0.907_01 2025-02-20 T. R. Wyant
Add example eg/on-date.
Correct 'Meriodoc' to 'Meriadoc'. Thanks to Blaine Motsinger
(renderorange) for catching this.
0.907 2021-08-17 T. R. Wyant
Correct generation of 'provides' metadata. Thanks to Favio Poletti
for blogging
and ultimately to Joel Berger for the pointer to
0.906 2021-03-16 T. R. Wyant
Add rt.cpan.org back to bug reporting methods
Get prerequisites up to snuff, and add xt/author/prereq.t to ensure
they stay that way.
0.905 2021-01-12 T. R. Wyant
Correct tests for tweaks in Afteryule event text.
Add Travis CI testing.
Use GitHub as bug tracker. R.I.P. rt.cpan.org.
0.904 2020-05-06 T. R. Wyant
Add Test::More as a prerequisite for building (ooops!)
0.903 2019-07-21 T. R. Wyant
Fix broken POD links and add test to ensure they stay fixed.
Add -idempotent to tools/make-regression
clone() was not cloning the DateTime object
Also tightened up STORABLE_thaw(), and added clone() tests to
0.902 2017-04-22 T. R. Wyant
Bump requirement for Params::ValidationCompiler. DateTime needs
0.13, but we need 0.19 for some reason. Also made explicit
requirement for Specio::* the same as for Specio (0.180), which is
the same as DateTime.
0.901 2017-04-06 T. R. Wyant
Fix Specio wierdness under Perl 5.8.9. I hope.
Use local rather than UTC Rata Die in date calculations. The
consequence of using UTC Rata Die was that that strftime() produced
universal dates but local times.
Bring dependencies up to date.
Add date and duration arithmetic. This leaves format_cldr() as the
only known part of the DateTime interface not implemented.
0.900 2017-03-16 T. R. Wyant
Conform to the full DateTime interface, with the known exceptions of
date and duration arithmetic and format_cldr().
Add instantiator now_local(), which is a convenience method based on
the data returned by the localtime() built-in. It differs from now()
in that the zone is floating, not UTC,
Add argument validation via Params::Validate.
Use Date::Tolkien::Shire::Data as back end.
0.22 2017-02-15 T. R. Wyant
Add tools/ directory. At the moment this contains:
- A copy of DateTime::Fiction::JRRTolkien::Shire version 0.02 (the
last release by Tom Braun), with deliberate changes back-ported.
These changes consist of corrections to the on_date() text, plus a
change to the week_number() method to return 0 rather than 26 on
Midyear's day and the Overlithe.
- Script tools/make-regression to read all accessors for a range of
values and turn the output into a regression test.
Fix regressions from Tom Braun's code:
- The month_name(), day_name(), holiday_name(), and trad_day_name()
methods were returning undef, not '', in cases where no name could
be derived. This was broken in version 0.21.
- The week_number() method was broken while making it return 0 for
Midyear's day and the Overlithe in version 0.21.
Add xt/author/regression.t (made from tools/make-regression) to make
sure this stuff stays fixed.
0.21 2017-02-06 T. R. Wyant
Make week_number() return 0 for Midyear's day and the Overlithe.
Regularize POD.
Minor corrections to on_date() text.
Add time zone accessors time_zone(), time_zone_long_name(), and
Clean up comments and code (mainly line length, and strip trailing
Pull static data out of subroutines.
Add author tests.
Bring code up to my usual level of Perl::Critic compliance.
Merge branch 'manwar-add-abstract-to-pod'. This pull request added
the one-line abstract that is supposed to appear on the NAME line of
the POD. Thanks to Mohammad S Anwar for the patch.
Add method calendar_name() (returns 'Shire')
Replace die() with Carp::croak().
Ditch 'use vars'. Add 'use warnings'.
0.20 2017-01-25 T. R. Wyant
Replace LICENSE file with LICENSES/ dir. The new directory contains
the licenses as individual files.
Synch on_date() text with Date::Tolkien::Shire
Add 'provides' metadata to EUMM output. This happens only if
Module::Metadata is installed.
Update author and copyright
Require Perl 5.8.4 (because DateTime does).
Correct POD.
Get metadata up to snuff.
Make Changes file comply with CPAN::Changes::Spec
0.02 2003-12-07 Tom Braun
Doc fix.
0.01 2003-12-07 Tom Braun
First release. Based on Date::Tolkien::Shire 1.12.