0.000_912	2021-02-06	T. R. Wyant
    Base provided modules on .pm files in MANIFEST because
    Module::Metadata->provides() strains out private modules. This is
    the correct behavior for CPAN indexing, but if private modules are
    in fact used, this module needs to know that they are provided. This
    means I no longer need to grovel though the no_index metadata.

0.000_911	2021-02-05	T. R. Wyant
    Pick up modules from the no_index metadata, since presumably they
    come with the distro and therefore do not need to be declared as

0.000_91	2021-02-03	T. R. Wyant
    Add new() argument 'file_error'. This is a test name template to be
    used if Module::Extract::Use failed to process the given file.

    Require Module::Extract::Use 1.045 because in that version
    get_modules_with_details() returns an array reference even if no
    'use' or 'require' statements were found.

0.000_90	2021-02-01	T. R. Wyant
    Initial release to CPAN