0.009		2017-03-23	T. R. Wyant
    Move bin/pbtool to script/pbtool

    Use test compile to find MacTypes.h.  I was previously explicitly
    testing for it in /usr/include/, but apparently it can live
    elsewhere and still be used.

    Eliminate unused variables in pbl.c.

    Ditch 'use base'.

    Impose minimum Perl of 5.6.2.

    Add Makefile targets authortest, testcover.

    Document script editor name change in eg/README.

0.008		2016-01-15	T. R. Wyant
  Clean up unused variables

0.007_01	2016-01-07	T. R. Wyant
  Install pbtool by default.

  Add GitHub repository to metadata.

0.007		2014-03-08	T. R. Wyant
   No changes since 0.006_02.

0.006_02	2014-03-02	T. R. Wyant
   Notify users of intent to remove the configuration prompt (about
     installing pbtool) and simply install it by default. The -y and -n
     options will remain, with their present function.

0.006_01	2014-03-01	T. R. Wyant
  Serialize access of tests to clipboard. This involves an increase in
    the required version of Test::More, to 0.96.

0.006		2013-11-18	T. R. Wyant
  No changes since 0.005_01.

0.005_01	2013-11-16	T. R. Wyant
  Fix compile errors under Xcode 5.0.2.

0.005		2013-05-11	T. R. Wyant
  No changes since 0.004_01.

0.004_01	2013-04-28	T. R. Wyant
  Clean up compile warnings in XS code. The most significant change here
    is a correction in the size of the pasteboard flavor flags, from
    'unsigned long' to 'unsigned int' (or equivalent).
  Add metnods default_flavor() (to override the hard-wired default) and
    encode() (to encode data to and decode data from the UTF flavors).
  Add subtroutines pbflavor(), pbflavor_find(), pbencode(), and
    pbencode_find() to do the same thing for the convenience
  Support pbflavor() and pbencode() in bin/pbtool.
  Support specifying the output encoding in bin/pbtool.
  Have the pbtool script dump the flavor flags in hex.

0.004		2012-01-07	T. R. Wyant
  Make Changes file Test::CPAN::Changes compliant. Add author test
    xt/author/changes.t to be sure it stays that way.
  Attempt to address the fact that Mac::Errors is optional, but the
    Cpants Kwalitee Game thinks it is required.

0.003		2011-12-14	T. R. Wyant
  Production version number. No other changes since 0.002_91.

0.002_91	2011-12-04	T. R. Wyant
  Document the fact that Mac::Pasteboard does not (yet) support the Mac
    OS 10.6 Snow Leopard functionality of placing more than one item on
    a pasteboard. Also document a workaround if the user is trying to
    write a droplet.
  Skip rather than fail when t/basic.t gets an error that indicates that
    we are forbidden to access the pasteboard. Enhance the skip message
    to include 'ssh session' as a possible reason for this.

0.002_90	2011-11-28	T. R. Wyant
  Converted to Perl-Foundation-recommended copyright and license.
  Dependencies now include _all_ modules, including core.
  Test::More 0.88 required for testing.
  Do author tests with Module::Build 'authortest' target. Move the
    author tests to xt/author/.

0.002		2008-03-31	T. R. Wyant
  Have Build.PL die if $^O ne 'darwin'.
  Update Mac::Pasteboard version. No other changes to Mac::Pasteboard.

0.001		2008-03-01	T. R. Wyant
  Initial production release.