Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Version

0.002004  2012-04-05
	- remove erroneous tab in test output and add a regression test GH #5

0.002003  2012-04-04
	- trim code for inserting the generated version comment
	- recut just to insure fixed externally generated tests

0.002002  2012-04-04
	- fix unintentional underscore in last release

0.002001  2012-04-03
	- do not use Test::Requires in generated test, now fail test if
	  Test::Version not installed and running the release test

0.002000  2012-03-18
	- add some basic tests
	- require use of Test::Version 1
	- allow use of Test::Version 1.002 features, future versions may require 1.2

0.001004  2011-12-10
	- use Test::Requires rather than an eval. GH #3 [Karen Etheridge]
	- change to perl floating point semantic version style due to toolchain
	  issues with version strings

0.1.3     2011-07-23
	- minor code improvements

0.1.2     2011-06-02
	- use Test::Version 0.04 in the test

0.1.1     2011-05-31
	- Rename project to  Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Version
	- Fix GH#1: Injected test has tabs [Mike Doherty]

0.1.0     2011-05-28
	- Initial release.