0.003 T. R. Wyant 05-Nov-2009
Have PPIx::Regexp::Token::Literal recognize \N{U+hhhh} (where hhhh
represents hex digits), and provide its ordinal (hhhh). Remove
recognition of \N. (. = any character), which Perl does not do.
Fix $re->flush_cache() so that it actually removes $re and only
$re from the cache.
Add delimiters() method to PPIx::Regexp::Main and PPIx::Regexp.
Support this in eg/prenav.
Increase test coverage and remove dead code.
Count tests in t/parse.t and t/unit.t
0.002 28-Oct-2009 T. R. Wyant
In verbose mode, have PPIx::Regexp::Dumper dump the absolute capture
number referred to by a numbered reference.
Have eg/preslurp pass its -verbose option to PPIx::Regexp::Dumper
Don't use Test::More::isa_ok for the t/basic.t class heritage tests,
since some versions of Test::More require a reference for the first
argument of isa_ok().
0.001 21-Oct-2009 T. R. Wyant
Initial release.