1.05 - 12-Nov-2003
* SPEEDUP: significantly faster list deletes
* BUGFIX: same name top level lists were affected by recursive
drop_placeholder() in memory
* BUGFIX: collections allowed to retrieve non-existing objects
* key_length added to list placeholders making it possible to have
key lengths from 1 to 255 for lists
* a bug in MySQL_DBI treatment of 'distinct' option fixed
* transact_*() methods and driver support for InnoDB
* glue() method added to all Hash, List and Collection
* Hash::collection_key() method added
* fetch() can now fetch collections using
xaofs://collection/class/Data::Product/ syntax
* describe() method implemented for collections
* minor bug in Collection fixed
* name restrictions are now enforced in List according to
1.04 - 1-Nov-2002
* Flexible auto-generated IDs in Lists (including sequential)
* Better treatment of default values and null/undefs
* MySQL_DBI is split into SQL driver layer and there is a separate
object XAO::DO::FS::Glue::MySQL that does not use DBI/DBD and
makes XAO::FS about 2 times faster.
* Some new tests
* Cleanups and some speed optimisations
* All references to dictionary are dropped
* Benchmarking started to track performance (bench/results-*)
1.03 - 18-Mar-2002
* Fixed storing of an empty object
* MAJOR: Now NULL and 'undef' are outlawed and never returned
* MAJOR: 'default' parameter added to placeholder creation
* MAJOR: Fixed major bug with 'unique' treatment on inner objects
* Base class changed to Atom to make error throwing uniform
* MAJOR: a bug fixed in escaping special characters when searching
using 'wq' or 'ws'
* MAJOR: fixed bug in relations generation in deep search
subroutines; dependencies were wrong when searching for properties
of hashes in different lists originating from the same top level
* Added test case for the bug above
* check_name method is now available on all FS objects
* Removed `mysql' directory and dependance on MySQL-devel;
that driver will be distributed separately.
1.02 - 3-Jan-2002
* Minor index bug fixed, introduced in 1.01
* versions added to packages for convenience
1.01 - 27-Dec-2001
* added describe method for List
* added embeddable Config object
* fixed Makefile.PL to store test db password correctly
* started CHANGES file
* additional test case for container_object method (skv@xao.com)
* uri() fixed on objects created by container_object()
* 'unique' always assumes that 'index' is set too, fixes
problem with build_structure()
* diagnostic of connection failure improved
* default test database name changed to test_fs
* prefix for default table name changed to 'fs'
* xao-fs tool modified to accept 'drop' command
1.0 - 2-Nov-2001
* Initial public release