0.112_01	2019-06-13	T. R. Wyant
    Fix more broken POD links.

0.112		2019-04-18	T. R. Wyant
    Fixed broken link in the pod. Thanks to Mohammad S Anwar for
    finding this.

0.111		2019-04-11	T. R. Wyant
    The 'compatible' attribute now warns on all accesses.

0.110		2018-09-29	T. R. Wyant
    Track change in service URL.

    Make service URL an attribute so people can help themselves if this kind
    of thing happens again.

0.109		2018-09-28	T. R. Wyant
    Warn on first setting of 'compatible' attribute.

0.108		2018-03-24	T. R. Wyant
    Guard against undef in method is_valid().

0.107		2018-03-03	T. R. Wyant
    Default 'compatible' attribute to 0 (false).

    Use manifest constants for reference names.

0.106		2016-03-24	T. R. Wyant
  Track change in reported elevation of test point.

  Add Makefile targets authortest and testcover.

0.105		2016-01-16	T. R. Wyant
  Clean up unused variables in subroutine arguments.

  Further deprecate getElevation(), getAllElevations(), and related
    attributes. These now cause a warning on every use.

  Add GitHub repository to metadata.

0.103		2015-10-09	T. R. Wyant
  Track change in data set name retrieved by test.

0.102		2015-06-29	T. R. Wyant
  Further deprecate getElevation() and friends.
    A warning will now be generated on the first call to getElevation()
    and getAllElevations(), and the first access (or modification) of
    attributes 'default_ns', 'proxy', 'source', and 'use_all_limit'.

  Change name of server providing service from ned.usgs.gov to

0.101		2014-08-02	T. R. Wyant
  Remove bogus use of XML::Parser.

  Install deprecation logic.

  Test with 'compatible' set false.

  Convert to use the NED server at http://ned.usgs.gov. This provides no
    data set selection, and only a single elevation point, so there has
    been extensive rewriting.

  A 'compatible' attribute (true by default) has been added to control
    the presentation of output. If true, returned results are modified
    to be as close as feasible to the data returned from the old GISDATA
    server, but user-visible differences remain. If false, the data
    returned represent the NED server data more closely and naturally.

  All methods and attributes specific to the old GISDATA server are
    deprecated. See the NOTICE section of the POD for the gory details.

0.011		2013-01-27	T. R. Wyant
  Fix error handling to deal with change in error message (from "No
    elevation value was returned" to "No elevation values were

0.010		2012-01-06	T. R. Wyant
  Bring Changes file into compliance with Test::CPAN::Changes, and add
    author test xt/author/changes.t to be sure it stays that way.

0.009		2011-11-27	T. R. Wyant
  Correct the address of the FSF in the GNU GPL (LICENSES/Copying)

0.008		2011-07-29	T. R. Wyant
  Remove the 'transport' attribute, and all SOAP::Lite code, as
    threatened in the 0.007_01 release. All interaction with the USGS
    web site now uses HTTP Post.

  Add the ability to use an HTTP Post request as a transport instead of
    SOAP. The transport used is selected by the 'transport' attribute,
    which defaults to 'HTTP_Post'. My current intent is to drop SOAP
    support in the next production release, and retract the 'transport'

0.007		2011-05-20	T. R. Wyant
  Rewrite t/elev.t to take account of the fact that the best data set
    for the test point is now 'Elev_DC_Washington', not
    'NED.CONUS_NED_13E'.  This as of approximately noon May 20 2011
  Remove dependency on Params::Util. I was only using _INSTANCE(), and
    that is readily replaced by Scalar::Util::blessed() and

0.006		2010-06-30	T. R. Wyant
  Update tests that made use of non-US data sets, since the USGS has
    apparently taken them all down.

  Add MIN_PERL_VERSION to Makefile.PM

  Test the throttle mechanism, and make it actually work under test

  Add authortest tests to run the normal tests without the optional

  Add $valid argument to Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS
    getAllElevations(), with same effect as in elevation().

  Add and test retry logic, controlled by attributes retry (which
    specifies the number of retries, defaulting to 0) and retry_hook
    (which specifies what to do before each retry, defaulting to sub
    {}). If carp is true, you get a carp on each error, but if croak is
    true it only croaks after retries are used up.

  Get rid of the '; charset=utf-8' in the Content-type header.

  Have Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS only generate a new SOAP::Lite
    when needed. Cache it, and flush the cache when relevant attributes

  Convert to CPAN-recommended license and copyright notice.

  Update README installation instructions to something much more modern
    than just expanding the tarball.

  Move author-only tests to the xt/ directory, and ditch environment
    variable machinery. inc/Geo/WebService/Elevation/USGS/Build.pm
    supplies the authortest target, which does not work under

  Do not require Module::Build for configuration, since you can always
    use ExtUtils::MakeMaker.

  Include bugtracker key in META.yml resources

0.005		2009-05-12	T. R. Wyant
  Restructure Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS
    Data_ID-to-Data_Source code.

  Tweak Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS docs.

  Specifically require Scalar::Util 1.10, since we use

  Use NED.AK_NED for 'bad extent' testing in t/elev.t, since
    SRTM.C_SA_3 is AWOL.

  Use only core Perl::Critic modules in t/critic.t.

0.004		2009-01-04	T. R. Wyant
  Modify BAD_EXTENT result synthesis in getElevation(), since
    the USGS changed the error that is generated when this
    happens, and since they now return mixed-case {Data_ID}.

  Modify elevation() functionality to properly compare array
    and hash source IDs to the returned {Data_ID} when the
    data are picked out of the results of getAllElevations().

  Document that the elevations returned are referred to
    NAVD88 (except Alaska, which is NAVD29).

  Make t/elev.t more robust in the face of various server

  Bring distributed code up to perlcritic --stern with

  Distribute t/critic.t and t/perlcriticrc

  Use Params::Util::__INSTANCE rather than eval{isa}. This
    adds a dependency on Params::Util 0.11.

0.003		2008-12-19	T. R. Wyant
  Correct failure in t/pod.t when Test::Pod not available.

  Skip tests in t/elev.t when query returns a 5xx error.

  Try to pick up data from ActivePerl test failure.

0.002		2008-12-15	T. R. Wyant
  Make is_valid() croak if not passed a scalar or hash ref.

  Require Test::More 0.40 (rather than 0) and recode tests
    to conform to this.

  Log all net errors encountered during tests, to try to
    diagnose test failures.

  Recode Build.PL to configure the use of Module::Build to
    the version present.

  Recode Makefile.PL in a manner corresponding to Build.PL.

  Add t/executable.t and t/manifest.t to the distribution.

0.001		2008-12-09	T. R. Wyant
  Initial release