Revision history for MooseX-AbstractFactory

0.004001  2012-06-16
	- support calling implementation_does with an arrayref as documented

0.004000  2012-02-01
	- Allow passing of any kind of params to the implementation

0.003003  2012-01-13
	- use Class::Load instead of Class::MOP->load_class (fix for Moose
	- use Try::Tiny instead of eval
	- cleanup for conversiont to Dist::Zilla

0.3    Thu Oct 16 09:18:13 2008
	- Refactor to use sugar and metaclass.
	- Eradicate MooseX::AbstractFactory::Implementation role

0.2    Fri Dec 28 20:55:01 2007
	- Use Module::Install, fix a few inconsistencies.
	- Change how _roles() is handled.
	- change args to create()
	- (sometime later) upload to Moose repo

0.1    Sun Dec 16 20:46:19 2007
	- Initial release to private SVN.