0.900_01	2017-03-17	T. R. Wyant
    Bring dependencies up to date.

    Add date and duration arithmetic. This leaves format_cldr() as the
    only known part of the DateTime interface not implemented.

0.900		2017-03-16	T. R. Wyant
    Conform to the full DateTime interface, with the known exceptions of
    date and duration arithmetic and format_cldr().

    Add instantiator now_local(), which is a convenience method based on
    the data returned by the localtime() built-in. It differs from now()
    in that the zone is floating, not UTC,

    Add argument validation via Params::Validate.

    Use Date::Tolkien::Shire::Data as back end.

0.22		2017-02-15	T. R. Wyant
    Add tools/ directory. At the moment this contains:
    - A copy of DateTime::Fiction::JRRTolkien::Shire version 0.02 (the
      last release by Tom Braun), with deliberate changes back-ported.
      These changes consist of corrections to the on_date() text, plus a
      change to the week_number() method to return 0 rather than 26 on
      Midyear's day and the Overlithe.
    - Script tools/make-regression to read all accessors for a range of
      values and turn the output into a regression test.

    Fix regressions from Tom Braun's code:
    - The month_name(), day_name(), holiday_name(), and trad_day_name()
      methods were returning undef, not '', in cases where no name could
      be derived. This was broken in version 0.21.
    - The week_number() method was broken while making it return 0 for
      Midyear's day and the Overlithe in version 0.21.

    Add xt/author/regression.t (made from tools/make-regression) to make
    sure this stuff stays fixed.

0.21		2017-02-06	T. R. Wyant
    Make week_number() return 0 for Midyear's day and the Overlithe.

    Regularize POD.

    Minor corrections to on_date() text.

    Add time zone accessors time_zone(), time_zone_long_name(), and

    Clean up comments and code (mainly line length, and strip trailing

    Pull static data out of subroutines.

    Add author tests.

    Bring code up to my usual level of  Perl::Critic compliance.

    Merge branch 'manwar-add-abstract-to-pod'.  This pull request added
    the one-line abstract that is supposed to appear on the NAME line of
    the POD. Thanks to Mohammad S Anwar for the patch.

    Add method calendar_name() (returns 'Shire')

    Replace die() with Carp::croak().

    Ditch 'use vars'. Add 'use warnings'.

0.20		2017-01-25	T. R. Wyant
    Replace LICENSE file with LICENSES/ dir. The new directory contains
    the licenses as individual files.

    Synch on_date() text with Date::Tolkien::Shire

    Add 'provides' metadata to EUMM output. This happens only if
    Module::Metadata is installed.

    Update README

    Update author and copyright

    Require Perl 5.8.4 (because DateTime does).

    Correct POD.

    Get metadata up to snuff.

    Make Changes file comply with CPAN::Changes::Spec

0.02			2003-12-07	Tom Braun
    Doc fix.

0.01			2003-12-07	Tom Braun
    First release.  Based on Date::Tolkien::Shire 1.12.