Revision history for Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Catalyst
0.14 2011-23-16
- Create 01app.t
- rewrite changes to match CPAN::Changes::Spec
- rewrite tests to be more comprehensive, and more DRY
- Enable MetaJSON
- explicitly depend on Perl 5.6
0.13 2011-01-16
- fix bug where Catalyst::Helper::mk_dir was attempting to create dirs in
the location of the profile.ini for
Dist::Zilla::MintingProfile::Catalyst which tends to be in a system
owned directory.
0.12 2011-01-08
- skip tests on devel moose
0.11 2011-01-08
- add MinterProfile::Catalyst for quickstart
0.10 2011-01-05
- skip executable tests on windows
0.09 2011-01-03
- move to use Path::Class for OS independant code
0.08 2010-12-12
- API: Rename DZ::Plugin::Catalyst::Helper to DZ::Catalyst::Helper. It's
not really a Plugin, but a subclass of Catalyst::Helper.
0.07 2010-12-11
- Add minting tests to ensure cli functionality, and correct file creation
0.06 2010-07-26
- don't create pod tests which have seperate functions in newer versions
of Catalyst::Devel
0.05 2010-07-22
- No longer output the Catalyst templated Changes file
0.04 2010-07-22
- add support to get author from config.ini
0.03 2010-07-22
- fix perms for script/* should have been executable
0.02 2010-06-29
- Updated SubmittingPatches doc and moved it's location. re-releasing to
attempt to fix file conflict bug
0.01 2010-06-27
- Initial release, patches and comments welcome