply by issuing the 'macro' command, naming the macro, and giving its definition. The macro command takes the following options in addition to the global ones: -brief lists the names of macros. If names are given, they are listed provided they are currently defined. If no names are given, the names of all defined macros are given. -delete deletes the named macros. If no macro names are given, all macros are deleted. A macro may also be deleted by giving its name but no definition, but as of 0.009_01, B<this mechanism is deprecated in favor of use of the -delete option.> The L<explicit_macro_delete|/explicit_macro_delete> parameter may be used to require an explicit -delete to delete macros. -list lists the names and definitions of macros. If names are given, they are listed if they are defined. If no names are given, all defined macros are listed. Macros may be nested - that is, a macro may be defined in terms of other macros. A macro temporarily becomes undefined when it is called to prevent endless recursion. It becomes defined again when it exits. Be aware that there is no syntax checking done when the macro is defined. You only find out if your macro definition is good by trying to execute it. =for html <a name="magnitude_table"></a> =item magnitude_table ... This command displays or maintains the satellite magnitude table. This table is used to initialize satellite magnitudes. See the L<Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE|Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE> documentation for information on how this table is populated initially. If you have installed Astro::SpaceTrack, you can update the status using one of the commands that fetches magnitude data, such as C<'st mccants vsnames'>, or you can update it using the 'add', 'clear', and 'drop' subcommands, which are discussed in more detail below. C<add> adds the given body to the magnitude table. The arguments are OID and magnitude. C<clear> clears the magnitude table. C<drop> drops the given body from the magnitude table. The argument is the OID to be dropped. C<molczan> reloads the magnitude table with the contents of the named Molczan-format file. An optional second argument is a magnitude offset to be added to the magnitudes read. C<quicksat> reloads the magnitude table with the contents of the named Quicksat-format file. An optional second argument is a magnitude offset to be added to the magnitudes read. C<show> displays the contents of the magnitude table, as a series of C<'magnitude_table add'> commands. If arguments are passed, only those OIDs specified in the arguments are displayed. =for html <a name="pass"></a> =item pass start_time end_time increment This command predicts visibility of the contents of the observing list, in accordance with the various L</PARAMETERS>, between the given start_time and end_time, using the given increment. See the L</SPECIFYING TIMES> topic below for how to specify times. The increment is in seconds, and does nothing useful unless the L<verbose|/verbose> setting is true. The position of the visible body is given in either elevation, azimuth, and range or right ascension, declination, and range as seen from the location of the observer, as determined by the value of the L<local_coord|/local_coord> parameter. The geodetic latitude, longitude, and altitude are also given. The defaults are 'today noon', seven days after the start time, and 60 (seconds) respectively. Example: satpass> pass 'today noon' 'tomorrow noon' In addition to the global options, the following options are legal for the pass command: C<-brightest> is a synonym for C<-magnitude>. C<-choose> chooses bodies from the observing list. It works the same way as the L<choose|/choose> command, but does not alter the observing list. You can specify multiple bodies by specifying -choose multiple times, or by separating your choices with commas. If -choose is not specified, the whole observing list is used. C<-magnitude> includes magnitude data in the output, and adds the moment the satellite is brightest to the pass events. C<-quiet> suppresses any errors generated by running the orbital model. These are typically from obsolete data, and/or decayed satellites. Bodies that produce errors will not be included in the output. =for html <a name="phase"></a> =item phase time This command gives the phase of the relevant background bodies (see L<sky|/sky>) at the given time. At the moment, the only body that supports this is the Moon. The display shows the time, the phase angle in degrees (0 being new, 90 being first quarter, and so on), and a description of the phase ('new', 'waxing crescent', 'first quarter', 'waxing gibbous', 'full', 'waning gibbous', 'last quarter', or 'waning crescent'). The body is considered to be at quarter-phase if it is within 6.1 degrees (about 12 hours for the Moon) of 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Otherwise you get waxing|waning crescent|gibbous. The default time is the time the command was issued. =for html <a name="position"></a> =item position start_time end_time interval This command gives the positions of all objects in the observing list and in the sky between the given start_time and end_time, at the given interval. The default for both start_time and end_time is the current time, and the default interval is 60 (seconds). The position is given as seen by the observer, either as elevation, azimuth, and range, or as right ascension, declination, and range, depending on the setting of the L<local_coord|/local_coord> parameter. If the satellite is capable of producing flares, the status of each potential flare is given also. In addition to the global options, the following options are legal for the position command: C<-choose> chooses bodies from the observing list. It works the same way as the L<choose|/choose> command, but does not alter the observing list. You can specify multiple bodies by specifying -choose multiple times, or by separating your choices with commas. If -choose is not specified, the whole observing list is used. C<-magnitude> adds the object's magnitude to the output. To be consistent with the C<'pass'> command you can use C<-brightest> as a synonym for this. C<-questionable> causes the code to consider spares (status 'S') to be capable of flaring. You may use C<-spare> as a synonym for this. C<-quiet> suppresses any errors generated by running the orbital model. These are typically from obsolete data, and/or decayed satellites. Bodies that produce errors will not be included in the output. C<-realtime> causes a running display in near-real-time. The default end_time changes to '+10' (i.e. 10 days), and the default interval to 10 (seconds). Also, the script sleeps between outputs, so the output is more or less as it happens, at least to the nearest second. You can break out of this by sending the script a SIGINT signal (typically by typing control/C). The default start_time is the current time. The default end_time is the start time unless -realtime is specified, in which case the default end_time is ten days after the start time. The default interval is 60 (seconds) unless -realtime is specified, in which case the default interval is 10 (seconds). =for html <a name="quarters"></a> =item quarters start_time end_time This command gives the quarters of such current background bodies (see L<sky|/sky>) as support this function. This means quarter-phases for the Moon, and equinoxes and solstices for the Sun. The Solar data may be off by as much as 15 minutes, because we are only calculating the position of the Sun to the nearest 0.01 degree. See the L</SPECIFYING TIMES> topic below for how to specify times. The defaults are 'today noon' and 30 days after the start time. =for html <a name="retrieve"></a> =item retrieve filename This command is one half of the interface to the Storable module. It uses the retrieve() subroutine to read the observing list from the given file. =for html <a name="set"></a> =item set name value ... This command sets operating parameters. See L</PARAMETERS> below for the list, and what they are used for. You can specify more than one name-value pair on the same command. =for html <a name="show"></a> =item show ... This command shows the named operating parameters. See L</PARAMETERS> below for the list, and what they are used for. If no names are given, it displays the complete list. The display format is in terms of the 'set' commands used to set the given values. =for html <a name="sky"></a> =item sky ... This command manipulates the background objects (Sun, Moon, stars ...) that are used in the various calculations. If specified by itself it lists the current background objects. B<Note that, beginning with version 0.002, this list is formatted as 'sky add' commands.> The 'sky' command also takes the following subcommands: add - adds the named background object, provided it is not already in the list. You must specify the name of the object (Sun, Moon, or star name). 'Sun' and 'Moon' are not case-sensitive. If you specify a star name, you must also specify its right ascension and declination in J2000.0 coordinates. See L</SPECIFYING ANGLES> for more on specifying angles. You can also specify: * Distance, followed by units 'm', 'km', 'au', 'ly', or 'pc', the default being 'pc' (parsecs). For example, '4.2ly' represents 4.2 light-years. B<Beginning with version 0.002, the default distance is 10000 parsecs.> This is probably too big, but we are not correcting for stellar parallax anyway. * Proper motion in right ascension, in seconds of arc per year, or seconds of right ascension per year if 's' is appended. The default is 0. * Proper motion in declination, in seconds of arc per year. The default is 0. * Proper motion in recession, in kilometers per second. The default is 0. clear - clears the list of background objects. drop name ... - removes the objects with the given names from the background object list. The name matching is done using case-insensitive regular expressions. For example, satpass> sky Sun Moon satpass> sky drop moon satpass> sky add Spica 13:25.193 -11d9.683m satpass> sky sky add Sun sky add Spica 13:25:11.58 -11.161 10000.00 0.0000 0.00000 0 satpass> lookup - Looks up the given object in the SIMBAD catalog, using the L<simbad_url|/simbad_url> parameter to determine which copy of the catalog is used, and the L<simbad_version|/simbad_version> parameter to determine which version of SIMBAD is used. If the named object is found, it is added to the list of background objects. Range defaults to 10000 parsecs, and the proper motions to 0. For example, satpass> sky lookup 'Theta Orionis' sky add 'Theta Orionis' 05:35.3 -05d24 10000.00 0 0 0 If L<simbad_version|/simbad_version> is set to 3, you need to have Astro::SIMBAD installed. If it is 4, you need to have Astro::SIMBAD::Client installed. The latter uses the SOAP interface, which appears to be a work in progress, so I am not sure how stable it will be. Since SIMBAD 3 is being phased out, B<The 'lookup' function should be considered experimental.> =for html <a name="source"></a> =item source file_name This command takes commands from the given file, reading it until it is exhausted. This file may also contain source commands, with the nesting limit determined by how many files your system allows you to have open at one time. To be consistent with the bash shell, you can use '.' as a synonym for source. If you do, there need not be a space between the '.' and the file name. The file name must be quoted if it contains whitespace. The one legal option is -optional, which means that no error is reported if the file cannot be opened. =for html <a name="st"></a> =item st ... This command uses the B<Astro::SpaceTrack> package to acquire orbital data directly from the Space Track web site (assuming it is available). It can also retrieve them from the CelesTrak web site for as long as Dr. Kelso retains his authorization to redistribute the orbital elements, or any other location supported by Astro::SpaceTrack. What comes after the 'st' is the name of an B<Astro::SpaceTrack> method, followed by any arguments to that method. If the method returns orbital elements, those elements will be added to the observing list. You can use 'st help' to get brief help, or see L<Astro::SpaceTrack|Astro::SpaceTrack>. In addition to the legal B<Astro::SpaceTrack> methods, 'show' has been made a synonym to 'get', for consistency. Also, as of satpass 0.006_13, multiple attributes may be shown, 'show' or 'get' without an argument shows all B<Astro::SpaceTrack> arguments, and the output is formatted as 'st set' commands. You can also use the 'st localize' command to localize B<Astro::SpaceTrack> attribute values in exactly the same way that the L<localize|/localize> command localizes satpass parameters. In addition to the usual options, the following options specific to this command are supported: -start and -end specify the start and end of the date range to be retrieved. The date may be specified in any legal format. See L<SPECIFYING TIMES|/SPECIFYING TIMES> for the details. If you specify relative times, be aware that the -start value is parsed before the -end value, regardless of their positions on the command line. Yes, Astro::SpaceTrack already supports this, but by pre-parsing them we get more flexibility on how to specify the date and time. -verbose causes the content of the response to be displayed in cases where it normally would not be (e.g. cases where the content is "OK", or where it would normally simply be digested by this application (e.g. orbital elements)). You must install B<Astro::SpaceTrack> version 0.017 or higher to use this command. Example of retrieving data on the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope from Space Track: satpass> # Specify your Space Track access info satpass> st set username your_username password your_password satpass> # Ask for data with the common name satpass> st set with_name 1 satpass> # Get the data by NORAD ID number satpass> st retrieve 20580 25544 Example of retrieving the data from CelesTrak without using a Space Track login: satpass> # Specify direct retrieval. satpass> st set direct 1 satpass> # Get the "top 100" or so. satpass> st celestrak visual satpass> # Only keep the ones we want. satpass> choose 20580 25544 Example of retrieving predicted Space Shuttle elements from the Human Space Flight web site. You need -all because the elements change as the Shuttle maneuvers. Position (etc.) predictions will be made using whatever element set is current at the time. If no shuttle flight is impending (or in progress) you will get an error. satpass> # Specify direct retrieval. satpass> st set direct 1 satpass> # Get the data satpass> st spaceflight shuttle -all =for html <a name="status"></a> =item status ... This command displays or maintains the satellite status list. This list is used by the L<flare|/flare> command to predict Iridium flares. If given without a subcommand, it lists the known statuses. Beginning with version 0.007, this list is formatted as C<status add> commands, and the syntax C<status iridium> is deprecated. Beginning with version 0.035_02, C<status iridium> generates a warning on the first use. Beginning with version 0.044 it will generate a warning on every use, and six months after that release it will become fatal. See the L<Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE|Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE> documentation for information on how this list is populated initially. If you have installed Astro::SpaceTrack, you can update the status using the 'st iridium_status' command, or you can update it using the 'add', 'clear', and 'drop' subcommands, which are discussed in more detail below. The 'status' command also takes the following subcommands: add - adds the given body to the status list. The arguments are NORAD ID, satellite type ('iridium' is the only valid type at the moment), status ('+' for in-service, 'S' for spare, '-' for tumbling or otherwise unable to flare), name (e.g. 'Iridium 12'), and a comment, with the status defaulting to '+', and name and comment to ''. For example: satpass> status add 12345 iridium S 'Bogus body' TRW The 'add' command can also be used to change the status of an existing body, with the new entry replacing the old. drop - removes the given body from the status list. You will get a message if the body does not exist. For example, to remove the previously-added bogus body, satpass> status drop 12345 show - is equivalent to a bare status command, and displays all known statuses. However, you can also specify the bodies to display as either NORAD IDs or names or a mixture of both. Names will be taken as regular expressions. For example: satpass> status show 36 97 to display the status of Iridium 36 and 97. =for html <a name="store"></a> =item store filename This command is one half of the interface to the Storable module. It uses the nstore() subroutine to write the observing list to the given file. =for html <a name="system"></a> =item system command This command passes its arguments to the system as a command. The results are displayed unless redirected. Technically, what happens is that if the current output is a tty, the command is executed using the core system command; otherwise its output is captured with backticks and printed. If the command is omitted, the value of environment variable SHELL is used as the command, with the intent of dropping you into the given shell. If environment variable SHELL is not defined and you are running under MSWin32, value 'cmd' is used as the command. The -clipboard qualifier B<must> come immediately after the verb 'system', and before the name of the command you are actually issuing if any. This restriction is to prevent legal qualifiers from being stripped from the command. For example: satpass> system -c ls Issues the 'ls' command, and captures the output on the clipboard. That is to say the satpass script handles the -c. But satpass> system ls -c displays the status change time of the file, with output going to standard out. That is to say the ls command handles the -c. =for html <a name="times"></a> =item times time This command displays the universal, dynamical, local standard, local mean, and local time for the given input time. The time defaults to the current time. =for html <a name="tle"></a> =item tle This command displays the original two- or three- line element data which was used to build the observation list. In addition to the global options, the following options are legal for the tle command: -choose chooses bodies from the observing list. It works the same way as the L<choose|/choose> command, but does not alter the observing list. You can specify multiple bodies by specifying -choose multiple times, or by separating your choices with commas. If -choose is not specified, the whole observing list is used. The C<-verbose> qualifier causes the data to be displayed verbosely, one item per line, labeled and with units if applicable. =item validate start_time end_time This command validates the observing list over the given time range, dropping any TLEs that do not validate. See the L</SPECIFYING TIMES> topic below for how to specify times. In addition to the global options, the following options are legal for the validate command: -quiet suppresses any errors generated by running the orbital model. These are typically from obsolete data, and/or decayed satellites. The defaults are 'today noon' and seven days after the start time respectively. =back =head1 PARAMETERS This script has a number of parameters to configure its operation. In general: Strings must be quoted if they contain blanks. Either kind of quotes will work, but back ticks will not. Angles may be specified in a number of formats. See L</SPECIFYING ANGLES> for more detail. Boolean (i.e. true/false) parameters are set by convention to 1 for true, or 0 for false. The evaluation rules are those of Perl itself: 0, '', and the undefined value are false, and everything else is true. The parameters are: =for html <a name="almanac_horizon"></a> =over =item almanac_horizon (numeric or string) This parameter specifies the horizon used for almanac calculations, in degrees above or below the plane of the observer. The following strings are also accepted: * C<height> causes the horizon to be adjusted for the height of the observer above sea level. This adjustment assumes a spherical Earth and an unobstructed horizon. * C<horizon> causes the value of the C<horizon> setting to be used for almanac calculations also. The default is C<0>. =for html <a name="appulse"></a> =item appulse (numeric) This parameter specifies the maximum reportable angle between the orbiting body and any of the background objects. If the body passes closer than this, the closest point will appear as an event in the pass. The intent is to capture transits or near approaches. If this parameter is set to 0, no check for close approaches to background objects will be made. See L</SPECIFYING ANGLES> for ways to specify an angle. This parameter is displayed in decimal degrees. The initial setting is 0. =for html <a name="autoheight"></a> =item autoheight (boolean) This parameter determines whether the L<geocode|/geocode> command attempts to acquire the height of the location above sea level. It does this only if the parameter is true. You may wish to turn this off (i.e. set it to 0) if the USGS elevation service is being balky. The default is 1 (i.e. true). =for html <a name="backdate"></a> =item backdate (boolean) This parameter determines whether the 'pass' command will attempt to use orbital elements before their epoch. It is actually simply propagated to the 'backdate' attribute of the individual TLE objects, and so takes effect on a per-object basis. If it is false, the pass () method will silently move the start of the pass prediction to the epoch of the data if the specified pass start is earlier than the epoch. You may wish to set this to 0 (i.e. false) if you are dealing with future launches -- i.e. the predicted Space Shuttle data from L<http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/>. The default is 1 (i.e. true), which is consistent with the behavior of the code before this parameter was added. =for html <a name="background"></a> =item background (boolean) This parameter determines whether the location of the background body is displayed when the L<appulse|/appulse> logic detects an appulse. The default is 1 (i.e. true). =for html <a name="country"></a> =item country (string) This parameter determines the default country for the L<geocode|/geocode> functionality. The intent is that it be an ISO 3166 two-character country code, but at the moment only 'CA' (Canada) and 'US' (United States of America) do anything useful. See L<http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/index.html> for the current list of country codes. Note that these are B<not> always the same as the corresponding top-level geographic domain names (e.g. Great Britain is 'GB' in ISO 3166 but for historical reasons has both 'gb' and 'uk' as top-level geographic domain name). The country codes are case-insensitive, since they will be converted to lower case for use. The default is 'us'. =for html <a name="date_format"></a> =item date_format (string) This parameter specifies the strftime(3) format used to display dates. You will need to quote the format if it contains spaces. Documentation on the strftime(3) subroutine may be found at L<http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=strftime&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=OpenBSD+Current&arch=i386&format=html>. The above is a long URL, and may be split across multiple lines. More than that, the formatter may have inserted a hyphen at the break, which needs to be taken out to make the URL good. I<Caveat user.> The default is '%a %d-%b-%Y', which produces (e.g.) 'Mon 01-Jan-2001' for the first day of the current millennium. =for html <a name="debug"></a> =item debug (numeric) This parameter turns on debugging output. The only supported value is 0, which is the default. The author makes no representation of what will happen if a non-zero value is set, not does he promise that the behavior for a given non-zero value will not change from release to release. The default is 0. =for html <a name="desired_equinox_dynamical"></a> =item desired_equinox_dynamical (time) This parameter specifies the desired equinox for equatorial and ecliptic coordinates. It is specified as a dynamical time, or as 0, '', or undef if you want whatever the various models give (generally the current equinox, or something reasonably close to this). This parameter is used to precess equatorial coordinates to the correct equinox for display. Any legal satpass time specification will parse, but you probably want to specify an absolute time in the UT zone, e.g. '1-Jan-2000 12:00 UT' for J2000.0. Yes, technically UT is universal, but values specified for this setting are handled as dynamical. See L<SPECIFYING TIMES|/SPECIFYING TIMES> for the full story on how to specify times. The only reason I can think of to set this is if you are displaying equatorial coordinates for the 'flare', 'pass', or 'position' commands, and want the coordinates for a given epoch. The default is 0. =for html <a name="echo"></a> =item echo (boolean) This parameter causes commands that did not come from the keyboard to be echoed. Set it to a non-zero value to watch your scripts run, or to debug your macros, since the echo takes place B<after> parameter substitution has occurred. The default is 0. =for html <a name="edge_of_earths_shadow"></a> =item edge_of_earths_shadow (numeric) This parameter specifies the offset in elevation of the edge of the Earth's shadow from the center of the illuminating body (typically the Sun) as seen from a body in space. The offset is in units of the apparent radius of the illuminating body, so that setting it to C<1> specifies the edge of the umbra, <-1> specifies the edge of the penumbra, and C<0> specifies the middle of the penumbra. This parameter corresponds to the same-named L<Astro::Coord::ECI|Astro::Coord::ECI> parameter. The default is 1 (i.e. edge of umbra). =for html <a name="ellipsoid"></a> =item ellipsoid (string) This parameter specifies the name of the reference ellipsoid to be used to model the shape of the earth. Any reference ellipsoid supported by Astro::Coord::ECI may be used. For details, see L<Astro::Coord::ECI|Astro::Coord::ECI>. The default is 'WGS84'. =for html <a name="error_out"></a> =item error_out (boolean) This parameter specifies the behavior on encountering an error. If true, all macros, source files, etc are aborted and control is returned to the command prompt. If standard in is not a terminal, we exit. If false, we ignore the error. The default is 0 (i.e. false). =for html <a name="exact_event"></a> =item exact_event (boolean) This parameter specifies whether visibility events (rise, set, max, into or out of shadow, beginning or end of twilight) should be computed to the nearest second. If false, such events are reported to the step size specified when the 'pass' command was issued. The default is 1 (i.e. true). =for html <a name="explicit_macro_delete"></a> =item explicit_macro_delete (boolean) This parameter specifies whether an explicit -delete qualifier is needed to delete a macro. If false, 'macro foo' deletes macro foo. If true, 'macro foo' lists macro foo. The default is 0 (i.e. false). B<This will change>, as deletion without an explicit -delete is deprecated. =for html <a name="extinction"></a> =item extinction (boolean) This parameter specifies whether magnitude estimates take atmospheric extinction into account. It should be set true if you are interested in measured brightness, and false if you are interested in estimating magnitudes versus nearby stars. The default is 1 (i.e. true). =for html <a name="flare_mag_day"></a> =item flare_mag_day (numeric) This parameter specifies the limiting magnitude for the flare calculation for flares that occur during the day. For this purpose, it is considered to be day if the elevation of the Sun is above the L<twilight|/twilight> parameter. The default is -6. =for html <a name="flare_mag_day"></a> =item flare_mag_night (numeric) This parameter specifies the limiting magnitude for the flare calculation for flares that occur during the night. For this purpose, it is considered to be night if the elevation of the Sun is below the L<twilight|/twilight> parameter. The default is 0. =for html <a name="geometric"></a> =item geometric (boolean) This parameter specifies whether satellite rise and set should be computed versus the geometric horizon or the effective horizon specified by the 'horizon' parameter. If true, the computation is versus the geometric horizon (elevation 0 degrees). If false, it is versus whatever the 'horizon' parameter specifies. The default is 1 (i.e. true). =for html <a name="gmt"></a> =item gmt (boolean) This parameter specifies whether output times are local (if false) or GMT (if true). The default is 0 (i.e. false). =for html <a name="height"></a> =item height (numeric) This parameter specifies the height of the observer above mean sea level, in meters. There is no default; you must specify a value. =for html <a name="horizon"></a> =item horizon (numeric) This parameter specifies the minimum elevation a body must attain to be considered visible, in degrees. If the 'geometric' parameter is 0, the rise and set of the satellite are computed versus this setting also. See L</SPECIFYING ANGLES> for ways to specify an angle. This parameter is displayed in decimal degrees. The default is 20 degrees. =for html <a name="latitude"></a> =item latitude (numeric) This parameter specifies the latitude of the observer in degrees north. If your observing location is south of the Equator, specify a negative number. See L</SPECIFYING ANGLES> for ways to specify an angle. This parameter is displayed in decimal degrees. There is no default; you must specify a value. =for html <a name="local_coord"></a> =item local_coord (string) This parameter determines what local coordinates of the object are displayed by the L<pass|/pass> and L<position|/position> commands. The only legal values are: az_rng - displays azimuth and range; azel - displays elevation and azimuth; azel_rng - displays elevation, azimuth, and range; equatorial - displays right ascension and declination. equatorial_rng - displays right ascension, declination, and range. The default is 'azel_rng'. B<Note that prior to version 0.005_04, the 'azel' and 'equatorial' formats included range.> =for html <a name="location"></a> =item location (string) This parameter contains a text description of the observer's location. This is not used internally, but if it is not empty it will be displayed wherever the observer's latitude, longitude, and height are. There is no default; the parameter is undefined unless you supply a value. =for html <a name="longitude"></a> =item longitude (numeric) This parameter specifies the longitude of the observer in degrees east. If your observing location is west of the Standard Meridian (as it would be if you live in North or South America), specify a negative number. See L</SPECIFYING ANGLES> for ways to specify an angle. This parameter is displayed in decimal degrees. There is no default; you must specify a value. =for html <a name="model"></a> =item model (string) This parameter specifies the model to be used to predict the satellite. There are different models for 'near-Earth' and 'deep-space' objects. The models define a near-Earth object as one whose orbit has a period less than 225 minutes. Objects with periods of 225 minutes or more are considered to be deep-space objects. A couple 'meta-models' have been provided, consisting of a near-Earth model and the corresponding deep-space model, the computation being done using whichever one is appropriate to the object in question. The models implemented are: sgp - A simple model for near-earth objects. sgp4 - A somewhat more sophisticated model for near-Earth objects. This is currently the model normally used for near-Earth objects. sdp4 - A deep-space model corresponding to sgp4, but including resonance terms. This is currently the model normally used for deep-space objects. sgp4r - The model from "Revisiting Spacetrack Report #3", which corrects and combines sgp4 and sdp4. sgp8 - A proposed model for near-Earth objects. sdp8 - A proposed deep-space model corresponding to sgp8. null - A non-model, which causes no position computation to be done. Useful for testing, maybe. The 'meta-models' implemented are: model - Use the normal model appropriate to the object. Currently this means sgp4r, but this will change if the preferred model changes (at least, if I become aware of the fact). model4 - Use either sgp4 or sdp4 as appropriate. Right now this is the same as 'model', but 'model4' will still run sgp4 and sdp4, even if they are no longer the preferred models. model4r - Synonym for sgp4r, implemented to keep the 'meta-models' consistent. model8 - Use either sgp8 or sdp8 as appropriate. The default is 'model'. =for html <a name="perltime"></a> =item perltime (boolean) This parameter is a wart occasioned by the failure of L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> to understand summer time prior to version 6. It is ignored if you are using L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> 6.0 or greater, or if you are using the internal ISO-8601 parser, since neither needs this mechanism. If you are using a L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> prior to 6.0, you should read on. This includes anyone not using Perl 5.010 or later, since Perl 5.010 is required for L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> 6.0 and above. This parameter specifies the time zone mechanism for date input. If false (i.e. 0 or an empty string), L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> does the conversion. If true (typically 1), L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> is told that the time zone is GMT, and the time zone conversion is done by C<gmtime( timelocal( $time ) )>. The problem this attempts to fix is that, in jurisdictions that do summer time, Date::Manip gives the wrong time if the current time is not summer time but the time converted is. That is to say, with a time zone of EST5EDT, in January, 'jan 1 noon' converts to 5:00 PM GMT. But 'jul 1 noon' does also, but should convert to 4:00 PM GMT. If you turn this setting on, 'jul 1 noon' comes out 4:00 PM GMT even if done in January. If you plan to parse times B<with zones> (e.g. 'jul 1 noon edt'), you should turn this setting off. Note that at at some point this setting will be no-oped and its use deprecated, though given the state of things this may well not happen until this script itself starts requiring Perl 5.010. The default is 0 (i.e. false). =for html <a name="prompt"></a> =item prompt (string) This parameter specifies the string used to prompt for commands. The default is 'satpass>'. =for html <a name="refraction"></a> =item refraction (boolean) This parameter specifies whether atmospheric refraction should be taken into account in the azel() calculation. The default is 1 (i.e. true). =for html <a name="simbad_url"></a> =item simbad_url (string) This parameter does not, strictly speaking, specify a URL, but does specify the server to use to perform SIMBAD lookups (see the 'lookup' subcommand of the L<sky|/sky> command). Currently-legal values are 'simbad.u-strasbg.fr' (the original site) and 'simbad.harvard.edu' (Harvard University's mirror). B<As of satpass 0.013_09,> the default is 'simbad.u-strasbg.fr', since Harvard seems to be redirected to Strasbourg these days. B<Please note that the command this parameter supports is experimental,> and see the warnings on that command. Changes in the command may result in this parameter becoming deprecated and/or no-oped. Also note that the version of SIMBAD used to access the site is controlled by the L<simbad_version|/simbad_version> parameter. =for html <a name="simbad_version"></a> =item simbad_version (integer) This parameter specifies the version of the SIMBAD application being used, the valid values being 3 or 4. If you set it to 3, the Astro::SIMBAD package will be used for SIMBAD lookups. If you set it to 4, Astro::SIMBAD::Client will be used. As of early January 2007, 'simbad.u-strasbg.fr' supports both versions, though 3 is being phased out. 'Simbad.harvard.edu' appears to me to be phasing out, and redirected to simbad.u-strasbg.fr. B<As of satpass 0.013_09,> the default is 4. =for html <a name="singleton"></a> =item singleton (boolean) If this parameter is true, the script uses Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set objects to represent all bodies. If false, the set object is used only if the observing list contains more than one instance of a given NORAD ID. This is really only useful for testing purposes. Use of the Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE::Set object causes calculations to take about 15% longer. The default is 0 (i.e. false). =for html <a name="pass_threshold"></a> =item pass_threshold (angle or undef) This parameter corresponds to the L<Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE|Astro::Coord::ECI::TLE> C<pass_threshold> attribute. It is set in degrees. It can also be set to the C<undef> value by specifying the string C<'undef'> (unquoted) as its value. =for html <a name="time_format"></a> =item time_format (string) This parameter specifies the strftime(3) format used to display times. You will need to quote the format if it contains spaces. The default is '%H:%M:%S', which produces (e.g.) '15:30:00' at 3:30 PM. If you would prefer AM and PM, use something like '%I:%M:%S %p'. Documentation on the strftime(3) subroutine may be found at L<http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=strftime&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=OpenBSD+Current&arch=i386&format=html>. The above is a long URL, and may be split across multiple lines. More than that, the formatter may have inserted a hyphen at the break, which needs to be taken out to make the URL good. I<Caveat user.> =for html <a name="twilight"></a> =item twilight (string or numeric) This parameter specifies the number of degrees the sun must be below the horizon before it is considered dark. The words 'civil', 'nautical', or 'astronomical' are also acceptable, as is any unique abbreviation of these words. They specify 6, 12, and 18 degrees respectively. See L</SPECIFYING ANGLES> for ways to specify an angle. This parameter is displayed in decimal degrees, unless 'civil', 'nautical', or 'astronomical' was specified. The default is 'civil'. =for html <a name="tz"></a> =item tz (string) This parameter specifies the time zone for Date::Manip. You probably will not need it, unless running under MacOS (OS 9 is meant, not OS X) or VMS. You will know you need to set it if commands that take times as parameters complain mightily about not knowing what time zone they are in. Otherwise, don't bother. If you find you need to bother, see the TIMEZONES section of L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> for more information. This parameter is not set at all by default, and will not appear in the 'show' output until it has been set. =for html <a name="verbose"></a> =item verbose (boolean) This parameter specifies whether the 'pass' command should give the position of the satellite every step that it is above the horizon. If false, only rise, set, max, into or out of shadow, and the beginning or end of twilight are displayed. The default is 0 (i.e. false). =for html <a name="visible"></a> =item visible (boolean) This parameter specifies whether the 'pass' command should report only visible passes (if true) or all passes (if false). A pass is considered to have occurred if the satellite, at some point in its path, had an elevation above the horizon greater than the 'horizon' parameter. A pass is considered visible if it is after the end of evening twilight or before the beginning of morning twilight for the observer (i.e. "it's dark"), but the satellite is illuminated by the sun. The default is 1 (i.e. true). =for html <a name="webcmd"></a> =item webcmd (string) This parameter specifies the system command to spawn to display a web page. If not the empty string, the L<help|/help> command uses it to display the help for this package on L<http://search.cpan.org/>. Mac OS X users will find 'open' a useful setting, and Windows users will find 'start' useful. This functionality was added on speculation, since there is no good way to test it in the initial release of the package. The default is '' (i.e. the empty string), which leaves the functionality disabled. =back =head1 SPECIFYING ANGLES This script accepts angle input in the following formats: * Decimal degrees. * Hours, minutes, and seconds, specified as hours:minutes:seconds. You would typically only use this for right ascension. You may specify fractional seconds, or fractional minutes for that matter. * Degrees, minutes, and seconds, specified as degreesDminutesMsecondsS. The letters may be specified in either case, and trailing letters may be omitted. You may specify fractional seconds, or fractional minutes for that matter. Examples: 23.4 specifies 23.4 degrees. 1:22.3 specifies an hour and 22.3 minutes 12d33m5 specifies 12 degrees 33 minutes 5 seconds Right ascension is always positive. Declination and latitude are positive for north, negative for south. Longitude is positive for east, negative for west. =head1 SPECIFYING TIMES This script (or, more properly, the modules it is based on) does not, at this point, do anything fancy with times. It simply handles them as Perl scalars, with the limitations that that implies. Times may be specified absolutely, or relative to the previous absolute time, or to the time the script was invoked if no absolute time has been specified. Both absolute and relative times may contain whitespace. If they do, they need to be quoted. For example, satpass> pass today +1 needs no quotes, but satpass> pass 'today midnight' '+1 12' needs quotes. =head2 Absolute time Any time string not beginning with '+' or '-' is assumed to be an absolute time. If L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> is available, the string is fed to that for parsing. See the documentation for that module for all the possibilities. Some of them are: today 'today noon' 'next monday' tomorrow 'yesterday 10:00' 'nov 10 2:00 pm' L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> has at least some support for locales, so check L<Date::Manip|Date::Manip> before you assume you must enter dates in English. If C<Date::Manip> is not available, this script will do the best it can with an internal parsing routine. This routine accepts ISO-8601 dates, but not ordinal day specifications (e.g. 2009365 for December 31 2009) or week specifications (e.g. 2009W0101 for January 4 2009 (if that is in fact the correct interpretation of the spec)). The internal routine is rather permissive about punctuation: any non-digit character is accepted, and multiple whitespace characters are accepted between date and time, and between time and zone. Years can be two- or four-digit, with two-digit years representing years between 1970 and 2069, inclusive. Any other date or time field can be shortened if it has trailing punctuation or is the last field specified before the zone. In addition, the internal routine accepts the strings 'yesterday', 'today', and 'tomorrow' in lieu of a date. If time is not specified, these represent midnight. So, using the internal parser the following are valid: today 'today 12:00' '2009/2/1 6:00Z' (i.e. February 1) tomorrow yesterday6:00 As a refresher, ISO-8601 dates are numeric and specified as year, month, and day. If all fields are full-width (4 digits for years, 2 for everything else) no punctuation at all is needed, other than in an optional zone specification. =head2 Relative time A relative time is specified by '+' or '-' and an integer number of days. The number of days must immediately follow the sign. Optionally, a number of hours, minutes, and seconds may be specified by placing whitespace after the day number, followed by hours:minutes:seconds. If you choose not to specify seconds, omit the trailing colon as well. The same applies if you choose not to specify minutes. For example: +7 specifies 7 days after the last-specified time. '+7 12' specifies 7 days and 12 hours after the last-specified time. If a relative time is specified as the first time argument of a command, it is relative to the most-recently-specified absolute time, even if that absolute time was specified by default. Relative times in subsequent arguments to the same command are relative to the previously-specified time, whether absolute or relative. For example: almanac '' +5 establishes the most-recently-specified time as 'today midnight', and does an almanac for 5 days from that time. If the next command is almanac +5 +3 this produces almanac output for three days, starting 5 days after 'today midnight'. =head1 INVOCATION Assuming this script is installed as an executable, you should be able to run it just by specifying its name. Under VMS, the DCL$PATH logical name must include the directory into which the script was installed. The only command qualifiers are =over =item -clipboard which causes all output to go to the clipboard. Use of this qualifier requires module Win32::Clipboard under MSWin32 (standard with ActivePerl), the Mac::Pasteboard module or the 'pbcopy' command under Darwin (the latter standard with Mac OS X), or the xclip command (available from L<http://freshmeat.net/projects/xclip>) under any other operating system. This script will warn and abort the command using this option if the requisites are not available. =item -filter which suppresses extraneous output to make satpass behave more like a Unix filter. The only thing suppressed at the moment is the banner text. =item -initialization_file filename which specifies an initialization file to use in place of the default. =item -version which causes the banner text to be displayed and the script to exit. This option overrides -filter if both are specified. =back These qualifiers can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is unique. It is also possible to pass commands on the command line, or to pipe or redirect them in. The execution order is 1. The initialization file; 2. Commands on the command line; 3. Commands from standard input. For example, assuming the initialization file defines a macro named 'usual' to load the usual observing list, you could do: $ satpass usual 'pass "today noon" +1' exit to display passes for the next day. Obviously you may need to play games with your shell's quoting rules. In the above example, MSWin32 and VMS users would be advised to interchange the single and double quotes. Should you wish to execute the above from a file, each command needs to go on its own line, thus: usual pass "today noon" +1 exit and the file is then invoked using either $ satpass <commands (assuming 'commands' is the name of the file), or, under the same naming assumption, $ satpass 'source commands' or (under some flavor of Unix) $ cat commands | satpass or even $ satpass `cat commands` =head1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES SATPASSINI can be used to specify an initialization file to use in lieu of the default. This can still be overridden by the -initialization_file command option. To see the current setting, satpass> echo $SATPASSINI which reports the name of the file actually used to initialize. =head1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS L<Astro::Coord::ECI|Astro::Coord::ECI> acknowledges those without whom this code would not exist. But the script has its own issues, and I would like to acknowledge here those who made this script better: Imacat of Tavern IMACAT in Taiwan, for helping me to work out a satpass script testing problem. =head1 BUGS Bugs can be reported to the author by mail, or through L<http://rt.cpan.org/>. The VMS- and MSWin32-specific code to find the initialization file and do tilde expansion is untested, since I do not currently have access to those systems. As of 0.003, clipboard functionality is provided by this code, not by the Clipboard module, making clipboard bugs mine also. =head1 AUTHOR Thomas R. Wyant, III (F<wyant at cpan dot org>) =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005-2017 by Thomas R. Wyant, III This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.10.0. For more details, see the full text of the licenses in the directory LICENSES. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. TIGER/LineE<reg> is a registered trademark of the U.S. Census Bureau. =cut # ex: set textwidth=72 :