1.900 2017-03-16 T. R. Wyant
Add Boolean attributes 'accented' and 'traditional', which request
accented on_date() text and traditional weekday names respectively.
These have accessors accented() and traditional(), and mutators
set_accented() and set_traditional() respectively.
Ensure date is set (or return 0) in strftime().
Allow 0 as year argument to set_time().
Add accessors weekday_number(), month_number(), and
Add mutator set_shire(), which sets a Shire date.
Add constructor, today(), from_shire().
Add strftime(), based on Date::Tolkien::Shire::Data::__format().
Factor code common to Date::Tolkien::Shire and
DateTime::Fiction::JRRTolkien::Shire into Date::Tolkien::Shire::Data
Add regression tools. This includes a copy of Date::Tolkien::Shire
1.13 (with back-ported on_date() fixes), the script
tools/make-regression to generate a test that compares the output of
the current Date::Tolkien::Shire to the copy of Date::Tolkien::Shire
that is in tools/lib, and xt/author/regression.t
1.21 2017-02-06 T. R. Wyant
Fix broken link in POD. Thanks to Mohammad S Anwar for picking up on
Minor correction to on_date() text.
Regularize POD, move to end of module.
Pull static data out of subroutines.
Rewrite tests using Test::More 0.47, which is the latest we can use
under Perl 5.6.2.
Add author tests.
Bring the code up to my usual level of Perl::Critic compliance.
Add 'provides' data to ExtUtils::MakeMaker output
Replace 'use vars' with 'our'.
use warnings;
Move Shire.pm to lib/Date/Tolkien/
1.20 2017-01-21 T. R. Wyant
Correct typos in on_date() text.
Make Changes file CPAN::Changes::Spec-compliant
Rewrite README.
Bring metadata up to snuff.
Add Wyant as co-author. Minimal doc changes.
1.13 2006-03-29 Tom Braun
Fixed the spelling of "tree" in the events for 6 Astron. Thanks to
WYANT for this.
1.12 2003-02-21 Tom Braun
The tireless folks of the cpan testers discovered that the test code
doesn't work on windows. I forgot to allow for the differences in
epoch time between the two. This again points to the need to use
something other than epoch time (hopefully the new DateTime.pm
stuff), but for now I've just adjusted the test code.
1.11 2003-02-16 Tom Braun
A couple minor fixes here, one thanks to Robert Sim. A couple of
events in the month of Solmath were being reported on incorrect
1.10 2002-07-14 Tom Braun
Fixed 2 bugs in reporting, both from Rene Uittenbogaard.
- First, Shire years should always start on Sterday, a fact
which I missed before.
- Secondly, holidays are reporting in the books as 2 Lithe or 1
Yule, not as Yule 1 or Lithe 2.
1.01 2001-11-05 Tom Braun
Fixed a minor bug in calculations, but it should have no if you're
using this on dates in the unix epoch time range. Thanks to Rick
Osborne for spotting this.
1.00 2001-05-16 Tom Braun
I have finally got around to making it work correctly (as I define
correct anyway) for any year, instead of just those near the year
2000. While almost. It's still limited by Epoch time to years
between 1902 and 2037 (on my system anyway). I'm planning on making
this work with ICAL or Julian Days at some point -- which will
really fix this problem. I have also had it in CPAN for a few
months without any bugs being reported. Thus I am bumping up the
version to 1.00 to signify a stable, non-development release, though
for most things you wouln't notice any difference from version 0.11
0.11 2001-03-22 Tom Braun
Added as_string and used it to overload the "" operator. Thanks to
Michael Schwern for this idea.
Also, the code Michael sent me got me thinking about the order dates
were displayed in, and after some thought I decided to change it to
day then month. This is a really minor change, but it there.
0.10 2001-02-26 Tom Braun
Year calculation has been redone to better match Tolkien's. This
should only break compatibility if you were storing Shire dates to
disk somewhere.
Some minor changes to the POD to make it format prettier
0.02 2001-02-19 Tom Braun
Changed my email in the pod docs
0.01 2001-02-18 Tom Braun
First stable release